( An art work produced by the sun on a stream in the Turnagain Arm river, near Anchorage, Alaska )




※ 僕が体験した国際線ジェット機、小型飛行機(セスナ)、水上飛行機、ヘリコプター、スカイダイビングの空から眺めた雲海の朝焼けと夕焼け、大空の雲の芸術作品、山脈や渓谷や海岸線、地理的にはイギリスのヨークシャーやロンドン、ノルウェーのオスロ、スペインのテネリフェ島、ニュージーランドのウェリントン周辺、アラスカの北極やアンカレッジ、南太平洋の空などのPHOTO ESSAY を、前巻の”クック船長の世界旅”とは違った視点で、心のままに綴りたいと思っています。


※※ With photos of the sky, the sea of clouds, the daybreak and nightfall, mountains, valleys, sounds which I took out of international jets, small/tiny airplanes, seaplanes, helicopters and during the falling down with a parachute, or, geographically, towns around the Arctic Sea in Alaska, North Yorkshire and London in the U.K., Oslo in Norway, Tenerife Island in Spain, around Wellington in New Zealand, essays on my exciting experiences shall be edited and published here.





【Paintings  on the Water, in Alaska





・・・  artistic, beautiful figures on the river, lake or sea surface seen in Alaska, England, New Zealand ・・・



( Around the mouth of  the Turnagain Arm river )










( The upper Turnagain Arm turns streams, no longer a river or valley. )




アラスカ国際空港の隣に設けられた水上飛行場(湖)を飛び立つ小型の水上飛行機は、西方に流れるTurnagain Armリバーに、そして細川と化した上流に遡って、低空を氷山連峰までゆっくりと飛んで行きます。


離水すると間もなくTurnagain Arm リバー上空です。真下の川面が太陽光線を反射しており、飛行機が進むにつれて、様々な模様を見せているのでした。僕の目は、自然の絵画作品に強力に引き付けられていました。


さらに飛行機は2、3分飛ぶと、8月の夏なのに氷河で白い、近くで見るとうす水色の山々まで来て、水の少ないTarnagain Armリバーとは違って、水量いっぱいの入り江に着水するのですが、水面には山々が白く映り、静謐な世界を創り出していました













Though the pure water never has colours as such, just transparent, it can be a canvas whereon various sketches are created by the sunbeam or sunlight with whity clouds and blue sky.


It has long been one of my ideas that those art works on the water surface should be drafted for my blog, which I sighted in North Yorkshire, England, Alaska and New Zealand. However in this issue, some attractive or puzzling photos, I took therearound,  of Alaska shall be selected, and those of North Yokshire and New Zealand are in the following.




It was amazing that the water surface was reflecting the blue, gray or white sky and created artistic works. Nature can be judged often as a genius painter, which always attracted me so mightily. 


It reminds me of a great Indian ink paintings which are hung on a wall of the primary empty room of my friend's temple. Its theme is a couple of dragons, which I love to watch lying on the back, on the tatami-mats.









( The surface of an inlet showed, to me, delicate ripplets on the light blue water. )


In Alaska, around Anchorage, a tiny seaplane flew me over glacier mountains.


With a pair of huge floats which were attached to its body, it glided off the seaplane port in the lake actually close to Anchorage International Airport, for southern glaciers.


While it was flying along above the Turnagain Arm, a valley in a sense, there ran a couple of streams.


Flying quite slow and low, it left the dale into over the whity mountains, where an inlet showed me another art work; the still water bore bewitching glaciers and dark mountains. It should be called a very art.


(氷河連山を映した入り江の、静寂な水面 /  still water in an inlet )






(アンカレッジの街はずれに広がるCook Inlet river )


ある日の夕方、アンカレッジのホテルの窓から眺めたクック湾 Cook Inlet は不思議な色に染まっていて、かつて見たことのない怪しげな、深淵な世界を感じました。


こんな夕暮れに、キャプテン・クック・ホテルの最上階のレストランでワイン(僕はスイートなドイツのラインワインで、Napa Valleyではありませんでした)を飲みながら友達と語り合うのもいいですね。(以前、毎月一本ずつNapa Valleyの白を贈り物としていただいていましたが・・・)


One evening, the sky over the Cook Inlet, which flew gently outskirt of the city Anchorage, looked somehow dark and coloured the water mysterious.


It could be sighted from the restaurant on the uppermost floor of Captain Cook Hotel, where, in that atmosphere, having dinner for a while with a good friend must be lovely, with some wine, Deutsch Rhein wine not Napa Valley, for that evening.



( gentle, still Cook Inlet )




There is a great sea, surrounded with the Bering Strait and Aleutian Islands, Alaska's west coast and Siberia's easternmost land, was reflecting the colour of the downing sun. 


In Alaska, there used to be a great gold rush around the turning to the 20th century. When I visited Nome in 2016 and 2018, were even now gold hunters seen, though it seemed not so successful as before.









Gold Rush という大きな繁栄の時は過去かもしれませんが、ノームにもあり、ここの海底には現在でも黄金が埋もれているようです。写真の左下の浜辺近くの海上にポツンと見える2つの影は、ゴールド・ハンターの船です。


(左下に見える小さな2つの影がゴールドハンターの船です。Tiny boats on the left bottom are gold hunters'.)


The Bering Sea and the sky thereabove I saw were dyed in gold.


At dusk and quite early in the morning, I went to the Bearing Sea beach and Nome Port, where the water surfaces were showing exciting, attractive colours of the going or coming sun.












One early morning, just before dawn, a taxi driver, who was waiting for unexpected, almost,  customers, could get a curious Japanese customer by happening and drove to the tip of the main street along the coastline, Nome Port, where I could sight a picturesque sunrise on the port water surface.  Nome's morning scenery was perfectly quiet !


He, the driver even told me, while driving, about a great history of Gold Rush in Nome, where his father would mine Gold succeefully to fund his son's (the driver's) college tuition, which might be somewhat a dreamlike story.