To English speaking people living in Hakata | 民営文化センター


民営の文化センターを開設するのが夢。このブログを書いているうちに何かヒントが掴めると思ってやっています。不器用で華やかさに欠ける画面ですが、少しでも世の為人の為になればとwrite everything forever



Recently, there have been whispers in various fields that Japan may be doomed, but when I learned about Fukuoka City Mayor Takashima in an article in Shukan Gendai (11/4), I was convinced that Japan's revival is possible if people like him rise up from the local level.



I have never seen a press conference ( like his, in which he explains things clearly and with sincerity, without any notes.



Japan's extinction In the case of a "Japan must wait!" revival, it is necessary to look back over the past several eras before envisioning what the country should look like.



In this case, if there is a lie in the history of Japan, we will make a wrong decision.



The history I learned over the past 20 years from Ryozo Yoneda, author of "Horyu-ji Temple Was Relocated," was not unlike what I learned in school, but it was science-based.



As you can see if you look around a bit dispassionately, the current history education based on the Yamato Imperial Court deliberately makes little mention of ancient Kyushu, centering on Fukuoka.



As a leader, I would like the young Mayor Takashima, who has not only the region but also the entire country in his sights, to delve into this part of the history.



Furthermore, if the citizens of Fukuoka learn this hidden part first, their understanding will grow on a national scale, and eventually, those who are depressed about Japan's downfall will be able to step on their toes.


The Japanese army, whose affiliation is ambiguous in Japanese history examinations, was defeated in the "Battle of Hakumuragang" and the Chinese (Tang Dynasty) army paraded in a military parade on the present-day Taihaku Street in Hakata (occupied by the Japanese).



The traitorous early Yamato court made a secret agreement with the Tang Dynasty that "Kyushu Dynasty Japan does not exist in history" (Empress Noritenmu vs. Temmu), and they were to play the leading role in the Japanese archipelago.



National and local politics, the entertainment industry, the mass media, etc., are all still in progress.



There should be no deviation from the scenario of the Kinki region being the location of the Yamataikoku from that time.



Some scholars would like to see the "Kyushu or Kinki" debate continue indefinitely so that the secret agreement will not be exposed.



Furthermore, just as there are those who forget that our country is still a dependency of the U.S., there may be a reasonable interpretation that although the Tang Dynasty is gone, Chinese rule through the Yamato Court is still in effect.



The first and best capital in the Japanese archipelago in AD was Dazaifu (~Fukuoka), which was Himiko's base.



The Yayoi period-style capital later evolved into a walled city reminiscent of Constantinople.



The culture of the dynasties we learn about is from this period, and Kyoto in "The Tale of Genji" refers to Dazaifu. 



The Aoi Matsuri (hollyhock festival) and Gion Matsuri (Gion festival) also originated here.



During the reign of King Iwai of Japan, the Yamato Imperial Court established its capital in Nara, following the legend of Heijo-kyo (Nara Capital), which was relocated near Yoshino-gari.



The Sarusawa Pond is mentioned in the original "Yamato Monogatari".


Similarly, the capital of Kyoto was built in accordance with the Japanese versions of "Tale of Genji" and "Sumiyoshi Monogatari".



In short, it was necessary to construct a stage set so that the fact that the Kyushu Dynasty had been erased would not be realized.



It is said that a lie too big to be told cannot be exposed, but this historical trick is also world class.



As if in step with the gigantic lies in the world affairs that should never be exposed, the truth about Japan began to be revealed one after another. 



I wonder how the experts in Japanese history who have been defending the lies must be feeling right now.



Below is a selection of past blogs for your better understanding.



(1) Capital



いつまでたっても不毛な 邪馬台国論争



(2) Architecture





のまとめ by米田良三


(3) Place names




(4) Literary works

『源氏』ファンの貴女  玉鬘の泊まった椿市へ行こう


  (5) Paintings



(6) Topics in Hakata

博多 祗園山笠 サイコー




(7) Human resour

関西弁、最後に「知らんけど」の ルーツ (再掲)

「白村江」の後始末は やり直しの真っ最中




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