人生に役立つ話(A story that is useful for life)
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今日一日の花を摘め(Picking flowers for the day today)







英訳(English translation)


The title is the words of Horace, an ancient Roman poet of the 1st century BC.

The important thing in life is how to make today's day satisfying. A long life is the 

accumulation of day by day. By cherishing today's day and living hard every day, a 

long life will become wonderful.

In a long life, you may feel anxious about yourself in the future. I think you may feel depressed because you can't finish it. I think you may get lost by hitting a big wall.

However, in any case, the problem can only be solved by living hard today. Set aside your anxieties about the future and regrets of the past and focus on what you need to do today.








天に任せる(Leave it to god)







英訳(English translation)


There are times when people feel uneasy about their way of life.
"Is it okay as it is?"
"Isn't he living the wrong way?"
"I'm worried about the future, I hope I don't have any misfortune."
And so on, anxious things run around in my head one after another.

However, he cannot find a way to relieve his anxiety, and he becomes more and 

more disturbed and unable to concentrate on his daily life.

By the way, in Ryokan's "Sodo Poetry Collection", there is the word "leave it to 

It says, "Rather than worrying about trying to get rid of your anxiety on your own, 

you can leave everything to God, including your destiny, and God will naturally move you in the right direction. It will guide you. "

If you try to do something with your own strength, your heart will be disturbed and 

your life will go in the wrong direction.
Better yet, sometimes it is better to leave your destiny to God and live. If you 

notice it, your heart will be at ease and you will not be able to move again.
It's important to think about life. However, if you think too much, you will get lost.
"Leave it to God" is one of the ways to get out of the hesitation.










これは、中国北宋の詩人の蘇東坡 (そとうば)の言葉です。




英訳(English translation)


This is the word of Sotoba, a poet of the Song dynasty in northern China.

The word says, "It's important not to catch the bad side of things, but to catch the 

good side."
It is good to capture the good side of things and live with a positive and cheerful 



Frustration arises when consciousness is caught in the unfortunate and negative 

aspects of things. When it gets too high, it becomes frustrating and angry. Such 

feelings can cause disturbing feelings.
If you always find the positive part of things and make it a habit, you will always be 

able to live in a bright mood without being disturbed by the various events that 

occur in your life.


Most events can be found a lot if you are willing to find the positive side. Even if it 

is a painful event, the positive side will surely be found.















英訳(English translation)


"There are 10 office ladies who have entered the same period, but I don't speak ill 

of others."
"But the other nine office ladies are accusating others when they get together. 

What should I do in this case?"


You are saying bad things about the nine office ladies while taking the form of 

consulting with the nine office ladies.


As soon as you say, "I'm not saying, they're saying, what should I do with them?", 

You're already saying bad things about them.


The first step begins when you notice such things.
Decide not to complain, whine, or slander under any circumstances, and do as much as you can.
The world will return what you give.










「えー、今日も雲ってる」 「今日も雨だ、洗濯物が乾かない」など、空を見上げて感想を言った瞬間に、それは天気の悪口を言っています。



英訳(English translation)


We are casually complaining, whining, and swearing. In particular, what I don't notice 

is a word that I casually say in the morning.
"Well, it's cloudy today," "It's raining today, the laundry doesn't dry," and so on. It's 

saying bad things about the weather.


The weather doesn't argue, so it may be easy to say bad things.
However, complaining about the weather means complaining to God.
If you switch the words that come out of your mouth to words of joy instead of just complaining, whining, and swearing, and thank them all, your daily life will become 

more interesting.








「血」が原因です("Blood" is the cause)






英訳(English translation)


Many people are still dying on their own.
By the way, what is the cause of suicide?
Is it because I don't have money?
Is it because there was a big problem that I couldn't solve?
Is it because various sufferings and worries, including illness, overlapped?
Some people have more debt, major problems, illnesses and distresses than those 

who commit suicide, but do not commit suicide.
Some people commit suicide in the same situation, while others survive and survive. Why?

The cause is "blood".
When the blood is dirty, the immune system is weakened, the energy is weakened, 

the energy is weak, the feelings tend to be depressed, and the person becomes sick. It will not spring up.
On the other hand, if the "blood" is clean and clean, it will be full of energy, and 

even if you encounter a little difficulty, you will not be dented, will try to work 

positively to solve the problem, and will not think about suicide at all.
Yes, the root cause of suicide is "blood stains".

Why did the blood get dirty?
It is very important to pay attention to your daily diet to prevent suicide.
Gluttony, eating a lot of meat, and eating only foods with a lot of additives such as 

frozen foods and processed foods are the number one causes of blood pollution.
It is very important to eat a lot of raw vegetables and fruits that purify the blood 

cleanly and keep the cells healthy to boost immunity and keep them healthy.
Most of the causes of illness are blood stains. Be careful not to pollute your blood 

on a regular basis so that you can live a healthy and long life.














「こうでなければいけない」 「こうしなくては」 という「思い」を捨てると、自分がラクになります。


英訳(English translation)


Three solutions to make life fun and happy.

1. I will do my best 10 times, 20 times, and 30 times more than people.
This is the method taught in school education.

2. Decide that everything in life will not be what you want.
Stress comes from not getting what you want. Therefore, I think that "things do not go as expected".

3. The method of "having no thoughts".
This does not mean "finding a solution", but "no need to solve".
In the first place, if you don't have the feelings of "I want to do this" and "I want 

you to do that", you will not do what you want.

I want my husband, wife, children, and people in the company to do this, and I'm 

worried because it doesn't go as planned.
If you don't have a thought, you won't have to worry.
If you abandon the "thoughts" of "must be like this" and "must be like this", you 

will feel better.
"Accepting" the situation means that you will feel better.












英訳(English translation)


You don't need the "what if this happens" game anymore.
Stop saying "what should I do if this happens ..." and choose a way of life that 

"whatever you want will happen".
Please live now.


Your existence is no other than now.
Even if you have an eternal life, no matter what kind of life you live in, and even if 

you are reborn, you will only continue to live in the present.
Therefore, create the "now" that you want to live in.








いい話題を選びましょう(Let's choose a good topic)




英訳(English translation)


Let's choose a topic that will calm each other's heart and a topic that will cleanse 

each other's heart.

Bitches, slander, and quarrels can upset the other person's feelings and even 

confuse one's heart, leaving only unpleasant feelings for each other.

Let's stop doing such stupid things. If you are having a good time with your friends, 

let's talk about topics that will make your heart calm and make your heart clear.











他人からどう思われるかを気にするのではなく、自分がすべきことに無心で一生懸命に取り組んで生きている姿が、まわりの人たちに「あの人はがんばっている」 という感動を与えるのです。



英訳(English translation)


It's not for anyone that the flowers bloom beautifully. It just blooms according to the laws of nature. That is why flowers are so beautiful.
It is good for humans to live as if they were in bloom.


Don't worry what others think of you. The appearance of working hard on what I 

should do and living gives the impression to the people around me that "that person is doing his best".


Abandon the desire to "look good" and live hard. Its appearance naturally conveys 

to the other party and leads to a good impression.
It is beautiful that both flowers and humans are alive and innocent.








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