▲第1章 預言者ダニエルバビロンの捕囚パート1Daniel the ProphetCh | Paul Sakamotoのブログ

Paul Sakamotoのブログ


▲第1章 預言者ダニエル
Daniel the Prophet

Chapter One

It is extremely important in order to understand the Future and current world situation!

A Captive of Babylon

Daniel the Prophet

Daniel 1

Read Scripture
The Book of Daniel opens with the soon-to-be king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar II, besieging the city of Jerusalem, the capital of the kingdom of Judah.


To put this in perspective, a little history is needed. For centuries before this event, the Assyrian Empire had cruelly ruled most of the Middle East, including the city of Babylon. It had conquered and destroyed Israel, Judah’s sister kingdom to the north, in 722 BC, had deported many of Israel’s inhabitants, and had largely repopulated that land with non-Hebrew people displaced during their other conquests.

総体的な見方, 大局観(物事の)遠近に応じた見方で、これを位置づけるには、少しの歴史(の勉強)が必要とされます。

Meanwhile, people from Chaldea, south of Babylon, had settled in the city of Babylon. Their leader, Nabopolassar, established himself as Babylon’s king in 626 BC, after driving out the brother of the Assyrian king who previously had been its petty king and the vassal of his brother. The Assyrian royal house then engaged in civil war between the rival brothers, so Nabopolassar found himself given a free hand to establish the Chaldean dynasty in Babylon and begin what was to become the Neo-Babylonian Empire.


The internecine warfare caused the once invincible Assyrians to fall into sharp decline. Barbarian tribes were making inroads on Assyria’s northern borders. At the same time, the Medes, a confederation of powerful nomadic tribes living in the land we now know as Iran, were on the offensive in the east. Nabopolassar, sensing the winds of change, allied himself with the Medes and, together, in 612 BC they sacked Nineveh, the Assyrian capital, once thought impregnable, and left it a wasteland. Just as the Jewish prophets Nahum and Zephaniah had predicted in 713 BC and 627 BC respectively: “[Nineveh] is empty, desolate, and waste!” (Nahum 2:10) and “a desolation, as dry as the wilderness!” (Zephaniah 2:13).

それと同時に、私達が今、イランとして知っているメディア メデスの土地に住んでいる強力な遊牧民の連合は、東への攻勢にありました。
ユダヤ人の預言者ナホムとゼパニヤはそれぞれ紀元前713年、紀元前627年に預言していたのと同じように、「 [ニネベは]消えうせ、むなしくなり、荒れはてた。心は消え、ひざは震え、すべての腰には痛みがあり、すべての顔は色を失った。」
 (ナホム 2:10)
そして、「 主はまた北に向かって手を伸べ、アッスリヤを滅ぼし、ニネベを荒して、荒野のような、かわいた地とされる。」
(ゼパニヤ 2:13).


Jonah, of Jonah-and-the-whale fame, wrote of Nineveh as an “exceeding great city.” It lay on the eastern bank of the Tigris River in what is now modern-day Iraq, stretching for some 50 kilometers at an average breadth of 20 kilometers. A system of 18 canals brought water from the hills to Nineveh. After a period of decline, Nineveh finally fell in 612 BC, when it was attacked and razed to the ground by the Medes, Babylonians, and others. The Assyrian Empire shortly afterwards came to an end, the Medes and Babylonians dividing its provinces between them.

それはメディア メデス人、バビロニア人、および他によって攻撃され、地に取り壊された時の衰退の期間の後、ニネベは最終的に、紀元前612年に陥落しました。
メディア メデス人とバビロニア人は、その地方を、彼らの間で分割しました。

Around 400 BC, when Xenophon, the Greek soldier and historian, passed where Nineveh had stood, he made no mention of it. The city was buried, out of sight, never to rise from its ruins. In fact, the idea that there had ever been an Assyrian Empire was in doubt until recent centuries. Skeptics claimed that the stories of its greatness and the names of its leaders as recorded in the Bible were fables. Yet when the ruins of its great cities such as Asshur and Nineveh began to be uncovered in the late nineteenth century, the critics were silenced, and once again the veracity of the Bible was displayed.

このようなアッシュールとニネベとしての偉大な都市の遺跡は、19世紀後半に●発見され始めた時に、批評家は沈黙して、再び●聖書の真実性, 正確性が明確に展示されました。

The Assyrians were down but not totally out, and they had powerful allies. One of these was the Egyptian Pharaoh Necho II, who in the spring of 609 BC marched north with his armies to aid them.


We are not told why, but Josiah, the king of Judah, known for his piety and restoring the Law of Moses to its prominent place in Judah, denied Necho passage through his territories on his way to the relief of the Assyrians. He met Necho in battle at Megiddo, a site that will feature in the great Endtime battle of Armageddon. Judah was beaten in battle, Josiah was mortally wounded, and the Egyptian war machine rolled northward to initially meet success against the Babylonians.


Leaving most of his army in the north, Necho marched south again to his homeland, in the process deposing and imprisoning Jehoahaz, Josiah’s son who had been installed as king, and replacing him with another of Josiah’s sons, Eliakim, whose name he changed to Jehoiakim. Necho also placed Judah under heavy tribute.


But the fortunes of war were to change again. Nabopolassar, now old and infirm, retired from the command of his armies and placed his active and capable son Nebuchadnezzar in command. Nebuchadnezzar won a major victory over the Egyptian and Assyrian armies at Carchemish and pursued the Egyptians south.


While the Egyptians retreated to their own land, Nebuchadnezzar stopped the pursuit to conquer the land they had vacated in Syria and Palestine. This brought him in 605 BC to the gates of Jerusalem. The siege does not seem to have been a long one. The people of Judah threw in the towel quickly as they were tired of Jehoiakim, the puppet of Egypt, and his constant demand for silver to pay the tribute demanded by Necho.


Over one hundred years earlier, Isaiah the prophet had told Hezekiah, then the king of Judah, that Babylon was going to conquer Judah and take all the treasure of the king’s house away. Hezekiah had foolishly shown the envoys of the king of Babylon, then only a minor city state and a vassal of the Assyrian Empire, all the precious items that he had in his house.


tobe Continued to part 2