こと葉・やのプロフィールはこちらです ➡︎ ☺️✨






Today, I have been very busy since the morning. 


In Japanese, the kanji for "busy" is written as "losing one's heart." Because this character has a somewhat negative connotation, many people in my previous company avoided using it. 


Personally, I didn't think that deeply about it and thought they were overthinking it. Is it true that people lose their hearts when they're busy? I don't think so. Even when I'm busy, I can still spend fulfilling time.


In the morning, I went to the local art supply store to buy some paper. I had an online assistant job for a bookbinding school scheduled in the afternoon, so I wanted to review before it started.


Shortly after noon, my friend brought me the tools for tomorrow's Himmeli workshop. She also brought some delicious-looking snacks and a cream to spread on bread. 


Lately, I've been feeling a bit down (though it might not seem that way), and she was worried about me. I think she brought the snacks to cheer me up.


While I was chatting with her outside, my husband and my niece, who usually lives in Saitama, arrived. It had been a very long time since I last saw her. She looked very healthy and happy, talking cheerfully with a great smile. We promised to go out for drinks together next time I go to Tokyo. 


I can't remember how the conversation started, but I ended up saying that I would rather play soccer than watch it (In the real world, I don't watch soccer, and I don't play soccer either.). What I meant was that I'm more interested in being a player myself than watching someone else play earnestly.


My niece responded, "That's great! You've got endless potential, Mau!" 

Hearing that from a 23-year-old made me feel refreshed. I laughed. 

Yes, I always prefer to run alongside or do what I can elsewhere rather than just being a spectator.


Currently, I'm juggling three different roles, but each one is important to me in order to continue being a player. I believe I will continue to live quietly and diligently, just as I have been.


But first, I think I'll put all my energy into enjoying those snacks. 

It is also a big deal for me too!




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こちらからどうぞ 📩