「血」が原因です("Blood" is the cause) | 人生に役立つ話(A story that is useful for life)

「血」が原因です("Blood" is the cause)






英訳(English translation)


Many people are still dying on their own.
By the way, what is the cause of suicide?
Is it because I don't have money?
Is it because there was a big problem that I couldn't solve?
Is it because various sufferings and worries, including illness, overlapped?
Some people have more debt, major problems, illnesses and distresses than those 

who commit suicide, but do not commit suicide.
Some people commit suicide in the same situation, while others survive and survive. Why?

The cause is "blood".
When the blood is dirty, the immune system is weakened, the energy is weakened, 

the energy is weak, the feelings tend to be depressed, and the person becomes sick. It will not spring up.
On the other hand, if the "blood" is clean and clean, it will be full of energy, and 

even if you encounter a little difficulty, you will not be dented, will try to work 

positively to solve the problem, and will not think about suicide at all.
Yes, the root cause of suicide is "blood stains".

Why did the blood get dirty?
It is very important to pay attention to your daily diet to prevent suicide.
Gluttony, eating a lot of meat, and eating only foods with a lot of additives such as 

frozen foods and processed foods are the number one causes of blood pollution.
It is very important to eat a lot of raw vegetables and fruits that purify the blood 

cleanly and keep the cells healthy to boost immunity and keep them healthy.
Most of the causes of illness are blood stains. Be careful not to pollute your blood 

on a regular basis so that you can live a healthy and long life.