※ 僕が体験した国際線ジェット機、小型飛行機(セスナ)、水上飛行機、ヘリコプター、スカイダイビングの空から眺めた雲海の朝焼けと夕焼け、奇怪な大雲平原、山脈や渓谷や海岸線、地理的にはイギリスのヨークシャーやロンドン、ノルウェーのオスロ、スペインのテネリフェ島、ニュージーランドのウェリントン周辺、アラスカの北極やアンカレッジ、南太平洋の空などのPHOTO ESSAY を、前巻の”クック船長の世界旅”とは違った視点で、心のままに綴りたいと思っています。


※※ With photos of the sky, the sea of clouds, the daybreak and nightfall, mountains, valleys, sounds which I took out of international jets, small/tiny airplanes, seaplanes, helicopters and during the falling down with a parachute, or, geographically, towns around the Arctic Sea in Alaska, North Yorkshire and London in the U.K., Oslo in Norway, Tenerife Island in Spain, around Wellington in New Zealand, essays on my exciting experiences shall be edited and published here.




【 暗闇の日の出前、スペインの港にブルーサファイア 】


【 Blue Sapphire Lights in a Port before Daybreak in Spain 】



















エレベーターを降りてホテルの広いロビーまで行くと、フロントデスクのドイツ人男性が僕に微笑みかけてくれましたので、僕は彼に Buenos dias, Guten Morgen と 声をかけ、I'm going to the seafront. と言いながら外に出て、ホテルの玄関前で、こんな早い時間なのに、客待ちしているタクシーがあって、渡りに舟、サンタクルス港までお願いしました。





Blue Sapphire is known as the birthstone for September.


As a birthday present for a lady who is born in September, seem a pair of Blue Sapphire earrings attractive, not pink one or black. Though I once bought black sapphire ones for my friend's wife in NZ which made her quite content, I prefer blue sapphire, for the colour blue is my favorite.



The story is about a ferry in the Santa Curz port in Tenerife Island.



In May, 2019, before sunrise, the world in Canary Islands was covered in coal black air. Even that early morning, I awoke from sound sleep for, perhaps, I had had some good Tenerife wine, which meant the commencement of my final day in Spain.



Stroling alone about the sea shore around dawn is always my joy during my journeys.



As I got out of the lift, at the reception desk of the hotel, before that night's end, the clerk, who was from Germany, was smiling at me, to whom I made a cheerful morning greeting, saying " Buenos dias ", " Guten Morgen ", and " I am going to the seafront". 


Right outside the entrance door, by a tall palm tree, was a taxi waiting for some customers even on that early morning. I asked him to drive me to the Santa Cruz port














The taxi drove through the city center and the motorway for some 10 minutes, perhaps, along the sea shore, and turned rightward up to the Santa Curz port. On the water, very brilliant sapphire blue lights were brightening the dark pier. I did not recognize what they were, at that moment.


The blue objects naturally magneted me to there, who loved the colour. As I walked to the wharf, it became clear that they were the lights attached onto a huge ferry, which belonged to a shipping company Armas


It allured me to abide there for a while.











After some minutes of walk around the pier, which let me feel that the area was a warm sea shore with a line of palm trees and yachts with their masts upright, I tried to take a taxi, only in vain. It was yet too early to catch any around the quay and the motor way, where nobody but I was strolling about. 


I walked westward along the motor way for 20 or 30 minutes without encountering human beings but only large warehouses. My legs turned to logs, almost.  


At last I reached a corner of the road where was the famous, conspicuous huge building Auditorio, which was located at the southern edge of the city Santa Cruz.









高速道の側道を、足が棒になりそうなほど歩くと、オーストラリアのオペラハウスを連想させる テネリフェ公会堂(?) Auditorio de Tenerife まで来ました。




壮大な Auditorio de Tenerife に圧倒されながら、右に曲がり市内に向かって一つ目の信号のある交差点の西方、街路の奥、遠くに山並みが見えてきました。











They say that the early bird catches the worm. 



So the early riser, Skipper Someya certainly met three delightful attractions, the blue sapphire lights, the Auditorio de Tenerife and the following beautiful nature.



After I left that curious building Auditorio, which I had sighted previously several times out of my friend's car without knowing, at that time, what it was, I walked some 50 steps toward the heart of the downtown. At the first crossing with trafic lights, on my left, a couple of mountains coloured reddish came into my eyes. 


Nature seemed to have prepared the last charm with the mountains for my final day in Spain, rather Tenerife Island.












(スペイン旅の最終日の朝は、大概の道理として、Early Riser の僕に、3つの感動を用意してくれていたようです。)






ブルーライトですが、日本の横浜ではありません、そして僕が散策したのは、横浜のたそがれではなく”夜明け前”でした。”たそがれ”で、司馬遼太郎が『項羽と劉邦』の本で、散文ではあまり出会うことのない”薄暮”という幻想的な言葉を使っていることを思い出します。僕の旅は、スペイン、サンタクルスの暗い早朝のBlue Sapphire Lightsでしたが、あれが早朝ではなく薄暗い宵闇であれば、そぞろ歩きも多少はロマンチックであったろうに、と夢想もします・・・。