ORT のもくじ (アルファベット順)【随時更新】2024年3月分まで反映済 | 多読ネタ ・ 多読本のあんなことこんなこと

多読ネタ ・ 多読本のあんなことこんなこと





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多読ネタ の もくじ

Oxford Reading Tree をレベルごとに分類


対象:Trunk & Branch Stories, Floppy's Phonics, Decode & Develop

★ のついているリンクを開くと、







1. ORT1 (語数0も含む)


A Good Trick

Apple, The

All the Kit

At School

Big Box, The

Big Spin, The
Big Paws
Dogs in the Mud
Egg Fun

Feed the Birds
Fish Tank, The
Floppy Did This
Floppy Floppy
Fly Away

From Cow to Cup

Fun at the Beach ★
Fun in the Snow
Get Dad
Get On
Getting Up

Good Trick, A

Haircut, The

Hedgehog, The
I See

Is It?

Just for Mum
Library, The

Look Out!

Lost Gloves, The

Lost Teddy, The

Next Door

Pancake, The

Round and Round

Six in a Bed

Street Fair, The
Swing Ball, The

The Apple
The Big Box

The Big Spin

The Fish Tank

The Haircut

The Hedgehog
The Library

The Lost Gloves

The Lost Teddy

The Pancake

The Street Fair
The Swing Ball
Up You Go

Who Is it?





2. ORT1+


A Big Mess

At the Park

Bag in the Bin
Big, Bad Bug

Big, Bad Snake, The 

Big Feet

Big Mess, A

Big Red Bus, The
Box of Treasure, The

Can You See Me?

Caterpillar, The 
Cat in a Bag

Catkin the Kitten


Chip’s Robot

Dog Tag, The

Enormous Crab, The ★

Fancy Dress
Floppy’s Bone
Go Away, Cat
Go Away, Floppy
Good Dog
Good Old Mum

Go On, Mum!

Headache, The

Hide and Seek

Hit and Miss

Hook a Duck ★

Hop, Hop, Pop!

I Can
Ice Cream, The

In the Tent

In the Trolley


Journey, The

Kipper’s Diary
Lemon Pip, The
Look After Me
Look at Me

Making Faces ★

Mud Pie, The
One Wheel
Pet Shop, The

Picnic on the Hill, The

Picture Book Man, The

Presents for Dad

Red Hen, The

Reds and Blues
Sandcastle, The ★

See Me Skip
Sock, The

The Big, Bad Snake
The Big Red Bus

The Box of Treasure

The Caterpillar

The Dog Tag
The Enormous Crab ★

The Headache

The Ice Cream

The Journey

The Lemon Pip
The Mud Pie

The Pet Shop

The Picnic on the Hill
The Picture Book Man
The Red Hen

The Sandcastle ★

The Tin Can Man

The Trampoline

Tin Can Man, The

Tip Top
Too Hot
Top Dog
Trampoline The

What a Din!
What a Mess! ★

What Dogs Like
Who Did That?





3. ORT2


A Big Bunch of Flowers

A New Dog
A Present for Mum

A Sinking Feeling

Baby-sitter, The

Backpack, The

Ball Pit, The

Band, The

Bang the Gong

Biff’s Aeroplane

Big Bunch of Flowers, A

Big Egg, The
Catch It!
Chase, The

Comic Fun


Dream, The

Falcon, The


Fizz-buzz, The

Floppy’s Bath
Floppy the Hero
Foggy Day, The

Go-kart, The

Gorilla on the Run
Got a Job?
Gulls' Picnic, The

Hey Presto!

Hole in the Sand, The


In a Bit
It’s the Weather


King and Queen
Kipper’s Balloon
Kipper’s Birthday
Kipper’s Laces

Less Mess

Little Dragon, The
Lost Puppy, The

Monkey Tricks
Naughty Children
New Dog, A

New Gingerbread Man
New Trainers
New Trees

Odd Egg, The ★

Poor Floppy

Posh Shops

Present for Mum, A
Put It Back

Quick, Pedal!
Red Noses 

Robin's Eggs


Sing Song, The

Sinking Feeling, A


Such a Fuss ★

The Baby-sitter

The Backpack
The Ball Pit

The Band
The Big Egg

The Chase

The Dream

The Falcon

The Fizz-buzz

The Foggy Day

The Go-kart
The Gulls' Picnic
The Hole in the Sand

The Little Dragon

The Lost Puppy

The Odd Egg ★

The Sing Song

The Toys’ Party
The Water Fight
The Wobbly Tooth ★
The Wishing Well

The Zip

Toys’ Party, The
Up and Down
Water Fight, The

What a Bad Dog!

What Is It?

Wishing Well, The

Wobbly Tooth, The ★

Zip, The





4. ORT3


A Bark in the Night
A Cat in the Tree

At the Pool
At the Seaside
A Walk in the Sun

Barbecue, The
Bark in the Night, A
Book Week
Bug Hunt
By the Stream

Carnival, The
Cat in the Tree, A
Chairs in the Air
Cold Day, The

Duck Race, The
Egg Hunt, The

Enormous Picture, The
Floppy and the Puppets
Gran and the Go-karts
Green Sheets

Helicopter Rescue  

Ice Rink, The
Jumble Sale, The ★
King of the Castle
Kipper’s Idea
Kipper the Clown
Leek Hotpot
Mister Haggis

Monkeys on the Car
Moon Jet, The
Mud Bath, The ★
Nobody Wanted to Play
On the Sand

Pond Dipping

Queen's Maid, The

Quick, Quick
Rain Again
Red Coat, The
Road Burner
Rook and the Ring, The
Rope Swing, The

Silver Foil Rocket

Snowman, The

Steel Band, The

Strawberry Jam

The Barbecue

The Carnival
The Cold Day

The Duck Race

The Egg Hunt

The Enormous Picture

The Ice Rink
The Jumble Sale ★
The Moon Jet
The Mud Bath ★
The Queen's Maid
The Red Coat

The Rook and the Ring

The Rope Swing

The Snowman
The Steel Band

Toads in the Road ★

Walk in the Sun, A

Wet Feet





5. ORT4


An Important Case

Balloon, The

Birthday Candle, The

Bowling Trip, The
Camcorder, The
Come In!

Crab Dragon

Craig Saves the Day


Dad’s Jacket
Den, The
Dolphin Rescue
Dragon Dance, The ★
Egg Fried Rice

Everyone Got Wet ★

Finger Snapper
Floppy and the Skateboard
Flying Elephant, The
Good Luck Stone, The

Gran’s New Glasses

Green Planet Kids

House for Sale
Important Case, An

Kid Rocket
Knight Who Was Afraid, The

Long Legs ★
Look Smart

Lost Chimp, The

Minibeast Zoo, The

New House
Nobody Got Wet
No Tricks, Gran!
Painting the Loft

Play, The
Poor Old Mum!
Scarf, The
Seal Pup, The


Secret Room, The

Stars, The

Storm, The
Stuck in the Mud
The Balloon

The Birthday Candle

The Bowling Trip

The Camcorder

The Den

The Dragon Dance
The Flying Elephant
The Good Luck Stone
The Knight Who Was Afraid

The Lost Chimp

The Minibeast Zoo
The Play
The Scarf
The Seal Pup
The Secret Room

The Stars
The Storm
The Weather Vane
The Wedding

Top of the mountain

Tug of War
Weather Vane, The
Wedding, The
Wet Paint





6. ORT5


Adventure Park, The
A Little Baby Boy

A Monster Mistake

A New Classroom

A Pet Called Cucumber

Bessie’s Flying Circus
Bush Fire!
Camping Adventure
Castle Adventure

Crab Island
Dad’s Run

Dragon Tree, The

Drawing Adventure
Frog's Tale, The
Gale, The
Great Race, The
Gran's New Blue Shoes

Haunted House, The

Highland Games
Ice City
In the Dark
It’s Not Fair
Kipper and the Trolls

Little Baby Boy, A
Missing Crystal, The
New Baby, The
New Classroom, A
Noah’s Ark Adventure
Magic Key, The
Monster Mistake, A

Mr Scroop's School
Mum to the Rescue
Orchid Thief, The
Pet Called Cucumber, A
Pirate Adventure

Playground, The
Please Do Not Sneeze
Queen of the Waves
Rowing Boats
Safari Adventure
Save Pudding Wood
Sleeping Beauty
The Adventure Park

The Dragon Tree

The Frog's Tale

The Gale

The Great Race

The Haunted House

The Magic Key

The Missing Crystal

The New Baby

The Orchid Thief

The Playground
The Whatsit

Uncle Max
Underground Adventure

Vanishing Cream
Village in the Snow

Whatsit, The
Where Next?





7. ORT6


A Fright in the Night

A Rare Pair of Bears
A Ship in Trouble

Bigfoot Mystery, The

Castle Garden, The
Change Gear! Steer!
Christmas Adventure
Fright in the Night, A

Go-kart Race, The

In the Garden
Kipper and the Giant
Land of Dinosaurs
Land of Letters
Laughing Princess, The
May Morning ★
Mirror Island 

Mum's Birthday Surprise
New Year Race, The
Olympic Adventure
On the Stage
Outing, The

Paris Adventure
Rare Pair of Bears, A
Robin Hood
Rotten Apples

Shiny Key, The

Ship in Trouble, A

Stolen Crown Part 1, The
Stolen Crown Part 2, The

The Bigfoot Mystery

The Castle Garden
The Go-kart Race
The Laughing Princess
The New Year Race
The Outing

The Shiny Key
The Stolen Crown Part 1
The Stolen Crown Part 2
The Treasure Chest

Top Score
Treasure Chest, The

Two Left Feet

Uncle Max and the Treasure





8. ORT7


A Sea Mystery

A Tall Tale

Australian Adventure
Big Breakfast, The ★

Broken Roof, The
Bully, The
Chinese Adventure

Detective Adventure
Holiday in Japan
Hunt for Gold, The
Jigsaw Puzzle, The
Joke Machine, The ★

Lost in the Jungle
Lost Key, The

Magic Tricks

Motorway, The

Portrait Problem, The
Power Cut, The

Red Planet
Riddle Stone Part 1, The
Riddle Stone Part 2, The
Roman Adventure
Sea Mystery, A
Submarine Adventure

Tall Tale, A
The Big Breakfast ★

The Broken Roof

The Bully

The Hunt for Gold
The Jigsaw Puzzle

The Joke Machine ★

The Lost Key

The Motorway

The Portrait Problem
The Power Cut

The Riddle Stone Part 1
The Riddle Stone Part 2
The Time Capsule

The Willow Pattern Plot ★

Time Capsule, The
Willow Pattern Plot, The ★





9. ORT8


A Day in London

A Good Turn

A Lucky Find

Beehive Fence, The
Day in London, A

Egyptian Adventure

Evil Genie, The
Flying Carpet, The

Good Turn, A

Kidnappers, The
Lucky Find, A
Ogre's Dinner, The
Pocket Money
Rainbow Machine, The
Save Floppy!
Secret Pop Star, The
Strange Old House, The
The Beehive Fence
The Evil Genie
The Flying Carpet
The Kidnappers
The Ogre's Dinner
The Rainbow Machine

The Secret Pop Star

The Strange Old House

Victorian Adventure
Viking Adventure

What Was It Like?





10. ORT9


A Knight in Town

Blue Eye, The

Dutch Adventure ★
Fair-haired Samurai, The
Finest in the Land, The
Fireball in the Sky
Flying Machine, The
Green Island

Journey, The
Key Trouble

Knight in Town, A

Litter Queen, The
Princes in the Tower
Quest, The


Storm Castle
Survival Adventure
The Blue Eye
The Fair-haired Samurai

The Finest in the Land
The Flying Machine

The Journey

The Litter Queen
The Quest
The Travelling Players
Travelling Players, The





11. Time Chronicles (ORTの続き)


A Jack and Three Queens

Beyond the Door

Cauldron of Darkness, The

Enigma Plot, The

Fire in the Dark

Jack and Three Queens, A

Jewel in the Hub, The

Making a Bolt For It

Matrix Mission, The

Mission Victory

Power of the Cell, The

Stone of Destiny, The

Strange Box, The

Stranger at the Gate

The Cauldron of Darkness

The Enigma Plot

The Jewel in the Hub

The Matrix Mission

The Power of the Cell

The Stone of Destiny

The Strange Box

The Thief Who Stole Nothing

The Time Web

The Will of the People

Thief Who Stole Nothing, The

Time Runners

Time Web, The

Tyler: His Story

Will of the People, The










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