マイケル・ダイアリー(1971) | CAHIER DE CHOCOLAT



マイケル・ペイリン 『The Python Years: Diaries 1969 – 1979, Volume 1』より。

so far: 1969, 1970

after this: 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979



 5月5日、僕は28歳になった。5月6日の昼食の時に、モントルー・フェスティバルで僕たちが2位になり、“The Silver Rose”を受賞したと聞かされた。優勝したのはオーストリアの番組で、パイソンにそっくりだとみんな言っていた。『Peter Lodynski’s Flea-Market Company』というタイトルはまったく似てないとはいえないと僕も思う。でも、モントルーで学んだのはパイソンがパイソンのコピーに勝てなかった理由。残念ながらその答えは、彼らのプロダクションとプレゼンテーションは巧妙だった、一方、僕たちのほうは許しがたいほどに雑だった、ということだ。

Lodynski’s Flea-Market Company

ピーター・ロディンスキーはオーストリアの有名な俳優/脚本家の方ようです。『Lodynski’s Flea-Market Company』の放送は1971~1973年で、『Monty Python's Flying Circus(空飛ぶモンティ・パイソン)』は1968~1973年。動画は英語字幕がなく、何を言っているのかまったくわからないので、セリフのおもしろさは私にはわかりません。ただ、それ以外のヴィジュアル的な部分もなんともびみょうな感じはするのですが。






日記に大惨事が……! でも日記とマイケルには申し訳ないけれども、こういう時のマイケルの文章のおかしみ炸裂っぷりはたまらないものがあります。「putting things inside other things(あるものをほかのものの中に入れること)」は「 Putting Things on top of Other Things」にも似た響きがあって、思わず笑ってしまう。





MICHAEL PALIN “The Python Years: Diaries 1969 – 1979, Volume 1”

Wednesday, May 12th

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ᅠᅠOn May 5th I was 28, and on May 6th at lunchtime we heard that we had come second at the Montreux Festival – winning The Silver Rose. The winner was an Austrian show, which everyone said was exactly like Python and I must say the title – ‘Peter Lodynski’s Flea-Market Company’ – is not entirely dissimilar. But the lesson of Montreux is why did a Python copy defeat a Python original? The answer I fear is that their production and presentation was slick, whereas ours was unforgivably sloppy.

Thursday, June 24th
ᅠᅠLeaving the studio at 3.15, Terry and I had about two hours to buy assorted props and costumes for a cabaret at the University of East Anglia in the evening. It was a hot day and, to my added frustration, the shops around Camden Town and Hampstead were all closed. I was looking for old coats, berets, scarves, etc, for Ken Shabby – and there is little worse than driving in a hurry on a hot day round closed shops to try and find torn old clothes. However, the Simon Community in Maiden Road was open, and proved to be just what was wanted – but there was hardly time to throw the things in a suitcase, with toothbrush and black velvet suit, before the taxi arrived and we were taken off to Liverpool St.
ᅠᅠThere were thousands more people equally hot and equally hurried, and we only just managed to get seats in the restaurant car. John and Connie arrived with about 20 seconds to go, complete with cage and stuffed parrot.

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*Between Wednesday, August 11th and Friday, December 24th

The four-month gap at this point is the result of that diarist’s nightmare, the loss of an almost complete notebook. According to family folklore it was dumped in the rubbish bin by my son William who, at the age of one, had developed a great interest in putting things inside other things. Whatever happened, it never reappeared. Momentarily bereft, I felt like giving up the diary altogether but the loss made me realise that it had become such a part of my life, that it was inconceivable to jettison it. If anything, I compensated by writing more.

Friday, December 31st

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ᅠᅠThe split between John and Eric and the rest of us has grown a little recently. It doesn’t prevent us all from sharing – and enjoying sharing – most of our attitudes, except for attitudes to work. It’s the usual story – John and Eric see Monty Python as a means to an end – money to buy freedom from work. Terry J is completely the opposite and feels that Python is an end in itself – i.e. work which he enjoys doing and which keeps him from the dangerous world of leisure. In between are Graham and myself.

No copyright infringement intended.