僕が体験した国際線ジェット機、小型飛行機(セスナ)、水上飛行機、ヘリコプター、スカイダイビングの空から眺めた雲海の朝焼けと夕焼け、奇怪な大雲平原、山脈や渓谷や海岸線、地理的にはイギリスのヨークシャーやロンドン、ノルウェーのオスロ、スペインのテネリフェ島、ニュージーランドのウェリントン周辺、アラスカの北極やアンカレッジ、南太平洋の空などのPHOTO ESSAY を、前巻の”クック船長の世界旅”とは違った視点で、心のままに綴りたいと思っています。


※※ With photos of the sky, the sea of clouds, the daybreak and nightfall, mountains, valleys, sounds which I took out of international jets, small/tiny airplanes, seaplanes, helicopters and during the falling down with a parachute, or, geographically, towns around the Arctic Sea in Alaska, North Yorkshire and London in the U.K., Oslo in Norway, Tenerife Island in Spain, around Wellington in New Zealand, essays on my exciting experiences shall be edited and published here.



【 アラスカの氷河から落ちる滝 】


 Icy Waterfall Drops from the Glacier on the Steep Cliff in Alaska



※ Which mentions about the waterfall from a glacier on the steep cliff viewed from the sky, out of a sea plane, and icy water surface of an inlet ....






先日はインターネット・ニュース( Showbizz Daily  )の中で「世界でもっともスペクタクルな滝」として、カナダとアメリカ境界にあるナイアガラの滝、アフリカのヴィクトリアの滝(僕のお気に入りです)、ブラジルとアルゼンチン境のイグアスの滝などなど豪快な瀑布がたくさん紹介されていましたが、夏になると、涼しいアンカレッジの氷河滝が、僕の脳内に張られたスクリーンに現れてきます。


日本の避暑としては、8月でも0℃程度のアラスカの北極の町 Barrow / Utqiagvik は寒すぎなのでアンカレッジに近い氷河連山巡りが適度なのかもしれません。






Japan's summer is recently hot, rather heated. The temperature on the ground such as a parking lot goes higher and higher upto around 50 degrees Celsius, wherefore sunny side up eggs might be cooked very instantly, in a couple of seconds. 


Some days ago an Internet news, Showbizz Daily, presented a lot of photos of greatest waterfalls around the world, Niagara Falls on the border between Canada and US, Victoria Falls in Africa, Iguas Falls along the border of Brazil and Argentina and many more, which are all mighty and fantastic !


A splended waterfall that I have ever sighted is one in Alaska. Its water, melting water, drops from a great mass of glacier on the steep cliff, which is located near Anchorage, around Alaska Gulf.





アンカレッジ国際空港に到着しスーツケースを受け取ると、市内のホテルまでタクシーで行くのですが、途中、水上飛行場になっている湖 Lake Hood に回り道して、水上飛行機で氷河観光する会社 Reagal Air に立ち寄ることにしています。


2018年8月には、小さなコッテージのような事務所前のステップを駆け上がり、" I'm back to here for Glacier Viewing " と言って、アンダーウェアとして着ている、一昨年ここで買った、Regal Air 社の水上飛行機がプリントされたTシャツを見せびらかせて、みんなで笑いながら、今回のフライトの予約を済ませました。



During Japanese Obon Season, a midsummer holiday season in August, I could escape from the summer heat several times, to Alaska, where, each time, I tried to fly in a seaplane over around glacier mountains near Alaska Gulf.


The scenery is so beautiful with light blue ice masses. One of the impressive memories is the grandest waterfall there ; the name, I do not know. 




( The whitish falling stream comes from a gigantic mass of whitish blue glacier as melting water from the steep, high cilff and downs into the icy harbour. )




















この湾に立って感じられる寒気は、アラスカ最北の町バロー( Barrow/Utqiagvik )で体感する氷点の冷たさとは違う、スリルに富んだ肌寒さですから、ある意味、氷河遊覧飛行のアトラクションの一つ、と言えるかもしれません。



( The plane was flying just above the blue thick glacier, which let me eye the side of the ice . )



( The dark green water looked freezing cold. )



( Each plane had a pair of small floats whereon we stood to view up the waterfall which  dropped from the sheer cliff. )




( In the harbour, were some ice floes drifting about, which would show the water there was very cold. )


The sea plane circled around the white mountains and landed or downed onto the water in the harbour to please us with the scenery to be seen therearound.


 I viewed up the waterfall and other beautiful sight of mountains, standing on the feet upon the plane's small float, which was attached on the plane's body, rather belly.


Even though the view from the sea was so marvelous, the water beneath my feet, or the plane's float, seemed icy cold, which made me feel my heart tremble, quiver.......


( One of the seaplanes at anchorage at the lake airport near Anchorage Airport )


In August in Alaska, it might be a must to fly around over the icy mountains and, if possible, ask the pilot to stay upon the sound and step out of the vehicle for fascinating scenery, and perhaps the fear of freezing water underneath.