不平不満、愚痴、泣き言、悪口、文句を言わない | 人生に役立つ話(A story that is useful for life)








英訳(English translation)


"There are 10 office ladies who have entered the same period, but I don't speak ill 

of others."
"But the other nine office ladies are accusating others when they get together. 

What should I do in this case?"


You are saying bad things about the nine office ladies while taking the form of 

consulting with the nine office ladies.


As soon as you say, "I'm not saying, they're saying, what should I do with them?", 

You're already saying bad things about them.


The first step begins when you notice such things.
Decide not to complain, whine, or slander under any circumstances, and do as much as you can.
The world will return what you give.