Can be diverted to weapons
... obtain a unique "illegal export list" in Korea!

Raw materials of sarin and VX also

become a third country

[Writing: FNN Seoul branch director Yasuhiro Watanabe] 10th July 2019




무기에 전용 가능한 ... 한국 "부정 수출 목록"을 자체 입수! 2

무기에 전용 가능한 ... 한국 "부정 수출 목록"을 자체 입수! 1






Q Is there a lot of people planning illegal export in Korea,

Or is export control not thorough?

Mr. Furukawa

"I think both are the cause.

Similar to China, Korean companies have long been viewed

as having problems with loose controls on export control .

In addition, the system has not been thoroughly implemented

by the Korean government.

The evidence is seen in the large number of cases on

this list and in the fact that the facts were not disclosed . "

QIs there a country that is closely related to North Korea

as an illegal export destination?

Is there a possibility that goods entered

North Korea via a third country ?

Mr. Furukawa

"Among the countries where North Korea had bases in or was involved

in North Korean sanctions violations, almost all of those listed on China,

Taiwan, Hong Kong and Southeast Asia Brunei are excluded ,

Russia, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, UAE , Iran, Syria, Equatorial Guinea,

Turkey, Italy, Germany, Japan .

Besides North Korea, there are other concerns

that China, Russia, the Middle East and Africa

also have smuggling relations in various conflict areas .

Korean companies seem

to be loose in ethics and control in all directions . "

"As long as these Korean companies have not been announced ,

I think there will always be Japanese companies that have traded

with them without knowing it."

Q Is it the tip of the iceberg,

Is Korea's customs office or government office able to detect

it because it is excellent?

Mr. Furukawa

"It seems to be the tip of the iceberg .

In fact, it does not include the large-scale purchase case

of hydrogen fluoride as described by the Japanese government.

There are all the problems associated with the wrist strap regulation alone,

so there is a concern that the catch all regulation

(* 1 ) may be even more sloppy . "


"If this information is seen,

it may be difficult to treat Korea as a white country ."


Before you shout "political purpose!", What do you do ?


On July 10 ,

President Moon Jae-in called the management team

of the top 30 Korean companies

and criticized the Japanese measures as " political purpose ."


the government indicated its policy to support the expansion

of import destination and domestic production,

and called for the cooperation of companies in preparation

for the prolongation of the situation.

It is understood that it is desperate to protect the semiconductor sector,

which is the basis of the Korean economy.

The cases on this list do not always match the "inappropriate cases"

that the Japanese government claims,

but the Korean government should face the situation

where a large amount of strategic goods are being illegally exported .

Note 1 ) A mechanism that comprehensively regulates all materials

that can be diverted to weapons that are not listed

but can not be dealt with simply by arranging them on the list

of diverted weapons and making them subject to regulation.








Everyone's comment


Now South Korea is definitely black States, not White States.
Personally involving not only the United States

but the entire western world
I think it is time to impose tough sanctions on Korea
The United States included North Korea without paying attention only to Iran
You should be aware of the dangers of the Korean peninsula .

Recommendation   3213   Opposition 21


If you want the White country to be maintained,

you just have to prove that there is no sink .

I think that the thinking circuit is not right

because Korea request the mediation

to the United States immediately

or threatens retaliation .

Recommendation   3134   Opposition 19


Where did you come from?
If you do not report after you have properly backed up,

there is a possibility that you will gain an advantage over Korea.
It's even possible that they made fakes and drank them.
In order to break up with Korea firmly, I want that area to do well.

Recommendation   1977   Opposition 197


This is an exceptional coverage.
Most TV news is Pro-Korean in the way of poor news coverage.
Especially in the Tokyo area, ch is 5 and so on .
After that, it is a story that just says that it removes

from white country in the first place.
There is no telling not to export.
How do you get out of the news?

Recommendation   762   Opposite 6


I think it is against this news,

but it seems that Korea says that it has detected illegal exports .

But this list is an article that has passed to another country . 

Only if "Prevent against" in water's edge,
you can so that just saying.

Recommendation   715   Opposite 3


This list seems to be compiled by the Korean government,

but where did it come from?

Depending on the source, "a thing that Japan created illegally"
Korea It seems to snap.
If it is normal,
You can't deny it if you have all this evidence, right?

Recommendation   594   Opposite 16


156 are the tip of the iceberg.
I look forward to future developments .

Recommendation   570   Opposite 7


This alone is evidence that the action is appropriate.

I want you to defeat it with a heavy blow.

Recommendation   481   Opposite 5


It seems that there are many cases

where it is drained horizontally via other countries than direct export.
If you point out, it will be confusing again ( feignignorance, play innocent ),

but let's disclose evidence and pack more and more.

Recommendation   473   Opposite 3


This is a great article.

It seems like Korea's default is near, so do not hesitate to sanction.

Please do your best to produce good results for Japan as you are expecting.

Recommendation   444   Opposite 485