Will Koreans wake up from "K-Quarantine Deception"?

The state of failure where things in the nation created by young nationalism do not go well

Reading the Peninsula 鈴置高史(스즈 오키 타카 부미,Takabu-mi Suzu-oki)   December 10, 2021



한국인은 K방역의 사기로부터 눈을 뜰 것인가3








ウィズコロナ, 韓国だけ致命率が上昇









Over 7,000 infected people in South Korea for two consecutive days
The number of severely ill people is also the highest ever
2021/12/09 ANNnewsCH
2021/12/09 ANNnewsCH


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In South Korea, the number of people infected with the new corona per day exceeded 7,000 for two consecutive days, and the number of severely ill people was once again the highest ever.
The number of newly infected people announced on the 9th was 7102, and the number of seriously ill people was 857, the highest number again.
In such a situation, the Korean media also introduced various expert forecasts and emphasized the need for drastic tightening of regulations such as time restrictions for restaurants and stricter restrictions on the number of people for dinner.
The Chosun Ilbo, the largest newspaper, wrote in an article entitled "Collapsed K-Quarantine" that the government was enthusiastic about self-proclaiming "K-Quarantine" and pointed out that it misunderstood the forecast of an increase in infected and severely ill.

The world's best corona countermeasures and "K epidemic prevention" that Koreans have been proud of.
The number of infected people increased rapidly at the knees, and the collapse of medical care began in December.
Why did all the people believe in "fake"?
Takabumi Suzuoki, a Korean observer, explains.
Anger concentrates on Moon Jae-in, who praises himself.


Suzuoki: In an editorial, the Korean newspaper embarked on criticism of President Moon Jae-in's pride of "K-quarantine prevention."

The number of people infected with corona is increasing rapidly, and many patients die at home without being hospitalized.

An editorial of the Chosun Ilbo, a conservative newspaper, 「 文は『1万人に備え』と言うが、感染者が5000人を超え『医療崩壊』の危機に Moon says" prepare for 10,000 people ", but the number of infected people exceeds 5,000 and is in danger of" medical collapse "」 (December 6, Korean version)
Quoted from the Korean version.

[Experts suggest that the government's failure to vaccinate policy may have created the current crisis.
There is no big difference in the vaccination completion rate between Japan and South Korea, but the number of new positives per day in Japan, which was mainly vaccinated between Pfizer and Moderna, is suppressed to around 100.
-On the other hand, it has been confirmed that the AstraZeneca (AZ) vaccine, which we mainly inoculated at the beginning, is rapidly reduced in the effect of infection prevention after 10 weeks of inoculation.
It is possible that the number of positives has skyrocketed due to the delay in the initial vaccination competition.
・ Although the actual situation of K-quarantine, where only the casting off skin remains, has been clarified, President Mun reiterates himself, saying, "The phase of the Republic of Korea, including K-quarantine, has greatly increased" if there is an opportunity.
-And immediately after the president shouted, epidemic prevention was repeatedly in trouble.
What did you say do until this situation, while saying that you were confident in your mouth?

--Is President Moon Jae-in still proud of K-Quarantine now? ..


Suzuoki: Recently, on November 21st-when the number of corona-positive people began to increase at a steep angle, I listed K-quarantine as my own achievement.
Koreans got angry at the insensitivity.

The JoongAng Ilbo also wrote in the editorial 「 一拍遅れた防疫強化、オミクロンを抑えられるか Strengthening epidemic prevention delayed by one beat, can Omicron be suppressed?」 (December 4, Korean version). He appeared in "Dialogue with the People" and praised the success of K-Quarantine. "


문재인 대통령 취임 후 두 번째 '국민과의 대화

The second "conversation with the people" after the inauguration of President Moon Jae-in
2021/11/21 YTN News


President Moon Jae-in has a place to communicate directly with the people today on the subject of "corona crisis overcoming epidemics and civilian economy."
President Mun will seek opinions for a successful and gradual recovery of daily life in the "2021 Dialogue with the People" that will be broadcast live for 100 minutes from 7:10 pm today, and will clarify his position on public concerns such as real estate issues. It's a schedule.
300 national panels selected in consideration of gender, region, and age will participate in this dialogue, of which 200 will participate directly in the field and 100 unvaccinated will participate in real time due to burns.
Through his remarks, President Mun will unveil a subcommittee on national affairs in general and answer three questions directly, including daily recovery, the civil economy and post-corona era challenges.

Koreans who are better than Japanese.

--Conservative newspapers are embarking on a "K-quarantine" attack.


Suzuoki: That is a delicate thing.
Of course, I would blame the Moon Jae-in administration for failing to prevent epidemics and for self-proclaimed self-portraits.
However, K-quarantine itself is hard to criticize.
This is because the word "K epidemic prevention" has not only the credit of the government but also the implication that "each Korean is excellent".

If you criticize K-quarantine poorly, you will turn the people who believe that they are the world's leading people into enemies.
That is why the Chosun Ilbo and others are focusing on the arrogance of the president and the failure to obtain vaccines.
The start of K-quarantine prevention was that "the number of inspections is larger than in Japan".

In late February 2020, the number of people infected with the new corona increased sharply in South Korea, and it quickly jumped to the second place in the world after China.
Medical collapse occurred in Daegu, the fourth largest city in South Korea where a huge cluster occurred.

Some corona patients died because they could not be hospitalized due to lack of beds, and some died because they were suspected of having corona but were refused hospitalization.
In view of such a situation, countries all over the world banned and restricted entry from South Korea, and on March 9, the number exceeded 100 countries.

A Korean who was shocked that he was "excluded from the world" said, "The reason why we lost to Japan in the number of countries that restrict entry is because Japan is cheating."
The number of infected people is actually higher in Japan.

However, the logic was that Japan, ahead of the Tokyo Olympics, is concealing the increase in infected people without deliberately testing.
On the other hand, the Moon Jae-in administration was accused of "not restricting entry from China in order to realize Xi Jinping's visit to Korea," and the conservatives were preparing for impeachment.

Therefore, the myth that this administration used to overcome the crisis was "Korea with high inspection ability".
The number of inspections was posted on the Blue House (Presidential Office) site every day.
Data from Japan and Italy were also lined up there, and he was proud to say, "Korea is inspecting more than 10 times as much as Japan."

The administration was proud of the number of inspections as its credit, and at the same time praised "the small and medium-sized enterprises in Japan and South Korea that developed the inspection kits early", and gave flowers to the private sector.


People in Seoul line up at a health center for coronavirus testing on December 9th

K-quarantine with a endorsement paper bearing the signature in the United States.

――Is it an “excellent country” if there are many inspections? ..


Suzuoki: Rather the opposite.
Due to the huge clusters in Daegu, a large number of inspections were forced.
At that time, Japan was ridiculed by Koreans as "the number of inspections was small", and there were no large clusters other than cruise ships, so there was no need for mass inspections.

In Japan as well, information such as "Anyone who wants to be inspected in Korea" was disseminated, but it is a complete mistake.
At least at this time, the rule was that "the inspection target is limited to close contacts."



「The popularity of" Moon Jae-in 『Brainwashing』to people "Korean is amazing!"has skyrocketed as a measure against corona.""」




This is because the inspection puts a heavy burden on medical personnel.
By the beginning of April, when the entire Daegu cluster was elucidated, the number of tests had decreased.
At the end of the same month, there was an opinion that "extra inspection should be stopped".

"방역에서 세계를 선도"가슴을 편다 문재인, 냉정히 인 아베 신조1 


--Did Koreans see through the mechanism of "inspection power"? ..


Suzuoki: No. He obediently accepted the government's promotion and was complacent.
Koreans can be lying, so I want to believe in the myths of "Korean crowned in the world" and "Korean better than Japanese".

Even in the general election held on April 15, the ruling party "Democratic Party of Korea" won overwhelmingly, betraying expectations until a while ago.
The propaganda of the Moon Jae-in administration was successful at the end of the Daegu cluster.

The Moon Jae-in administration was in good shape and promoted the "election that did not cause the spread of infection" to the world along with the number of tests.
Around this time, the infection had begun to spread in the United States, and anti-Trump media such as CNN praised the "Korean method" when attacking the "innocent" US government.
This information was reimported, and the catchphrase "K-Quarantine, which is praised in the world," became established in South Korea.

K syringe with foreign matter.



After this, the Moon Jae-in administration devised a variation of K-Quarantine.
"K syringe" that completely sucks up the vaccine in the bottle by eliminating the gap at the tip.
It is a warning system for close contacts using location information by IT such as smartphones.
Both were advertised by the Korean media as "proof of our excellence that does not exist in Japan."

However, all of them have "punch lines", and "K syringes" are often contaminated with foreign substances due to poor quality control.

The warning system for using smartphones ended without crying and flying.
It is probable that the corona strains at this time were not very infectious and could not be transferred by sitting next to each other at the movie theater.
It may be effective in places like clubs that sing and dance loudly, but there are many people who switch off their smartphones in such places.
People don't want the government to know where they'm playing.

In fact, when an infected person broke out at a gay club in Seoul in May 2020, the health authorities were confused because it was difficult to track the attendees.



韓国は『防疫の模範』が裏目でクラスター、それでも『世界を先導』という自己暗示 South Korea has a self-suggestion that "the model of epidemic prevention" is behind the scenes and still "leads the world" 」



From the outside, K-Quarantine was early to reveal its own's true nature, but most Koreans continued to believe in myths.

The original story of Mori Motonari's three arrows. Introducing Mitsuko's lessons in a modern style
Watched 4,489 times





The teaching that Sengoku warlord Mori Motonari gave to his children Takamoto, Motoharu (adopted by Mr. Yoshikawa), and Takakage (adopted by Mr. Kobayakawa).
He preached the unity of the clan because one arrow is easy to break, but three arrows are hard to break together.



毛利 元就Motonari Mori
Warlord and daimyo during the Warring States period. The 12th head of the Mori clan.
The second son of Hiromoto Mori, the national lord of Akitakata.
Date of Birth: April 16, 1497
Place of birth: Akitakata City, Hiroshima Prefecture (Suzuo Castle Ruins)

Mori Motonari's teaching becomes a self-deprecating gag.

――Why does South Korea put a “K” on everything? ..


Suzuoki: Until the end of the 20th century, when Korean companies replaced imported products, they called them "Korean domestic products."
However, the word "Korean domestic product" was ingrained in the image of "inferior product" and "Japanese-made imitation".

It was in 1987.
When I was watching a variety show in Seoul, I was doing a short contest.
It is a story that the grandfather folds an arrow to show the importance of the cooperation of her brothers.
It is probably based on the anecdote of Mori Motonari, who is also known in Korea.

As usual, an old man tries to break an arrow in front of his three sons.
However, unlike the original anecdote, it does not break no matter how hard you try.
In the end, the tired grandfather was out of breath and was impressed that "Recent Korean domestic products have improved."
The Koreans who were watching together laughed all at once.

The laughter was based on the premise that "Korean domestic products are inferior", but at the same time, it was a laugh that made me feel the hope that "Korean domestic products will improve someday".

Around the beginning of the 21st century-Since Koreans began to feel confident, it has become standard to add "K" to the name instead of "Korean domestic products".
At first, the names of weapons such as escort vessels and tanks were conspicuous, but the culture of "K-pop" eventually expanded to the policy of epidemic prevention.
It's probably because Koreans wanted to call it a "world-class product" rather than a "bad product."



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習近平 (Xi Jinping 习近平 시진핑)


The visit of the representative of the suzerain is an honor of 『Client state 属国(vassal state,종속국)』


The 19th President 文在寅, ムン・ジェイン (문재인, Moon Jae-in)
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