マイケル・ダイアリー(1973) | CAHIER DE CHOCOLAT



マイケル・ペイリン 『The Python Years: Diaries 1969 – 1979, Volume 1』より。

so far: 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972

after this: 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979



夜の間、奇妙な腸の不快感に襲われていた。3時10分前頃から6時までトイレで過ごして、ノーマン・コリンズの『London Belongs to Me』をほとんど読んだ。朝は日曜版の新聞を読みながらベッドで過ごし、朝食も昼食も取らなかった。トーマスは興味をそそられて、僕がだいじょうぶかどうか何度も見にきている。レゴを持ってきてくれたり、薬を届けたり、今までになくとても優しく丁重に話したり。訪問はだんだん頻繁になっていく。ウィリーを連れてくる。お皿いっぱいの4枚の薄切りトースト(僕が唯一昼食に望んでいたものだった)は、トーマスが上の階に持って上がってきたときには2枚しか残っていなかった。2時頃、彼とウィリーは僕のベッドでお話を聞いていた。3時頃には、僕はこれ以上病気でいてもむだだと思い、起きることにした。


6月11日(月)オタワ - カルガリー
その移動の途中で、パイソン、アメリカ、グループそのものについて、グレアムと話し始めた。そして、もしみんなが、ジョンは別として、次のパイソンのシリーズをやりたいと思うなら、それならやるべきだということがとつぜんはっきりした。英国とカナダの反応は新しいシリーズには大いに需要があるということを示していた。ジョンは、土曜日の夜、オタワのシャトー ローリエ(*レストラン)でパイソンに関する自分の立ち位置について、とてもはっきりと述べていた。パイソンの第4シリーズはサスカチュワンの小麦畑の上を飛んでいるときに誕生したということになるのかもしれない。


夕方、1時間近くJ クリーズと電話で話をしていた。







MICHAEL PALIN “The Python Years: Diaries 1969 – 1979, Volume 1”

Monday, March 5th
A Python meeting at Terry’s. The first time since the third LP in September that we have all contributed to a creative enterprise – in this case the second Python film. It was in many ways like a typical Python working day. Graham arrived late, and Terry made the coffee – and there was the usual indecision over whether to have a small lunch in, or a blow-out at one of Camberwell’s few restaurants – we even played touch football on the lawn, for the weather is mild and sunny – a sort of Indian summer at the wrong end of the year. But for me, the most heartening thing of all was the quality and quantity of the writing that Python has done over the last week. John and Graham, writing together apparently untraumatically for once, had produced some very funny material. Eric had a richer selection of ideas – which sparked off a lot of other ideas, and Terry and I had a rag-bag of sketches – more than anyone else, as usual, but with a pretty high acceptance rate. Today we proved that Python can still be as fresh as three years ago, and more prolific.

Sunday, March 11th, Abbotsley
Stricken, during the night, with a strange malaise of the bowels. Spent from about ten to three until six o’clock on the lavatory reading much of Norman Collins’ London Belongs to Me. Spend the morning in bed with the Sunday papers and no breakfast or lunch. Thomas is fascinated and keeps coming up to see if I’m alright – bringing me Lego and finding some medicine for me – and talking ever so sweetly and politely. Gradually the visits become more frequent. He brings Willy along with him. A plateful of four thin pieces of toast (all I wanted for lunch) has only two left on it by the time Thomas has brought it upstairs. Around two o’clock both he and William ended up in my sickbed listening to stories, so I decided that it was no longer worth being ill and got up around three.

Monday, June 11th, Ottawa―Calgary
A long travelling day. Owing to the selective strikes, we didn’t leave Ottawa airport until about 12.00, and then had to fly to Toronto to transfer to a plane to Calgary.
ᅠᅠOn the journey I started talking about Python, the States and the group itself to Graham, and it suddenly became very clear to us that if we all, apart from John, wanted to do another Python series, then we should do one. The reaction in Britain and Canada showed that there was a great demand for a new series, and John had stated his position vis-à-vis Python very clearly on Saturday night at the Chateau Laurier in Ottawa. Maybe a fourth Python series was born as we flew over the wheatlands of Saskatchewan.

Monday, September 10th
In the evening I spent nearly an hour on the phone with J Cleese.
ᅠᅠWe talked over everything – but I feel John wants to get completely out of all Python involvement. What a long way we’ve come since John’s phone calls four and a half years ago when he was trying to set up Python. So much has changed in John. V. interesting. We talk about it all the time.
Saturday, November 24th
 Drove up to Abbotsley at 50 mph as the government had requested. Most people appeared to be observing the unofficial limit.1 It was rather like being in a slow-motion film.

Friday, December 28th

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ᅠᅠPython has been directly hit by the new emergency fuel-saving powers. TV has been ordered to close down at 10.30 and our repeats, scheduled at 11.25, are now presumed cancelled.

( ... )

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