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Rib Fest

Canada DayであるJuly 1stに行われた、Rib Fest。







Canada Dayを祝う花火を待つ、待つ、待つ・・・・・。





Centennial Park

これはCotton Candy。綿あめ。

とてもNorth Americanだわ。

Cotton Candy










無料のコンサートを前に、リブをビールで、Canada Dayを祝う人々。








Happy Belated...

Valentine's Dayハート達(複数ハート)

I was working until 8:30 on that day.
Intead, my boyfriend cooked me sea food dinner on weekend.
My favorite, smoked salmon, grilled salmon with cucumber salsa sauce and clams.

And a surprise!
He gave me two dozens of red roses揺れるハート


It's so nice that I can leave my office at 5 pm. That never happend when I was working in Japan. But I have a long hours of work tomorrow, though.

Sassafraz, one of the famous restaurant where celebrities visit while their stays in Toronto.

My boyfriend and I could have a chance to eat at that restaurant the other night thanks to the Winterlicious.

The restaurant was destroyed due to the fire last year. But we found out that it was very nicely revampted and absolutely fantastic looking inside. There was a fall behind the shiny white coloured long wide chairs. White walls and light apple green coloured chairs. The dark brown coloured pillars were beautifully fit as an accent in that light coloured dining area.

We really loved the interior of the restaurant.

Another thing I liked was the dish, seared maple marinated cod with carrot sauce. I also had a salad with edible flowers. I 've seen edible flowers before, but that was my first time to eat flowers. The green salad looked really cute with pansy and daisy.

It was an absolutely great night to relax after 6 days of working.


I finally graduated from Master of Arts in Immigration and Settlement Studies at Ryerson University in October! I wore a gown, which I was hoping to wear in my life~~~ I am the only one in my program who was excited about wearing the gown for the first time?!

On the stage at the convocation, a professor gave us something like a scarf which we wore around the neck down to the back. We shook hands with the president of the University. The Program Director gave us a hug...


It had been such a extensive and hard year. I hadn't studed that hard ever before, even when I was at UBC. Lots of reading and wirtings!! But one I finished all the studies, I kinda feel like going back to school to study again...hahaha. Now I am not thinking about going to a PhD program, but maybe I will. You never know. But I might go to another Master's program in the future when I get a parmanent residency. Hopefully. Anywho, I need to work to save money again for a trip to Japan and for a wedding?!


Once I accomplished one of my goals, now I have others!


I wrote in my acknowledgement in my paper, but thank you to my family and friends for their support. ラブラブ

Purtuguese Town

Portuguese Pudding
I haven't really explored new places in Toronto. My places are like Greek Town, Korean Town, Yonge Street, Queen Street, another Koren area around Finch & Yonge, Steeles Avenue....


I hadn't had Portuguese food for a long time since my first time!! My friend took me to a Portuguese restaurant near Ossington Avenue the other night. They have fish, rice with olives which was similar to Greek rice, grilled chicken, and round potatoes. The different kinds of bread they privided were also tasty. I especially liked the hard bread. How come I have missed such nice Portuguese food!!


My friend also took me to some fish markets on Ossington Avenue. They have fresh wild salmon, bonitos, squids, octopuses, horse mackerel, clams, mussels, etc. Once taking orders, they cut them into a certain amount of bulk in front of you. Salmon looked so good~~~

Then he took me to a bakery, where Portuguese coffee, puddings, cakes and breads are sold. I got a square shaped big pudding, which was his recommnedation. Oh my god, I gave it to my housemates and my boyfriend's family. They including me really really liked the pudding!!! It's sweet, but lemony at the same time. You taste both sweet and sour on your tongue with the soft texture of the pudding itself. The pudding looks like a traditional Japanese home-made pudding. It's simple. But that was so good as simple. I need to go back and get some again!!



I have been intervewing participants for my research. I found it is quite intersting to hear thier experiences. I learned a lot too. Well, I just need to sort those information into categories and analyze them, and write up a paper!!!

Rolled Sushi


でもその前に・・・ランチはDim Sum.

But mistakenly we bought Korean seaweed, which had lots of holes!! We rolled salmon, avocado, and Japanese cucumbers. Some were California rolles and some were, well, Japanese Western style rolled suchi?! We also put マサゴ on them. We were glad that my boyfriend's mom and brother also liked them.

Canada Day

Canada Day, July 1st

We bought crabs and steamed them. Yum yum.

Then we went to the biggest shopping mall, shopping and watching a movie, and まったり。

At the Rib Festival at the Centennial Park in Etobicoke. There were lots of families and people seemed so relaxed. It was a bit chilly but it was such as beautiful sunset! We could hardly see the CN Tower in Toronto. We enjoyed nice ribs and Canadian beer on the grass, watching the sunset♪ We were waiting for the fireworks, looking the bit darker sky. The fireworks started around 10:15 pm. That's the time when the fireworks are over in Japan, isn't that?

If you expect such big and long fireworks, no.... It was about 15 minutes or so. But it was good we celebrated Canada Day with other Canadians.

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