※ID【略】identification 同一であることの証明となるもの;identity 本人である事の確認
Is it my number card in Japan?
National ID Cards and the Mark Of the Beast | | Countdown to Armageddon
※●(RFIDチップ)radio frequency identificationとは?
ラジオ周波数によるID認証マイクロチップ、IC と小型アンテナが組み込まれたタグやカード状の媒体から,電波を介して情報を読み取る非接触型の自動認識技術。
複数の媒体の情報を一括で読み取る事や,内蔵された IC への新たな書き込みが可能で,情報を消去して媒体を再利用することもできる。
The technology needed to institute the coming “mark of the Beast” economic system, as foretold in the Bible, is progressing rapidly. So is the media campaign that will help put it in place. As governments worldwide debate the use of microchips in national ID cards and passports, as RFID (radio frequency ID) chips gain more widespread use commercially, and as microchip implants in pets and even humans become more common, new questions are being asked and old debates are being reopened. This month’s question:
Could national ID cards be the mark of the Beast?
The British government has begun issuing passports containing biometric identifiers (such as iris patterns or fingerprints), and Parliament is debating a bill that would make national ID cards compulsory in 2008. Lawmakers in the U.S. and other countries may follow suit. These ID cards are not the mark of the Beast, as the Bible plainly states that bearers will receive the mark of the Beast in their right hands or on their foreheads.
“He [the Antichrist’s government] causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on [or “in”] their right hand or on [in] their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the Beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the Beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.”
Revelation 13:16-18
また、小さき者にも、大いなる者にも、富める者にも、貧しき者にも、自由人にも、奴隷にも、すべての人々に、その●右の手あるいは●額に刻印を押させ、 この刻印のない者はみな、物を買うことも売ることもできないようにした。この刻印は、その獣の名、または、その名の数字のことである。 ここに、知恵が必要である。思慮のある者は、獣の数字を解くがよい。その数字とは、●人間をさすものである。そして、その数字は六百六十六●666である。」
黙示録 13:16-18
These ID cards are, however, preparing the way. The more people get used to some new government regulation, restriction, or provision, the more they tolerate it and eventually just learn to live with it. What may at first seem unthinkable and raise howls of protest, later becomes accepted by a few, then many, then most. And that’s how the Antichrist and his agents will capitalize on these compulsory ID cards to prepare the world for what’s next.
Once national ID cards become the norm in parts of the world where they were previously unknown, the next step will be to sell the public on the advantages of microchip implants over plastic cards?convenience, security, cost effectiveness, better law enforcement, and so on?and that it’s time to switch to the Verichip1 or something similar. Once the Antichrist’s government makes the mark of the Beast mandatory (Daniel 11:31; Matthew 24:15,21; Revelation 13:14-18), what better way to carry it out than microchip implants? Our present currency-based economic system will then be obsolete, because the chip will be capable of linking electronically to everyone’s personal financial records.
(聖書のダニエル 11:31; マタイ 24:15,21; 黙示録 13:14-18),
As far as we know, national ID cards are not the mark of the Beast. Neither is the Verichip1. Both of these are, however, precursors of the mark of the Beast.
VerichipTM is a rice-size injectable microchip. It is a product of the U.S. company Applied Digital Solutions, and is already being used to monitor pets, convicts, Alzheimer’s patients, and children, and by the military, police, and fire departments for ID purposes. It is also being used in place of membership cards at some trendy nightclubs and resorts. These applications will be expanded, and other applications are sure to follow.
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◆When Does the Mark of the Beast Begin? | | Countdown to Armageddon
The book of Revelation predicts that before Jesus’ return a world dictator known as the Antichrist will rise to power and rule for seven years. He will abolish all religions and insist that the world worship him. He and his chief minister, whom the book of Revelation refers to as the “false prophet,” will also institute the “mark of the Beast” in an effort to exercise total economic and political control.
The mark of the Beast will begin to be enforced halfway through the Antichrist’s seven-year rule, at the beginning of the Great Tribulation. That conclusion is based on the following Bible passages:
“He [the false prophet] causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on [or “in,” as in the King James translation] their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the Beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the Beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.”
Revelation 13:16-18
「彼[偽預言者]は、また小さき者にも、大いなる者にも、富める者にも、貧しき者にも、自由人にも、奴隷にも、すべての人々に、その●右の手あるいは●額に[ キング・ジェームス訳では「●中に」]刻印を押させ、 この刻印のない者はみな、物を買うことも売ることもできないようにした。この刻印は、その獣の名、または、その名の数字のことである。
黙示録 13:16-18
We also know that the Antichrist will sign a seven-year pact or covenant, which he will break at the halfway mark: “Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week [seven years]; but in the middle of the week [3.5years] he shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering” (Daniel 9:27).
(ダニエル 9:27).
Next, we know that after the Antichrist breaks the covenant his false prophet will erect something called the “abomination of desolation” in the “holy place”?presumably in or near the soon-to-be-rebuilt Jewish temple on Mount Moriah, in Jerusalem. “Forces shall be mustered by him, and they shall defile the sanctuary fortress; then they shall take away the daily sacrifices, and place there the abomination of desolation” (Daniel 11:31).
(ダニエル 11:31).
旧約聖書『レビ記』でモーセが定めた供犠の1つ。供物を必要とし,雄牛,羊,やぎ,はと (この場合は,雄,雌を問わない) のみが用いられた。その目的は神の崇敬と賛美,神への感謝,祈願,贖罪の4つに大別され,供物が供壇で焼き尽され,神のみに捧げられ,供犠中 最も高貴なものとされた。
Five hundred years after Daniel gave that prophecy, Jesus’ disciples asked Him what would be the sign of His return and of the end of the world, and Jesus cited this development, among others. “When you see the ‘abomination of desolation,’ spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place … then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. … Immediately after the tribulation of those days … they will see the Son of Man [Jesus] coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory” (Matthew 24:15,21,29?30).
「預言者ダニエルによって言われた荒らす憎むべき者が、聖なる場所に立つのを見たならば(読者よ、悟れ)、… その時には、世の初めから現在に至るまで、かつてなく今後ないような●大きな患難が起るからである。 …しかし、その時に起る患難の●後、… そのとき、人の子(イエス・キリスト)のしるしが天に現れるであろう。またそのとき、地のすべての民族は嘆き、そして力と大いなる栄光とをもって、人の子が天の雲に乗って来るのを、人々は見るであろう。」
(マタイの福音書 24:15,21,29?30).
This brings us back to our opening passage, Revelation 13:16?18, about the false prophet enforcing the mark of the Beast economic system, under which no one will be able to buy or sell without the mark. Again, it seems fairly certain that this will begin to be enforced halfway through the Antichrist’s seven-year rule, at the beginning of the Great Tribulation.
At this point we can only speculate what form this mark will take, but it could very well be a tiny computer chip or radio frequency identification tag (RFID) that is implanted under the skin and linked to a database containing the bearer’s personal and financial information.
How far away is this? It’s impossible to say just yet, but considering the present rate at which technology is advancing, it could happen soon. For nearly 2,000 years, ever since the apostle John wrote this passage about the Antichrist’s worldwide economic system, such a thing had been inconceivable. Now, with computers and the Internet, electronic banking, and the increasing globalization of the world’s markets and economies, it’s not so inconceivable after all! In fact, it looks like the logical next step?and that’s what the Antichrist is counting on.
With the VeriChip1 and RFIDs receiving more widespread use and publicity, the campaign to sell the world on the chip implant idea is underway. The technology needed to carry out the Antichrist’s plan for worldwide economic control, however, is not yet in place. He cannot control the buying and selling of the entire world until there is an integrated electronic banking network with common, universal standards. That’s in the future, but considering how rapidly things are moving in that direction, it may be the relatively near future.
VeriChip1ベリチップ1とRFIDがより広く使用され、広報が受け入れられ、チップ・インプラント埋め込みの考えを世界に販売するキャンペーンが進行中です。世界的な経済コントロールの為に反キリストの計画を実行するのに必要な技術はありますが、しかし実際に機能はしてはいません。一般的な、全世界基準の統合した集積電子バンキング・ネットワークがあるまで、彼は全世界の売買をコントロールする事はできません。それは将来的にですが、物事はその方向に動いていて、考慮すると、比較的 急速的に近い将来かもしれません。
Night and Day
After the darkest night in world history, we are going to have the brightest dawn! The fast-approaching night is going to be the nightmare of the Great Tribulation, and the day, the coming of Christ.
Things have got to get worse before they can get better, but in spite of the horrors of the growing darkness of this world, we know that it’s all going to work out right in the end. The darkest hour is just before dawn!?And the faster it gets worse, the sooner it’s going to get better! So keep looking up!
物事は、より良くなる事ができる前に悪くならなければなりませんが、この世界の闇の恐怖が増加し,大きくなるにもかかわらず、我々は最後にはすべて正しくうまくいき,よい結果となる事を知っています。最も暗い時間は、ちょうど夜明け前にある! および、より速く悪化するが、それはすぐに良くなる為に起こっています!だから上を見上げて下さい!
We have to go through a dark place of trials and tribulations, but then we’re going to come out into the sunshine on the other side and all these things will be blotted out like an evil dream! One of these days Jesus is going to stop the world and we’re going to get off, away from all this worldly confusion and into the peace and the quiet and the beauty and the love and the wonder of that wonderland beyond in heavenly places with Him! Just a little longer, then dawns His glorious morning!
David Brandt Berg
VeriChip is a rice-size injectable microchip. It is a product of the U.S.-based company Applied Digital Solutions, and is already being used to monitor children, convicts, pets, Alzheimer’s patients, and others, as well as to provide ID in government agencies and trendy nightclubs and resorts. Other applications are sure to follow.
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