Satomi taught her daughter astute

"Dokdo (Takeshima, 다케시마) is a Korean territory"
Article input 2020.04.11 . 10:54 am Last revision 2020.04.11 . 11:06 am



The truth of annexation between Japan and Korea that South Korea makes taboo



Numerous violence of 李承晩(Syngman Rhee,이승만)to against Japan


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When the child was a junior high school student, one teacher talked terribly in Japan during and class hours and then asked if there was a student with Japanese parents because the students' reaction was strange.

Awkward with one teacher was told to be sorry, because My daughter print raised his hand.
I think it is necessary to teach students the right history.

But if you put too much emotion on it, it is really hard in our position.


Because such things are often common, prints are not so familiar. "Oh, so again."

But the body is reacting .

It seems that my stomach leans and my body and head hurts .


I find out that it's usually the case when you don't want to ache or go to school, even if your kids don't all talk about what happened at school .

I don't know why, but it hurts because of stress .

I want to protect my daughter as a mother .

No, I want to nurture my child so that I can solve it myself while worried together rather than protecting.

If you can't avoid it, you have to go.


 I told my daughter.
History is history.
Don't be hurt by its history.
Mom thinks Japan should obviously apologize to Korea for its past history.

But that doesn't mean you need to get along now.
This is a word for children as well as a word for myself.

Print is separating her comfort from me and participating in a campaign to send emails to grandmothers who are suffering from 慰安婦(comfort women,군사매춘부,Military Prostitutes).

At the same time,

I hope that your children will have the power to protect themselves .


 I work as a multicultural lecturer.
I mainly meet elementary and junior high school students and talk about Japanese society and culture.
Once in the classroom of a first grade elementary school student , a student got up and pointed at me and shouted, "Killer ! All Japanese are killers!


 It was time for a lot of news about 端島 (Hashima、軍艦島 Gunkan Island ) .
In the story of 独島(Dokdo、Japan 竹島(Takeshima,다케시마)), even "murderers" do not come out.
"Sometimes strong ! " I was very surprised.

It was difficult to keep calm.
 In one junior high school class, when I entered the classroom, we all sang the song “独島(Dokdo、Japan 竹島(Takeshima,다케시마)) is our Koreans land” together as the students promised .
I was really crying .

I thought about what their heart was.
There are a lot of things mixed up, but usually they generally want to attack me as a Japanese .

While repeatedly experiencing the same thing, the story that I wanted to make a student was sorted out little by little.
I calm down and talk with the students one by one.

"In the past, Japan had a lot of heartaches while colonizing Korea.
I am sorry.
Many people are trying to get along with each other now.

I wanted to get along with you and came to see you.

 By the way, it's incorrect to say that I'm a single teaser or unconditionally accused of being a Japanese person.
Is it all Japanese people claim that 独島(Dokdo Japan 竹島(Takeshima,다케시마)) is Japanese territory ?

Many Japanese people are not so.
I would be one of them.
The conflict between Korea and Japan is severe.

But it is a problem that needs to be resolved between nations.

Even better, we all need to meet and understand each other and work hard to get closer.

How did you become Korean was born ?
You've become a Korean because you were born to a Korean mom and dad ?
I became a Japanese because I was born to Japanese parents.


 In this way, the country of origin is not your choice.
Don't be discriminated against by your country of origin.

You will have many opportunities to meet people from different countries.

Regardless of who you meet, don't judge half-heartedly by just looking at the country of origin. "


Looking for hope to change children


 As the class ends, the number of students is approaching and I want to apologize.
Also, of those children, in a small voice, he said his father were Japanese.

He seems to have the courage to say what she has worked hard to hide.
A friend in the vicinity responded positively, saying, "Is it true?", And the child nodded with a bright face and a vertical neck.

Now I am not surprised or confused when something happens to me and my daughter.

Rather, "This is a very good example of discrimination, I have to use it for education ! Please let me know what you have at your school."

In fact, it was really hopeless when the children shouted out loud and shouting, "独島(Dokdo Japan 竹島(Takeshima,다케시마) is our Koreans land," shouting and pushing me out .

I didn't seem to be able to live here.

However, it's interesting to see the children change as they continue their educational activities.

The brutal Korea-Japan relationship will not change with such a small effort, but I will continue.


[ⒸHangyore Newspaper ]

People who live with me in neighboring countries.
Only if we interact with each other can we develop further.
Creating anti-Japanese and anti-Korean sentiments,
The people who use it for politics are the real soldiers and the garbage happened.
Empathy 1230
Non-sympathy 155

Koreans who think they are Japanese, Japanese who think they are not nationality ...
Life is short to care about this ...
Just borrow and live with ease and dignity .
Her daughter can also teach Japanese . (I do not teach.)
Empathy 902
Non-empathy 12

In the article, "I want to see individuals outside the country of origin ."
It doesn't mean that you 're going to sit in a row, and you don't blame unconditionally .
Empathy 556
Non-empathy 7

By the way, it is funny that the number of travelers between each other is the largest.
If you look at it, it's a question paper in which the hypocrites and the media are involved .
Empathy 373
Non-empathy 6

Japanese ... politicians and their estimated right-wing powers questionnaire questionnaire ...
Abe ~~. Teach the history properly! ...
Empathy 355
Non-empathy 17

I read with empathy.
In the case of Japan-Korea relations, I feel that it is not easy to educate children with a well-balanced historical awareness, and I am deeply hearted.
In addition, the deflected view of history that affects everyday life , my chest hurts.
Koreans in Japan are also wondering if they are even worse .
Aunts are also the current parental responsibilities to be responsible for taking on the world of children to the second generation .
Please do your best. Fighting!
Empathy 81
Non-empathy 0

Jehyo chest hurts.
Please do your best.
I was brainwashed by the media and the media medium and I got stuck in the frame
On the other hand, the other way of seeing biased prejudice is human nature.
If you haven't interacted with foreigners from the beginning and have never lived in a foreign country,
Breaking that prejudice is not easy.
This may sound strange ,
Also consider that there are many people in Japan who are brainwashed by Japanese media and media as well (eg, far-rights, those who despise Korea).
So, everywhere in Korea and Japan, there are people like this and others like that.
Being able to get out of the framework and be happy with the enlightened people .
Empathy 54
Non-empathy 1

We support girls Satomi.
You came to the country of your loved ones, and you had so much hard work to do if you weren't happy .
But many Koreans have no bad feelings for individuals like Satomi Girls .
Do you know girls Satomi, too?
Of course , there are Koreans of the same class, just as some Japanese lack in mind.
From now on, I hope that Satomi Girls and Inua will transfer fire, and print dads will want to be happy no matter where they go in Korea or Japan . .
Empathy 50
Non-sympathy 2

There are many Japanese whose conscience is right .
The Japanese government is a bad beggar , and not all Japanese are bad.
I really like Korean guys and came to Korea to marry them.
If you discriminate when there should be no discrimination
I don't think it's a bar unlike Japan
Empathy 50
Non-empathy 3

Foreigners who live in Korea are those who like and live in Korea.
.. Don't make it hostile .. That children can make big cruz happily ...
Empathy 37
Non-empathy 3

What is "normal Japan-Korea relationship"2
What is "normal Japan-Korea relationship"1



韓国と国交断絶 日韓会談を見送り 韓国の日本侵略未遂

Until the 李承晩(Syngman Rhee line is abolished,

Over the past 13 years, 3,929 Japanese detainees have been killed, 328 have been captured , and 44 have been killed or injured by South Korea .

30 detainees were pushed between the boards of about 6 tatami mats , and a small amount of food and 30

Poor internment life, such as having to spend a day with one cup of water .

When he was identified as a communist, his detention extended for several years.


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