Why Koreans Don't Return The Borrowed Money
Comparison of Japan and Korea by Koreans
sincereleeblog.com  2020/05/13



Minister Kono "Extremely rude"



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Suddenly, Korean news has increased. troublesome.
Although this country is a neighboring country, the Japanese must recognize that it is completely different from Japan.
Japanese common sense doesn't work at all, and even if you treat them kindly, they are returned with a scorn.
Every time I feel bad.
If possible, stop the flow of people as it is.
Approval 28281
Opposition 333

We should stay away from countries that do not keep their promises and do not have common sense.
This is a matter of course, but the Japanese government has been wondering until a few years ago.
Now, treat Korea as get the cold shoulder and show common sense.
Approval 26437
Opposite 441
What would you do if you had such a neighbor?
Of course, you should take distance or lose the relationship.
Approval 24528
Opposition 307

I felt sick and couldn't read until the end.
We cannot understand each other forever.
Well also Japan do not should help to Cross Currency swap,
Because, it should be their South Korean said to complain about Japan Cross Currency swap is slow.
I want you to close the border right now.
Approval 5844
Opposite 15

They will not return the money their borrowed.
They do not keep what you and our have decided.
It's no good as a person
Approval 5406
Opposite 13

There is no such thing as a Cross- Currency Swap.
It seems that Koreans do make people stupid because of their national character.
Approval 5300
Opposite 16

Sincerity straight line |
I feel that passing swaps are out of the question because there are really fatal problems in the people.
Because it is best to not involved,  after the『習近平(Xi Jinping,시진핑,习近平)virus (corona 19)』there is a need to avoid fellowship.
Approval 4413
Opposite 15

Hedo |
If this were true, would a financial industry be feasible?
Certainly Japanese banks also lend, but do you think they will be repaid?
Approval 4209
Opposite 14

That ’s why everything is manipulated in the international community by stealth marketing and public opinion work.
No one can get along with someone who doesn't return debt
Therefore, I will negotiate after softening the related people with a hardware honey trap
The unnatural trend of South Korean pop culture is created in this way
Approval 3537
Opposite 12

It is the very relationship between Japan and South Korea.
Don't really get involved.
Far from being distant, it is impossible to think of anything other than a break.
Japan thinks the huge amount of money it has provided to South Korea until now is tuition
You should make break off relations as soon as possible .
Approval 2622
Opposite 11



The right to borrow money


Such analysis is full.
As a matter of fact, how to deal with Japan is a problem.
This case irritated me, to the Japanese government, which does virtually nothing .
Approval 2044
Opposite 37

> Therefore, in Korean society, the situation where the other person (borrower) believed that the “fair (equal) relationship” would be broken by saying, “Return the loaned money,” is a laughable situation. It happens frequently.

Even though the relationship of borrowing money and not returning it was a fair (equal) relationship, the other party told me to "return it ! " It will be.
The "thorough hierarchy of society" due to "hierarchical relationships" in this country is common sense in this country, and basically there is no concept of equality.
I do not intend to deny the common sense of this country in a straightforward manner, but if this common sense cannot be accepted in Japan or other countries, then it is not necessary to force dating with this country.
This country has debts of many countries including Japan, but as far as this article is seen, it is unlikely that this country will return those debts.
If so, you will have to prepare for what to do if you do not return the debt.
Approval 1830
Opposite 35

ane SAN |
To the Korean proverb
『말 한마디 에 천냥 빚 갚는다 (mal hanmadie cheonnyang bij gapneunda,
In one word, I pay off my debt) 』' = 『 If it is a eloquence, you can return the debt of 1000 ryō (an old Japanese gold coins money) with one word) 』 Because there is
They don't return money, becasue excuses and whine 
If you still ask for repayment ...
Do not return next with misplaced anger, rehabilitation, threatening 
Koreans insist, Especially because Japan has debt on the Korean side
Also, there is a moral advantage, so there is no need to return it. 
In the future, the future eternal war criminals and the perpetrators are Japan
Basically, South Korea bases Japan on extort blackmail to money
They think the victim country is South Korea
Approved 1797
Opposite 36

The only sure thing to say is that you should never enter into a Cross Currency  swap with this country .
Approval 506
Opposite 2
As I read this, they realized that the money they borrowed was my own.
Japan should never lend money in any situation.
Then you will not have unnecessary expectations.
Approval 485
Opposite 0

In other words, if you want to associate with Korea, you have to be a vulgar person , a coward, a liar. It is that.
You don't have to drop yourself or understand it anymore.
There is end to the relationship.
You should keep the words of your ancestors.
Approval 475
Opposite 1

The justice criteria do not fit.
Let's justify those thoughts side by side, but it's better not to go out.
Approval 398
Opposite 2

Japan has a lot of money that it lent to South Korea, but there are a lot of loans that aren't returned ... because it's silent? ・ ・ ・ Let's bill immediately.
Japanese financial institutions are lending huge amounts to Korean financial institutions ...
I'm worried that the person who has a different basic idea should take it for granted.
Japanese general companies that are expanding into South Korea should be aware of the recent appearance of the South Korean government on Japan as well. Japan's product boycott continued to suffer great damage ...
Countries that have no idea of ​​keeping their values ​​and promises are too risky and should rush to withdraw.
Approval 368
Opposite 0

Doesn't the Korean word
絆 (Kizuna, ties, bonds) exist?
I knew it for the first time.
Then, I can't understand the relationship of trust.
I couldn't understand the many creepy behaviors, and I was wondering what was happening in Korean thinking circuits.
It means we can never understand each other.
I was convinced. Thank you.
Approval 356
Opposite 3

There are trillion yen in loan balance
Ama-chan(You're a real naive) is really just about being able to say Japan
Japan not good at diplomacy, so I only have break off relations
It seems that Ahorashī (Fool that I am Stupid !)
That Japanese taxes money is used for in such a country
Approval 232
Opposite 1


This WEB in order to not forget and in accountability ,
習近平(Xi Jinping,시진핑,习近平)virus (corona 19)
Is used after changing its name.
Because the Wuhan virus may change the city name itself.

Korea insists Forced recruitment of 強制徴用工(Forced workers) 
(Self-proclaimed-origin Forced victim workers, 자칭강제징용피해자)」
『朝鮮半島出身応募労働者(Applicant workers from the Korean Peninsula)』
the Second
A litigation issue by former workers and their bereaved families who worked by recruiting Japanese companies or applying themselves in Korea and China under the rule of Japan during World War II.
Claims that former workers were treated like slaves in South Korea.
Many people against multiple Japanese companies in the local government have
a wage system for litigation. The salary increases or decreases depending on the skill level.
The cash handed over is usually around 110 yen,
Converted to the current amount, it is around 200,000 yen.

Korea's claimed 慰安婦(comfort women,군사매춘부,Military
South Korea claimed a sex slave forced by the government and the army
In general, comfort women are often referred to as Japanese comfort women, and the
name "comfort women" is also used by the Korean army after the disappearance of the Japanese army after World War II.
Also, synonymous women exist in the German and French forces.
Comfort women were legal prostitutes at that time, and
recruiters who were paid by private companies widely recruited in newspaper advertisements and adopted Japanese women inland as comfort women.