Japan-South Korea swap, dare to consider "Japanese beneficial"


Severe shortage of dollars .. Cross currency swaps in Korea !

 (with Professor Kim Tae Jung ) | Choi Yan Mystery Economic Talk
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In recent days, the Korean side has been eagerly awaiting Japan-Cross Currency swap.

Yesterday, the Korean Won exchange rate seems to have recovered somewhat, but it is unclear how long the lull will continue.


Under these circumstances, the purpose of posting this article on " [Material] Minutes of Japan-Korea (Cross Currency) Swap on April 16 , 2014 " on this website is to write this article.

This is because the Korean side has recently been eagerly awaiting “Japanese Cross Currency Swap”.


Minutes 6 years ago



[Source] OnApril16,2014MinutesOfJapan-KoreaSwap1
[자료] 2014 년 4 월 16 일 한일 스왑의 회의록1, which is rare for this website, was a reprint of the original Diet material almost as is.
(+ Just listed bullet points summarizing those comments)

About six years ago, on April 16 , 2014 , member of the House of Representatives at the time, 三木圭恵(Keie Miki )(member of the Japan Restoration Association), joined the Japanese Cross Currency this is a transcript of statements made by Prime Minister 麻生太郎(Taro Aso) (Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance), 山崎達雄(Tatsuo Yamazaki)(at that time) and then Director of the International Affairs Bureau of the Ministry of Finance (at that time).


The details of the exchange can still be confirmed on the " Lower House website ", but since the link is a bit long, [Material] Minutes of the Japan-South 

Korea Swap on April 16 , 2014 ], And reprinted the relevant sections in uncut form, and summarized the summary in bullets.


At first, the original text was a bit too long, so I wondered, "Is it okay to just summarize the original text in bullets instead of posting the entire text?" I decided to post the original text as it is in uncut.

After all, I thought it was necessary to secure the "traceability" of the discussion.


Accurate fact recognition

Japan-Korean Cross Currency Swap is a Support to Korea


By the way, Mr. Miki (at that time), Prime Minister Taro Aso (* The official position under the Abe administration is the Minister of Finance, but he is called "Prime Minister Aso" in this paper), Mr. Yamazaki (at that time) About the three people's remarks, it is very interesting to reconstitute the expressions, supplement the words, and restructure them.


First and foremost is Mr. Miki's next point.


Japan-Cross Currency Swap: Japan, which has abundant foreign exchange reserves, reduces the risk of a fall in Korean currencies, which have low foreign exchange reserves and short-term foreign debt with a maturity of less than one year, and European and American capital flows into the Korean economy Is helping ( some businessmen point out )


The point that the " Japanese-Cross Currency Swap is a support to Korea " has a positive point.

This is because Japan-Korean Cross Currency swaps are unprecedented in the world, because they are “ Cross Currency swaps that can be withdrawn in US dollars ”.


Currently, the only US dollar-denominated swaps held by Korea are CMIM, which is a " multilateral currency swap '' with high hurdles to withdraw, and its use of funds is limited to supplying liquidity to private financial institutions. There is no foreign exchange swap, and there is no so-called “US dollar denominated cross currency swap” (Chart 1).


Exhibit 1

Swap agreements currently concluded by foreign countries with Korea


(*including "self-named")


Partner country and expiration date

Amount and dollar equivalent

Korean won and dollar equivalent

China ( 2020/10/13 ?)

360 billion yuan $ 50.9 billion

64 trillion won ≒ $ 52.63 billion

Switzerland ( 2021/2/20 )

10 billion francs ≒ $ 10.33 billion

11.2 trillion won ≒ $ 9.21 billion

UAE ( 2022/4/13 )

$ 20 billion ≒ $ 5.44 billion

6.1 trillion won ≒ $ 5.02 billion

Malaysia ( 2023/2/2 )

MYR15 billion ≒ $ 3.46 billion

5 trillion won ≒ $ 4.11 billion

Australia ( 22/2023 )

AUD 12 billion ≒ $ 7.25 billion

9.6 trillion won ≒ $ 7.89 billion

Indonesia ( March 5, 2023 )

Rp115 trillion ≒ $ 7.50 billion

10.7 trillion won ≒ $ 8.80 billion

Cross Currency Swap

Subtotal $ 84.43 billion

106.6 trillion won ≒ $ 8.766 billion

Cross Currency Swap ( CMIM )

$ 3.84 billion

Cross Currency Swap

$ 122.83 billion total

Canada (indefinite period)

* Unlimited amount

United States ( September 19, 2020 )

* $ 60 billion


(Source:Created by the author based on press releases from central banks,etc. in each country.)

The US dollar equivalent is calculated based on the exchange rate displayed in the WSJ market column as of the night of yesterday.


The reality of the currency (Cross Currency) swap with China is unknown.

In addition, swaps with Canada and the United States indicated by * are foreign currency (Foreign Exchange) swaps, not cross currency swaps.


Characteristics of Korea's funding structure


So why does Korea need US dollar swaps?


In this regard, the following remarks made by Prime Minister Aso can be helpful.


From the Japanese point of view, Korea is not a long-term and stable source of funding, it is using a short-term source to raise foreign currency, and there are no large international banks. It has the characteristic that cash flow is likely to be unstable due to the crisis


This is consistent with what is regularly mentioned on this website.


This is because South Korea has raised around $ 330 billion from foreign financial institutions (Chart 2), of which the amount of foreign currency debt that matures within one year is around $ 100 billion. (Chart 3).