What is "normal Japan-Korea relationship"




What is "normal Japan-Korea relationship"2
What is "normal Japan-Korea relationship"1




As I found an article that is interesting for this blog

(other than that it is "not interesting"), I will introduce it.

What is the normal Japan-Korea relationship?

Will Japan be pro-Korean and Korea be pro-Japanese?

I feel glad if I can do that, but I am not.

It also makes me feel somewhat uncomfortable (laughs).

Anti-Japanese is a sense of inferiority .


It can be said that it is

Using various things such as Good and evil theory as tools
Stick to the absolute hierarchy,
It can be said that it is the most pathetic

"discriminate addiction" in human history.

which is based on a variety of things, such as good and bad, as tools,

and which adheres to absolute relationships .


If they think so, first, "Korea can play ~ to Japan.
Japan should not~ to Korea.
As long as they have that idea, “Dealistic relationsis impossible at last.


If Korea can get out of this distorted and selfish upper-lower relationship,

it will be good to see

that the first step of a normal Japan-Korea relationship

will begin from there .

Curiously, even those who claim to be contrary to me,

We agree with this statement

that " the diplomacy of the two countries should be equal ."

But the problem is that the " reference point ( zero )" is different .



while admitting that "the state relations should be equal,"

I will introduce Seo Seung's Japan-Korea relations theory,

which somehow insists on the opposite result to me (this blog).

For Seo Seung (Xu), please search by kanji name.

In Korea (mainly in relation to human rights), it is a well-known person.

[ Peace Search

for East-North and South-North  ]

What is the ' normal ' Korea-Japan relationship ?

Gyeongsang Shimpo Seung (Xu Sheng)

Director of Peace Research Institute in East Asia, Visiting Professor, Usok

2010.04.28 . 20:48

It is said that the Korea-Japan relationship is abnormal and it is the worst .

Japan-Korea relations have continued through a wave

of winds since the normalization of diplomatic relations,

but it has worsened significantly since last autumn .

The issue that has recently come to the fore is the issue

of “ Korean wartime worker balls ”.

On October 30 , last year ,

the Supreme Court of Korea approved

the Japanese company Mitsubishi Heavy Industries

and made a ruling to order the payment of compensation.

The Japanese prime minister and the foreign minister were strongly opposed

to this by repeatedly bringing out the issues

resolved by the Japan-Korea treaty and the claim agreement .


It has been a long time since the issue of Korean wartime workers in Korea.

Workers and their families filed a lawsuit

for damages against Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, and in 2018 ,

the Supreme Court finally won the case

and the lawsuit filed against Nippon Steel Corp.

(old Nippon Steel Corp.) was the final year of the same year. It sued.


Prior to this, Nippon Steel Co., Ltd. tried

to reconcile the workers and workers in Korea

with compensation at a general meeting of shareholders in 2012 ,

and Germany,

which was previously affected by the adverse situation

of Japanese wartime companies,

2000 The federal government

and 6,000 war criminal companies bear half of each 10.1 billion marks,

for compensation of forced labor by the Nazis

Founded a foundation named "Remember, responsibility and the future".

The foundation compensated 77 million forced laborers in 100 countries

by 2007 .



the government of Abe put a brake on Japanese companies trying

to reconcile with plaintiffs, workers in Korea.

It is the reason

that " it becomes jealousy and also harms other companies ".

In this way, Abe made the problem complicated, and later it reached

the "worst Korea-Japan relationship" in the Supreme Court decision.


in connection with the issue of the Japanese comfort women,

in 2017 the final issue of the “ Reconciliation and Healing Foundation

was established by the 12.28 Korea-Japan Agreement ,

which is Final and irreversible”. It is.


This problem is also due to Park Geun -hye making irresponsible,

ratification of the National Assembly,

making no documents public and making an oral agreement,

including a reverse agreement.


Since Abe used this agreement to escape international criticism,

he strongly opposed the announcement of the Korean government's Settlement

and Healing Foundation dissolution on November 21 last year .

Abe's action to perpetually urge debt with a certificate received

from the other party in tricks is no different

from the appearance of a racy high-interest loan that pretends

to be a justice executor.

Even more interesting is that on December 20 last year ,

a Korean destroyer irradiated the radar

of the Japanese Self-Defense Force aircraft , and Japan made a fuss.

Who's the first problem with slandering truth,

shooting the radar is a big problem?


The reason that the Japanese patrol aircraft approached the threat

to the Korean naval vessels that had been

engaged in rescue activities of North Korean drifting vessels

in Dokdo ( Takeshima ) coastal areas is that Japan's diplomatic etiquette

has come out and it is as Japan before and after having

a "peace constitution". It is a difficult action to imagine.





2018_Japan South_Korea_radar_lock-on_dispute

In the Sea of ​​Japan off the Noto Peninsula,

the destroyer of the Korean Navy "Gwanggaeto the Great class destroyer"

emits fire control radar to the P-1 patrol aircraft

of the Maritime Self Defense Force



It can only see provocation that is trying to show off Japan's military presence.


the trend of "beating Korea" and "disgusting Korea"

in Japan caused by the incident rose to a climax.


Under such conditions, " Korea-Japan relations are abnormal ",

and some politicians, bureaucrats and scholars in the country insist

that Korea must recognize mistakes

and normalize Korea-Japan relations. .


although Korea-Japan relations were normal,

do you say that it became abnormal by Korea's mistake ?

"What is the normal relationship between Korea and Japan ?"

It have never seen the answer to the question.



normal state relations mean that they

exchange equal diplomatic relations as independent sovereign states ,

but each state should be independent and autonomous.

The Korea-Japan relationship began without liquidating the relationship

between the annexed land rule and the ruled land

when Japan and Korea were under US military control

and had no diplomatic sovereignty.



Korea was forced to enter the US rule from the beginning by division ,

and became one axis of the East-West Cold War,

and Korea and Japan were tied in the frame of " anti-Community "

friendly countries .

The United States has forced the two countries to “normalize relations”

in the 1965 Japan-Korea Treaty in order to carry out the Vietnam War.


BTS members famous for atomic bomb T-shirts 
are crazy inside the bus
Videos leaked!


Overseas fans seem to be exactly the same

Suddenly overflowing with compliments of English praise. Creepy





A song called BTS "run". Members are suffering in waters in the water.
MV release date, March 11, It is the day of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
I can not forgive as a Japanese citizen.
BTS wearing a comfort Woman wear
Dokdo is also doing anti-Japanese act of singing our territory

The capital flight started
World stock price / Korea KOSPI
Do not move, government intervention,
Trading suspension, circuit breaker activation,

power off of server,

Koria have a proven track record.


Yuzuru Sato
Korea attacks Japan by combining hands with North Korea and China
Propaganda neglect affects the recreation of the comfort women problem,

the activities of Japanese companies around the world
Possibility of losing in the image strategy at the US jury trial.








한국인의 재해 정리

Lai đại hàn Korean slaughter





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