マイケル・ダイアリー(1978) | CAHIER DE CHOCOLAT



マイケル・ペイリン 『The Python Years: Diaries 1969 – 1979, Volume 1』より。

so far: 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977

after this: 1979

行きの機内で、Dr. チャップマンとスクラブルの激しい一戦。


機内でスクラブルに熱中するマイケル&グレアム、可愛いすぎる! 「z」を取り出そうとするアテンダントたちでごった返す機内と何がなんだかわからない乗客、笑顔で説明するマイケル、そのまま何かのスケッチにもなりそうな光景です。

なぜグレアムにはいつも何かが起こるのだろう? 今日の朝食の時、彼は柔らかいバターを小さなトーストの一片に塗ろうとしていた。それだけなのに、ナイフを壊してしまった。お見事。



アンドレ Jが、彼らがまとめたシャーリー・バッシー風のブライアン(の主題歌)の入ったテープを持ってきた。見事に壮大な曲。迫力のブラスサウンドに素晴らしい女性ボーカル。すべて3人だけで、たくさんのミキシングが行なわれていた。
 家に戻って、グレアムに電話し、明日、シェーパートンで始まる『The Odd Job』の撮影がうまくいくことを祈っていると伝えた。新たに監督に決まったピーター・メダックがキャスティングを巡る争いに圧勝したようだった。キース・ムーンは降板したが、The Whoで多忙だからではない。これはプレスに発表した公式の理由で、実際はメダックとそのほかのスタッフが望まなかったからだ。替わって演じるのはデヴィッド・ジェイソン。GCは、彼の妻役にダイアナ・クイックを採用した。彼女は先週の金曜日に契約したばかりだ。僕はGCに、うまくいくことを望んでいるし、まだ終わってはいないんだからね!と言った。

この1ヶ月ほど前、バルバドスのホテルでマイケルの部屋にやってきたキースが、『The Odd Job』は彼にとっていかにだいじな作品かを語った、という日記もあります。せつない。グレアムは彼を想定して脚本を書いていたし、一緒に仕事ができなくなってがっかりだっただろうと思います。それでも、『The Odd Job』は私のとても好きな映画です。


日記のかなり早い段階から、マイケルはずっと歯科医にかかってて、かなり痛そうな手術を受けたりもしていたのですが、ここでまさかの入れ歯とは!! 衝撃でした。そりゃあ34歳で入れ歯とは誰も思わないでしょう。『ライフ・オブ・ブライアン』公開時のラジオCMに、マイケルの歯医者さんが登場して、「If you would like to save Michael Palin’s teeth, please go and see “Monty Python’s Life of Brian”(マイケル・ペイリンの歯を救いたいと思う人は、どうか『ライフ・オブ・ブライアン』を観にいって下さい」というナレーションが流れるというのがあったのですが、そういうことだったのか……と納得。



 ファッショナブルなディスコStudio 54でトルーマン・カポーティとアンディ・ウォーホルが開くパーティにローン(・マイケルズ)が招待してくれた。


 みんなアカデミー賞に向かって吠えていた。ヴァネッサ・レッドグレイヴが反ユダヤ主義とファシズムについての短く、タイミングの悪いスピーチをしたときには特に。また、『アニー・ホール』の3冠には歓喜のどよめきが上がった。むだにかなりわくわくした。だって、最終的にはホームチーム側が勝利したのだから。ショウビズスマイルを浮かべ、富を誇示し、ぱりっとして飾り立てた西海岸の小麦色の人々は東海岸の威力に打ち負かされたのだ。批判的で内省的で趣味の良い、Mr. ウディ・アレンに。彼はハリウッドの授賞式にさえ行かず、グリニッジ・ヴィレッジのMichael’s Pubでクラリネットを吹いていた。ローンは、「ウディはいつも趣味がいい。授賞式に行かないっていうのが最高に趣味が良いっていうのを示してる」と言っていた。











 Café de L’Oasis、正式に言うとすると、元フランコアラブ学校のCafé de L’Oasisで、ジョン Cと友人のシャルロットと一緒に食事。クルーのほとんどはそこにきていた。地元の人も何十人もいた。それで、僕らが対応してもらうまでにものすごく長い時間がかかった。ウェイターの注意を引くためにJCが皿を床に落としたにもかかわらず、だ。


MICHAEL PALIN “The Python Years: Diaries 1969 – 1979, Volume 1”

Saturday, January 7th, Barbados
On the flight out, a sensational game of Scrabble with Dr Chapman.
ᅠᅠGraham, after some deliberation, led off with the word ‘fep’. I didn’t challenge it immediately, thinking either that it was possibly the prelude to a longer word – feppicle, fepid, fepidicular – or perhaps a medical term which it would betray appalling ignorance to challenge. But it was Graham who looked most puzzled by it and after a while replaced the ‘p’ with a ‘w’.
ᅠᅠThe game then surged on by ‘ys’ and ‘ands’ until Graham selflessly dropped his letters. All were retrieved, apart from the ‘z’, which is wedged for eternity between the seats of the upstairs lounge of a jumbo jet. Stewards and stewardesses with torches and screwdrivers tried to help out, and to anyone who came up the stairs for a quiet read and saw a large group of people clustered on the floor around a seat which had been entirely removed from its base, we smiled and assured them we were just playing Scrabble.


Friday, January 20th, Barbados
Why do things always happen to Graham? Today at breakfast he was spreading soft butter on a little piece of toast, and yet broke his knife. Extraordinary.


Sunday, February 26th
André J brings round the tape of the Shirley Bassey-type Brian song that they’ve put together. It sounds stupendous. Massive brass backing and a great female voice. All done by three people and a lot of mixing.
ᅠᅠBack home, ring Graham to wish him well for the start of Odd Job filming – at Shepperton tomorrow. His new director, Peter Medak, seems to have won the casting battles hands down. Keith Moon is out and not because he was too busy with The Who – this was the official reason given to the press because Medak and others didn’t want him. Replaced by David Jason. GC has brought Diana Quick in to play his wife. She signed up only last Friday. I wished GC well, and told him to make sure he was still in it!

Monday, February 27th
To Gerry Donovan’s for a first glimpse of my false teeth. Try not to read too much psychological significance into this, but I never imagined I would be wearing false teeth at the age of 34. This is ridiculous, of course, for I’ve had bridges fitted for two years, but false teeth to me are things you take in and out and leave in a bowl of water beside the bed at night – they are like mothers-in-law and big tits, a traditional joke area. Now I have them – a little pink band to go across the roof of my mouth, a little dental chum to lie beside me at night. I feel a little – uncool, man.
ᅠᅠTo Anne’s for a meeting. Played the Bassey Brian. Good reaction, especially from JC. All full of admiration for André’s arrangement, though not for my lyric particularly. I agree.

Monday, April 3rd, New York


ᅠᅠLorne invites me to a party to be thrown at the fashionable disco, Studio 54, by Truman Capote and Andy Warhol.


ᅠᅠThe party was ostensibly to watch the 50th Academy Awards Ceremony live from LA and at the same time show off Polaroid’s video-beam technique – by which a TV picture can be projected by means of three light sources onto a flat screen. The lights and cameras on the way in were to demonstrate the new instant film techniques. So we were all being used in a way – either for Capote and Warhol’s ego, or simply Polaroid’s salesmanship.
ᅠᅠA glorious mixture of people. On one journey through the crowd I passed Dick Martin and Salvador Dali (not together). The model girl, Brooke Shields, who plays the twelve-year-old whore in Louis Malle’s shortly to open Pretty Baby was sitting beside us.
ᅠᅠThey bayed at the Academy Awards, especially when Vanessa Redgrave gave her short and rather mis-timed speech about anti-semitism and fascism and they roared with exultation at the three awards for Annie Hall. It was quite exciting in a wasteful way – for in the end the home crowd won. The starched and trim bronzinos of the West Coast, with their showbiz smiles and oozing wealth, were routed by the forces of the East Coast – by the critical, introspective, tasteful Mr Woody Allen. Woody, who was not even at the Hollywood awards, but was playing clarinet in Michael’s Pub in Greenwich Village. As Lome said, ‘Woody always has taste, and not being at the awards demonstrates taste at its highest.’


Sunday, September 17th, Monastir
Breakfast out on my balcony. Early light cloud disperses by mid-morning. Write various postcards and ring Helen and talk to the kids. Of course I miss them, but because of the holiday in France and the fact that this was all planned so long ago, I think we’re all adjusted to being apart, so it’s just good to hear them – not at all painful – apart from Willy, whose chief topic of conversation is that he’s just been hit on the head by Rachel.


Thursday, October 12th, Monastir
Down in the lobby when a travel-stained bus pulls into the almost deserted car park and disgorges three Palin children, one wife, Chris Miller [Eric’s PA], Eric’s son Carey (almost indistinguishable from William).
ᅠᅠTheir arrival virtually doubles the occupancy rate of the entire Meridien and for a couple of hours the lobby and lifts are full of restlessly energetic English nippers bringing more life to the place than I’ve detected in five weeks.

Tuesday, October 24th, Monastir
 Farewell to Monastir.


ᅠᅠAte at the Ex-Franco Arabe Café de L’Oasis, to give it its full title, with John C and friend Charlotte. It turned out that most of the crew were in there, as well as dozens of locals, so we took an age to get served – despite JC breaking a plate on the floor to attract the waiter’s attention.

No copyright infringement intended.