The Day,
Korea to be  rupture Diplomatic relations severed

11/7 ( Wed ) 12:02 delivery


한국과 국교 단절하는 날


韓国と国交断絶 日韓会談を見送り 韓国の日本侵略未遂



(writing: Fuji TV commentary committee Fumio Hirai)

Although diplomatic cuts are not realistic

I am not saying anything about Korea and Korea.
Many Japanese companies have made inroads in Korea,

and 40,000 Japanese live there.


There are also many imports and exports.

In other words, it is not realistic to say that the abolition of national relations.
However, on this issue of construction, “workers from the Korean Peninsula”,

If it is this way, it will become de facto national abortion definitely.

Prime Minister Abe, who heard the ruling, had a very positive response, saying

"I can not do it!"
The resolute attitude of the Foreign Minister Yohei Kono is also good.


Over this period

"I narrow my wisdom in both countries. With a future-oriented."

There is nothing that Japan can do with this problem .

If the Japanese and Korean governments do not pay compensation,

they will sue the International Court of Justice.

Of course, Korea will not hold a trial because it does not respond to the case.


The situation is serious if another Japanese company loses


The problem is after this.
Of course, Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal does not pay compensation,

but it seems that it will not seize assets.
However, if another Japanese company loses in a future trial,

the situation becomes serious.
Since the supreme court has made a decision, it usually loses.
In that case, if there is an asset in Korea, it will be seized.

The Japanese do not cause a riot, but at this point the Japan-Korea relationship is definitely broken .
The government recalls ambassadors to Korea.
Companies stop investing and gradually withdraw.
Tourists will not go.
There will be no Japanese for Korea.


Where is the future of Japan and Korea ?


It is a big hit for Korea, but Japan also sheds blood.
Most of the heart of Korean products is mostly made in Japan.
If  Japan products stop, Korea will be in trouble,

but Japan will also be in trouble.

But if the assets of a Japanese company are actually seized,

even if it has blood,

Japan can not go out with Korea anymore. It is a break in diplomacy .

Some strangers such as politicians,

scholars and lawyers show their understanding of Korea,

They show a sweet face,

but they can not get the public's understanding this time .

What should We do to avoid this situation?

It is impossible for Korea not to hold similar trials in the future,

nor will it bear any compensation.
Perhaps there is no breakdown between Japan and Korea,

there is no same specifications.
You do not notice the seriousness of things unless you do it there.
Not only Japan and South Korea of ​​the future in the early the future.



Japan-ROK talks,

disapproving arguments become stronger

= international conference,

commission decision effect

11/6 ( Tuesday ) 18:31 delivery


At the international conference,

in which the leaders of Japan and Korea attended,

the voice of forbidding the bilateral talks has intensified

within the government .

After the ruling,

the Korean government has not shown

any move towards improving Japan-Korea relations .

The ASEAN- related summit meeting from 11th ,

the APEC summit meeting from 17th are scheduled,

Prime Minister Abe and President Moon attended.

Coordinated talks with Putin ,

“Japan is not in an environment to hold summit talks

He ruled that the ruling was "abrupt" River Field Minister,

and will not refuse to sue alone .

Mr. Kono criticized hard on the 6th ,

"It is a challenge to the international legal order ."

The Korean government is responsible

for the individual compensation

after the Japan-Korea Claim Right Agreement .


Syngman Rhee line





Syngman Rhee line ,

1952 (Showa 27 ) January 18 ,

Korea's first president, Lee Seung-hyeon is a presidential decree

“President's Declaration on the Sovereignty of South Korean Adjacent Oceans”



Independently set water divisions and marine boundaries

for the protection of resources and sovereignty .


"McArthur Line"

set by the United States on September 27 , 1945 after World War II

In anticipation of the San Francisco Peace Treaty coming into effect

in 1952 and being revoked

Korea set it instead of MacArthur line.

The purpose of the government is February 8 of the same year,

Peacekeeping and announcement between Japan and Korea, Korea

'Peace Line' February 12 , 1952 ,


The United States warns South Korea

not to accept the Syngman Rhee line, South Korea ignores this .


During the 13 years that the Japan-Korea Basic Treaty

is concluded based on this boundary


Capturing 328 Japanese fishing boats,

detaining 3929 fishermen,

44 people were killed and injured .


The Syngman Rhee line is for Korea, which has just been established,

to monopolize marine resources and expand its territory,

With the restoration of Japan's sovereignty,

the disappearance of the MacArthur line is certain,

Set by Korea, who previously wanted the MacArthur line to survive.


As a result,

the Japanese side who suffered many human rights abuses

and domestic political interference suffered great damage,

It was forced to carry out unreasonable measures .


It is said that fishing in this sea area

can not do fishing boats other than Korean.

Fishing boats that were mainly Japanese nationals

and other Chinese nationalities allegedly violated


Visit, capture, seize, gunfire by Korea .

The crews were killed by gunshots such as the Dai-nihon Maru case .


A similar capture incident of Japanese fishing boats

Five incidents were recorded in the official documents

of GHQ even before the abolition of MacArthur Line .

One case occurred on May 14 , 1948 in the Mizuho Maru case.

The United States and the United States strongly protested against

Lee's evening line, "a measure that ignored international law practice . "


However, three months before the San Francisco Peace Treaty came into force,

Japan's sovereignty was not restored.

The Maritime Self-Defense Force and its predecessor,

the Maritime Guard and Guard, did not exist.

Until the line is abolished by the establishment

of the Japan-Korea fishery agreement ( 1965 )

with the conclusion of the Japan-Korea Basic Treaty,


For 13 years, 3,929 Japanese detainees,

328 captive vessels and 44 casualties by South Korea .


Detainees are pushed as many as 30 people in a plate of about 6 mats,

little food and 30 people

Poor detention life such as having to spend one day

with one cup of water .


The internment period spanned several years when

it turned out to be a communist.

Capturing Japanese vessels by Korea (December 1953)


The Japanese Bar Association immediately protests

against human rights violations,

"In general , 1 territorial sea is limited to 3 nautical miles,

it is an international law practice,

Fish and other resources in the high seas and other resources are

for the welfare of humanity,

It should be open to the whole world.


Therefore , the Korean president sealed off this,

captured peaceful fishing boats, and punished fishermen.

And punish as a criminal offenders but acts like an international justice .


In the name of justice and peace,

the Commission calls for Korea's reflection and the immediate release

of fishing boats and fishermen, and hopes that, in a concerted manner,

it will contribute to the reconstruction of East Asia . "

"A Request for Korean Reflection on the Abduction

of Japanese Fishermen on the Lee Line Problem (Declaration) "


Unanimously voted to develop human rights protests nationwide.

In order to solve the problem,

the Japanese government responds to the Korean government's request,

In exchange for the return of Japanese detainees ,

Exclusion of 472 Koreans in Japan who were addicted

and serious offenders.

Freed freely in Japan and granted special residence permit .

In short, Syngman Rhee releases serious Korean criminals
at the price of the release of Japanese fishermen
It allowed Korean serious criminals
to issue permanent residence permits in Japan.

The truth of the Korean War

President Lee delivered his entire army south

by aggression against Tsushima and gathered in Busan ,


" They are concealed by the left wing

and many Japanese don't know the truth "

The Korean War was caused by Lee's late Kyushu invasion .

The “Syngman Rhee Line originally included the entire Kyushu .


 In order to catch Tsushima as the next strategy, Syngman Rhee night
After gathering troops in the southern part of the Korean Peninsula ,
Kim Il-sung attacked behind ( Seoul ) .
Under this condition,
Korea will be under Kim Il Sung's rule with the Soviet Union.
The US military that occupied Japan also entered the war
and the Korean war broke out.
And Lee, who tried to invade Japan without permission,
was reprimanded by the US military.


Initial Syngman Rhee Line


Red line is "Syngman Rhee Line"
Korea has the right to make "Tsushima and Kyushu"
the territory of Korea as The victorious country.

Requests delivery of "Tsushima and Kyushu" to the United States.
In addition,
it requests the United States that the Korean military has the right
to be stationed in Japan under the name
of Korea Occupation Forces as The victorious country.


Recessed Syngman Rhee Line


In 1950 , during the Korean War,

Korean forces abandoned Seoul citizens a

nd blew up a bridge and ran away




The bombing operation was carried out despite the large number of displaced people on the bridge ,

Some 500 or 1,500 people were killed .


Dam disaster in Laos already forgotten ... SK construction safety dead zone also debate


BTS members famous for atomic bomb T-shirts 
are crazy inside the bus
Videos leaked!

Overseas fans seem to be exactly the same

Suddenly overflowing with compliments of English praise. Creepy


A song called BTS "run". Members are suffering in waters in the water.
MV release date, March 11, It is the day of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
I can not forgive as a Japanese citizen.
BTS wearing a comfort Woman wear
Dokdo is also doing anti-Japanese act of singing our territory

The capital flight started
World stock price / Korea KOSPI
Do not move, government intervention,
Trading suspension, circuit breaker activation,

power off of server,

Koria have a proven track record.


Yuzuru Sato
Korea attacks Japan by combining hands with North Korea and China
Propaganda neglect affects the recreation of the comfort women problem,

the activities of Japanese companies around the world
Possibility of losing in the image strategy at the US jury trial.









English articles futukiiti hoyoujiyo

English articles 2



한국인의 재해 정리

Lai đại hàn Korean slaughter





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