


【Townscapes of Blenheim in NZ, London and Leeds in England, Tenerife in Spain, Anchorage in Alaska】











Blenheimの綴りを初めて目にした時、学生時代はドイツ語をけっこう勉強していましたので、ブレンハイム、とドイツ語的に読みましたが、NZの人達やイギリスの友達は、ブレナム、と呼んでいましたので、Merriam Websterの地理辞典などで確認すると、確かにブレナムでした。もともとはドイツ語でブレンハイムだったはずですが。




・・・ブレナムの街で買い物をすると、お店の人は優しく対応してくれて、僕の心は温まりました。文房具やおもちゃなどを扱うお店では、”私は日本のことを少し知っているわよ” と会話がはずみ、買い物もいっぱいになってしまいました。






《 Blenheim in New Zealand 》


The name of the town Blenheim might not be quite common, whereas it is one of the most famous winery towns in Marlborough in NZ, which implies that the town is one of the largest wineries in that country.


The town is pronounced as " blen+am, in liaison", not like a German, "blen+high+m", though its origin is in German.


My KIWI friend once lived there, who invited me to his home, some years ago. He drove me around the hilly district, including a vineyard, letting me try the Blenheim wine.


The town was quite cute that it was easy to walk around for shopping, and the people were so friendly. I loved its atmosphere, which therefore tempted me to buy a lot of souvenirs.


There was a charming hut with a greatly decorated roof, canopy, along the street, where I had a rest after some shopping, drinking a very  expnesive Pepsi,  which I had bought at a vending machine nearby.




【 スペイン、テネリフェ島の街の風景 】






( townscape of Santa Cruz de Tenerife seen out of the hotel's restaurant )



《 Santa Cruz and Los Cristianos in Tenerife Island, Spain 》 


Some years ago, I stayed at a tasty hotel in Santa Cruz in the northeastern part of Tenerife Island in the Atlantic Ocean, somewhat far away from African Continent.


The hotel contented me with their breakfast buffet of great variety of food, every morning.


In the restaurant, a table was seemingly reserved by the window for me, wherefrom the scenery outside, through the window, a mass of houses, could be viewed, very colourful and lovely.



( also a view from the hotel's restaurant )













In the southernmost resort seashore town Los Cristianos, my friend and his wife from England were expecting me to let me try the whale watching and to play table tennis (!), my tt skill is so-so.  He had a flat nearby and his own car. He drove me all around the island, anywhere I wanted to visit, every day during my stay.


To Los Cristianos from my hotel in Santa Cruz, I took a taxi, which was almost one hour drive. Out of the taxi window, volcanic rocky mountains on my right side and seascapes leftside were all curious to me.


In the town Los Cristianos, a pair of lines of palm trees were quite impressive, and beyond, just behind the palm street, moreover, a huge lifeless rocky mountain blocked the straight street, which was one of the typical views of the volcano island, Tenerife.




( very Tenerife rocky mountain in Los Cristianos )







( vivid, quite Japanese woodcut works put on the street window at a garally near Leeds railway station )


ノースヨークシャーのWhitby に旅する時は、飛行機とバスの都合でリーズ Leeds市内に一泊し、街なかをぶらぶらと散歩します。







《 Very Japanese Atmosphere in Leeds 》


Everytime I visit Whitby in North Yorkshire, due to the location of the air port, Leeds & Bloodford, I usually stay in an old city Leeds for a couple of days, wherein near the railway station, there is an art gallery, which shows Japan's classical famous woodcut works of Ukiyo-e, copies must be, on the street window. They caught my eyes easily. It seems very Japanese, which reminds me of the Ukiyo-e shop before the temple in Asakusa,Tokyo, my favorite.


Seeing those vivid pictures, beside that, I was strongly attracted at a portrait of a lady, which drew my curiosity so much that, back in Japan, I tried to copy it with crayons. My drawing skill is not high, which was just  built up in my junior high school days.






《 a Punky London at Trafalgar Square 》



Some decades ago already, at Trafalgar Square, a couple of young guys interested me with their hair styles and colours, who might be enjoying their freedom or pioneering spirit. 


Before the famous Nelson's Column, or statue, there are four lions. Upon one of them, some naughty kids climbed. They did not fear the danger, which cannot be a playground like one in a kindergarten. On another lion, a young man was lying for meditation or perhaps only siesta.


( at Trafalgar Square in London )


















《 Mountains Viewed away from 5th Avenue in Anchorage 》















《 5th Avenue in Anchorage, Alaska 》


My first stay in Anchorage was at the crossing of K Street and 5th Avenue, wherearound were a cute hotel Voyger Inn managed by warmhearted people, Hotel Captain Cook wherein were lovely shops and a rich restaurant, K Street Convenience Store which was actually convenient for me because it opened until quite late in the night. They all were helpful, making my stay enjoyable every day.


5th Avenue was filled with pleasure that I stralled around for collecting souvenirs for my Japanese friends and dining.


While I was walking along to " 5th Avenue Shopping Mall ", far behind the end of the street, mountains, the foot of which were hidden by white fog cloud, or which the white cloud mass hid, could be sighted. That was a fantastic view.







※ 僕が体験した国際ジェット機、小型飛行機(セスナ)、水上飛行機、ヘリコプター、スカイダイビングの空から眺めた雲海の朝焼けと夕焼け、奇怪な大空の自然芸術、山脈や渓谷や海岸線、地理的にはイギリスのノースヨークシャーやロンドン、ノルウェーのオスロ、スペインのテネリフェ島、ニュージーランドのウェリントン周辺、アラスカの北極やアンカレッジ、南太平洋の空などのPHOTO ESSAY を、前巻の”クック船長の世界旅”とは違った視点で、心のままに綴りたいと思っています。


※※ With photos of the sky, the sea of clouds, the daybreak and nightfall, mountains, valleys, sounds which I took out of international jets, small/tiny airplanes, seaplanes, helicopters and during the falling down with a parachute, or, geographically, towns around the Arctic Sea and Anchorage in Alaska, North Yorkshire and London in the UK, Oslo in Norway, Tenerife Island in Spain, around Wellington in New Zealand, essays on my exciting experiences shall be edited and published here.







【 白夜とSummertime 】


【 Midnight Sun and Summertime



( At about 23:50, timed in the summertime, bright enough to read books, in a north town Nome around the Bering Strait, Alaska. )



《 白夜・ Midnight Sun in Alaska

     Some days ago, a junior high school boy, who lived near my home, got interested in my journey and asked me, " You have been to an arctic  town and experienced the midnight sun, have not you ?


     Yes, I visited the northernmost town in Alaska along the Arctic Sea, Barrow ( Utqiagvik ) , where their nights in July and August might be bright as noon. " Might be " means that I actually went there but spent its daytime only, since proper hotels could not be found. Therefore I did not sight the sun in the midnight, with my own eyes.


     However I experienced " bright midnight " in Nome around the Arctic Circle in Alaska, several times, in August.


     During my stay in Nome, one evening, after having dinner at a restaurant nearby, I got back to the hotel and threw myself onto the bed for some doze and awoke a couple of hours later, when the outside was still bright.  That made me expect a colourful dusky sky when the sun would be going down.


     Viewing the coloured sky at that while was just an illusion, for even though the clock showed 0:15 am, which could be 1:15 without thinking of the summertime, it was a bright midnight


     Though the sun was not seen, the town was still bright enough for reading a book. That was actually an amusing experience for me, a Japanese.





※ 僕が体験した国際ジェット機、小型飛行機(セスナ)、水上飛行機、ヘリコプター、スカイダイビングの空から眺めた雲海の朝焼けと夕焼け、奇怪な大空の自然芸術、山脈や渓谷や海岸線、地理的にはイギリスのノースヨークシャーやロンドン、ノルウェーのオスロ、スペインのテネリフェ島、ニュージーランドのウェリントン周辺、アラスカの北極やアンカレッジ、南太平洋の空などのPHOTO ESSAY を、前巻の”クック船長の世界旅”とは違った視点で、心のままに綴りたいと思っています。


※※ With photos of the sky, the sea of clouds, the daybreak and nightfall, mountains, valleys, sounds which I took out of international jets, small/tiny airplanes, seaplanes, helicopters and during the falling down with a parachute, or, geographically, towns around the Arctic Sea and Anchorage in Alaska, North Yorkshire and London in the UK, Oslo in Norway, Tenerife Island in Spain, around Wellington in New Zealand, essays on my exciting experiences shall be edited and published here.






先日、近所の中学生と雑談していた時、彼から”世界旅をしているんですか”と聞かれ、”ええ、世界のあちらこちらを回っていてアラスカの北極の町にも行きました”と答えると、”では白夜ですね”と話題が発展しました。僕は生意気にも、”そうそう、英語でMidnight Sun"というんですよ”と言いながら、数年前の旅を懐かしく思い出していました。


確かに僕は、北極の海に面した、アメリカ最北の町バロー(Barrow/Utqiagvik)を訪れましたが、ホテルとかの都合がなく、一日だけ、朝から夕方までしか滞在していないので、太陽の沈まない白夜、Midnight Sunは経験していません。


真夜中の太陽は見ていないのですが、ベーリング海峡の南、北極圏の町ノーム Nome(ゴールドラッシュやノルウェーのアムンゼンで有名)で、明るい真夜中、in a bright midnight, 海岸沿いのメインストリートを歩いたことがあります。


          ( Nome in the midnight )


 僕がNomeに行ったのは、2016年と2018年、8月のお盆休みでした。アンカレッジ空港を朝に出発してNome飛行場に11時ころ到着し、ここからBering Air社のセスナ機でベーリング海峡を眺めて、Wales 飛行場に行き、ここで30分ほど待機し、同じ飛行機でNomeに帰り、ここで一泊です。




 ・・・?、何かが違う! 浦島太郎ではありませんが、旅の疲れで爆睡していたのでしょう、時計を見ると真夜中で、0:15なのです、一瞬、時間というか、時計の針を疑ってしまいました。


ここはアメリカなので、Summertime, Daylight Saving Time がとられていて、夏には1時間早められていますから、日本の時間的には、Nomeで僕が散歩した時間は、真夜中の1:15、ということでしょう。



( In the Arctic town Barrow, I only stayed during the daytime. )



     This paragrah might be somewhat away off the main theme. Although the sun brightens the town all day, 24 hours in a coldest town Barrow, in Alaska, the temperature outside, even in the daytime, would not go higher than 0 degree Celsius, wherefore the ground is cold enough to be used as a refrigerator. 





《 Dark night also comes quite late in Northyorkshire, England. 》



イギリスの Whitby、North Yorkshire に滞在中、ここでも遅い日没を経験してきました。


ある日の夕方、友達のRichardは、7時ころになって、これから彼が毎年開催している Bonefire祭りの場所、北海に面した Skinningrove Shore 海岸へ行こう、と誘ってくれました。・・・夕方の7時に、です。






イギリス、ノースヨークシャーの夏の夜は9時ころにやって来ることが、RichardのGhost Walkというストリート・パフォーマンスの看板(彼の友達が作製)を見ても感じられます。


毎週土曜日夕方8時(サマータイムなので日本の時間的には9時)、WhitbyのEast Cliffの中ほどにあるMarket Place/Town Hallの前で、不気味な看板を道路わきに立て、お客さんが来るのを待っています。


僕が参加した時には、男の子と母親の親子がお客さんでした。30~40分間くらいでしょうか、Richard は周辺の路地をぐるりぐるりと僕らを案内しながら、Whitbyの様々な不思議を、様々な顔の表情(目をギョロリとし口を最大限に広げ)を作って、声も大きくして、そして小さくして語るのでした。







In my second home town Whitby, their dark night starts quite late in the evening.


One late afternoon or early evening around 7 o'clock, my friend Richard tried to drive me to a beach, where he used to produce the great Bonfire Festival with his friends. His car, however, got some trouble unfortunately, wherefore we, with his wife, changed our plan to go to a restaurant for dinner nearby. 


After a long meal, for about an hour, I went back to my hotel and dozed for a couple of hours perhaps. It was already 9 and the sky was only a little dusky, whereafter the town was getting coloured purple, orange, pink, in the sunset colours.


That was a curious happening for me, which showed that the dark night would come into Whitby so late, a couple of hours after 8 o'clock.




There is another story about the late start of the night in Whitby as well, which should be recognised in  Richard's performance, again. He offered his own " The Original Ghost Walk " in the East Cliff in Whitby, wherefor some audiences would come up to the infomation board installed in front of the Town Hall or the Market Place, every Saturday evening.  Its meeting and starting time was surprisingly, to me, at 8 pm, as the advertisement ( the photo of it is put on above ) said. 


He performed for customers, a boy and his mother, when I joined it, telling them ghost stories with his mouth and eyes fully opened, along the narrow alleys. It took them thirty or fourty minutes, perhaps.


Even at that closing time, the town was quite bright. The sky would not get dark after his performance, about 9






《Extra Charm: Summertime♪♪♪》


Although the time adjusting system so called summertime is not familiar with me, a Japanese, the too famous song "Summertime" has attracted me quite a long time.



ぽかぽかの昼下がり、椅子に腕組みして You Tubeの Peggy Lee, Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong, Billie HolidayNorah JonesなどSummertimeに聴き入って、頭がぼんやりとして、なんと心地よいシエスタのひとときでしょう。ワインがなくても大丈夫です。


Billie Holidayの曲に魅せられていたある時、そんな雰囲気でうとうとの束の間でしたが、You Tube からは、1999年、六本木ライブの、綾戸智恵さんとケイコ・リーさん共演の, Ayadoさんのいつもの、元気なSummertimeが流れてきましたので、僕のシエスタの一時は終わり、パソコンに目を向けて、笑ってしまいました。この後、Janis Joplin の歌声が聞こえてきて、僕の魂は彼女の世界に引き込まれ、うたた寝は完璧に消えたのでした。


で、もしも・・・もしも僕がピアノを弾けたなら、Norah Jones か Ella Fitzgerald か Billie Holiday のようなSummertimeをゆるやかに演奏しながら、幻想の世界をさ迷い、やがて愛おしいピアノ曲、ショパンのノクターンNo.2に変奏して、デボラ・カーの古い映画の一面が心のスクリーンに浮かんできます。


( Ayado Chie's  album which has Summertime therein. It drew me into her vital world. )


On a warm, lovely afternoon, I was feeling quite comfortable, napping on the sofa, to listen to the classical popular song " Summertime "  by Pegy Lee, Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong, Billie Holliday, Norha Jones, ・・・,  as a lullaby. 


Unlikely, the air of this summertime changed quite differently into brisk, active feeling, which was vocalized very soulfully and briskly by Ayado Chie and Keiko Lee at the live held in Roppongi, or Janis Joplin, which could change my comfortable siesta, into another passionate world.



So, if ... if I could play the piano well enough, my summertime should be tuned after Peggy Lee or Norha Jones, ... and very soon another score would come up to my fingers and my piano would change to Nocturne Op. 9. No.2 for the sweet actress Devorah Kerr in an old  movie.









( The Tiger roaming, roaring around (?) in front of Oslo Sentrlstasjon, Centralstation, in Norway )




 僕が体験した国際ジェット機、小型飛行機(セスナ)、水上飛行機、ヘリコプター、スカイダイビングの空から眺めた雲海の朝焼けと夕焼け、奇怪な大空の自然芸術、山脈や渓谷や海岸線、地理的にはイギリスのノースヨークシャーやロンドン、ノルウェーのオスロ、スペインのテネリフェ島、ニュージーランドのウェリントン周辺、アラスカの北極やアンカレッジ、南太平洋の空などのPHOTO ESSAY を、前巻の”クック船長の世界旅”とは違った視点で、心のままに綴りたいと思っています。


※※ With photos of the sky, the sea of clouds, the daybreak and nightfall, mountains, valleys, sounds which I took out of international jets, small/tiny airplanes, seaplanes, helicopters and during the falling down with a parachute, or, geographically, towns around the Arctic Sea and Anchorage in Alaska, North Yorkshire and London in the UK, Oslo in Norway, Tenerife Island in Spain, around Wellington in New Zealand, essays on my exciting experiences shall be edited and published here.



【 世界の鉄道駅 : ノルウェーのオスロ中央駅、イギリスのウィットビー駅とマートン駅、ニュージーランドのウェリントン駅 】




Railway Stations around the World : Central Station in Oslo, Norway, Whitby Station and Marton Station in North Yorkshire, England, Wellington Station, New Zewland




《 僕が訪れた、世界のいくつかの駅と駅にまつわるエッセイを綴ります。 Here is an essay on some railway stations around the world I visited and nostalgia of my experiences therearound. 》














次のオスロ旅でのこと・・・。偶然ですが、改札口から右50メートルくらい離れた所に駅の案内所を発見し、”券売機の操作が難しいので、空港までの切符をここで購入できますか” と尋ねました。”簡単ですよ、ここでも買えますから、いつでもどうぞ・・・” とのこと。これで心の重荷が一つなくなり、旅の心は軽快になったのです。




〈 A Huge Bronze Tiger Roaring in front of Oslo Sentralstasjon


My journey around the world is quite often with troubles, which means I nearly missed trains or airplanes, therefore, seemingly, I can never be called a good traveller. Including those mishaps, nevertheless, my journey seems fortunately to be stuffed with delight, pleasure, satisfaction, so far.


At Central Station in Oslo, I struggled, in vain, to get a train ticket for Oslo Airport. It was too much confusing for passengers, like me at least, to manage the vending machine as it did not allow me to pay in cash, but only by credit cards, which did not show clear, comprehensible methods how to operate the buttons. 


It was my good luck that a guy behind me kindly helped me get a ticket at that complicated machine. 


On another day, inside the station building, while I was walking around for shopping,  the bureau came into my eyes some 50 meters away from the ticket gate and those vending machines, where they sold train tickets in cash as well.


A clerk at the reception told me that I could come to the office any time if I had any trouble in managing the vending machine. It made me so much relieved and relaxed even while walking around for joy and souvenir hunting in the city, thereafter.









〈 イギリス、ノースヨークシャーのWhitbyとMarton の鉄道駅 〉



〈 Whitby Railway Station in North Yorkshire implies some nostargic memories 〉







駅からさほど遠くない坂上のFlower Gate通りでは、観光客でしょうか、カップルから、”スーパーにはどのように行かれますか?”と尋ねられ、坂を下って鉄道駅の奥にありますから、大型のオートバイがたくさん集まっている駅前の広場に行けば、その前ですよ、としゃべりながら案内してあげたこともありました。




( The front gate of Whitby Railway Station )


There, at Whitby Railway Station, anyone, any time, can get into the station building and even up to the platform without a ticket. There once was a SL coming in, puffing vigorous cloud of white smoke.


The station has a couple of shops therein which sell a good variety of goods, such as model train coaches, T-shirts, caps, key rings, post cards, books on the town Whitby, toys, even authentic painting works and more, which can be nice souvenirs for my Japanese friends.


Next, connected to the station is a large super market which is quite convenient, as the post office, to the right from the entrance door, opens until late, 7 in the evening, where I can exchange Japanese yen into UK's pound, quite freely.


 When I visited Whitby in 2018, banks or money shops did not buy Japanese yen, however only the post office in that super market bought my Japanese yen, as much as I wanted. Before that year, I could withdraw pounds with Japanese cash cards from ATMs along the streets, and the bank near the Swing Bridge accepted my money exchange, which kindly gave me some ball pens with the bank's name on, for free, as a souvenir. 


One afternoon, while I was walking down along the Flower Gate Street some 200 meters away from the station, a couple of tourists, perhaps, came up to me to ask how they could get to a super market nearby. I, a tourist there as well, joyfully guided them down to the super market.


  I felt pleased deeply that they might have regarded me as a resident in Whitby.



( A SL has just come into Whitby Railway Station. )





〈 Marton Station, the Captain Cook's Birthplace 〉


港町Whitbyからノースヨークシャームーア鉄道で約80分、キャプテン・クックの生誕地として世界中に知られたマートン駅 Marton Stationに初めて行った時は、駅舎がなく、当然のごとく駅員もいなくて、さらにここで列車を降りた客が僕一人だったので、本当に驚きでした。






( Marton Station with a train fading away into the bush )


The railway station Marton for Captain Cook's Birthplace in Stewart Park, which might be about 80 minutes' distance away from Whitby, is so surprisingly quiet, no station office, accordingly no clerks, absolutely nothing. It, however, attracted me a lot, who is not a fan of railway trains. Marton Station's atmosphere seems to be in another world.


( for Middlesbrough )


( for Whitby )







( Along the North Yorkshire Moors Railway, those ordinal residential brick houses as railway stations can be sighted, where their ticket gates cannot be recognized at first glance. )





〈 夜のウェリントン鉄道駅 in  ニュージーランド 〉



〈 The Wellington Railway Station lit up at night, in New Zealand 〉









駅内の左側にはこじんまりした雑貨屋さんがあり、いくつかは日本へのお土産となりますので、行くたびに買い物をしています。玄関入って右側は小さなスーパーなので、夜のおやつとか果物、ワインなどを買うことが出来て、Convenient です。そうそう、ウェリントンは雨の街と言われ、時々シャワーに見舞われますから、頑丈そうな黒い折り畳み傘も買いましたが、これも日本へのお土産になりました。




One of the most impressive photos of railway stations around the world is Wellington Station in New Zealand, when it was lit up wondrously in the night dark.


Pushing the camera's shutter button for the station, or making the focus position in the dark was quite difficult, as my camera was a film one and my skill as such was not so good.


Wellington Station lightened up in the dark air at night often recalls my jouful stay there.


Just the inside of the entrance gate is convenient. On the left is a dayly goods shop, no dairy, where bags and very New Zealand stationary are sold.


On the right is a pretty super market where I often get wine and fruit and various bread. One day, I bought a black foldable umbrella for the frequent shower, every day almonst, in Wellington. 


They say that Wellington is the city of rain.



( There inside the station, before the ticket gates, could All Blacks' banner be seen, also here. )







( Wellington Railway Station under the sun ) 






〈 日本最北、稚内駅前のレール・モニュメント 〉



〈 The monument of the rails bented upward as the carstopper, is set outside before the northernmost station in Japan, Wakkanai Railway Station in Hokkaido. 〉













Though I am not a railway fan, the monument of the bent-up car stopper just outside the station office, which implies the very northernmost terminal of Japan's railways, drew my curiosity and made me push the camera button. 


Behind the station, there are some impressive nostalgic enents hidden. 


I went forward up to Cape Soya, where I was trying to remember a historical event of the strait, Soya Strait of about 250 years ago, eating a couple of spits of grilled sea shells, which I had just bought at a family running tiny shop hard by, sitting on the beach.


At that time, about 250 years ago, a French circumnavigator La Perouse, who was voyaging around the globe after the trails made by Captain James Cook, passed the Soya Strait, wherefore it has been called in English after the captain, La Perouse Strait, even now.


I visited there in the spring, which gave me a chance to sight cute blue flowers, ezo-engo-saku along the slope which led from the shore upward to the Soya hill.




( Wakkanai Railway Station buildig )


At the pier of the Wakkanai Port, right by the railway monument, after dusk, a middle aged guy was fishing squids with a rod, and just caught one, which was swimming in his bucket. 


He told me that that one was for his wife's dinner, and now trying to fish up another for himself, showing a satisfying grin. 


His unforgettable smile enhanced the joy of my journey in the deepest Hokkaido.... I was praying for another squid for the lovely couple....  






("Eezo-engo-saku",  opening pretty blue flowers along the sloping path upward to the Soya hill, would seemingly heal the climbers' fatigue.) 









( Spain Plaza in Tenerife Island )


※ 僕が体験した国際ジェット機、小型飛行機(セスナ)、水上飛行機、ヘリコプター、スカイダイビングの空から眺めた雲海の朝焼けと夕焼け、奇怪な大空の自然芸術、山脈や渓谷や海岸線、地理的にはイギリスのノースヨークシャーやロンドン、ノルウェーのオスロ、スペインのテネリフェ島、ニュージーランドのウェリントン周辺、アラスカの北極やアンカレッジ、南太平洋の空などのPHOTO ESSAY を、前巻の”クック船長の世界旅”とは違った視点で、心のままに綴りたいと思っています。


※※ With photos of the sky, the sea of clouds, the daybreak and nightfall, mountains, valleys, sounds which I took out of international jets, small/tiny airplanes, seaplanes, helicopters and during the falling down with a parachute, or, geographically, towns around the Arctic Sea and Anchorage in Alaska, North Yorkshire and London in the UK, Oslo in Norway, Tenerife Island in Spain, around Wellington in New Zealand, essays on my exciting experiences shall be edited and published here.




【 Painting Works on the Waters  in Spain and New Zealand 】




・・・ beautiful, exciting pictures created on surfaces of rivers, lakes or seas in Alaska, England, Spain, New Zealand, and so on・・・







Pure water itself does not have its own colour, but it is designed by surroundings such as bushes, blue sky or cloudy white sky, the shining of the sunbeam. Then the surface of a river turns to a canvas with artistic works thereon. 


This issue is on those in Spain and New Zealand.




( The taxi driver looked happy to make me enjoy the splended water pool in the park. )




( The ancient Tenerife wine, which Captain James Cook bought here, the same type, according to a wine museum's stuff, and carried it to the Bering Sea and then presented some to the people there, almost 250 years ago. )







島の北東に位置する首都サンタクルスのメンセイという瀟洒なホテルに滞在して、島のあちらこちらを散策するのですが、イギリス人の友達が島南端の町 Los Cristianos に住んでいて僕を待っていましたので、ホテル前にタクシーを呼んでいただき、運転手さんと交渉し、Los Cristianos まで約1万円で行ってもらうことになりました。


テネリフェ島では物価が安いので、タクシー・ドライバーさんは1万円の料金に満足されたのでしょうか、あるいは僕の無邪気に惹かれたのでしょうか、途中いくつかの観光スポットに寄ってくれました。その最初の地がSpain Plazaだったのです。


(The Basilicaという広場では、即席の観光ガイドとなった彼から、冷たいコーラまでプレゼントしていただきました。)











Almost 250 years ago, a famous circumnavigator Captain James Cook anchored at the Santa Cruz port in Tenerife Island in Spain to purchase fresh food and " Wine " en route to the Pacific and forward to the Bering Strait and further into the Arctic Sea.


The wine is now quite well known as Tenerife Wine, which has some 300 years' history. 


As he sailed to the Bering Sea, Captain Cook must have presented some wine, which, quite probably, he had got in Tenerife, to the instructive people in Aleurtian Islands, since they helped the captain reconfirm and revise his maps therearound. 


That ancient wine had attracted me for a couple of decades before I flew to Tenerife to try some in the spring of 2019.  


The journey provided me with a lot of joyous events and things.




テネリフェ島の最終日の夜明け前、Santa Cruz 港から海岸沿いを西に向かってとぼとぼ歩いていると、街なかを流れる小さな川の河口まで来ました。Spain Plazaの南に位置する海岸です。








( The rivermouth in Santa Cruz )


My hotel was located in the northern part of the major city Santa Cruz, and my British friend was living coincidently in a flat in a southernmost city Los Cristianos and waiting for me there, wherefore I was taking a taxi, in front of the hotel, negotiating with the driver for the fare to the south. I offered probably 70 euros, with which he might have been satisfied. Then we departed the hotel.


After about 10 minutes drive, he turned rihgt into a parking spot, telling me that that was the most popular Spain Plaza. That was not my request but just his favour to try to amuse me, seemingly. He even said " The park is so popular that you should see it. "  It caught my curiosity that the water pool there was one of my most exciting experiences in Tenerife Island.




Before dawn on my final day in the island, I awoke quite early and went to the Santa Cruz port and rambled along the coastline. Walking for some minutes, there flowed a small river, rather gutter in a sense wherein some thin and long fish could be seen showing their fins in the shallow stream. It made me excited, who loved fishing in his boyhood. I abode for a while on the bridge at the rivermouth.








Calm Waters in New Zealand





( Queen Charlotte Sound )





海峡入り口、つまり東、太平洋側のQueen Charlotte Sound湾と西、タスマン海側Golden BayCape Farewell が僕の目的で、ヘリコプターや小型セスナ機で鳥瞰して回りますので、わくわくの空中散歩です。
















( the writer Skipper Someya, in Nelson, awaiting the departure for Queen Charlotte Sound )



The Cook Strait, which is the deviding line between the South Island and the North Island, provides picturesque panorama with a lot of inlets or harbours, waterways, peninsulas, hills, valleys .... 


Queen Charlotte Sound, Golden Bay and Cape Farewell are my favorites. To make bird views of them, helicopters and small airplanes are convenient, available. 


There used to be a skydiving company nearby before, which gave me an opportunity to sight the area wholly from the altitude of 12000 feet.


When I flew from Nelson Airport to Queen Charlotte Sound by helicopter, I misimagined that I would pilot the helicopter, which pushed me to ask the pilot Hermish, who was amazingly skillful, if I could manage a flight myself in the sky after some one day training from him. ......His answer was absolutely no, never.  


The pilot explained me that operating a helicopter was extreamly difficult in the sky over the Marlborough Sounds along the Cook Strait which caused unstable air conditions, upstreams and downstreams, which would drift the small vehicle gently up and, on the next moment, downward.


( Queen Charlotte Sound seen from a cruising boat ) 







( It is quite difficult to shoot photos of wild dolphines. )


Those sounds and harbours showed me some beautiful pictures. 



As I was sailing in one of the sounds in a cruising boat, some seals and dolphines could be sighted, and surprisingly a couple of penguins leapt out of water onto the cliff. Rarely, my kiwi friend told me, they saw a whale swimming there.  However, those animals, paradoxically, enhanced the stillness of the air therearound. 



( beautiful morning views of the Golden Bay, seen from a helicopter )






( a water pool in the mountains around the Cape Farewell )





Once I was in a small plane Cessna, which was flying me over around the northernmost sky of the South Island, Nelson, a white object in a strange shape of a gourd came into my eyes. It, at the next moment, turned out to be a pond in the mountains, reflecting the sky thereabove.


By chance and coincidentally, as I was watching a YouTube about Scotland, an incredible photo could be seen, which showed almost the same image of a white pond as that I viewed in the mountain in NZ, as just mentioned above, at the beginning of the movie "Scotland-Geography, Culture and Economy". 


( There is a very extra story as an appendix. That YouTube introduced that my favorite, lovely actress Deborah Kerr was from Scotland, with an elegant photo of her, wherefore the northern part of England and Scotland are got quite closer to me.)












( Oslo Fjord implies seascapes around Vancouver Island in Canada )



※ 僕が体験した国際線ジェット機、小型飛行機(セスナ)、水上飛行機、ヘリコプター、スカイダイビングの空から眺めた雲海の朝焼けと夕焼け、大空の雲の芸術作品、山脈や渓谷や海岸線、地理的にはイギリスのヨークシャーやロンドン、ノルウェーのオスロ、スペインのテネリフェ島、ニュージーランドのウェリントン周辺、アラスカの北極やアンカレッジ、南太平洋の空などのPHOTO ESSAY を、前巻の”クック船長の世界旅”とは違った視点で、心のままに綴りたいと思っています。


※※ With photos of the sky, the sea of clouds, the daybreak and nightfall, mountains, valleys, sounds which I took out of international jets, small/tiny airplanes, seaplanes, helicopters and during the falling down with a parachute, or, geographically, towns around the Arctic Sea in Alaska, North Yorkshire and London in the U.K., Oslo in Norway, Tenerife Island in Spain, around Wellington in New Zealand, essays on my exciting experiences shall be edited and published here.






【 Painting Works on the Water in a Fjord in Norway and North Yorkshire in UK 】




・・・  beautiful, exciting pictures created on the surfaces of rivers, lakes or seas in Alaska, England, New Zealand, Spain ・・・














( ノルウェーのオスロフィヨルドで乗ったクルーザーの航跡は、カナダのバンクーバー島の景色を連想させます。)


昔、写真やDVD ”Vikings" で、ノルウェーのフィヨルドを見たことがあり、いつか本当の姿を見たいと思っていました。オスロは、僕がイギリスのWhitbyに行く時はいつもKLM航空を利用していてアムステルダム空港でトランジットしますから、容易に行くことが出来ます。








バンクーバー島とカナダ本土との間の海峡を観光クルージングしている会社の若社長さんで、僕が、あの海峡ではシャチが見られるんでしょ(?)と尋ねると、彼はなぜ僕がそんなことを知っているか、という顔付きでした。バンクーバー島の太平洋側にあるNootka Sound で250年以上も昔、イギリス人の Captain James Cook  はここを探検した時エゾマツ・フレーバーのビール Spruce Beer を造りましたが、今でもどこぞの会社で醸造しているでしょうか、などなど僕らの会話はどんどんエスカレートするのでした。




僕が Captain Cook Societyの一般会員で、Capatain Cook Memorial Museum in Whitby の特別会員であることを話すと、カナダに旅する時は必ず連絡するように、と名刺をくれましたので、僕は名刺とCaptain Cook Societyのワッペンをプレゼントしました。







また余話ですが、19世紀の中頃にジュール・ベルヌの『80日間世界一周』という映画が制作された時、イントロダクションの話題として、"the people who live on this shrinking planet..."  " world was already shrinking when it, AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 DAYS ( the title attached in capital letters by the citer Skipper Someya), was written" と、交通手段の進歩が地球を小さくしている、と述べられています。






Seeing photos of my own visit to Oslo and its fjord, some scenery of Vancouver Island of Canada, Nootka Sound therein, and the strait between the island and the mainland of Canada can be imagined, for there happened a great meeting with a smart guy and his some girl friends from Canada while I was making a cruising in the Oslo Fjord.


In the cruising boat, he got allured by my camera, which was an common one EOS Kiss, telling me about his carrier back in Canada, who was running a company with sight seeing boats around the strait, where killer whales can be often sighted, which is quite popular.


Thus our conversation was started and my world journey was drawing his curiosity and I was, oppositely, very much tempted to learn his job and attractive, curious stories of around Vancouver Island.


That exciting meeting made me feel that our globe seemed quite small. Yes, while I was drifting about in Oslo Fjord, my heart was flown into the western part of Canada and seeking for killer whales thereabout in his small boat.





(青黒いオスロフィヨルド峡湾を小さな連絡船に乗って西方にあるビグドイ半島に渡ると、そこには コンティキ号、フラム号、ユア号の博物館 が隣立している広場があります。)









ノースヨークシャームーア大丘陵の中を普通の列車や白い煙を吐き出しながらSLが走っていて、窓から眺める自然はどこも感動します。縦/横断する流れは渓谷であり、小川であり、せせらぎであり、小堀でもあり、下流の河口は人間の雰囲気を漂わせたWhitby Harbourです。中流の渓谷は川岸に木々が繁茂して自然を感じさせる場所で、ここら辺りが僕のお気に入りです。









The next, but the primary target of my journey, after visiting Norway, is always Whitby and North Yorkshire, where so many alluring things such as Captain Cook Memorial Museum in Whitby, Cook's Birth Place Museum in Stewart Park, the locale of the film Harry Potter, Dracura's memorials, the historical ruins of Whitby Abbey and more and more. Everything, almost, makes me excited while I stay there.



The Eska Dale or Valley shows the beauty of still water, surrounded with bushes. The stream has not been destroyed by man's hands yet. 


( The still water in the Esk Dale reflects the wild surroundings. )







僕のホテルはWhitby Harbour湾を見下ろすことの出来る、少し高台にあります。


ある夕暮れ、湾の流れの北に、したがって外海の左の浜辺方向に沈む太陽が、北海・North Sea Whitby Harbour をピンクやオレンジや濃藍色に染めていました。



( Whitby Harbour at dusk )


The location of the hotel, whereat I usually stay, is lovely for the view of the Whitby Harbour and the famous St. Mary's Church and the Abbey.


As the sky turned in the dusk colour, I automatically hurried out to the West Pier and push the camera button with no halts.


On an evening, the colour of the sky got darker, and then it was changing to pink or orange over the harbour.


The sky over the North Sea, outside the harbour, showed splended sights, whereabout the watery strand and the sea were pictured so stunningly by the sun receding down beyond the norhtern horizon. 





( Whitby's west side beach along the North Sea  at dusk )








( An art work produced by the sun on a stream in the Turnagain Arm river, near Anchorage, Alaska )




※ 僕が体験した国際線ジェット機、小型飛行機(セスナ)、水上飛行機、ヘリコプター、スカイダイビングの空から眺めた雲海の朝焼けと夕焼け、大空の雲の芸術作品、山脈や渓谷や海岸線、地理的にはイギリスのヨークシャーやロンドン、ノルウェーのオスロ、スペインのテネリフェ島、ニュージーランドのウェリントン周辺、アラスカの北極やアンカレッジ、南太平洋の空などのPHOTO ESSAY を、前巻の”クック船長の世界旅”とは違った視点で、心のままに綴りたいと思っています。


※※ With photos of the sky, the sea of clouds, the daybreak and nightfall, mountains, valleys, sounds which I took out of international jets, small/tiny airplanes, seaplanes, helicopters and during the falling down with a parachute, or, geographically, towns around the Arctic Sea in Alaska, North Yorkshire and London in the U.K., Oslo in Norway, Tenerife Island in Spain, around Wellington in New Zealand, essays on my exciting experiences shall be edited and published here.





【Paintings  on the Water, in Alaska





・・・  artistic, beautiful figures on the river, lake or sea surface seen in Alaska, England, New Zealand ・・・



( Around the mouth of  the Turnagain Arm river )










( The upper Turnagain Arm turns streams, no longer a river or valley. )




アラスカ国際空港の隣に設けられた水上飛行場(湖)を飛び立つ小型の水上飛行機は、西方に流れるTurnagain Armリバーに、そして細川と化した上流に遡って、低空を氷山連峰までゆっくりと飛んで行きます。


離水すると間もなくTurnagain Arm リバー上空です。真下の川面が太陽光線を反射しており、飛行機が進むにつれて、様々な模様を見せているのでした。僕の目は、自然の絵画作品に強力に引き付けられていました。


さらに飛行機は2、3分飛ぶと、8月の夏なのに氷河で白い、近くで見るとうす水色の山々まで来て、水の少ないTarnagain Armリバーとは違って、水量いっぱいの入り江に着水するのですが、水面には山々が白く映り、静謐な世界を創り出していました













Though the pure water never has colours as such, just transparent, it can be a canvas whereon various sketches are created by the sunbeam or sunlight with whity clouds and blue sky.


It has long been one of my ideas that those art works on the water surface should be drafted for my blog, which I sighted in North Yorkshire, England, Alaska and New Zealand. However in this issue, some attractive or puzzling photos, I took therearound,  of Alaska shall be selected, and those of North Yokshire and New Zealand are in the following.




It was amazing that the water surface was reflecting the blue, gray or white sky and created artistic works. Nature can be judged often as a genius painter, which always attracted me so mightily. 


It reminds me of a great Indian ink paintings which are hung on a wall of the primary empty room of my friend's temple. Its theme is a couple of dragons, which I love to watch lying on the back, on the tatami-mats.









( The surface of an inlet showed, to me, delicate ripplets on the light blue water. )


In Alaska, around Anchorage, a tiny seaplane flew me over glacier mountains.


With a pair of huge floats which were attached to its body, it glided off the seaplane port in the lake actually close to Anchorage International Airport, for southern glaciers.


While it was flying along above the Turnagain Arm, a valley in a sense, there ran a couple of streams.


Flying quite slow and low, it left the dale into over the whity mountains, where an inlet showed me another art work; the still water bore bewitching glaciers and dark mountains. It should be called a very art.


(氷河連山を映した入り江の、静寂な水面 /  still water in an inlet )






(アンカレッジの街はずれに広がるCook Inlet river )


ある日の夕方、アンカレッジのホテルの窓から眺めたクック湾 Cook Inlet は不思議な色に染まっていて、かつて見たことのない怪しげな、深淵な世界を感じました。


こんな夕暮れに、キャプテン・クック・ホテルの最上階のレストランでワイン(僕はスイートなドイツのラインワインで、Napa Valleyではありませんでした)を飲みながら友達と語り合うのもいいですね。(以前、毎月一本ずつNapa Valleyの白を贈り物としていただいていましたが・・・)


One evening, the sky over the Cook Inlet, which flew gently outskirt of the city Anchorage, looked somehow dark and coloured the water mysterious.


It could be sighted from the restaurant on the uppermost floor of Captain Cook Hotel, where, in that atmosphere, having dinner for a while with a good friend must be lovely, with some wine, Deutsch Rhein wine not Napa Valley, for that evening.



( gentle, still Cook Inlet )




There is a great sea, surrounded with the Bering Strait and Aleutian Islands, Alaska's west coast and Siberia's easternmost land, was reflecting the colour of the downing sun. 


In Alaska, there used to be a great gold rush around the turning to the 20th century. When I visited Nome in 2016 and 2018, were even now gold hunters seen, though it seemed not so successful as before.









Gold Rush という大きな繁栄の時は過去かもしれませんが、ノームにもあり、ここの海底には現在でも黄金が埋もれているようです。写真の左下の浜辺近くの海上にポツンと見える2つの影は、ゴールド・ハンターの船です。


(左下に見える小さな2つの影がゴールドハンターの船です。Tiny boats on the left bottom are gold hunters'.)


The Bering Sea and the sky thereabove I saw were dyed in gold.


At dusk and quite early in the morning, I went to the Bearing Sea beach and Nome Port, where the water surfaces were showing exciting, attractive colours of the going or coming sun.












One early morning, just before dawn, a taxi driver, who was waiting for unexpected, almost,  customers, could get a curious Japanese customer by happening and drove to the tip of the main street along the coastline, Nome Port, where I could sight a picturesque sunrise on the port water surface.  Nome's morning scenery was perfectly quiet !


He, the driver even told me, while driving, about a great history of Gold Rush in Nome, where his father would mine Gold succeefully to fund his son's (the driver's) college tuition, which might be somewhat a dreamlike story. 




















※ 僕が体験した国際線ジェット機、小型飛行機(セスナ)、水上飛行機、ヘリコプター、スカイダイビングの空から眺めた雲海の朝焼けと夕焼け、大空の雲の芸術作品、山脈や渓谷や海岸線、地理的にはイギリスのヨークシャーやロンドン、ノルウェーのオスロ、スペインのテネリフェ島、ニュージーランドのウェリントン周辺、アラスカの北極やアンカレッジ、南太平洋の空などのPHOTO ESSAY を、前巻の”クック船長の世界旅”とは違った視点で、心のままに綴りたいと思っています。


※※ With photos of the sky, the sea of clouds, the daybreak and nightfall, mountains, valleys, sounds which I took out of international jets, small/tiny airplanes, seaplanes, helicopters and during the falling down with a parachute, or, geographically, towns around the Arctic Sea in Alaska, North Yorkshire and London in the U.K., Oslo in Norway, Tenerife Island in Spain, around Wellington in New Zealand, essays on my exciting experiences shall be edited and published here.








 The Ruins of Whitby Abbey, a Wonderful Memory of My Stay thereat 

















On the passing of Her Majesty  Queen Elizabeth, all, almost, the TV programmes were occupied to report her funeral events every day.  The related celemony was so grand that it seemed a part of a movie about the UK's prosperous history, which drew my interest very much.


Now about black, jet necklaces often used for those celemonies.


Queen Victoria, as she lost her husband,Prince Albertfavoured the black necklace made of jet gem which was produced in my second home town Whitby, North Yorkshire on the North Sea. 


The gem stone, jet has been mentioned several times in my blogs; the latest one was issued on April 9, 2022.


Japan's Emperor and Empress attended the celemony, whereat Empress Masako-sama reportedly wore a jet necklace, recollecting Queen Victoria, wherefrom I soon recollect my days in Whitby.


Thinking of those necklaces of Queen Victoria and Japan's Empress Masako-sama, my mind would fly to the jet producing town Whitby and naturally the remains of Whitby Abbey as a token of the town, the stone skeleton. 


The production of jet accesories and those shops were introduced in my previous blogs. Then this blog's main subject is about the ruinous Abbey and the atmosphere, Celtic, therearound.


More than a decade ago, I was greatly shocked on the first glance at the broken down Abbey; only its stone walls were left.


As I mentioned several times before, I got charmed with Whitby Abbey surprisingly by the guy whom I met in Wellington, New Zealand


When I tried a sky diving over the Cook Strait along the capital city Wellington in 2007, the instructor of that sport, who was the owner of the pleasure sky diving company, told me that he was from Easington Colliery in Durham, UK.  After some time from our first meeting for my sky diving, actually the following year, he went back to his parents' home in Durham and drove to Whitby with them, somewhat near from his home, where he took some photos of the ruined abbey and sent some to me in Japan. They tempted  me very mightily to travel to Whitby, the Abbey. One of them was of his elegant mother sitting quite impressively on an ancient stone. 



( the relief of Her Majesty Queen Victoria in front of  Backingham Palace )









既に一昔前、2008年8月、イギリス、ダラム出身でニュージーランド在住の友達ニール(僕がスカイダイビングをした時のインストラクター)が、僕がクック船長の故郷、イギリスのウィットビーに行きたい、と話していたので、ダラムに里帰りした時、わざわざウィットビーまで、えんえんとドライブして写真をたくさん撮って、日本に送ってくれました。その中に風化され石の構造物と化した Whitby Abbey の写真も数枚あり、僕はすっかり魅了されました。














( After dusk, the Abbey looks so mistic, standing in the dark sky, especially under the moon. )




The skeleton of the Abbey is still left on the hill of the East Cliff along the North Sea . Hard by is St. Mary's Church yard with a tall, conspicuous stone cross, which shows very Celtic atmosphere.


In front of the Abbey, is a little pond. 


Wherein were a large stone with a sacred sword stuck therein which was only for the forthcoming, young King Arthur, which nobody could recognize or believe, but Sir Merlin only knew, as told in King Arthur's legend


 I often dream such a fantasy.













空になったドアから、ウィットビー湾を超えてず~っと向こうの丘と北海は、イギリスのヴォーカルグループ、ケルティックウーマンの一人クロエが ” Walking in the Air " を歌った時の背景によく似ています。そして僕のケルト夢想はいっそう強くなります。















One of the vocalists of the group Celtic Woman, Chloe sings in a hilly locale along the sea. The scenery, quite similar to Whitby's sea shore, can be imagined clearly in my mind whenever I see the west side of Whitby and the North Sea, through the empty door of the bare stone of the Abbey.


Sitting still on a remained ancient round rock, a foundation of the ruins, I would meditate for some while to imagine invaders sailing from the continent or Scandinavia, vikings in the curious and picture-like battle ships with a sharply curved high bowhead, though I have never seen any actual one around there but some in the movie " the Vikings, " wherein a romance affair, not like " An Affair to Remember ",  of a Britain's lady and the son of the viking's king is featured. A viking ship can be viewed in Tenerife, one of the Canary Islands, which is for whale watching for amusement. 




Thinking of the Whitby Abbey and its surroundings, I would easily journey into joyous daydreams.





(The atmosphere of the hill seems quite Celtic with the tall stone cross and the tombs hard by.)









※ 僕が体験した国際線ジェット機、小型飛行機(セスナ)、水上飛行機、ヘリコプター、スカイダイビングの空から眺めた雲海の朝焼けと夕焼け、奇怪な大雲平原、山脈や渓谷や海岸線、地理的にはイギリスのヨークシャーやロンドン、ノルウェーのオスロ、スペインのテネリフェ島、ニュージーランドのウェリントン周辺、アラスカの北極やアンカレッジ、南太平洋の空などのPHOTO ESSAY を、前巻の”クック船長の世界旅”とは違った視点で、心のままに綴りたいと思っています。


※※ With photos of the sky, the sea of clouds, the daybreak and nightfall, mountains, valleys, sounds which I took out of international jets, small/tiny airplanes, seaplanes, helicopters and during the falling down with a parachute, or, geographically, towns around the Arctic Sea in Alaska, North Yorkshire and London in the U.K., Oslo in Norway, Tenerife Island in Spain, around Wellington in New Zealand, essays on my exciting experiences shall be edited and published here.




【 暗闇の日の出前、スペインの港にブルーサファイア 】


【 Blue Sapphire Lights in a Port before Daybreak in Spain 】



















エレベーターを降りてホテルの広いロビーまで行くと、フロントデスクのドイツ人男性が僕に微笑みかけてくれましたので、僕は彼に Buenos dias, Guten Morgen と 声をかけ、I'm going to the seafront. と言いながら外に出て、ホテルの玄関前で、こんな早い時間なのに、客待ちしているタクシーがあって、渡りに舟、サンタクルス港までお願いしました。





Blue Sapphire is known as the birthstone for September.


As a birthday present for a lady who is born in September, seem a pair of Blue Sapphire earrings attractive, not pink one or black. Though I once bought black sapphire ones for my friend's wife in NZ which made her quite content, I prefer blue sapphire, for the colour blue is my favorite.



The story is about a ferry in the Santa Curz port in Tenerife Island.



In May, 2019, before sunrise, the world in Canary Islands was covered in coal black air. Even that early morning, I awoke from sound sleep for, perhaps, I had had some good Tenerife wine, which meant the commencement of my final day in Spain.



Stroling alone about the sea shore around dawn is always my joy during my journeys.



As I got out of the lift, at the reception desk of the hotel, before that night's end, the clerk, who was from Germany, was smiling at me, to whom I made a cheerful morning greeting, saying " Buenos dias ", " Guten Morgen ", and " I am going to the seafront". 


Right outside the entrance door, by a tall palm tree, was a taxi waiting for some customers even on that early morning. I asked him to drive me to the Santa Cruz port














The taxi drove through the city center and the motorway for some 10 minutes, perhaps, along the sea shore, and turned rightward up to the Santa Curz port. On the water, very brilliant sapphire blue lights were brightening the dark pier. I did not recognize what they were, at that moment.


The blue objects naturally magneted me to there, who loved the colour. As I walked to the wharf, it became clear that they were the lights attached onto a huge ferry, which belonged to a shipping company Armas


It allured me to abide there for a while.











After some minutes of walk around the pier, which let me feel that the area was a warm sea shore with a line of palm trees and yachts with their masts upright, I tried to take a taxi, only in vain. It was yet too early to catch any around the quay and the motor way, where nobody but I was strolling about. 


I walked westward along the motor way for 20 or 30 minutes without encountering human beings but only large warehouses. My legs turned to logs, almost.  


At last I reached a corner of the road where was the famous, conspicuous huge building Auditorio, which was located at the southern edge of the city Santa Cruz.









高速道の側道を、足が棒になりそうなほど歩くと、オーストラリアのオペラハウスを連想させる テネリフェ公会堂(?) Auditorio de Tenerife まで来ました。




壮大な Auditorio de Tenerife に圧倒されながら、右に曲がり市内に向かって一つ目の信号のある交差点の西方、街路の奥、遠くに山並みが見えてきました。











They say that the early bird catches the worm. 



So the early riser, Skipper Someya certainly met three delightful attractions, the blue sapphire lights, the Auditorio de Tenerife and the following beautiful nature.



After I left that curious building Auditorio, which I had sighted previously several times out of my friend's car without knowing, at that time, what it was, I walked some 50 steps toward the heart of the downtown. At the first crossing with trafic lights, on my left, a couple of mountains coloured reddish came into my eyes. 


Nature seemed to have prepared the last charm with the mountains for my final day in Spain, rather Tenerife Island.












(スペイン旅の最終日の朝は、大概の道理として、Early Riser の僕に、3つの感動を用意してくれていたようです。)






ブルーライトですが、日本の横浜ではありません、そして僕が散策したのは、横浜のたそがれではなく”夜明け前”でした。”たそがれ”で、司馬遼太郎が『項羽と劉邦』の本で、散文ではあまり出会うことのない”薄暮”という幻想的な言葉を使っていることを思い出します。僕の旅は、スペイン、サンタクルスの暗い早朝のBlue Sapphire Lightsでしたが、あれが早朝ではなく薄暗い宵闇であれば、そぞろ歩きも多少はロマンチックであったろうに、と夢想もします・・・。















 僕が体験した国際線ジェット機、小型飛行機(セスナ)、水上飛行機、ヘリコプター、スカイダイビングの空から眺めた雲海の朝焼けと夕焼け、奇怪な大雲平原、山脈や渓谷や海岸線、地理的にはイギリスのヨークシャーやロンドン、ノルウェーのオスロ、スペインのテネリフェ島、ニュージーランドのウェリントン周辺、アラスカの北極やアンカレッジ、南太平洋の空などのPHOTO ESSAY を、前巻の”クック船長の世界旅”とは違った視点で、心のままに綴りたいと思っています。


※※ With photos of the sky, the sea of clouds, the daybreak and nightfall, mountains, valleys, sounds which I took out of international jets, small/tiny airplanes, seaplanes, helicopters and during the falling down with a parachute, or, geographically, towns around the Arctic Sea in Alaska, North Yorkshire and London in the U.K., Oslo in Norway, Tenerife Island in Spain, around Wellington in New Zealand, essays on my exciting experiences shall be edited and published here.



【 アラスカの氷河から落ちる滝 】


 Icy Waterfall Drops from the Glacier on the Steep Cliff in Alaska



※ Which mentions about the waterfall from a glacier on the steep cliff viewed from the sky, out of a sea plane, and icy water surface of an inlet ....






先日はインターネット・ニュース( Showbizz Daily  )の中で「世界でもっともスペクタクルな滝」として、カナダとアメリカ境界にあるナイアガラの滝、アフリカのヴィクトリアの滝(僕のお気に入りです)、ブラジルとアルゼンチン境のイグアスの滝などなど豪快な瀑布がたくさん紹介されていましたが、夏になると、涼しいアンカレッジの氷河滝が、僕の脳内に張られたスクリーンに現れてきます。


日本の避暑としては、8月でも0℃程度のアラスカの北極の町 Barrow / Utqiagvik は寒すぎなのでアンカレッジに近い氷河連山巡りが適度なのかもしれません。






Japan's summer is recently hot, rather heated. The temperature on the ground such as a parking lot goes higher and higher upto around 50 degrees Celsius, wherefore sunny side up eggs might be cooked very instantly, in a couple of seconds. 


Some days ago an Internet news, Showbizz Daily, presented a lot of photos of greatest waterfalls around the world, Niagara Falls on the border between Canada and US, Victoria Falls in Africa, Iguas Falls along the border of Brazil and Argentina and many more, which are all mighty and fantastic !


A splended waterfall that I have ever sighted is one in Alaska. Its water, melting water, drops from a great mass of glacier on the steep cliff, which is located near Anchorage, around Alaska Gulf.





アンカレッジ国際空港に到着しスーツケースを受け取ると、市内のホテルまでタクシーで行くのですが、途中、水上飛行場になっている湖 Lake Hood に回り道して、水上飛行機で氷河観光する会社 Reagal Air に立ち寄ることにしています。


2018年8月には、小さなコッテージのような事務所前のステップを駆け上がり、" I'm back to here for Glacier Viewing " と言って、アンダーウェアとして着ている、一昨年ここで買った、Regal Air 社の水上飛行機がプリントされたTシャツを見せびらかせて、みんなで笑いながら、今回のフライトの予約を済ませました。



During Japanese Obon Season, a midsummer holiday season in August, I could escape from the summer heat several times, to Alaska, where, each time, I tried to fly in a seaplane over around glacier mountains near Alaska Gulf.


The scenery is so beautiful with light blue ice masses. One of the impressive memories is the grandest waterfall there ; the name, I do not know. 




( The whitish falling stream comes from a gigantic mass of whitish blue glacier as melting water from the steep, high cilff and downs into the icy harbour. )




















この湾に立って感じられる寒気は、アラスカ最北の町バロー( Barrow/Utqiagvik )で体感する氷点の冷たさとは違う、スリルに富んだ肌寒さですから、ある意味、氷河遊覧飛行のアトラクションの一つ、と言えるかもしれません。



( The plane was flying just above the blue thick glacier, which let me eye the side of the ice . )



( The dark green water looked freezing cold. )



( Each plane had a pair of small floats whereon we stood to view up the waterfall which  dropped from the sheer cliff. )




( In the harbour, were some ice floes drifting about, which would show the water there was very cold. )


The sea plane circled around the white mountains and landed or downed onto the water in the harbour to please us with the scenery to be seen therearound.


 I viewed up the waterfall and other beautiful sight of mountains, standing on the feet upon the plane's small float, which was attached on the plane's body, rather belly.


Even though the view from the sea was so marvelous, the water beneath my feet, or the plane's float, seemed icy cold, which made me feel my heart tremble, quiver.......


( One of the seaplanes at anchorage at the lake airport near Anchorage Airport )


In August in Alaska, it might be a must to fly around over the icy mountains and, if possible, ask the pilot to stay upon the sound and step out of the vehicle for fascinating scenery, and perhaps the fear of freezing water underneath. 





larpool viaduct

( Some photos of Larpool Viaduct were shot out of the train, which are not clear therefore. )


※ 僕が体験した国際ジェット機、小型飛行機(セスナ)、水上飛行機、ヘリコプター、スカイダイビングの空から眺めた雲海の朝焼け、奇怪な大雲平原、あるいはイギリスのヨークシャーやロンドン、ノルウェーのオスロ、スペインのテネリフェ島やニュージーランドのウェリントン周辺などのPHOTO ESSAY を前巻の”クック船長の世界旅”とは違った視点で、心のままに綴りたいと思っています。




※※ With photos of the sky, the sea of clouds, the daybreak and nightfall, which I took out of international jets, small/tiny airplanes, seaplanes, helicopters and during the falling down with a parachute, or towns around the Arctic Sea in Alaska, North Yorkshire and London in the U.K., Oslo in Norway, Tenerife Island in Spain, around Wellington in New Zealand, essays on my exciting experiences shall be edited and published here.





【 Whitby's Bridge like Ancient Roman Water Bridge for Cycling and Bungee Jump】



☆☆☆ Which mentions English people's playful mind in designing unique, attractive and wonderous bridges ☆☆☆





イギリスにはローマの歴史が深く刻まれており、現在でもその名残りを見ることが出来ます。ロンドンから全国に向けて主要なローマ街道が広がっていて、僕がノースヨークシャーをバスに乗ってウィットビーに行く途中でも、ローマ街道Roman Roadという標識を見かけます


ノースヨークシャーとスコットランドの境界にはグレートブリテン島を横断するハドリアヌスHadorian's Wallもありますが、これもローマ人の遺産のひとつです。


イギリスのこんな奥地までローマ人が入っていたのか、と驚きますが、そんな先入観があるからでしょう、ウィットビー西郊外のエスク渓谷に架かっている橋、ラープール・バイアダクト Larpool Viaduct を初めて見掛けた時は、ローマの水道橋遺跡だ、と思い込んだのです。



僕が滞在するウィットビーからキャプテン・クックの生まれ故郷マートン Marton に行く時はノースヨークシャームーア鉄道に乗ります。そしてウィットビー駅を出発すると間もなく、このラープール橋の下を潜ることになります。




橋を眺めながら、近くにRoman Road の遺跡もありますから、この橋は古代ローマ時代の水道橋遺跡だ、と思ったのですが、そうではありませんでした。


Railway Paths Ltd. のインターネット情報によりますと、このLarpool Viaduct橋は1884年に鉄道橋として造られたそうです。





5 larpool viaduct

There is a huge history of the ancient Rome who advanced into Great Britain and left their great works, which could be still recognized therearound, such as Roman Roads  which spread out of London to every part of the island and the great, but low, Hadrian's Wall along the boundary between England and Scotland, across the Great Britain Island.


Every time I go to Whitby from Leeds City, my bus passes by  a trafic sign of Roman Road in the North Norkshire Moor



Having those impressive information, the bridge, Larpool Viaduct, which appered suddenly before me who was traveling in a local train from Whitby for Middlesborough, seemed to be a remain of Roman people's construction as a water bridge, I supposed so.  


It is built over the River Esk, around the suburbs of Whitby, in the west.


Some minutes after a train  of Norkshire Moor Railways departed Whitby Station, it would run under the bridge. I was allured to take out a camera and push the button every second, feeling as if I were playing a role in a movie of the Roman World, like films of Cleopatra and Julius Caesar.


According to an article on Larpool Viaduct, it was built in 1884 for railway trains and ended its  service in 1965, which is now open only for walkers and cyclists.



It is wonderous that they could experience bungee jump at that elegant bridge, falling down forward at the Esk Dale's water. 


The bungee jumping, which originated in Vanuatu as a kind of ceremony of turning to be adult, is operated at various places in England. Larpool Viaduct bungee jumping is one of them.



Another spot for that amusement is there at a bridge nearby. There is a town Middlesbrough where a curious bridge, Transportation Bridge , which was reffered to in my previous blogs, is equipped for the attraction over the Tees River.

4 larpool viaduct












ノースヨークシャームーア鉄道のミドルズブラ駅で降りると、町外れのテーズ河に、大きなクレーンで自動車を6台くらい渡す、輸送橋 Transportation Bridge が見えてきます。この橋でもバンジージャンプをしているのだそうです。





3 larpool viaduct


Already 4 years ago, 2018 when I visited my friend John in Easington Colliery  along the North Sea in Durham, he drove me to the Middlesbrough Railway Station. On the way, whilst we were running around the unique bridge, which seemed to be a crane car transporter over the river, he recomended me, with a grin, to try a bungee jump.



I took it as his usual joke. However, referring to the Internet of the bridge's bungee jump, it was actually available.

2 larpool viaduct

esk the river


2 transporter bridge


このTransportation Bridge は、映画 「リトルダンサー」あるいは ”Billy Elliot" で Billy も渡った、とても印象的な橋です。




There is an extra story that this Transportation Bridge carried the actor Billy in the movie " Billy Elliott " or " Little Dancer "  who left Easington Colliery, my friend's town, and aimed at the Middlesbrough Railway Station, holding a great dream to be a professional dancer.


・・・As a matter of fact, as another extra story, my friend John was working in the tunnels of the colliery, and, in the film, a small convenience store can be seen where I once bought a couple of batteries for traveller's alarm clock, which would allure me mightily to fly back to Easington Colliery at once. 


3 transporter bridge


1 transpoter bridge

It is amazing that they English people might enjoy that amusement of bungee jump at those bridges, which are used for everyday traffic.


Putting the bungee jump aside, each of them, Larpool Viaduct and Transportaion Bridge, shows English people's love for the bridges, which implies my nostalgic favour, including those in and around Whitby, Swing Bridge which is curiously designed and opens by turning sidewards, and ancient stone-brick tint bridge Begger's Bridge over Esk Dale.


4 transporter bridge



5 transporte bridge



毎日通っている橋でバンジージャンプをしようという、彼らの遊び心には驚きですが、それはさておくとして、ウィットビー辺りには、珍奇なLarpool Viaduct や Transportation Bridge だけでなく、ウィットビー湾には横に回転して開くSwing Bridge や大草原の小川に架かる、とても古風な石橋 Begger's Bridge なども見られますので、イギリス人が橋の造作を楽しみ、愛しているようで、それぞれの橋が懐かしく思い出されます。


( Swing Bridge )


( Begger's Bridge )



       about Larpool Viaduct's history, citing a couple of lines from Bram Stoker's novel " Dracula "                                 Railway Paths Ltd.


       about bridges for bungee jump in general in UK,

                               https://ukbungee. co.uk   




Notice:  a little revised, March 7, 2023