民法等の一部を改正する法律の公布 | 子の連れ去り被害に遭わないために。親子断絶防止(共同養育)するために。







「令和6年5月24日(号外 第124号)」にその内容が記載されている。






1 親の責務等



2 親権等

􆎴 親権



􆎵 親権の行使方法


􆎶 離婚の場合の親権者の定め

􆌎 父母が協議上の離婚をするときは、その協議で、その双方又は一方を親権者と


􆌏 裁判上の離婚の場合には、裁判所が、父母の双方又は一方を親権者と定めるこ


􆌐 裁判所は、父母の双方を親権者と定めるかその一方を親権者と定めるかを判断





􆎷 離婚後の子の監護に関する事項の定め等



3 子の監護の費用

􆎴 子の監護の費用の先取特権



􆎵 子の監護に要する費用の分担の定めがない場合の特例





4 親子の交流等

􆎴 審判による父母以外の親族と子との交流の定め


􆎵 父母の婚姻中の親子の交流等



5 養子




6 財産分与






Amendment to the Civil Code, etc. (Act No. 33)
(Ministry of Justice)

I. Amendments to the Civil Code
1. Parental Responsibilities
Provisions have been established to stipulate the responsibilities that parents have in raising their children, regardless of whether they are married or not. (Related to Article 817-12)

2. Parental Authority
(1) Parental Authority
Parental authority must be exercised for the benefit of the child who has not yet reached the age of majority. (Related to Article 818, paragraph 1)

(2) Methods of Exercising Parental Authority
Even when both parents are the holders of parental authority, the parent who has urgent necessity for the child's benefit or is responsible for the child's daily care and education can exercise parental authority alone. Additionally, if the parents cannot agree on the exercise of parental authority for a specific matter, the family court can decide the holder of parental authority for that matter. (Related to Article 824-2)

(3) Determination of the Holder of Parental Authority in Case of Divorce
- In the case of a divorce by mutual consent, the parents can decide through their agreement that both or one of them will be the holder of parental authority. (Related to Article 819, paragraph 1)
- In the case of a judicial divorce, the court will determine that both parents or one parent will be the holder of parental authority. (Related to Article 819, paragraph 2)
- When determining whether both parents or one parent will be the holder of parental authority, the court must consider the relationship between the parents and the child, the relationship between the father and mother, and all other circumstances for the benefit of the child. If it is recognized that having both parents as the holders of parental authority would be detrimental to the child's interests, the court must designate one parent as the holder of parental authority. (Related to Article 819, paragraph 7)

(4) Provisions Regarding Child Custody after Divorce
When a divorce by mutual consent is agreed upon, the division of child custody responsibilities has been added to the matters that must be determined. (Related to Article 766, paragraph 1)

3. Child Maintenance Expenses
(1) Priority Right for Child Maintenance Expenses
Persons who have claims for child maintenance expenses will have a priority right over the debtor's entire assets. (Related to Article 306, item 3)

(2) Special Provisions when There is No Agreement on the Division of Child Maintenance Expenses
If the parents have divorced by mutual consent without making any provisions for the division of child maintenance expenses, the parent who has continuously been the primary caretaker of the child since the time of the divorce can request a certain amount of child support from the other parent, under certain conditions stipulated by the Ministry of Justice ordinance. (Related to Article 766-3)

4. Parent-Child Interactions
(1) Court-Ordered Interactions between the Child and Relatives Other than the Parents
Provisions have been established for the family court to order interactions between the child and relatives other than the parents. (Related to Article 766-2)

(2) Parent-Child Interactions during the Parents' Marriage
Provisions have been established regarding parent-child interactions in cases where the parents are married but living separately. (Related to Article 817-13)

5. Adoption
Provisions have been established regarding the holder of parental authority when the child is an adopted child, as well as provisions for coordinating the consent to adopt a child under the age of 15 in cases where there is no agreement among the parents, guardians, etc. (Related to Articles 797 and 818)

6. Property Distribution
The time limit for requesting property distribution has been extended to 5 years, and provisions have been established regarding the factors the family court must consider when determining the amount and method of property distribution. (Related to Article 768)







The document lists detailed amendments to several articles, including Article 877 and Article 878 of the Civil Code. Changes are related to the rights and obligations of parents and children, the authority of family courts, and the treatment of special cases regarding guardianship and parental authority. The modifications emphasize the protection of children’s welfare and adjust the procedures for resolving disputes about parental responsibilities. Specific clauses and sections have been amended or added to ensure these updated regulations are legally binding and effective.

Overall, the document aims to improve the legal framework concerning family law, particularly focusing on the best interests of children and the responsibilities of parents and guardians.






The document details changes to specific articles of the Civil Code, focusing on various aspects of family law and related legal procedures. The amendments mentioned include:

  1. Adjustments to the rules and regulations regarding guardianship and the responsibilities of legal guardians.
  2. Modifications to inheritance laws and the distribution of assets.
  3. Updates to family court procedures to enhance the protection of children’s rights and welfare.
  4. New provisions addressing the responsibilities and duties of parents and custodians.
  5. Clarifications on the legal processes involved in family disputes and the resolution of such cases.

The text includes precise legal language and references to specific articles, ensuring that the modifications are clearly defined and legally binding. The amendments aim to improve the legal framework to better serve contemporary societal needs, particularly in the context of family law and the protection of vulnerable individuals.

Overall, this publication reflects the government's efforts to update and refine the Civil Code to enhance legal protections and streamline legal processes related to family matters.



The document includes detailed provisions related to civil and family law. It addresses various articles and sections, specifying changes and additions to existing laws. The amendments cover topics such as the rights and duties of parents and children, inheritance rules, family court procedures, and the responsibilities of guardians and custodians.

The content is highly detailed and includes references to specific articles of the Civil Code, such as Articles 32, 33, and 34, among others. These changes are aimed at updating the legal framework to better protect the rights and welfare of individuals, particularly children and other vulnerable groups.

Overall, the document signifies the government's efforts to refine and improve legal provisions to ensure they are in line with contemporary needs and societal values.



























