Koreans lie to breathe


2016.06.14 Hidehide Hayashi / Journalist


Người Hàn Quốc nói dối để thở


Los coreanos mienten para respirar

Koreans lie to breathe



Korea's Hypocrisy word is social problem .

... perjury is 165 times that of Japan,

kicking off others with lies is normal .


It may be deceived that "the Koreans lie to breathe, "

but it can not be said that you are wrong.

And that can not be denied to the Koreans themselves .


Mr. Ba Gumja, a famous lawyer in Korea

"The whole country is a learning ground for lies .

The leaders, such as the president, whose news reports

every single move to the media, are influential lie teachers. "

And even the president boldly expressed the situation

where he was boldly lying in public.


In Korea,

it has always been a social problem that hypotheses,

deceptions and liars are widespread,

but in recent years it has been disastrously accelerated

and fraudulent crimes have continued to increase,

partly due to the effects of the recession. You


In 2000 ,

there were 1198 persons accused of false charges in court,

2956 people accused of false accusation accused

of producing accusations and lawsuits for crime,

and 53,386 persons accused of Fraud charges.

In 2008 , there were 1,544 false charges, 2,171 false accusations,

70,000 fraud charges, and a sharp increase of 2,420 false accusations,

6,244 false accusations, and 291,128 fraud charges in 13 You are


The number of people charged

with perjury in Korea is 66 times that of Japan,

It is calculated to reach 165 times in light of the population ratio.

In addition,

the amount of fraud damage in the last 3 years has risen to 43 trillion won

(approximately 4,300 billion yen , approximately $ 36.9 billion).

Korea is the world's largest scam country by crime type.


Korea is also a major corruption country.

Not as much as China, but many politicians and officials receive bribes.

In particular, all presidents since ChunDoo-hwan

(incumbent from 1980 to 1988 ) have found money problems

such as bribes and illegal storage to their own and relatives.


Korea Research Institute

According to the "Study Report on the State of Corruption

in the Government Sector,

" the majority of the public said that the act of giving money

to public officials is " universal ."

In other words, the people give bribes as a tribute to the official,

and the official

The reality of thinking "It is natural to receive high status persons" comes up.


Injustice in South Korea


So why do so many lies and wrongs spread in Korea?

Park Geun-hye's president, the father Park Chung-hee,
is in the "Park Chung-hee Election" (Kashima Institute Press), said,
"My people are weak in honorary ideas
and therefore responsibility idea is dilute."


In other words,

the idea of ​​keeping high awareness and penetrating convictions is lacking,

and it is most important to one's own body .

As a result, the sense of responsibility is diminished ,

and it is thought that they try to keep their pride even if they kick others .


Korea is an educational society that is rarely seen in the world.

They are forced to fierce competition

from early childhood and can always compare with the surroundings.

Even in the tragic state that the young people

who commit suicide will not endure that pressure,

this tendency is getting worse and worse every year.


In a competitive society like this,

it means whether the evaluation criteria are superior

or inferior to others .

Because of that, even if you drop the people around you,

you have to go up,

and there is a well- established trend that makes it good .


The idea of ​​raising one's status relatively

by kicking the surroundings is also reflected in diplomacy .

The purpose of bashing Japan hard

is to show that Korea is superior to Japan in the world.


Korea have not realized that if Korea hit Japan

without making an effort to raise Korea's own reputation,

Korea would rather be show contempt for Korea self.


Because, for Koreans ,

kicking around is a natural act to raise their evaluation.


If you analyze it to some extreme, Korea is a result supreme principle.

It is not important what kind of measures were taken during

the course and how much effort was made.

Even if there is injustice,

those who finally get wealth or status are commended .


Those who have taken all means

and who have survived the fierce competition are in honey,

and those who lose or fall out are those who contribute to the winner.


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