The future repaint for ourself ~ 未来は自らのために塗り替える | “Mind Resolve” ~ この国の人間の心が どこまでも晴れわたる空のように澄みきる日は もう訪れないのだろうか‥
The ants & a rainbow Listen as a full track crying and in the revealed morning

It listens to The Rolling Stones, and all lies of the music industry in Japan are and see by seeing.
First of all,


Only the Watashiitsu person must always be fighting against common
sense in the weblog of me who is publishing such an image.
There are various people in the world even if the usual comment
column has quieted down regardless in the material of this hand in
calling out the mind "Is not nothing politely said to reading inside and out why",
and I link politely after it reads, introduce
each place on the written page politely in the article, and are some people who are, too.
It is welcome.
"It lives and" and "You may write" It is full of feelings to be particular.

And, in the communication of certain mail
Inviting it to MIXI of the social network in Japan service for such me arrives.
Someone : somewhere.
"You are embarrassed than first Mr. comes come to MIXI. "
Even if it seems like that (It is not thought that it thinks, and is not ..becoming it.. Yarou so much very. )
I of today …

    MIXI? Seeing?
    It doesn't know. It doesn't do.
    It is not interested so much.
    Somehow around back in and the world
    I do not like feeling ..Cosocoso.. Hisohiso.
    With feelings
    To the one that becomes popular in the world because it is a nature
    that cannot satisfactorily do a basic operation of the personal computer originally
    I might be man (?) with a fundamentally old head.
    It is ..honesty.. scary.
    A lot of unknown things are discovered.
    It seems to be busy and to be becoming to write now putting away …
    whether it is Yabai or ..
    ...floatage.. ?It doesn't understand well.
    (excerpt from a part of Mail Sending history on a certain day)

One advantage of the exchange of such the SNS cannot be understood from such feeling now.
It : to service named MIXI in the Internet industry in Japan of what of recent.
Frame that people of fan of Tetsuya Itami and The Rolling Stones are exchanging? Channel? Because it seem to be
Though it is not interested
They some are popular consideration of the world … To the human race consideration improvement
Is there a possibility that the substantial change can be hoped of? April 21, 2007
That The Rolling Stones? However, the musician that Japan is excellent : even if it does on Ki day.
In the music industry to which the opening act is not served as nobody,
A thick wall where YAZAWA of Japan cannot flap as YAZAWA in the world also
The revenant of 'Sukiyaki song' (A Japanese title: 'Let's turn and walk') that shines to a number 1 from all over the U.S. also : before.
It is and the ..rubbish.. fact of Atsca in the garbage depository in the Internet industry all over the world ..Internet of Asia.. :.
The possibility that old not useful, common sense and Shikitari can be overturned : so that man may already lived.
Really, are you there?
With aging society that flatters getting a position a private company
Even in respect of the mind and respect of the body,
Medical treatment, education, politics, and economy, etc. in which basis of how to create man as real problem of which welfare projects are losing sight is disregarded
In taking a defiant attitude of the falling birthrate with which it is pleased with exchanging the greeting only on the surface each other only by beautiful of the style
The lie is painted in the lie and ..wearing.. of managing people who did : a fragile Japanese only of hardening to the center ..this now...
Can the possibility of changing be found in the direction before something ..enlarging..?
The rock'n'roll must developed into this world.

「For one thing, people's minds might be not able ..".. to have been done
by accomplishing of the rock'n'roll though it had the power of a diplomat all over the world and it did.
The rock'n'roll gave the important effect to the way where we thought about each other.
We across the sea, sold it, and did not go.
Because government did not move either
However, it was understood to regard of fellows who had come out from the
country and to feel it because the air of this simple communications and
freedom was simply transmitted to people's minds, and the United States made it
say that the sound of freedom would be heard.
by Sam Phillips 1986 In Rolling Stone

Is put into the state of macadam as for my head of stone sooner or later.
The day when it becomes feelings that it wants to receive such a welcome invitation obediently might come.
Keeping fighting against the world buried rubbish of various people common sense and the net than it
It is not possible suited me of today and to know.

Such I am not fellows who can vomit such a dialog that tried to look good.
Before … Inadvertently recently (Two years ago)
"The income might be raised. "
There was an idea of easiness, too. Because it is simple. Because it is a fellow cheated easily.
The idea and posture change into it a little, too. February 16, 2006
↑ One year ago in the idea of such feeling recently February 19, 2007
↑ Such an idea remains, too and it now 2007-04-19
In such feeling,
The tune ' The ants & a rainbow ' many times repeatedly while listening a minute ago
Even if you are writing feelings in cheerful feelings for a certain person
While crying like me though the written content is not me
I who did another Mail Sending am.
Is it "Impact strong passing. " somehow?

However …,

♪Keeping fight age changes and it is me of today.
Only thinking not wanting go anywhere any longer
However, if it was not a place where it should go
If it is you, it is ?. What feelings do.

After last year's stage of LIVE of Tetsuya Itami June 11, the phrase there :. June 14, 2006
Though it is made to Geccri and to listen again
The desire that doesn't become it already : it to the word about it in full.
"This person can sing these kind of things in this way why. "
In such a way …. Moreover, the title is 'The ants & a rainbow '
Adam & the Ants is also pale.
↑ Content that I wrote to comment column here

As for this, it is not only man's body.
In the society in daily life when each one is put
In the future
I think that you should have the view and how to catch though it is wide.
Man itself and the natural world (The community structure is included)
One point is seen from the overall viewpoint. And, again
One point is often observed, and it compares it with the whole.
(Abbreviate it before and behind. )

↑ By the connection to such a problem in me

Dance On The Edge  March 18, 2006
Fighting!MACARONI!  January 23, 2007
Will you perform the tune that sings of "Lost love"?  2006-05-05 23:11:15
Wake up for God's Sake, For your sake!  November 30, 2006

It connects with these pages.
Moreover, it is a rainbow.
It ..rainbow.. mono-.. drinks and it is food and there is a meaning "Man of the natural world", too.
The one "Rainbow" for and me

It is such feeling.
This is all.

♪ If it is you, it is ?. What feelings do.

I think the part of "Question" of ..drinking.. , and the "Answer" ….

It is good.
Today though the person who reads that it has arranged linking ahead in this way might become tomorrow morning, too
Need not be read.

Even only feelings : as much as possible as long as it is possible to do.
It wants to be an honest, obedient, beautiful mind in me.

Even thinking about such a thing seems already to be dirty, ugly dirty by Us. Oneself ….
What should I do? It is ..going.. to where.

I do not think that writing by me, move someone's mind or change it by me.
..smell.. and adult lie is ..".. ..smell one.. lie. I like favorite the one.
It is and ..killing.. not to suit me of today.
It is only such feelings. In what.
And, it doesn't understand whether it is good or brutal.
To me of today .
"Here of you is bad so now. "
Nobody says.
No do be known of the sparrow hawk until six years ago either. It is not now.
Why do?
It is easier for such existence to exist.
It was actually easy.
Still, the person sometimes comes out in the dream.
It is some angry occasionally.
It was always scolded if it thought.
However, speech and behavior and the action that makes it is about my modesty or others' lives coarse
There is no existence scolded because of the bottom of one's hearts now.

Difference between "It transforms dream to reality, and" person and the person who cannot do. 2007-04-20 … I was going to link without permission.

Actually, to a lot of politicians and major company's somewhere president
I do not think that there is such a person.
"Is it really good in this?"
The scolded existence of my mind.

It is said, "It is not", and it is not the state as it is because it is not.
Because there cannot be man when he is discouraged indefinitely
It is necessary to scold me for myself.
I think that it is power of man where it is effective.
However, there is already a lot of men who become trivial even so also in the Japanese now.
The person excluding reading this line : this now.

It is here. The problem is here. It is not solitary. Everyone.
Time to read time and it being written is solitarily yet.
Besides, there are no one.
Is someone anywhere?
You might be.
However, it was good.
I am in not reader's alone doing.
I have only the enjoyment of the update of the blog of the song and Mr. assimilate of Tetsuya Itami.
No, there was a blog of everybody, too.
It is not such a story now though is. I'm sorry.
I want to show in my mind all. Positively, I will accept everything.
However, anything is not seen in the mind of the person who is reading now ..this...
It embarrasses it when seeing it.
Thus now ..however.., I who is already seeing am, too.
To the shadow of joints of the word only on part with
Nobody is a desire wishes to want you to know to tell the truth by not having wanted to be known in reality.
Desire that wanted to be told someone if possible.
However, I draw it now.
There manages to be no power that can be led to the solution.
There is no man of there is such a reliance effect in this world so often.
Therefore, it can do nothing but write.
There must be only writing, and getting my answer. For me.

The mind that which is obedient and transparent even where where where.
I want to become such man. By all means.

It is good job! Sayuri, please sing.

♪Main line of story、 The Sea of Japan…

Well, it ends and no do matter of a personal sentimental thing of near feeling in which this is moist.
A certain person's fight has already ended on the night, April 1.
It cannot know be nothing any longer even in the state of the truce now.
The place that is now also : where I should go now.
Do it decide earlier than anyone of the current Japanese and it is not possible to know.
And, I who doesn't do the people alone general today.
A thick wall (the rethinking, the eye waking up, and common sense) is stricken and of the broken fight is done.
This institute it then the problem

'Radio physical exercise the 4th''♪ according to the blog physical exercise and the age. '

..drinking.. problem.

Fortune Ageage masterpiece war (2007/04/13 18:24)
↑ It is written in the comment column of the weblog here and it is put it away.

Everyone, breath unconsciously : the person.
It : naturally.
The person who lives : though there are all.
After it vomits without fail, it breathes in importantly.
It in the body and in the mind
It is not any longer about the necessity the dirty one and the part used once.
Go out and
As for fresh air and love, the entering rate decreases.
"Uncleanliness, not needing any longer Cartsu, and going out"
Though it doesn't vomit delirious
If you cut it by slow etc.
"Good-bye thank you. "
After vomiting the breath by the mouth of feelings
The way said that it will sniff is always good.
I think that that looks vivid more further the fresh green.
After everyone had vomited first, it breathed in when giving birth.
And, by man welcome in foolishness
In the air that clears completely suddenly inhaled after it vomits
I am surprised for the first time because it swells in my lungs.
Ending of this world
It ..Gargar.. ..largeness.. cries as a start of this world.
That is man's breath.
The order for teaching in the radio gymnastics at the people is only a lie and exists.
Everyone is being cheated by NHK. Though it pays to the reception fee.
(2007/04/22 16:13)

It was only written to be easy and comprehensible.
A reason baby's first cry.
It is not all ..that...
(… Though there might be a problem in how to put my comment. )
Especially, moment when oxygen spreads in cell of whole body to which person's mind is related
After it is born, only it : to awaking of the preparation stage in which it lives in this world etc.
The cranial nerve is not only a long ages very.
What is person's soul?
It relates even to such a problem. Man's breath.
To the comment column when you investigate thoroughly even too much
Because it is necessary to invite Lshifar with large angel Michael
Especially, when giving birth, man vomits.
It dies after it inhales without fail and it crowds when dying.
It kept easy without touching even this.
And, though NHK is not bad in reality
That jurisdiction doesn't exist ..that jurisdiction.. any longer though improves.
To begin with, it : by greatly modern people's recent bodies different from the world on postwar days of prewar days.
Before it doesn't understand fundamentally, and something is taught
It is not though it is made to have already noticed.
In general common sense of educational common sense in the world and the people
Even though the construction site somewhere and the factory of something
Are safely first and the health care whats very done?
The radio gymnastics has infiltrated even a deep-rooted, wide generation.
It is already only common sense until the Showa era and exists.
Recently, make even a lot of people who are who took the wheelchair compel it in Japanese aging society.
Even 'The third radio gymnastics' is developed.
Apart from the person who became a hemiplegic due to the injury and the accident
The person whom the shank's mare was able to handle : tens of years or ago.
Without thinking whether the muscle of the lower half of the body became useless why
It is a current state only in the upper-body that can be moved well in which it is made to overwork.
To the extent that blood doesn't turn to the lower half of the body compared with the muscle of the whole body
Moving the upper-body any more more than the necessity as the case may be :.
It might be very dangerous for the function of internal organs etc.

Maintaining of the current state and any more in ..mind because of not worsening.. disregarding ..important..
Can able how it do, another to supplement the part that became useless, and live?
If there is still room on the lower body
The stream of the blood that exists in the muscle in the root of the knee and the foot
In the urge very where,
Can you be able to spend it only even a little easily now?
Not only problem but also recent of nursing
To the child of a muscular hypoplasia that is born in the prematurely born baby
I think that this is important.
Therefore, please do not hold out so much.
The radio gymnastics is good as today.
They are not the streets of the guidance such as the schools and the televisions.
In the method of bending and stretching exercises of extent that suits me and breath that doesn't overwork
I do not think that it cares negligently by the way like octopus's dance.
Everyone cannot similarly all do everything together.
It is not possible to do if it does.
It suffers if it does. Now.
Already and no I to such an idea the current world.
'The radio physical exercise 4th' is necessary.

'♪ according to the blog physical exercise and the age. '
It might be good.
(2007/04/22 23:26)

What is?

It ・・・.
These two pages manage and keep the body of man who introduced it made the best use of for the natural world.
To the problem of worry about various sicknesses and symptoms and suffering
I who attempts the improving one's physical condition easily am captured by improving the natural healing power and some of the return method.
This put on other pages practicing it when writing by various interpretations.
No matter whether it does or it doesn't cost it is free the person in question, and how what I politely write it down
To the world variously now"This is good for the body. " Or,"It is good for health. "
There are a healthy method of rot.
Such many people who become it also arrive at the lie "Everything was tried".
The person "I was useless no matter what I did" (failure) is also numerous.
By no understanding of modern people your what being suited yourself of today any longer what is good for me
It is rolled in information and the vogue abolition whirlpool, and it is thrown.
Still, I do not capture money, and : free of charge.
Of management and keeping a necessary body for man made the best use of for the natural world is being written.
It doesn't transmit though it is writing.
It transmits though it doesn't transmit what it is.
Up to reality..all..make a mistake.
Come with the doubt come, and before throwing away something in me
There is a person who tries to admit the part that won't be believed up to now, too.
It was not only for me to be doing and to have come at all now.
Various various problems of the medical treatment site and logjams of the medicine of the present age of advanced nations
It is stopped that man pretends something of man to understand.
Not Japan but foreign countries. Especially, in European countries today
"Information on how to create original man" is in the search from all districts, and it searches and turning people exist, too.
Such human race's consideration is tens of years late from correctness "Come back obediently" now only in Japan.
After the opening speech the class of the physical education, the athletic meet, and the physical education festival, even the compulsory education site in the whole country : and .... still.
'Radio gymnastics' etc. are done by remembering foolishness by one by there is not a medicine ridiculously smeared either.
There is such popular consideration, and Mr. model who seems that it passed the audition of something that appears on the box it
Even if you can neatly do 'Radio gymnastics' from the beginning to the death to dance very beautifully, and beautifully
Teaching it to the street, and guiding it to someone are not wonderful at all.
The custom 'Radio gymnastics' etc. in a modern Japanese consciousness of life
It the more it does an excessive equality of the sexes education, the more returns and is very bad for the body.
Such a person has already increased now.
Certainly, for some sports players etc.
The muscle not used in usual life and such an item practice and the muscle used
Doing the bending and stretching movement without impossibility according to a moderate breath method
It might be a thing necessary so that I including the problem of the stretching exercise in recent years etc. may live.
However, the child and the adult from whom it is born, attaches, and the circulation of the blood is not satisfactorily complete to the muscle of the whole body either :.
It walks it is years how many inadvertently ago standing in the earth in the shank's mare.
To take the bath to go to the rest room, I : though I was possible for myself.
Irresponsibly, like throwing it out
The elderly person that the circulation of the blood dulls very much compared with the muscle of the lower half of the body : to impossible Yacotowari.
There is only one of the spread health information at the people of postwar days, and when the becoming it 'Radio gymnastics' one is done, it
A lot of they are when a dangerous reaching an extreme is not in it for the body after several years in several hours in several days in several weeks after a few minutes.
Such a foolish thing is repeatedly continued by when why, and does this country die and die?
I cannot say anything by already dumbfounded. (..saying.. !)

Well, for this problem
With the content of these pages
Even a diagonal reading : the content that has been written on the page around here because it doesn't care.
The talk doesn't previously advance to not reading the all.
Anyway, it is pollution.
Do the custom of "What" of making 'Radio gymnastics' done in the morning or the people common sense :.
To cannot the understanding of it

The content of these series features cannot be understood.

No, I am not because I hold the person who is reading in derision.
Though nobody might not have the leave to read such sentences lengthily done before that
The basis of how to create original man will be understood from reading everything. Perhaps,
And, oneself : here today now.
It connects with obtaining the chance that it can be got back that it is man who has been made the best use of for the natural world.
Though it is written a lot that it is scary there for the Japanese in the age today
Information that not was at the general people is full loading also to the person who thinks, "I want to gain something".
And, the person who visited for the first time here today also :.
This weblog
When it is possible to read sequentially, I am honored on the person.
As a result, oneself is now.
It alive in this world, and would be better to be able to understand why to some extent.

Are not you well?

It prays for the good fight.

P.S. Last night etc.

Accumulation of information. The exchange. The combination of puzzles according to the conscience
The undulation in the age is greatly changed, and will change into people's consideration before long as for it.
Now even though a useless thing in every listening still without either
Only the fight with common sense that it is made to consider to confront the system and to mistake assuming that the universe
At the crisis whether oneself being able to be exceeded
Moment when it was made to stand in cliff pool
How should man named me live?

It had the dream of an image that seemed to be so.
The scene was on ruined land like the construction site somewhere.
And, it quarreled with father in the parents' family in the dream.
Eyes woke up getting angry.
It was about one o'clock of the middle of the night.

It is still predawn now.
Isn't there living in this age wonderfully though it is severe?
Even though the night sky where the rainbow is not seen.

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