Cho Guku(曺国,조국)
Attorney General resigned suddenly
Still possible coup martial law

October 14 , 2019 曺国(Cho Guku,조국)







조국(Cho Guku, 曺国)사임 여전히 남아 쿠데타 계엄령 가능성4

조국(Cho Guku, 曺国)사임 여전히 남아 쿠데타 계엄령 가능성3

조국(Cho Guku, 曺国)사임 여전히 남아 쿠데타 계엄령 가능성1

조국(Cho Guku, 曺国)사임 여전히 남아 쿠데타 계엄령 가능성2







Listen to the voice of the square

-"Which left or right broke proxy democracy?"

Korean people got into a dispute with ...

Suzu-oki :

That's right.

And this fueled street politics.

Against the backdrop of “responsibility”, the left ruling party

“Our citizens voluntarily participated in our September 28 rally.

Meanwhile, the opposition party on October 3

Mobilized for the purpose of shaking the Moon Jae-in ,

An impure gathering of people.

Confronting that blame, maintenance is a holiday on Hangul Day

A large meeting was held on October 9th .

He showed, “With mobilization, we can't get that many participants.”

On the other hand,

the left group also held a meeting on October 5 to appeal for its legitimacy.

The left and right sides met on October 12 in Seocho-dong, the same place.

The police mobilized 5,000 riot police to prevent clashes between the two groups.

“Street politics” was becoming more intense.

  Joong Ang Ilbo also published on October 7


나라의분열언제까지…대통령이 솔로몬의 지혜 발휘해야



(Japanese version)

“The political world rather instigates the battle

between the camps and invites the representative democratic crisis”

And warned about the game by "Voice of the Square".

However, three days later, the  Joong Ang Ilbo


최저 지지율을 기록한 문 대통령, 광장의 소리에 귀를 기울

ムン대통령 국정지지율 42.5%..조국·北 이슈에 2주째 취임후 최저


( October 10th , Japanese version)

He insisted that the President hear the voice of the square.

・ The president should not look only at his camp and core support layer.

If the cry of the square that so many people scream,

you should take it seriously.

“Street politics is the destruction of representative democracy.”

Korean people couldn't afford to criticize both right and left.

Perhaps from the recognition that "catastrophe" was imminent.


Prosecution fights the left wing,

but is the army on the sidelines?

-Catastrophe ... Does a coup occur in Korea today?

Suzu-oki :

  Certainly there are people who expect it.

One of the leaders in the field maintenance, 趙甲済(Cho Gap-ch,e조 갑제

September 21 , on his site



He wrote (Korean).

Mr. 趙甲済(Cho Gap-ch,e조 갑제)is

“Those who work with the ethnic rebel
金正恩(Kim Jung Eun,김정은) are also ethnic rebels.”

And accused the Moon Jae-in administration.

On top of that

“Now, the prosecution is fighting the left wing, corruption, anti-constitution, and ethnic rebels.

Will the military only tour? "

He called.

However, that such a call is made,

It is also the reverse of the perception

that the military is unlikely to move into the coup.

High-class soldiers are also completely salaried and can be generals,

Whether you can retire as a general or lieutenant general.

Have personnel rights

Blue tile stand

( Chonwade, Presidential Office = THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA CHEONG WADAE )

Just looking up like a flounder,

That is the Korean theory.

-Then, does the coup happen?

Suzu-oki :

It is true that there are many Koreans who look so.

However, I cannot say that I will not wake up.

At the time of the previous left-wing government,

盧武鉉(Roh Moo-hyun,노무현) ,

"I support you because it causes a coup"

There was a Korean soldier who asked. A related person revealed.

--How did the American soldiers respond?

Suzu-oki :

"I confirmed the previous two times, but this time I won't allow it anymore."

It seems that said.

That ’s why you gave up the coup

I do n’t know if it was n’t so serious,

This time was a mishap.


Expected to be martial law

at the time of the 朴槿恵(Park Geun-hye,박근혜)administration


――In the end, you could avoid the coup

by resigning from 曺国(Cho Guku,조국) .

Suzu-oki :

  For now.

However, the battle where only either left or right can survive is not over.

The maintenance that takes

the momentum of the head of the Legal Department,

There is no doubt that it will strengthen its offensive to the administration.

The confrontation is not only the 曺国(Cho Guku,조국) problem.

Looking for a different theme, it will go out on the street again.

Because we got a record that the demo was very successful.

--The 文在寅(MoonJae-in,문재인) administration

How do you beat it?

Suzu-oki :

  Of course, the coup movement will keep your nerves sharp.

As soon as he took power, in the military intelligence department

That's why we dismantled the “command headquarters”

that could go into political action.

If the society is so confused that the coup is rumored again,

There is also a hand to suppress the demonstration by putting martial law.

-Martial law!

Suzu-oki :

  Before the exciting anti-government demonstration,

The  Chonwade, Resign from 曺国(Cho Guku,조국) or

I think It was thinking about whether to put martial law.

When the 朴槿恵Park Geun-hye,박근혜)

impeachment demonstration was excited in the fall of 2016

“Declare martial law and restrain your movement”

There was a person who claimed that.


“At that time, if It had a martial law, They wouldn’t have been impeached.”

There are many unfortunate maintenance.

The dismantling of the aircraft command center

That this organization considered martial law

This is because the Moon Jae-in government was suspected.

The Moon Jae-in government took power now

There is no wonder if the left group thinks that they have their own hands.