フェンネル 凄すぎる9つの 効能 | スパイシー丸山「カレーなる365日」Powered by Ameba

フェンネル 凄すぎる9つの 効能













































Pavitra Sampath  

TheHealthSite.com 2015年4月22日





1. 口臭を消してくれます


使用方法: 口臭を消したい時は食後にフェンネルシードをいくつか噛みましょう。歯肉炎の場合は、フェンネルシードをお湯で煮て作ったフェンネル水で口をゆすぐのが良いでしょう。定期的に行うことで、口臭を抑え、口腔健康を保つことができます。


2. 消化不良、便秘、鼓腸の改善に役立ちます





フェンネルの種は骨盤内および子宮内の血流を刺激し、調節するのを助けます(フェンネルシードは月経促進薬としても知られています)。この特性により月経痛を和らげてくれるのです。Journal of research in Ayurvedaに発表された研究によると、フェンネルシードの抽出物をその期間中に摂取した女性は月経痛の軽減が見られました。


使用方法: 大さじ1杯のフェンネルシードをお湯で煮立たせます。水の色が変わるまで煮込み、濾(こ)して下さい。温かいうちに飲みましょう。



4. 癌予防に役立ちます



5. 貧血から守ってくれます







フェンネルシードには利尿作用があるので、消化を改善し、代謝率を高めるのに役立ちます。それは減量ための素晴らしい自然な方法と言えるでしょう。Journal of Diabetes and Metabolic Syndromeに掲載された研究によると、フェンネルシード、アニス、ブラッククミンの組み合わせは、インスリン感受性を高め、体重の減量を促してくれます。またそれだけでなくコレステロール値を低下させたり、インスリン感受性を高めてくれます-これらは全てメタボリックシンドロームや糖尿病の克服に役立つのです。


使用方法: フェンネルシードを乾煎りしミルサーなどで挽いてパウダー状にします。お湯を注いだグラスにそのフェンネルパウダーを混ぜて飲みましょう。効果的な結果を得るためには1日2回、空腹時に飲んで飲んでください。





Journal of Food Science に発表された研究によると、フェンネルシードは亜硝酸塩と硝酸塩を豊富に含んでおり、この2つの組み合わせは血管新生(既存の血管か​​らの新しい血管が作られること)と血管弛緩(血管の拡張)に役立つことがわかりました。さらに唾液中の亜硝酸塩の増加が促されるので、フェンネルシードを噛むことは血圧レベルをキープする素晴らしい自然な方法と言えるでしょう。これらの特性とは別にフェンネルシードにはたくさんのカリウムも含まれています。カリウムは細胞や体液に欠かせない成分なので、心拍数や血圧のコントロールにも役立つのです。


使用方法: 毎食後にフェンネルシードをいくつか噛んでください。あなたの血圧を調整してくれるだけでなく、消化のスピードを助け、心臓の負担を減らしてくれるでしょう。

9. ニキビを予防し、肌の健康に役立ちます



使用方法: お湯の色が変わるまでフェンネルシードを煮立たせてください。冷やしてから化粧水として使いましょう。顔に塗り15分ほどおいて常温の水で洗い流しましょう。









9 reasons you should have saunf or fennel seeds right now!

Here's why you should chew on fennel seeds after every meal.

Pavitra Sampath  | Updated: April 22, 2015 11:30 am



A common practice in most Indian households is to have a few fennel seeds or saunf at the end of every meal. While you might think this practice is just to freshen your breath, think again. A concentrated source of minerals like copper, iron, calcium, potassium, manganese, selenium, zinc, and magnesium, the age-old Indian practice does a lot more than simply beat bad breath. Here are the 9 health benefits of eating saunf or fennel seeds.

1. Beats bad breath: Fennel seeds or saunf is a great mouth freshener. The seeds contain several aromatic oils that help get rid of bad odour from the mouth and aids in increasing the amount of saliva secreted in your mouth, which in turn washes away any food particles in your mouth and kick-starts the digestion process. Apart from that the anti bacterial and anti inflammatory properties of the seeds help get rid of organisms that cause the bad breath and soothes infected gums. You may also like to read about more home remedies to beat bad breath.

Tip for use: Chewing on a few fennel seeds after a meal helps beat bad breath. If you have infected gums a good way is to boil a few fennel seeds in water and use the decoction to gargle. Doing this on a regular basis helps beat bad breath at bay and keeps your mouth healthy.

2. Helps remedy indigestionconstipation and bloating: Known for its carmative properties, fennel seeds are great to beat indigestion. The seeds work on your digestion right from the time they are chewed. Their essential components increase salivation that starts the digestion process. Apart from that the seed’s ability to stimulate the digestive tract help in the proper digestion and assimilation of food, moving it through the tract quickly beating bloating and gas. The high fiber content also helps relieve constipation by absorbing water and softening stools.You may also like to read about some effective home remedies to beat constipation.

3. Relieves menstrual pain: Fennel seeds help stimulate and regulate the flow of blood in the pelvic and uterine area (also known as an emmenagogue). This property makes the seeds perfect to relieve menstrual pain. According to a study published in the Journal of research in Ayurveda[6] women who had fennel seed extracts during their periods found substantial relief from menstrual pain. Here are some easy and effective home remedies to beat menstrual pain. 

Tip: Boil a tablespoon full of saunf in some water. Allow it to boil till the water changes colour and then strain out the decoction. Have this warm for effective relief from menstrual pain.

4. Helps keep cancer at bay: Saunf is a very rich source of manganese. This mineral is used by your body as a co-factor to produce the powerful anti-oxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase — making fennel seeds perfect to beat the onset of cancer. Apart from that the seeds also have very potent free radical scavenging properties and phytoneutrients that help beat oxidative stress and protect the body from the carcinogenic effects of free radicals. Found to be especially good in keeping cancers of the skin[2], stomach[2] and breasts at bay, fennel seeds have a very potent chemomodulatory effect [7] too.

5. Protects from anaemia: Fennel seeds are packed with iron, copper and histidine[4] — all three of which are required for the production of the production and formation of red blood cells. The seeds, when eaten, help increase the iron content in your body, helping in the production of haemoglobin. Known to be especially good for pregnant woman and to keep them safe from the ill effects of anaemia, saunf eaten on a daily basis can be extremely beneficial. You may also like to read about other home remedies to beat anaemia and increase your blood count.

6. Beats water retention: Fennel seeds also have diuretic properties that make it excellent to get rid of water retention or oedema. This property is also one of the ways fennel seeds help in losing weight. Oedema can be due to a number of causes, so before you use this remedy detecting the cause is essential.

7. Can help you lose weight: Since saunf has diuretic properties, helps improve digestion and increases your rate of metabolism it is a great, natural way to lose weight. According to a study published in the Journal of Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome, having a combination of fennel seeds, aniseeds and black cumin helps increase insulin sensitivity and can aids in weight loss. It also helped lower cholesterol levels and helped increase insulin sensitivity — all of which help beat metabolic syndrome and diabetes.

Tip for use: Dry roast some fennel seeds and grind them. Now take a spoon of this powder and mix it into a glass of warm water. Drink this decoction twice a day on an empty stomach for effective results.

8. Helps regulate your blood pressure: A study published in the Journal of Food Science [8] found that fennel seeds were a rich source of nitrite and nitrates — two compounds that help in anginogenesis (production of new blood vessels from an existing blood vessel) and vasorelaxation (dilating of blood vessels). It also showed that chewing on fennel seeds helped increase the nitrite content in saliva making it a great natural way to keep a check on your blood pressure level. Apart from these properties fennel seeds also have a large amount of potassium; and since potassium is an essential component of cell and body fluids it helps control your heart rate and blood pressure.

Tip: Chew on a few fennel seeds right after every meal. This will not only help regulate your blood pressure but will help speed along the digestive process and reduce the load on your heart.

9. Helps prevent acne and keeps your skin healthy: Packed with antibacterial and antioxidant properties, fennel seeds are also great for your skin. Applying a solution made with this seed helps keep acne at bay and its antioxidant properties help get rid of the ill effects of oxidative stress; keeping your skin toned, healthy and wrinkle-free. It is also know to beat the other signs of ageing like dark spots and fine lines. Guava leaves are also great to keep the signs of ageing at bay, here is how you can use it.

Tip: Boil a few fennel seeds in water till the water changes colour. Now cool the mixture and use it as a toner. All you have to do is apply it on your face, leave it for 15 minutes and then wash it off with room temperature water.















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