 ‘Is that right?’ said Frank roughly.

 ‘Lord, is it? Well, I don't think much of your manners, my Lord. Turn round and face me like a man, why don't you?’

 「『卿』だって? はて、卿にしちゃ礼儀をわきまえていなさらん。 こっちを向いて、一人前の男らしく俺と向き合ったらどうだ。 できないのか?」
 ‘But I am not a man, Muggle,’ said the cold voice, barely audible now over the crackling of the flames.

 「マグルよ。 私は人ではない」と言った冷たい声は、暖炉の火の弾ける音でほとんど聞き取れないほどでした。
 ‘I am much, much more than a man. However … why not? I will face you … Wormtail, come turn my chair around.’

 「人よりずっと上の存荘なのだ。 しかし ---- よかろう。 おまえと向き合おう ---- ワームテール、ここに来て、この椅子を回すのだ」
 The servant gave a whimper.

 ‘You heard me, Wormtail.’

 Slowly, with his face screwed up, as though he would rather have done anything than approach his master and the hearth-rug where the snake lay, the small man walked forwards and began to turn the chair.

 The snake lifted its ugly triangular head and hissed slightly as the legs of the chair snagged on its rug.

 And then the chair was facing Frank, and he saw what was sitting in it.

 His walking stick fell to the floor with a clatter.



 He opened his mouth and let out a scream.

 He was screaming so loudly that he never heard the words the thing in the chair spoke, as it raised a wand.

 There was a flash of green light, a rushing sound, and Frank Bryce crumpled.

 He was dead before he hit the floor.

 Two hundred miles away, the boy called Harry Potter woke with a start.


The Scar


 Harry lay flat on his back, breathing hard as though he had been running.

 He had awoken from a vivid dream with his hands pressed over his face.

 The old scar on his forehead, which was shaped like a bolt of lightning, was burning beneath his fingers as though someone had just pressed a white-hot wire to his skin.

 He sat up, one hand still on his scar, the other reaching out in the darkness for his glasses, which were on the bedside table.



 He put them on and his bedroom came into clearer focus, lit by a faint, misty orange light that was filtering through the curtains from the street lamp outside the window.

 メガネをかけると、寝室の様子がよりはっきり見えてきました。 窓の外からカーテン越しに、街灯の明かりが、ぼんやりと霞むようなオレンジ色の光りとなって部屋を照らしていました。
 Harry ran his fingers over the scar again.

 It was still painful.

 He turned on the lamp beside him, scrambled out of bed, crossed the room, opened his wardrobe and peered into the mirror on the inside of the door.

 A skinny boy of fourteen looked back at him, his bright green eyes puzzled under his untidy black hair.

 痩せた十四歳の自分が見つめ返していました。 クシャクシャの黒髪の下で、輝く緑色の目が戸惑った表情をしていました。
 He examined the lightning-bolt scar of his reflection more closely.

 It looked normal, but it was still stinging.

 いつもと変わりはありませんでした。 しかし、傷はまだ刺すように痛んでいました。
 Harry tried to recall what he had been dreaming about before he had awoken.

 It had seemed so real there had been two people he knew, and one he didn't … he concentrated hard, frowning, trying to remember …

 あまりにも生々しい夢でした ---- 二人は知っていましたが、三人目は知らない人物でした ---- ハリーは顔をしかめ、夢を思い出そうと懸命に集中しました ----
 The dim picture of a darkened room came to him … there had been a snake on a hearth-rug … a small man called Peter, nicknamed Wormtail … and a cold, high voice … the voice of Lord Voldemort.

 暗い部屋をぼんやりと思い出すことができました ---- 暖炉マットに蛇が居ました ---- 小男はピーター、別名ワームテールでした ---- そして、冷たい甲高い声 ---- ヴォルデモート卿の声でした。


 Harry felt as though an ice cube had slipped down into his stomach at the very thought …

 そう思っただけで、胃袋に氷の塊りが滑り落ちるような感覚が走りました ----
 He closed his eyes tightly and tried to remember what Voldemort had looked like, but it was impossible … all Harry knew was that at the moment when Voldemort's chair had swung around, and he, Harry, had seen what was sitting in it, he had felt a spasm of horror which had awoken him … or had that been the pain in his scar?

 ハリーは固く目を閉じて、ヴォルデモートの姿を思い出そうとしましたが、出来ませんでした ---- ヴォルデモートの椅子がくるりとこちらを向き、そこに座っている何物かが見えました。 ハリー自身がそれを見た瞬間、恐ろしい戦慄で目が覚めたのでした。 それだけは覚えていました ---- それとも、傷痕の痛みで目が覚めたのだろうか?
 And who had the old man been?

 For there had definitely been an old man; Harry had watched him fall to the ground.

 たしかに、年老いた男が居ました。 その男の人が床に倒れるのを、ハリーは見たのでした。
 It was all becoming confused; Harry put his face into his hands, blocking out his bedroom, trying to hold on to the picture of that dimly lit room, but it was like trying to keep water in his cupped hands; the details were now trickling away as fast as he tried to hold on to them … Voldemort and Wormtail had been talking about someone they had killed, though Harry could not remember the name … and they had been plotting to kill someone else … him …

 なんだか、すべてが混乱していました。 ハリーは両手に顔を埋め、いま居る自分の寝室の様子を遮るようにして、あの薄明かりの部屋のイメージをしっかり捉えようとしました。 しかし、捉えようとすればするほど、まるで両手に汲んだ水が漏れるように、細かなことが指のあいだからこぼれ落ちていくのでした ---- ヴォルデモートとワームテールが誰かを殺したと話していた、それが誰だったか、その名前が思い出せない ---- それに、ほかの人物を殺す計画を話していた ---- 自分を殺そうとしていた ----
 Harry took his face out of his hands, opened his eyes and stared around his bedroom as though expecting to see something unusual there.

 ハリーは顔から手を離し、目を開けて自分の部屋をじっと見回しました。 何か普通ではないものを見つけようとしているかのようにでした。
 As it happened, there were an extraordinary number of unusual things in this room.

 A large wooden trunk stood open at the foot of his bed, revealing a cauldron, broomstick, black robes and assorted spell-books.

 Rolls of parchment littered that part of his desk that was not taken up by the large, empty cage in which his snowy owl, Hedwig, usually perched. On the floor beside his bed a book lay open; he had been reading it before he fell asleep the previous night.

 机の上には大きな鳥籠があり、いつもなら雪のように白いふくろうのヘドウィグが止まり木に止まっているのでしたが、いまは空っぽでした。 鳥籠に占領されていないほうの机の隅には、羊皮紙の巻紙が散らばっていました。 ベッド脇の床には、寝る前に読んでいた本が開いたまま置かれていました。
 The pictures in this book were all moving.



 Men in bright orange robes were zooming in and out of sight on broomsticks, throwing a red ball to each other.

 Harry walked over to this book, picked it up and watched one of the wizards score a spectacular goal by putting the ball through a fifty-foot-high hoop.

 ハリーは、本のところまで歩いて行って、それを拾い上げました。 ちょうど選手の一人が五十フィートの高さにあるゴール・リングに鮮やかなシュートを決めて得点したところでした。
 Then he snapped the book shut.

 Even Quidditch ― in Harry's opinion, the best sport in the world ― couldn't distract him at the moment.

 クィディッチでさえ ---- ハリーが、これぞ最高のスポーツだ、と思っているものでさえ ---- いまは、ハリーの気持ちを逸らせてはくれませんでした。
 He placed Flying with the Cannons on his bedside table, crossed to the window and drew back the curtains to survey the street below.

 Privet Drive looked exactly as a respectable suburban street would be expected to look in the early hours of Saturday morning.

 All the curtains were closed.

 As far as Harry could see through the darkness, there wasn't a living creature in sight, not even a cat.

 And yet … and yet … Harry went restlessly back to his bed and sat down on it, running a finger over his scar again.

 でも、何かが ---- なにかが ---- ハリーは、なんだか落ち着かないままベッドに戻り、座り込んで、もう一度傷痕を指でなぞりました。
 It wasn't the pain that bothered him; Harry was no stranger to pain and injury.

 痛みが気になったわけではありませんでした。 痛みや怪我なら、ハリーはいやというほど味合っていました。


 He had lost all the bones from his right arm once, and had them painfully regrown in a night.

 The same arm had been pierced by a venomous foot-long fang not long afterwards.

 Only last year Harry had fallen fifty feet from an airborne broomstick.

 He was used to bizarre accidents and injuries; they were unavoidable if you attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and had a knack for attracting a lot of trouble.

 とんでもない事故や怪我には、もう慣れていました。 ホグワーツ魔法魔術学校に学び、しかも、なぜか知らないうちに事件を呼び寄せてしまうハリーにとって、それは避けられないことだったのでした。
 No, the thing that was bothering Harry was that the last time his scar had hurt him, it had been because Voldemort had been close by … but Voldemort couldn't be here, now … the idea of Voldemort lurking in Privet Drive was absurd, impossible …

 今回は違うのでした、何か気になるのは、前回傷が痛んだ原因は、ヴォルデモートが近くに居たからということなのでした ---- しかし、ヴォルデモートがいま、ここに居るはずはないのでした ---- ヴォルデモートがプリベット通りにひそんでいるなんて、馬鹿げた考えなのでした。 そんなことは有り得ないのでした ----
 Harry listened closely to the silence around him.

 Was he half expecting to hear the creak of a stair, or the swish of a cloak?

 And then he jumped slightly as he heard his cousin Dudley give a tremendous grunting snore from the next room.

 Harry shook himself mentally; he was being stupid; there was no one in the house with him except Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia and Dudley, and they were plainly still asleep, their dreams untroubled and painless.

 ハリーは、心の中で頭を振りました ---- なんて馬鹿なことを ---- この家に居るのは、ハリーのほかに、バーノン伯父さんと、ペチュニア伯母さんとダドリーだけなのでした。 悩みも痛みもない夢を見ながら、全員まだ眠っているはずでした。
 Asleep was the way Harry liked the Dursleys best; it wasn't as though they were ever any help to him awake.

 ハリーは、ダーズリー一家が眠っているときが一番のお気に入りでした ---- 起きていたからといって、ハリーのために何かしてくれるわけではなかったからでした。


 Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia and Dudley were Harry's only living relatives.

 They were Muggles (non-magic people) who hated and despised magic in any form, which meant that Harry was about as welcome in their house as dry rot.

 一家は、マグル(魔法族ではない人々)で、魔法を憎み、軽蔑して嫌っていました。 そのことで、ハリーはまるで犬の糞のような扱いをされていたのでした。
 They had explained away Harry's long absences at Hogwarts over the last three years by telling everyone that he went to St Brutus's Secure Centre for Incurably Criminal Boys.

 They knew perfectly well that, as an underage wizard, Harry wasn't allowed to use magic outside Hogwarts, but were still apt to blame him for anything that went wrong about the house.

 ハリーのように半人前の魔法使いは、ホグワーツの外では魔法を使ってはいけないことを、一家はよく知っていました。 それでも、この家で何かがおかしくなると、やはりハリーが咎められることになるのでした。
 Harry had never been able to confide in them, or tell them anything about his life in the wizarding world.

 The very idea of going to them when they awoke, and telling them about his scar hurting him, and about his worries about Voldemort, was laughable.

 And yet it was because of Voldemort that Harry had come to live with the Dursleys in the first place.

 If it hadn't been for Voldemort, Harry would not have had the lightning scar on his forehead.

 If it hadn't been for Voldemort, Harry would still have had parents …

 Harry had been a year old the night that Voldemort ― the most powerful Dark wizard for a century, a wizard who had been gaining power steadily for eleven years ― arrived at his house and killed his father and mother.

 ハリーが、まだ一歳のある夜のことでした ---- 十一年間、徐々に勢力を強めていた、今世紀最強の闇の魔法使いヴォルデモートが ---- ハリーの家にやって来て、父親と母親を殺したのでした。


 Voldemort had then turned his wand on Harry; he had performed the curse that had disposed of many full-grown witches and wizards in his steady rise to power — and, incredibly, it had not worked.

 ヴォルデモートは、杖をハリーに向け、呪いをかけたのでした。 勢力を伸ばす過程で、何人もの魔法使いや魔女を処分していた呪いでした ---- ところが、信じられないことに、呪いが効かなかったのでした。
 Instead of killing the small boy, the curse had rebounded upon Voldemort.

 Harry had survived with nothing but a lightning-shaped cut on his forehead, and Voldemort had been reduced to something barely alive.

 His powers gone, his life almost extinguished, Voldemort had fled; the terror in which the secret community of witches and wizards had lived for so long had lifted, Voldemort's followers had disbanded, and Harry Potter had become famous.

 力は失せ、命も絶えようとする姿で、ヴォルデモートは逃げ去ったのでした ---- 隠された魔法社会で、魔法使いや魔女が何年にもわたって戦々恐々として生きていたのでしたが、その恐怖が取り除かれ、ヴォルデモートの家来は散りぢりになり、ハリー・ポッターは有名になったのでした。
 It had been enough of a shock for Harry to discover, on his eleventh birthday, that he was a wizard; it had been even more disconcerting to find out that everyone in the hidden wizarding world knew his name.

 十一歳の誕生日に、はじめて自分が魔法使いだとわかったことだけでも、ハリーにとっては十分にショックなことでした。 その上、隠された社会である魔法界では、誰もが自分の名前を知っているのだと知ったときには、さらに気持ちが混乱したのでした。
 Harry had arrived at Hogwarts to find that heads turned and whispers followed him wherever he went.

 But he was used to it now: at the end of this summer, he would be starting his fourth year at Hogwarts; and he was already counting the days until he would be back at the castle again.

 しかし、いまではハリーもそれには慣れてきていました。 この夏が終われば、ハリーはホグワーツ校の四年生になるのでした。 ホグワーツのあの城に戻ることのできる日を、ハリーは指折り数えて待っていたのでした。
 But there was still a fortnight to go before he went back to school.

 He looked hopelessly around his room again, and his eye paused on the birthday cards his two best friends had sent him at the end of July.

 ハリーは、やりきれない気持ちで部屋の中を見回し、誕生祝いの力ードに目を止めました。 七月末の誕生日に二人の親友から送られて来たカードでした。
 What would they say if he wrote to them and told them about his scar hurting?



 At once, Hermione Granger's voice filled his head, shrill and panicky.

 ‘Your scar hurt? Harry, that's really serious … Write to Professor Dumbledore! And I'll go and check Common Magical Ailments and Afflictions … Maybe there's something in there about curse scars …'

 「傷痕が痛むんですって? ハリー、それって、大変なことよ ---- ダンブルドア校長に手紙を書かなきゃ! それから、私、『よくある魔法病と傷害』を調べるわ ---- 呪いによる傷痕に関して、何か書いてあるかもしれないもの ----」
 Yes, that would be Hermione's advice: go straight to the Headmaster of Hogwarts, and in the meantime, consult a book.

 そう、それこそハーマイオニーらしい忠告でした。 すぐホグワーツの校長のところに行くこと、そのあいだに本で調べること。
 Harry stared out of the window at the inky blue-black sky.

 He doubted very much whether a book could help him now.

 As far as he knew, he was the only living person to have survived a curse like Voldemort's; it was highly unlikely, therefore, that he would find his symptoms listed in Common Magical Ailments and Afflictions.

 ハリーの知るかぎり、ヴォルデモートの呪いほどのものを受けて生き残った者は、自分一人だけなのでした。 つまり、ハリーの症状が、『よくある魔法病と傷害』に掲載されているとはとても考えられないのでした。
 As for informing the Headmaster, Harry had no idea where Dumbledore went during the summer holidays.

 He amused himself for a moment, picturing Dumbledore, with his long silver beard, full-length wizard's robes and pointed hat, stretched out on a beach somewhere, rubbing suntan lotion into his long crooked nose.

 Wherever Dumbledore was, though, Harry was sure that Hedwig would be able to find him; Harry's owl had never yet failed to deliver a letter to anyone, even without an address. But what would he write?

 ダンブルドアがどこに居ようとも、ハリーのふくろうのヘドウィグは、きっと見つけるに違いありませんでした。 たとえ住所がわからなくても、ヘドウィグはいままで一度も手紙を届け損なったことはありませんでした。 でも、なんと書けばいいのだろう?
 Dear Professor Dumbledore, Sorry to bother you, but my scar hurt this morning.

 休暇中にお邪魔してすみません。 でも今朝傷痕が痛んだのです。


 Yours sincerely, Harry Potter.


 Even inside his head the words sounded stupid.

 And so he tried to imagine his other best friend Ron Weasley's reaction, and in a moment, Ron's long-nosed, freckled face seemed to swim before Harry, wearing a bemused expression.

 ハリーは、もう一人の親友ロン・ウィーズリーがどんな反応を示すか想像してみました。 ソバカスだらけの、鼻の高いロンの顔が、ゆらめくように目の前に現われました。 呆然とした表情をしていました。
 ‘Your scar hurt? But … but You-Know-Who can't be near you now, can he? I mean … you'd know, wouldn't you? He'd be trying to do you in again, wouldn't he? I dunno, Harry, maybe curse scars always twinge a bit I'll ask Dad …'

 「傷が痛いって? だけど ---- だけど『例のあの人』がいまきみの傍に居るわけないよ。 そうだろ? だって ---- もし居るなら、わかるはずだろ? またきみを殺そうとするはずだろ? ハリー、僕、わかんないけど、呪いの傷痕って、いつでも少しはズキズキするものなんじゃないかなあ ---- 父さんに聞いてみるよ ----」
 Mr Weasley was a fully qualified wizard who worked in the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office at the Ministry of Magic, but he didn't have any particular expertise in the matter of curses, as far as Harry knew.

 In any case, Harry didn't like the idea of the whole Weasley family knowing that he, Harry, was getting jumpy about a few moments' pain.

 Mrs Weasley would fuss worse than Hermione, and Fred and George, Ron's sixteen-year-old twin brothers, might think Harry was losing his nerve.

 The Weasleys were Harry's favourite family in the world; he was hoping that they might invite him to stay any time now (Ron had mentioned something about the Quidditch World Cup), and he somehow didn't want his visit punctuated with anxious enquiries about his scar.

 ウイーズリー一家は、ハリーが世界中で一番好きな家族でした。 明日にでもウィーズリー家から泊まりに来るようにと招待が来るはずでした(ロンが、クィディッチ・ワールドカップのことを話していました)。 その、せっかくの滞在中に、傷痕はどうかと心配そうに何度も聞かれたりするのは、ハリーにとっては嫌なことでした。
 Harry kneaded his forehead with his knuckles.

 What he really wanted (and it felt almost shameful to admit it to himself) was someone like — someone like a parent: an adult wizard whose advice he could ask without feeling stupid, someone who cared about him, who had had experience of Dark Magic …

 本当は(自分でそうだと認めることは恥ずかしかったのでしたが)、誰か ---- 父親や母親のような人が欲しかったのでした。 大人の魔法使いで、そんな馬鹿なことを、と思わずにハリーが相談できる誰か、自分のことを心配してくれる誰か、闇の魔術の経験がある誰かがでした ----
