Will Koreans wake up from "K-Quarantine Deception"?

The state of failure where things in the nation created by young nationalism do not go well

Reading the Peninsula 鈴置高史(스즈 오키 타카 부미,Takabu-mi Suzu-oki)   December 10, 2021


한국인은 K방역의 사기로부터 눈을 뜰 것인가3








ウィズコロナ, 韓国だけ致命率が上昇








New Corona for the first time in 1 year and 3 months Zero deaths in Japan (November 8, 2021)
Viewed 9,779 times
2021/11/08 TV Tokyo BIZ


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There were no reports of new deaths from the new coronavirus infection in Japan yesterday, and the number of deaths was zero for the first time in about one year and three months.
It seems that one of the factors is the progress of vaccination, such as about 70% of the people finishing the second vaccination.
On the other hand, the number of newly infected people in Japan was 162, and the number of seriously ill people was 100, the same as the previous day.

Koreans self-confidence that makes the Koreans eyes cloudy.

――It's just a sign of self-confidence.


Suzuoki: It's important to be confident, but it can also be dangerous.
Distorted reality perceptions are rampant in order to see things on the premise of "Korea, the world's crown."

Every time the number of infected people in Japan decreased, he called for "Japanese people are cheating" and turned away from their weaknesses.
This is to protect the myth that "Korea is superior to Japan" in terms of epidemic prevention.

It was the same from February to March 2020.
Even now, after peaking in August 2021, the number of positives and the number of seriously ill and dead people in Japan has decreased rapidly, but the Korean media said, "In Japan, there are few people who receive PCR tests for a fee. Actual infections in Japan. There are more people. "

However, if so, there should be more deaths than announced.
Therefore, experts who claim that "the Japanese government is also concealing the number of deaths" have appeared in South Korea.

The cycle of the wave of infection varies from country to country, so there may be more infected people in Japan and more people in South Korea.
However, as long as “K-quarantine prevention is the best in the world” in South Korea, the number of infected people in South Korea must always be smaller.

Is it true that "there are few deaths in South Korea"? ..

――But is the number of deaths is lower in South Korea?.


Suzuoki: That's suspicious.


As of December 10, 2021, the cumulative death toll from Corona in South Korea was 4,130.
On the other hand, there are 18361 people in Japan as of December 8.
The population of Japan is about 2.5 times that of South Korea, so it is 7344 when converted to the scale of South Korea.
If you trust the government's announcement, it is true that the cumulative number of deaths in South Korea, taking into account the population, is only about 56% of that in Japan.

From such data, some Japanese Korean experts say, "Korea is amazing! Japan is losing!"
However, the number of corona deaths announced by the South Korean government has been suspicious among data analysis experts.
This is because the number of excess fatalities in Japan in 2020 was negative, while that in South Korea was positive.

The number of deaths in Japan in 2020 decreased by 9373 (0.7%) from the previous year.
Considering that the number of deaths increased by about 20,000 a year due to the aging of the population, it is calculated that the number of deaths has actually decreased by about 30,000.

According to the Nikkei newspaper, 「 国内死亡数、11年ぶり減 コロナ予防で他の感染症も抑制 The number of deaths in Japan has decreased for the first time in 11 years, and other infectious diseases can be suppressed by preventing corona」 (March 29, 2021). We believe that the number of deaths due to infectious diseases has decreased.

On the other hand, the number of deaths in South Korea increased by 9838 (3.3%) from the previous year.
In South Korea, the number of deaths has increased by an average of 2% per year due to the aging of the population, but it was clearly higher than this.

If 1.3% of the difference died in corona, it would be 3875.
However, according to the announcement by the Korean government, only 917 people died from corona in 2020.
There is a possibility of understatement, pretending to be about a quarter of the actual amount.

And if you apply this ratio and calculate the "real number of deaths" up to the present time, it is about 16520 people.
Considering the size of the population, it is more than double that of Japan.

The government, hospitals, and people are all "guru, become accomplices.".

--What is the mechanism of understatement? ..

Suzuoki: If a person with a history of diabetes or other pre-existing illness dies in Corona, government statistics suggest that there may be cases where the person died of the pre-existing illness.
One Korean acquaintance said, "When my family died, I had a bad hearing about Corona.
Many people ask their doctors to write a death certificate for another reason, such as a pre-existing illness. "

JoongAng Ilbo's editorial writer, Chang Se-jung, pointed out that the sharp drop in the number of tests before the general election on April 15, 2020 may be to reduce the number of newly infected people.

In that article, 「 総選挙目前に魔法のように急減…『コロナ検査縮小』疑惑の真実は The truth of the alleged" reduction of corona test "is magically plummeting just before the general election」 (April 13, 2020, Korean version) For example, the hospital will not have to suspend business for at least two weeks, "says a doctor at a public hospital.

Understatement means that not only the government but also the people and hospitals are working as " become accomplices".
South Korea is a society that is so flexible that Japanese people cannot imagine.

――But such a situation should be known to Korean reporters.

Suzuoki: So, the Korean government-Statistics Korea is putting up another smoke screen.
"The number of deaths has increased by 3.3% compared to 2019, but not so much compared to the three-year average for 2017-2019," he said.

At first glance, it seems like that, but in 2018 South Korea was hit by a severe cold wave, and it was an "abnormal year" in which the number of deaths increased by 4.7% compared to the previous year.
It's not convincing to insist that "it's not that much" compared to the "average" that mixed this in.

Media that leaves the "depths of Hell bottom of the abyss".

――It is strange that the Korean newspaper, which always attacks the government severely, does not pursue understatement.


Suzuoki: That is the point.
As I said at the beginning, even conservative newspapers do not have the courage to break the "K-Quarantine" myth.
Koreans will be angry if they are told now that "there are far more deaths from corona in South Korea than in Japan."

Earlier I say , the government, hospitals, and individuals said "become accomplices," but that media is also a "become gang accomplices."
And I think there is a danger in South Korea here.

South Korea is pushing towards a failed state.
In diplomacy, after aiming for a bifurcation between the United States and China, it is no longer treated as a decent country by both the United States and China.
In domestic politics, the confrontation between the left and right is intensifying, and the democratic politics that has sprung up is beginning to break down.

Originally, the media should openly explain this dangerous situation to the people and stop it from falling into the abyss.
However, the tone of the media is extremely crisp.

As a result of igniting the nationalism of the people, "Korea is amazing!", It is no longer possible to deny it and eat a total scan (being disliked by everyone) from the people.

December 10th, when the number of new positives exceeded 7,000 for three consecutive days.
The headline of the Chosun Ilbo editorial was 「 『K防疫』を誇る時は前に出る文、『K防疫』が危機の時は姿が見えぬ The Moon that appears before when you are proud of" K-Quarantine ", and you cannot see it when" K-Quarantine "is in crisis」 (Korean version).

Even if the media insult at the president, K-Quarantine is still sacred in South Korea.
鈴置高史(스즈 오키 타카 부미,Takabu-mi Suzu-oki)
Korean observer.
Born in Aichi(愛知) prefecture in 1954 (Showa昭和 29).
Graduated from Waseda(早稲田) University Faculty of Political Science and Economics.
He has served as a correspondent in Seoul and Hong Kong, and a director of the economic commentary department at Nikkei Inc.
He was a researcher at the Harvard Institute for International Affairs from 1995 to 1996 and a Jefferson Program Fellow at the East-West Center (Hawaii) in 2006.
He left the company in March 2018.
His books include 『The Disappearance of the US-Korea Alliance 米韓同盟消滅』(Shinsho Shinsho) and the near-future novel『朝鮮半島201Z年Korean Peninsula 201Z』  (Nikkei 日本経済 Publishing).
Received the 2002 Bourne-Ueda(ボーン・上田) Memorial International Press Award.