【米国の腹の蟲】ネタニヤフ米議会演説と米大統領選 | ☆Dancing the Dream ☆

☆Dancing the Dream ☆

Let us celebrate
The Joy of life ♡
with ☆Michael Jackson☆



”A new generation of Palestinians must no longer be taught to hate Jews but rather to live in peace with us. Those twin words, demilitarization and deradicalization, those two concepts were applied to Germany and Japan after World War II, and that led to decades of peace, prosperity and security.”

「パレスチナ人の新しい世代は、もはやユダヤ人を憎むのではなく、私たちと平和に暮らすことを教えられなければならない。非武装化と非過激化という二双の言葉は、第二次世界大戦後のドイツと日本に適用された。 そして、その結果、数十年にわたる平和と繁栄と安全がもたらされたのである。」




2018年 カマラ・ハリス米国副大統領 訪韓。

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FULL SPEECH: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu makes address to Congress
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We’re protecting you: Full text of Netanyahu’s address to Congress

Netanyahu's Long History of Lying About Fake 'WMDs' in Iran and Iraq

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has a long history of falsely claiming Iran and Iran are hiding nuclear weapons, from 1990 to 2018 - Ben Norton reports.

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また、イラク戦争(2003年3月20日 – 2011年12月15日)半年前の2002年9月、米国議会公聴会の演説で、イラクの「核兵器」について繰り返し嘘をついてきた。


Thank you all for letting me come by. I want to open today’s speech with a story that begins on a sunny morning, when thousands of Americans were murdered in a surprise attack -- and our nation was propelled into a conflict that would take us to every corner of the globe.


The enemy who attacked us despises freedom, and harbors resentment at the slights he believes America and Western nations have inflicted on his people. He fights to establish his rule over an entire region. And over time, he turns to a strategy of suicide attacks destined to create so much carnage that the American people will tire of the violence and give up the fight.


If this story sounds familiar, it is -- except for one thing. The enemy I have just described is not al Qaeda, and the attack is not 9/11, and the empire is not the radical caliphate envisioned by Osama bin Laden. Instead, what I’ve described is the war machine of Imperial Japan in the 1940s, its surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, and its attempt to impose its empire throughout East Asia.


Ultimately, the United States prevailed in World War II, and we have fought two more land wars in Asia. And many in this hall were veterans of those campaigns. Yet even the most optimistic among you probably would not have foreseen that the Japanese would transform themselves into one of America’s strongest and most steadfast allies, or that the South Koreans would recover from enemy invasion to raise up one of the world’s most powerful economies, or that Asia would pull itself out of poverty and hopelessness as it embraced markets and freedom.


The lesson from Asia’s development is that the heart’s desire for liberty will not be denied. Once people even get a small taste of liberty, they’re not going to rest until they’re free. Today’s dynamic and hopeful Asia -- a region that brings us countless benefits -- would not have been possible without America’s presence and perseverance. It would not have been possible without the veterans in this hall today. And I thank you for your service. (Applause.)


There are many differences between the wars we fought in the Far East and the war on terror we’re fighting today. But one important similarity is at their core they’re ideological struggles. The militarists of Japan and the communists in Korea and Vietnam were driven by a merciless vision for the proper ordering of humanity. They killed Americans because we stood in the way of their attempt to force their ideology on others.


Today, the names and places have changed, but the fundamental character of the struggle has not changed. Like our enemies in the past, the terrorists who wage war in Iraq and Afghanistan and other places seek to spread a political vision of their own -- a harsh plan for life that crushes freedom, tolerance, and dissent.


Like our enemies in the past, they kill Americans because we stand in their way of imposing this ideology across a vital region of the world. This enemy is dangerous; this enemy is determined; and this enemy will be defeated. (Applause.)


We’re still in the early hours of the current ideological struggle, but we do know how the others ended -- and that knowledge helps guide our efforts today. The ideals and interests that led America to help the Japanese turn defeat into democracy are the same that lead us to remain engaged in Afghanistan and Iraq.


The defense strategy that refused to hand the South Koreans over to a totalitarian neighbor helped raise up a Asian Tiger that is the model for developing countries across the world, including the Middle East. The result of American sacrifice and perseverance in Asia is a freer, more prosperous and stable continent whose people want to live in peace with America, not attack America.


At the outset of World War II there were only two democracies in the Far East -- Australia and New Zealand. Today most of the nations in Asia are free, and its democracies reflect the diversity of the region. Some of these nations have constitutional monarchies, some have parliaments, and some have presidents. Some are Christian, some are Muslim, some are Hindu, and some are Buddhist. Yet for all the differences, the free nations of Asia all share one thing in common: Their governments derive their authority from the consent of the governed, and they desire to live in peace with their neighbors.


Along the way to this freer and more hopeful Asia, there were a lot of doubters. Many times in the decades that followed World War II, American policy in Asia was dismissed as hopeless and naive. And when we listen to criticism of the difficult work our generation is undertaking in the Middle East today, we can hear the echoes of the same arguments made about the Far East years ago.


In the aftermath of Japan’s surrender, many thought it naive to help the Japanese transform themselves into a democracy. Then as now, the critics argued that some people were simply not fit for freedom.


Some said Japanese culture was inherently incompatible with democracy. Joseph Grew, a former United States ambassador to Japan who served as Harry Truman’s Under Secretary of State, told the President flatly that -- and I quote -- "democracy in Japan would never work." He wasn’t alone in that belief. A lot of Americans believed that -- and so did the Japanese -- a lot of Japanese believed the same thing: democracy simply wouldn’t work.


Others critics said that Americans were imposing their ideals on the Japanese. For example, Japan’s Vice Prime Minister asserted that allowing Japanese women to vote would "retard the progress of Japanese politics."


It’s interesting what General MacArthur wrote in his memoirs. He wrote, "There was much criticism of my support for the enfranchisement of women. Many Americans, as well as many other so-called experts, expressed the view that Japanese women were too steeped in the tradition of subservience to their husbands to act with any degree of political independence." That’s what General MacArthur observed. In the end, Japanese women were given the vote; 39 women won parliamentary seats in Japan’s first free election. Today, Japan’s minister of defense is a woman, and just last month, a record number of women were elected to Japan’s Upper House. Other critics argued that democracy -- (applause.)


There are other critics, believe it or not, that argue that democracy could not succeed in Japan because the national religion -- Shinto -- was too fanatical and rooted in the Emperor. Senator Richard Russell denounced the Japanese faith, and said that if we did not put the Emperor on trial, "any steps we may take to create democracy are doomed to failure." The State Department’s man in Tokyo put it bluntly: "The Emperor system must disappear if Japan is ever really to be democratic."

信じられないかもしれないが、国家宗教 である神道はあまりにも狂信的で天皇に深く根ざしていたので、民主主義は日本で成功しないと主張する他の批評家もいます。リチャード・ラッセル上院議員は日本の宗教を非難して天皇を裁判にかけられないなら「民主主義を創り出すための如何なる手段も失敗に終わるだろう」と言いました。東京駐在の国務省役人は「日本が本当に民主的になるためには天皇制が無くならなければならない」とにべもなく言いました。

Those who said Shinto was incompatible with democracy were mistaken, and fortunately, Americans and Japanese leaders recognized it at the time, because instead of suppressing the Shinto faith, American authorities worked with the Japanese to institute religious freedom for all faiths. Instead of abolishing the imperial throne, Americans and Japanese worked together to find a place for the Emperor in the democratic political system.


And the result of all these steps was that every Japanese citizen gained freedom of religion, and the Emperor remained on his throne and Japanese democracy grew stronger because it embraced a cherished part of Japanese culture. And today, in defiance of the critics and the doubters and the skeptics, Japan retains its religions and cultural traditions, and stands as one of the world’s great free societies. (Applause.)


You know, the experts sometimes get it wrong. An interesting observation, one historian put it -- he said, "Had these erstwhile experts" -- he was talking about people criticizing the efforts to help Japan realize the blessings of a free society -- he said, "Had these erstwhile experts had their way, the very notion of inducing a democratic revolution would have died of ridicule at an early stage."

ご存知の通り、専門家はときに間違います。興味深い見解をある歴史家が提示しました。彼はこう言ったのです。「かつての専門家― 日本を助けて自由社会の恩恵を自覚させる努力について批判した人たち―が意を通していたら民主改革を導入する意識は初期段階で馬鹿にされて死んでしまっただろう。」

Instead, I think it’s important to look at what happened. A democratic Japan has brought peace and prosperity to its people. Its foreign trade and investment have helped jump-start the economies of others in the region. The alliance between our two nations is the lynchpin for freedom and stability throughout the Pacific. And I want you to listen carefully to this final point: Japan has transformed from America’s enemy in the ideological struggle of the 20th century to one of America’s strongest allies in the ideological struggle of the 21st century. (Applause.)


One Night at Madison Square Garden (1939, COLORIZED) When 20,000 Nazis Held a Rally in NYC
この衝撃的な映像は、スノーデンの驚くべきドキュメンタリー『CitizenFour(シチズンフォー スノーデンの暴露)』の監督、ローラ・ポイトラスによって復元された。

A Night at the Garden

Oscars Film Shows Nazi Rally at Madison Square Garden
Inside Edition
A Night at the Garden(2017)

マーシャル・カリーの『A Night at the Garden』がアカデミー賞短編ドキュメンタリー賞にノミネートされた。この映画は、1939年にニューヨークのマディソン・スクエア・ガーデンで開催されたアメリカ人ナチスの集会を描いたもので、すべて記録映像で構成されている。この集会には、第二次世界大戦前夜に2万人が集まった。「この映画の教訓は、「私たちは、私たちを互いに対して煽動するリーダーに対して脆弱である 」ということだ、とカリーはInsideEdition.comに語った。

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