Japan "Korea, there is an inappropriate case
but the content is secret" ... Trump or not


July 05 , 2019 / Chuo Daily Japanese Edition





일본 "한국 부적절한 사안이지만, 내용은 비밀"비장의 카드 하나

일본 "한국 부적절한 사안이지만, 내용은 비밀"비장의 카드 하나2

일본 "한국 부적절한 사안이지만, 내용은 비밀"비장의 카드 하나3





대량살상무기로전용가능한데… 한국,전략물자불법수출3년새3


군사전용이가능한물품이 한국에서 "북한"!?




What is the " inappropriate case "

that the Japanese government listed as a reason

for the preferential treatment for export exemption to Korea

Japan's Ministry of Economy,

Trade and Industry announced on January 1

" Inappropriate case occurred regarding

export control related to the Republic of Korea "



However, no mention is made of what " inappropriate cases " are.

An executive of the Ministry of Economy,

Trade and Industry in response to a central daily report inquiry

"We can not reveal anything , including

what was wrong and whether Korea was informed about it. "

I closed my mouth.

It is the answer that although it is the decisive reason

for export preferential treatment exclusion and white country exclusion ,

it does not expose the outline.

The Korean government is also nervous in order to clarify

what " inappropriate cases " are .

The Japanese side mobilized all channels and worked

on information gathering because there was no explanation or warning .

It became clear that we were preparing

for the case when an unexpected card came out,

and it was under inspection.

The Ministry of Economy,

Trade and Industry explained that the reasons

for not revealing " inappropriate cases " are " confidential ."


If the Korean government responds to Japan's preferential exemption

by mentioning the " secret " by the Japanese government,

the Korean government may hold a " trump card "

to put it out to counterattack Korea. It comes out to the observation.

Various possibilities are discussed as to what " inappropriate cases " are.

First of all,

it is the case that the Japanese government insists

that parts and supplies passed

to Korea were used in places different from the original purpose .

TheComprehensive Export License System

for strategic goods requires exporters to make detailed declarations

to end users, including export destinations .

However, if the content is different

from what the end user has actually declared ,

it may be regarded as a problem and regarded

as an " inappropriate case ".

A diplomatic source of Tokyo is

"The traditional inclusive system,

which would apply if included in White Country,

might believe and approve from export to end user,

but may claim different results."

It was estimated that.

For example, it is a claim

that it has passed to a third country instead of Korea .

There is also a possibility to link Japan's exclusion of Korea

from ' White Country',

that is, to associate ' inappropriate cases '

with illegal ship-to-ship cargo transfers of North Korean ships .

Japan's Foreign Ministry uncovered last year alone an act suspected

of ship-to-ship cargo transfer among 11 North Korean ships .

In this process, it may be mentioned as an " inappropriate case "

as capturing the situation where Korean vessels are engaged

in illegal ship-to-ship cargo transfer of North Korean vessels .

In fact, the US Treasury has been involved in ship-to-ship cargo transfer,

which was released in March this year, or some of the dozens of ships

that are believed to have exported North Korean coal.

Also included is a Korean-flagged vessel named  ( LUNIS ).

Some have speculated that it might be related

to the December 20 last year event that triggered

the Korea-Japan radar and patrol aircraft issue .

At that time, Gwang gaetothe Great class destroyer

(광개토 대왕 급 구축함) was doing rescue work in response

to a rescue signal from a nearby North Korean fishing boat

that was drifting nearby.


Korea Ministry of Defense

"It was a humanitarian rescue operation,

but a Japanese patrol aircraft was threatened"

And clarified.

On the other hand, the Japanese side
Japan's Self Defense Force aircraft
Korean warship is shooting radar
Insisted that it was irradiated


Therefore, the nation that threatened the Self-Defense Forces at sea
"White country" with no security threat
That it is inappropriate to specify
It is possible that made the internal logic.

Also, although not generally available,
The tense situation that existed between Korea and Japan forces,
The Japanese government has accumulated "inappropriate cases"
There is a possibility to argue.

Meanwhile, the Japanese government claimed

that the inter-agency dialogue channel

on export control has been broken for the last three years .

According to the Asahi News Paper etc. executives of the Ministry of Economy,

Trade and Industry

"With the fact that Japanese and Korean officials in export control

can not communicate without having a meeting once

in the last three years,

there has recently been

an inappropriate case involving exports of semiconductor materials . "


It is necessary to meet once every two years to discuss development

of goods and changes in the international situation in relation

to strategic goods import / export, but after the end of 2016 ,

the Moon Jae-in government has been in power

Talks have not been conducted once .

Korean side about this

"We have been communicating well

through multilateral talks besides bilateral talks"

It is a position of.


What is White Country?
Complementary export regulation (catchall regulation)

The Export Trade Control Ordinance (part of the Foreign Exchange Act)

regulates which of the exported cargoes may lead to the conversion

or development of weapons .

This law consists of two items: " list regulation "

that regulates and lists specific items, and " catch-all regulation "

that regulates everything other than lists .

Those who export regulated products confirm (not judge)

the contents of the regulation, and if applicable,

proceed according to the rules for each export destination.

It is not possible to judge whether the goods are subject

to export restrictions only with the goods to be exported.

It also applies to " technology ".

And, " Which country do you export to ?"

Where in this case?

The decision is made including the export destination country

and the final user sold from the export destination .

If the export destination is " White Country ",

these restrictions on export trade control will be relaxed .


The following 27 countries apply to White.

Some countries do not apply, but basically,

countries that are said to be developed countries are subject to White.

When exporting to these white countries, although

they are subject to list regulations, catch-all regulations are not .

"Slow regulation" is not to apply this catch all regulation.


(Details will be described later)













Czech Republic



















North America










South America







To be excluded




Is Korea excluded from the white country ?

According to the Japanese government's announcement

on June 30 , 2019 , it plans to exclude Korea from the white country .

As a result, those who export to Korea will have to obtain

an individual permit for each contract .

As the number of days required for permission

(approximately 90 days) is up to the Japanese government,

it is possible to decide " disallow "

if problems are found after extending the examination period.

What types are there, except White?

White is a country that has relaxed the strength of export restrictions.

But what kind of division is there other than this white country?

The countries of the world are divided into one of three groups:

  1. Non-white country (general country)

  2. Country of concern

  3. Weapons export ban country

1. What is a non-white country ?

Most countries fall under this "non-white country".

When exporting to these countries,

it is subject to the catchall regulations.

In the future, Korea is expected to become

this normal treatment country .

For example, non-white countries include Taiwan, China, Thailand, India,

Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Israel.

However, the countries designated as the "interested countries"

and "weapons export prohibited countries"

shown below are not included in this group.

2. What is the country of concern ?

Countries of concern are those in

which the political situation in the country is unstable

and war is likely to break out.

Specifically, it is North Korea, Iran, Iraq, etc.

designated in Annex 4 of the Export Trade Control Order.

Iran is a "problem state" that bombards missiles, etc.,

in addition to nuclear development, and North Korea.

These countries have been designated as "concerned countries".