Cho Guku(曺国,조국)
Attorney General resigned suddenly
Still possible coup martial law

October 14 , 2019  鈴置高史Suzu-oki/Takabu-mi







조국(Cho Guku, 曺国)사임 여전히 남아 쿠데타 계엄령 가능성4

조국(Cho Guku, 曺国)사임 여전히 남아 쿠데타 계엄령 가능성3

조국(Cho Guku, 曺国)사임 여전히 남아 쿠데타 계엄령 가능성1

조국(Cho Guku, 曺国)사임 여전히 남아 쿠데타 계엄령 가능성2







The air was similar to "past twice"

-What about the second time?

Suzu-oki :

President 朴正煕(Park Chung-hee,박정희),who took power in this coup,

It was triggered by assassination on October 26 , 1979 .

The so-called “military dictatorship” that lasted for 16 years suddenly collapsed,

South Korea has been called “Spring of Seoul” due to democratization.

However, the return of power has also become uncertain.

So in the midst of the assassination case,

全斗煥(Chun Doo-hwan,전두환),

the army security commander who had accumulated power

December 12 , 1979 , calling for an unstable government

It succeeded in the military coup.

Nowhere in the editorial of the Korean economic newspaper

“If you do this, a coup will happen again.”

Is not written.

But if you're a little intuitional Korean, you'll read so.

Park ’s administration was defeated by impeachment.

Powered from May 2017

The left-wing administration of 文在寅(Moon Jae-in,문재인)

Deep-roote devil ” liquidation ”

It moved to eradicate the maintenance forces.


In addition to the former  president

of 朴槿恵(Park Geun-hye,박근혜)and 李明博(Lee Myung-bak,이명박)

Arrested to the Supreme Court Justice during the conservative era.

朴槿恵(Park Geun-hye,박근혜)is administration

Investigate prosecutors and soldiers as they move in a compliant manner.

There are 4 suicides from this.

Of course, the maintenance that went to the “done side”

It tries to defeat the left-wing government by going crazy.

Appointment of the Secretary of Justice for 曺国(Cho Guku,조국)

The essence is a power struggle between the left and right.

The 文在寅(Moon Jae-in,문재인) administration

It is a plan to take power away from the prosecution that has been responsible

for the leftist suppression.


through the newly established civil servant inspection organization,

It is expected to retaliate with the prosecution and other maintenance forces.

It was entrusted with this "prosecution reform"

Close to President 文在寅(Moon Jae-in,문재인) ,

He was the legal affairs officer of 曺国(Cho Guku,조국) .

The prosecution investigated the family misconduct of the Attorney General

who has the authority to lead himself,

They was in an odd state trying to drag down

Because we became the “side to be done”.

The left and right have entered a final war where only one can survive.

The fighting technique was a mass gathering and demonstration

that mobilized both supporters.

It was similar to the past two coups.

The media
Oil to the left and right conflict

-So the Korean economic newspaper is an editorial.

You said, “Eliminate street politics

and protect the democratic democracy.”

Suzu-oki :

  That's right.

However, this editorial has produced the opposite result – it sang street politics.

At the same time as insisting that "protect the proxy system"

It was because he slammed strictly, "The responsibility for breaking it is left."

I will translate the second half of the citation that follows.

-Immediately after the president and the ruling party explicitly declared

that 曺国(Cho Guku,조국) would not resign,

It must also be noted that a large-scale demonstration occurred.

・ If the attitude to protect 曺国(Cho Guku,조국)unconditionally,

the voice of “the problem is the president” will further increase.

The politics that drive the people to the streets are all Yono's failure,

It must be seen that there is greater responsibility

to the ruling party leading the national politics.

The Korean economic newspaper pointed out

that "the fall of representative democracy"

The conclusion was criticism of the administration.

Conservative stronghold, Chosun Ilbo, October 4th editorial


[사설]상식배반 대통령 한 명이 불러일으킨 거대한 분노


(Korean version)

“We have driven people ’s minds to the power confrontation in the streets,”

They accused the government and the ruling party of the same technique.

Then the Yonhap News Agency close to the government

Taking up the responsibility of the prosecution

while discussing the “collapse of proxy democracy”.

정치가사라진 '광장vs 광장'대결..극단적국론분열 우려


(Korean version).

From the fact that it was delivered at 14:49 on October 4 ,

It seems to have aimed at countering the Chosun Ilbo.

This article is at the beginning

“If progress (left) and maintenance compete and go into number confrontation,

then the politics of division will be accelerated.”

“If Yono ’s leadership uses the gatherings

and demonstrations to unite supporters,

Deepening political distrust and creating a crisis of representative democracy. ''

“I was worried about politics” in a neutral position.


“I suspected that there was some political intention.

The prosecution investigates excessively 曺国(Cho Guku,조국)

As a result, politics was divided into maintenance and progress,

and it turned into a new confrontation street politics. ''

It also quoted the statement of an anonymous ruling party politician.