Can be diverted to weapons
... obtain a unique "illegal export list" in Korea!

Raw materials of sarin

and VX also become a third country

[Writing: FNN Seoul branch director Yasuhiro Watanabe] 10th July 2019




무기에 전용 가능한 ... 한국 "부정 수출 목록"을 자체 입수! 2

무기에 전용 가능한 ... 한국 "부정 수출 목록"을 자체 입수! 1








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Are goods that are strictly regulated internationally illegally exported

from Korea ?

The raw materials of sarin and VX are included,

and it may have flowed to North Korea etc.

"If Korea is not a white country (a security friendly country )"



South Korea has been hit by the quake,

as the Japanese government abolished export incentives

for three items such as hydrogen fluoride to Korea.

Anger of "unfair!", Brave measures of "should be produced domestically!",

Criticism by the Korean government of "slow response!"

With the pessimism with, the media is a fuss up and down.


The essence is "the abolition of export control incentives"


The essence of the measures taken

by the Japanese government is the abolition

of export control incentives for Korea such as hydrogen fluoride.

And the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

" The trust relationship

between Japan and Korea has been significantly impaired, "

" Inappropriate case occurred regarding export control related

to the Republic of Korea "

Two things are listed.


The Ministry of Economy, T

rade and Industry also cites the Korean government's response

to the issue of applicant workers from the Korean Peninsula,

so it will be difficult for the Korean government to immediately respond

to the improvement of trusting relationships.



if there is an objection that the international community is convinced

of the “ inappropriate case of export control ,”

Korea's objection that Japan's measures are unfair will have power.


In fact, "full holes" Korean export control


To counter Japan's claim that "an inappropriate case has occurred ":

" All three items imported from Japan are properly managed,

and they are not closely exported outside Korea .

Korea's export control can be trusted "

It is a story that only needs to prove that.

成允模(SungYunMo, 송윤모), Korean  Industry,

Trade and Resources Minister on July 9

" No evidence was found that hydrogen fluoride imported

from Japan leaked to countries subject

to UN resolution sanctions including North Korea . "


"The Korean related companies have reconfirmed that their duties,

such as the final employer report, have been properly fulfilled,

as they received export permits under domestic laws and regulations."

The hydrogen fluoride imported from Japan

did not pass to North Korea, and it was appealed

that the goods exported from South Korea were well managed .

But for Korea like that

We obtained a list with "inconvenient" data .

The list was obtained by the Korean parliamentarians

from the Ministry of Industry,

Trade and Resources , and we received the offer.

The list is titled " Strategic Unauthorized Export Capture Status ".


The content is amazing.

It is reported that there were 156 cases of illegal export projects

in which strategic goods were leaked

from Korea without permission from 2015 to March 2019 .


All illegally exported are NSG

( multilateral international system for controlling articles usable

for nuclear weapons production, development and use ) ,


( controls articles usable for biochemical weapons production,

development and use ) .

The international community strictly controls

and oversees the international community through various


Contents of the list that experts are also surprised


Look at the list of unauthorized export items.

There are a line of articles that can be diverted to weapons,

such as thermo cameras, carbon fibers, and heat exchangers.

Centrifuge used in nuclear development

was also illegally exported to Russia and Indonesia .

In October 2017 , zirconium, which is used as a coating

for nuclear fuel rods, was illegally exported to China and seized.

The price is a big deal at $ 13.46 million.

The list also includes chemicals.

The chemical substance, diisopropylamine,

is the source of the nerve agent VX used

when North Korean Kim Jong-un's real brother

Kim Jong-joo was assassinated in Malaysia.

Exporters were arrested in August 2017 for Vietnam and Sri Lanka ,

and in October for Pakistan, China, and Malaysia

as being illegal exports from Korea .

According to the handbook of AG mentioned above,

which is a framework to prevent the spread of biological

and chemical weapons, Korea is not a producer of diisopropylamine.

In other words, it is highly likely that the goods imported

from another country were illegally exported to a third country .

Also of interest are items called " hydrofluoric acid. "

Hydrofluoric acid is one in which hydrogen fluoride is dissolved in water,

one of three items

for which Japan has abolished export control incentives .

There were two cases of unauthorized export of hydrofluoric acid

to Vietnam in December 2017 and to UAE in January 2019 .

Hydrogen fluoride is also produced in small quantities in Korea,
so I do not know if it is from Japan.

Look at the date of the strike.

There were 14 cases in 2015 ,

22 cases in 2016 ,

48 cases in 2017 ,

41 cases in 2018 ,

and 31 cases

of unauthorized export in just 20 months .

It's a clear increase .


In addition, Also, May 2017 Moon Jae-in
Comparing the number of occurrences

before and after taking office as president,
It was an average of about 18 times a year before taking office

It is increasing rapidly .

I do not know what this is significance.

We asked this list to be analyzed by Mr. Katsuhisa Furukawa,

a panel member of the UN Security Council's

North Korea Sanctions Commission.

Mr. Furukawa

"There have been cases
 of export control violations involving restrictions
 on weapons of mass destruction

Even though Korea was caught so much,
the Korean government has not released it before
Surprised by the fact that

He talked with me and he was surprised.

Q Are dangerous substances listed ?

Mr. Furukawa

"of course.

Sodium cyanide, which has been illegally exported to Indonesia,

is also used in metal plating processes,

but it is also used in the production of chemical weapons Tabun .

In the international regime for the nonproliferation of weapons

of mass destruction because of danger,

volunteer countries are regulating based on list regulations.

Of course there are industrial applications,

but since they are used as weapons,

it is necessary to be required to firmly confirm export destinations. "

Q Hydrogen fluoride was also illegally exported

Mr. Furukawa

" UAE , the export destination of hydrogen fluoride,

is seen by countries as a major destination for smuggling ."