
Mortality rate is clearly higher than in European countries, where vaccination rates are lower than in South Korea

... There must be some cause in South Korea



December 06, 2021



Johns Hopkins University U.S. Excludes South Korea from Country Vaccination Rate Data
On the other hand, Japan isolates all immigrants from South Korea to the facility for 6 days, and after leaving the facility, self-isolates for 14 days.




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"113 deaths in two days" Did the medical system collapse? … Notice of “Christmas Nightmare” (News 1, Korean)

「2日で113人の死」医療システムが崩壊したのか?… 「クリスマス悪夢」予告(ニュース1・朝鮮語)


The one-month gradual recovery of daily life (with corona) in November produced the return of the "December Nightmare".

The scale is overwhelming. The worst numbers were recorded, including the number of confirmed persons, the number of seriously ill patients, and the number of deaths. (Omitted)
    The problem is the rapidly increasing number of critically ill patients and deaths. The number of seriously ill patients on that day was 744, and it remains in the 700 range for 5 consecutive days.

The severely ill have just broken the record the day before (752). The death toll was 43, down from the number of the day before (70), which was the worst in history, but it continues to be in the double digits. The death toll in two days alone amounts to 113. (Omitted)
    "Since November 1, the number of patients who have died has been one-fourth of the number of patients who died in two years," said Baek Seung-yeon, a professor emeritus at the Catholic University. The mortality rate increases because of the worsening of critically ill patients. "
    Kim Woo-ju, a professor of infection internal medicine at Koryo University Hospital, said, "The government misunderstood the situation in October (predecessor of Wid Corona)." I should have hurried, but I showed a loose attitude. " (Omitted)
    Above all, I ordered to solve the bed problem as soon as possible.

The number of people waiting for "one day or more" at midnight on this day reaches 977 people nationwide. Of these, 954 people are waiting in the metropolitan area, where the problem of bed shortage is serious, and 299 people are waiting for more than 4 days.
    Jung Jae-hoon, a professor at Kagawa University School of Medicine, said, "The trend of increasing epidemics is having an impact." There is no choice but to do it. "
    (Quote so far)

The usage rate of beds for the severely ill in the Seoul metropolitan area continues to be 90% or more.
Medical collapse has come to be called out.
If the number of severely ill people increases due to the new coronavirus, general wards will also be oppressed.
It is a situation that can be fatal for any injury or illness, even though it shouldn't be normal.
There are 977 people waiting for hospitalization.

Of these, 954 are in the Seoul metropolitan area.

The number of newly infected people announced today is 4325.


주말효과 없었다, 신규 4325명...오늘부터 모임 제한



4325 newly infected people on the Corona weekend in South Korea ... From today to private gathering restrictions (JoongAng Ilbo)

Ⓒ JoongAng Ilbo / JoongAng Ilbo Japanese version 2021.12.06 10:34
In South Korea, the number of newly infected people with new coronavirus infection (new pneumonia) has reached the 4000 level, and the spread has not stopped.
According to the Korea Central Epidemic Prevention Headquarters on the 6th, 4325 people were newly infected with the new corona virus at midnight on that day.

The cumulative number of infected people was 474,358.
The number of newly infected people decreased by 802 from the previous day (5127).

On weekends, the number of tests tends to decrease and the number of infected people tends to decrease.

However, the number of newly infected people on this day was the first record of 4000 people on a holiday basis, which was the highest.

In fact, there are 1017 more infected people last Sunday (based on the announcement date, Monday, November 29), compared to 3308.
On this day, the death toll of the new Corona increased by 41 to 3893.

The number of seriously ill patients is 727, a decrease of 17 from the previous day.

The number of seriously ill patients has reached the 700 level for 6 consecutive days from the 1st of this month.
The number of people infected with the new variant of the new corona "Omicron" in Japan increased by 12 to 24.

On this day, the infection route of newly infected people was 4296 in the region and 29 inflows overseas.
By region, 3024 infected people were reported in the metropolitan area alone, including 1408 in Seoul, 1314 in Gyeonggi, and 302 in Incheon.

The number of newly infected persons that occurred in the last week (11.30 to 12.6) is 3032 → 5122 → 5265 → 4944 → 5352 → 5127 → 4325, which is in the 5000s. There were 4 days.

From this day, the Korean government will implement special epidemic prevention measures to suspend daily recovery (with corona) in order to minimize the recent corona epidemic.

As a result, the size of private gatherings will be limited to 6 people in the Seoul metropolitan area and 8 people in the non-metropolitan area for the next 4 weeks.
In addition, the epidemic prevention pass will be newly applied to indoor mass-use facilities such as restaurants, cafes, cram schools, and Internet cafes.

However, the government has decided to set an enlightenment period of one week and impose penalties such as negligence from the 13th in order to minimize the confusion in the field.







I felt that the vaccine was not effective when I saw the report of the 4th inoculation in Israel, but it seems that the vaccine was hit in an attempt to find psychological stability.
Rather, let's receive spirit and treatment ww
Empathy / 9
Opposite / 0

wjdr ****
I want you to notice ~ I noticed ~ Do a show
Empathy / 7
Opposite / 0

csg1 ****
Nowadays, if you don't get the vaccine, you can't go to the cafeteria and you can't send the children's school.
I inoculated, but the children can not give it even severely due to side effects
Reply 4
Empathy / 44
Opposite / 2

soyo ****
Let's change the government and judge the incompetent disaster.
Empathy / 4
Opposite / 1

vero ****
moon jae ang
Reply 2
Empathy / 13
Non-empathy 7

It has no weekend effect, but no vaccine effect.
Empathy / 1
Opposite / 0

gusq ****
5,000 people again today!
Empathy / 1
Non-empathy 0

bule ****
As soon as I quit, I got tired of it and stopped fraud (morale) and epidemic prevention.
Only unrelated people are dying for no reason !!!
Empathy / 0
Opposite / 0

jiso ****
It's not the metropolitan area, but Seoul Gyeonggiman!
Reply 2
Empathy / 0
Opposite / 0

geur ****
    A masterpiece of Moonjean disaster supporters
    Empathy / 0
    Opposite / 0






That's an increase of 1017 compared to the numbers released last Monday. About 1.3 times.
The number of seriously ill people is 727, which is the number announced today. It has decreased compared to yesterday, but it has been keeping the 700 level since December.
41 people died. Perhaps 40 to 70 people are judged to be within the permissible range.

However, the mortality rate is strangely high in South Korea.
It can be said for sure even from the simple numbers announced.
Below, the numbers are rounded fairly roughly in terms of population ratio, etc., but I think there is still a tendency.

Especially when compared with countries where the inoculation completion rate is around 70% or higher, the numbers in South Korea can be seen to be strange.

The inoculation completion rate is behind the country name. The numbers are taken from the graph that appears when you search on Google.

France (70.2%) shows nearly 50,000 newly infected people. The average for 7 days is less than 41,000 people per day. Similarly, the average number of deaths on a 7-day basis is 91 per day.
Korea (79.6%) has 4800 and 43 people.
The number of newly infected people is 6 times that of the population in France, but the number of deaths is only 1.7 times.

In Germany (68.9%), there were 57,000 newly infected people and 309 dead. 7 times and 4.3 times the population, respectively.
In the United Kingdom (69.2%), there were 44,000 and 118 people. 6.7 times, 2.1 times.
Italy (74.1%), 14,000, 75 people. 2.3 times, 1.4 times
Spain (79.5%), 10,000 people, 29 people. 2 times, 0.67 times.

Not to mention Japan.
In South Korea, the number of people dying is too large compared to the number of newly infected people.
France, the United Kingdom, and Spain have an average of 20 people per 10,000 newly infected people on the 7th.
Germany and Italy have 50 people.
There is a tendency that the number of deaths is suppressed even if infection occurs due to the effect of the vaccine.

The number of deaths per 10,000 newly infected people in South Korea is 89.

Of course, there are various factors such as peak shifts and differences in the population pyramid.
And even if the numbers are roughly rounded at the time of calculation, there is a clear difference in the numbers.
Even in Europe, AstraZeneca vaccines are given at a reasonable rate, so there should not be much difference depending on the type of vaccine.
However, the specific ratio was only 132.4 million for Germany, 14.4 million (10.8%) for AZ vaccine, and 49 million (50.4%) out of 97.1 million for the United Kingdom.
(German source,ドイツのソースイギリスのソース British source)

In the United States, where the inoculation completion rate is 60%, 110 deaths per 10,000 newly infected people (82,300 newly infected people, 895 deaths, both 7-day average).

Korean numbers are rather close to this.
It cannot be said that this is the cause, but it can be said that there is some cause in South Korea.