It's a natural right to borrow money ...
What is at the bottom of the “ 우리 (Uri,ウリ, Us) awareness” that is prevalent in South Korea ?
Cynthia Lee   2020/05/13



Korea's natural foreign rights all at once
"Don't dream of America and China again"

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Even if it is a treaty concluded between nations, there is「정의(jeong-ui,正義( justice))」 that can be prioritized, according to the psychology of the Korean side.

 For Japanese people to the nation to people is promise is,
= Observing the law is a matter of course for living in Japan.

However, for Koreans,
= Koreans personal, his「정의(jeong-ui,正義( justice))」may sometimes take precedence over the law.
There is a logic that works much like "don't return the borrowed money".

 Mr. sincerelee he had since growing up in Korea and getting in touch with Japanese culture, he learned that there is nowhere in Japan where Koreans turns hate.

His the book,
"Why Koreans do not return the money they borrowed"
Excerpt from (Fushasha) to understand the justice peculiar to Koreans.




Similarities between Japan-Korea relations and "not returning borrowed money"

Similarities between Japan-Korea relations and "not returning borrowed money"

There are various reasons for each person to say, "I will not return the money I borrowed," but with the "I feel that it is the right way at skin sensation" I have lived in Korea for decades,
 this is not an individual problem.

It's already a social issue.

 Away from being financially affordable,
"I lent the money but couldn't get it back"
It feel that is experienced most adults Koreans people .


Ghost in the Shell Quotes-NAVER Summary


Người Hàn Quốc nói dối để thở


Los coreanos mienten para respirar

Koreans lie to breathe



There is it no data.
Maybe it's just a my hunch.
But, frankly, I feel that way.
If you borrow the line of a famous anime,
“My ghost whispers so”is.

 Looking at the recent Japan-Korea relationship,

Between Japan's "Prime Minister Abe" and South Korea's『文在寅(Moon Jae-in, 문재인)』, there is always a fixed pattern of exchanges.

Japan tells Korea,
"Keep the promise of international law."
South Korea can his private justice can be done his domestically,
however, Keep the promise between nations.

Then South Korea says,

" Cannot be resolved by treaties and agreements ."


 『文在寅(Moon Jae-in, 문재인) President 2020 year 1 January 14 at New Year press conference of the day,

" With the consent of the 慰安婦 (comfort women,군사매춘부,Military Prostitutes) , I eagerly experienced that no matter how much the Korean and Japanese governments agreed without the consent of the victim, it would not be useful for solving the problem. ''

"If the Japanese government prepares a bill that the victims can accommodate, it will not be too difficult to prepare a solution between the two countries."
he said.


It's useless to make an agreement to South Korea  .


Similarly, in the 自称徴用工(Self-proclaimed-origin Forced victim workers, 자칭강제징용피해자) problem,
"It has not been resolved by the claim right agreement (basic treaty)"

It insist, more than fifty years after the conclusion of the treaty.

 Which is said that South Korea  have more important his「정의(jeong-ui,正義( justice))」than international law and the promise between nations.

Because Japan and South Korea have to overcome the past and develop together in a future-oriented way, Japan should lose or break Japan, otherwise important bilateral relations will be destroyed.
 Rewriting a little,
Japan should protect South Korea's justice,
it is Instead of South Korea defending international lawis.

For some reason, the current Japan-Korea relationship seems very similar to "not returning the borrowed money."

No, it's not "now."

He's always been that way a long time.


" I can't break my promise "

Japan to focus on legal aspects -




金暻和(Kimu kyonfa,김경화,キム・キョンファ)


 It is December 2019 .
In the blog, a column titled "Same Japan, different Japan" serialized by Associate Professor 金暻和(Kimu kyonfa,김경화)of 神田 (Kanda) University of International Studies is serialized in 『韓国日報(Korea Times)』
She thought about it.

 It's a pity, but the "Japan-related remarks by a professor from Korea in Japan" that I introduce in the "Cynthia Lee's blog" is all ridiculous anti-Japanese remarks in a bad sense that all.
Are they a professor at a Japanese university? "

In the first place, whether it is pro-Japanese or anti-Japanese, the place for expressing opinions should be guaranteed, but it is unavoidable that it becomes unpleasant to read.

However, in the column of associate professor 金暻和(Kimu kyonfa,김경화) anti-Japan is not conspicuous, as there are many columns of "so-called intellectuals" written to clearly obey Japan.

Of course, I couldn't really feel the gratitude and love for Japan, but it's a matter of individual differences.


"Empathy" through common dissatisfaction is difficult


 It was introduced in the my blogs 2019 year 12 May 18 columns of the theme of the day,

"I think there is only Japan and South Korea where gender equality has not been achieved, and young people in Japan and South Korea can sympathize in terms of being" oppressed. "
It was that.

Whether it's a man or a woman,
"People are being oppressed because they can't say what they want to say due to improper treatment."

If we discuss the issue of, it is more of a contemporary society than a nation.
It can be said that there is a certain number in every society, regardless of gender, age, country, etc.

 Besides, reading the column, I thought it call having the same dissatisfaction 「공감(gong-gam,共感(empathy))」, not only in Korea, where there are many demonstrations, but in Japan as nuanced.

However, I think so, each person's position and experience is different, and since Professor 金暻和(Kimu kyonfa,김경화)is a woman, she think there is a perspective that is different from mine.

This is what I have covered in my blog.

<... Several years ago, in Japan, a female member of a local council was banned from entering and leaving a parliamentary plenary room with a baby baby in protest against lack of childcare space. became.

I've discussed this in class, but over 70 % of students, including female students ,
There is a conservative opinion that "the ban is appropriate because it violates the law that only lawmakers are eligible to attend meetings."


Associate professor from Korea who is “disappointed” with the opinions of Japanese students


낙담 하는 남자 | 무료 클립 아트 | illustAC


Maybe Associate Professor 金暻和(Kimu kyonfa,김경화),

"Japan is bad for neglecting childcare problems"
"That's the same as in Korea."
"Young people of Japan and Korea have sympathized with each other!"

Maybe she was expecting the flow.

In fact, there is no such thing as raising a child-care issue in Japan.
The Japanese society itself recognizes that there are such problems, and it is reported in the news.

 However, "priority in terms of things", commonly
called " the values ​​of society ," is completely different between Japan and South Korea . ]


Japanese college students,
"Because the breach of law dictates that only lawmakers are eligible to attend meetings, the ban is reasonable."
the had the priority is to protect.

In Korea, it is more suppressed by law than by whether it is actually suppressed,
"I think so myself (전 그렇게 생각 해요, jeon geuleohge saeng-gaghaeyo)"
That will take precedence.

That is, “
Korean should put his justice above the law of all . ]


As long as you have this way of thinking, there is no 「공감(gong-gam,共感(empathy))」, among the young people of both countries.

Above all, empathy would not be possible if the associate professor giving a lecture was "conservative" and "disappointed" with the opinions of Japanese university students.


“Because of these differences in thinking, there is no real empathy between Japan and Korea . ]

Even though the problem itself is the same as feeling "Oh, this is a problem."


Koreans trapped in "should"


 I think this way.

Associate professor 金暻和(Kimu kyonfa,김경화)and the South Korean side regard the result as important in “solutions to child-rearing problems”, and all the obstacles to it are 「I feel『구속(gusog,拘束 (restraint))』it I am」.

And she think other people should feel that way, so-called
( Let「사상의 자유(sasang-ui jayu, the idea of freedom)of should be so」)
Attach importance to the concept.

So, on the contrary, I believe that the problem will not be solved unless you restrain the disturbing being yourself.

Even if you don't say "do it before it's done," it's "do it because you're done."

I don't get it. I'm in trouble.

 The Japanese side recognizes not only the results, but also the process and procedure leading to the results (solution) as 「약속(yagsog,約束 (promise))」 with everyone and attaches importance to them.

Therefore, we judge that "you can't break the 「약속(yagsog,約束 (promise))」 and emphasize the legal aspect.

"Because the surrounding situation has changed in various aspects such as security, I would like to change part of the constitution and vote for the referendum."

So naturally, it problem taking a long time that country, therefore of Japan.



Korea insists Forced recruitment of 強制徴用工(Forced workers) 
(Self-proclaimed-origin Forced victim workers, 자칭강제징용피해자)」
『朝鮮半島出身応募労働者(Applicant workers from the Korean Peninsula)』
the Second
A litigation issue by former workers and their bereaved families who worked by recruiting Japanese companies or applying themselves in Korea and China under the rule of Japan during World War II.
Claims that former workers were treated like slaves in South Korea.
Many people against multiple Japanese companies in the local government have
a wage system for litigation. The salary increases or decreases depending on the skill level.
The cash handed over is usually around 110 yen,
Converted to the current amount, it is around 200,000 yen.

Korea's claimed 慰安婦(comfort women,군사매춘부,Military
South Korea claimed a sex slave forced by the government and the army
In general, comfort women are often referred to as Japanese comfort women, and the
name "comfort women" is also used by the Korean army after the disappearance of the Japanese army after World War II.
Also, synonymous women exist in the German and French forces.
Comfort women were legal prostitutes at that time, and
recruiters who were paid by private companies widely recruited in newspaper advertisements and adopted Japanese women inland as comfort women.