Picture Guide to Autumn Leaves in Eastern Kyoto | 西陣に住んでます

Picture Guide to Autumn Leaves in Eastern Kyoto

西陣に住んでます-Eastern Kyoto

There are many sites which is famous for fall foliage in Eastern Kyoto.
So, it is often crowded very much in the late autumn. You should better take the Keihan Electric Railway or Kyoto City Subway to access this area. Walk is quicker than bus. There is no doubt that the quickest way to go around is to use a bicycle.

The following tables show my observation results on the autumn leaves at the prominent sites in Kyoto, 2010 and 2009.

西陣に住んでます-Eastern Kyoto

西陣に住んでます-Eastern Kyoto

Well, I'll show the picture of each site with one or two words.
If you want to see more pictures of each site, click [2010], [2009] or [2008].
You can see the related article (unfortunately in Japanese) including the several pictures uploaded in 2010, 2009 or 2008, respectively.

もみじYoshida & Kurotani 吉田・黒谷

Yoshida-jinja shrine 吉田神社 [2010] [2009] [2008]

An impressive vivid maple trees in front of main shrine.

Takenaka-inari shrine 竹中稲荷 [2010] [2009] [2008]

A pretty place off the beaten track beyond a sequence of vermilion torii (Shinto getaway) with maples

Sochu-jinja shrine 宗忠神社 [2010] [2009] [2008]

Beautiful maples along the steps to shrine


Shinnyo-do temple 真如堂 [2010] [2009] [2008]

Marvelous views of maples with several ancient architectures


Kinkai-komyo-ji temple 金戒光明寺 [2010] [2009] [2008]

Impressive maples with the steps to the main building of temple

Heian-jingu shrine 平安神宮 [2009]

Refined maples in the Heian style garden


もみじNorthern Higashiyama 東山北部

Ginkaku-ji temple 銀閣寺 [2010]

An interesting contrast created by the subdued colored Silver Pavilion and vivid maples.


Hakusa-sonso 白沙村荘 [2010] [2009]

A nice collaboration of the artistic garden and maples

Honen-in temple 法然院 [2010] [2009] [2008]

A completely fantastic view allows us to imagine an ancient rural place in Japan.

Anraku-ji temple 安楽寺 [2010] [2009] [2008]

It takes a few minutes from Honenin. Finally the steps are covered with fallen leaves.

Taiho-jinja temple 大豊神社 [2010] [2009]

There are several kinds of stone animal sculptures.

Tetsugaku no michi 哲学の道 [2010] [2009] [2008]

Very very colorful maples appear in the water surface.

Kumanowakaouji-jinja shrine 熊野若王子神社 [2010] [2009]

It is located at south end of Tetsugaku no michi path.

Eikan-do temple 永観堂 [2010] [2008]

Eikando is one of the most popular maple sites in Kyoto. In all likelihood you would be deeply impressed by plenty of high quality maples.


Eikan-do temple light up 永観堂ライトアップ [2009] [2008]

Awfully amazing!
Even if you have already visited Eikando in the daytime, I strongly recommend visiting Eikando light up. Maybe you can see a quite different sight.

Nanzen-ji temple 南禅寺 [2010] [2009] [2008]

Nanzenji is also one of the most popular maple sites. We can see the splendid views of maples through the magnificent gate, and in the wide moth garden.


Tenju-an, Nanzen-ji temple 南禅寺天授庵 [2010] [2009] [2008]

I think Tenjuan is one of the greatest maple sites in Kyoto.
The best time is middle of November. Enjoy!

Nanzen-in, Nanzen-ji temple 南禅寺南禅院 [2010] [2009] [2008]

We can walk around the stylish pond.
It is very interesting to contrast green moth garden with red maples.


Nanzen-ji Water line bridge 南禅寺水路閣 [2010] [2009] [2008]

Here is the most well-known place for TV mystery fans in Japan.
Murder often occurs here in TV programs.
Off course here is a completely safe place in reality. lol

Himukai-daijingu shrine 日向大神宮 [2010] [2009]

We can relax and enjoy natural maples here.

もみじMiddle Higashiyama 東山中部

Murin-an 無鄰庵 [2010]

A Japanese prime minister's second house with well-cared maples.


Awata-jinja shrine 粟田神社 [2010] [2009]

Pretty maples along the slope to shrine


Shoren-in temple 青蓮院 [2010] [2008]

We can enjoy very very typical Kyoto style maples from inside the ancient buildings. We can also walk the garden.

Shoren-in temple light up 青蓮院ライトアップ [2009]

Collaboration of bamboos and maples above greenish blue and red lights reminds one of the fabulous Buddhist, Acala whom this temple is dedicated to.

Hojo-teien, Chion-in temple 知恩院方丈庭園 [2010] [2009]

Well sophisticated Kyoto style maples!

Yuzen-in, Chion-in temple 知恩院友禅苑 [2010] [2009]

Artistic maples beside the traditional tea rooms and gardens


Maruyama park 円山公園 [2010] [2009] [2008]

There are many sorts of maples. So, from middle of November to the beginning of December, maybe you can see the best colored maples anytime you want.

Yasaka-jinja shrine 八坂神社 [2010] [2009]

The best time start from the end of November to the beginning of December.

Yoshimizu-benzaiten temple 吉水弁財天 [2010] [2009]

A very very marvelous place off the beaten track in back of Maruyama park!
We can enjoy a spectacular view of fallen leaves.

Choraku-ji temple 長楽寺 [2010] [2009] [2008]

The maple leaves change color in the end of the season.

Kennin-ji temple 建仁寺 [2010] [2009] [2008]

Also, the maple in the inner garden leaves change color in the end of the season.

Kodai-ji temple light up 高台寺ライトアップ [2010] [2009] [2008]

The splendid maples appear in the water surface. So much amazing!


Entoku-in temple light up 圓徳院ライトアップ [2010] [2009] [2008]

Rock garden with vivid red maples


Reizangokoku-jinja shrine 霊山護国神社 [2010]

A panoramic view of Kyoto city from hill top with maples


Kiyomizu-dera temple 清水寺 [2010] [2009] [2008]

One of the most popular maple sites!
You can see extremely spectacular views from the stages in front of main buildings


Kiyomizu-dera temple light up 清水寺ライトアップ [2010] [2009] [2008]

Brighter! Phenomenal! Glorious! And crowded (lol)
Unforgettable landscape!

Myoho-in temple 妙法院 [2010] [2009]

Graceful maples in front of ancient buildings

Chishaku-in temple 智積院 [2010] [2009]

Here is a famous place for seasonal plants. Maple is one of them.

もみじFall foliage in Kyoto

走る人Basic Information

[Fall foliage in Kyoto]

走る人Brief guides with pictures

[Northern Kyoto]

[Eastern Kyoto]

[Central Kyoto]

[Western Kyoto]

[Southern Kyoto]

走る人Prompt Reports, 2010

[Prompt Report, 2010]