移民の町で、移民の研究 -5ページ目


Oh my God!!! My electronic dictonary broke down!!! Can't believe it! I am soooo shocked! Because I need it when writing my papers and for my final graduate project!!!I haven't even finish half of my graduate program! I can still use it, but because the screen is not stable anymore, I am afraid to close and opne it. I might break the whole thing! I won't be able to bring it to school...



ショックー!!!!必要なのに。。。Does that mean I have to use English-English?? Does that mean I don't need dictonary anymore?? But I still need thesaurus, eh? It is the time I should stop using English Japanese dictionary??


Winterlicious - You can have lunch or dinner at a good price at 2.5-3.5 stars restaurants in Toronto around this time of a year. They usually have 3 courses lunch and dinner. I went to have lunch~♪

@ Pangaea

Pangaea Hot Soup
Lobster bisque, with wild mushrooms and waterchestnut relish
Pear & Endive Salad
Roasted pear, shaved fennel, watercress, frisée, walnuts, Stilton cheese,
mustard dressing

Du Breton Organic Pork Shoulder
Whole roasted, with new potatoes roasted with bay leaves and garlic,
buttered turnips, pan juices with fresh herbs
Duck confit
Riesling braised cabbage with double smoked bacon, whipped potatoes, hunter

Passionfruit Pot de Crème
Tropical fruit salad, coconut cookies
Fresh Ginger Cake
With caramel apple and vanilla sauces, maple candied pecans (torontolife)

Nice atomosphere and great dishes!

@Rosewater Super Club

Spiced maple pumpkin puree with shrimp crème fraiche & fried ginger
Rosewater Salad, Boston bibb lettuce, marinated green vegetables, baby
tomatoes, roasted garlic mustard dressing

Salted cod crab cakes, saffron ratatouille, tomato coulis
Brome Lake Duck Leg Confit, root vegetable cassoulet, frisse salad,
Portobello mushroom vinaigrette

Banana pecan bread pudding, rum raisin butter scotch sauce, spiced cream
“Côte d' Or” Dark chocolate raspberry torte, sugar snap tuile, fruit coulis


Very elegant building. A nice waterfull and a grandpiano, a bar, and private lounges.

I liked this atomosphere, but I prefered the lunch at Pangaea. Overall, I am very satisfied with those courses of lunch.


My friends, who had been in Florida for three weeks on vacation, came back to Toronto. We met up after about a month. They took me to a Buffet restaurant called "Sisters".

We got a nice surprise there!

Live Jazz!!! Yeah!!

We had a buffet such like mash potates, turkey, roast beef, dumplings, sushi, salada, veal, salmon, cheese, baquet, fruits and desserts!

While eating there, a Jazz band played a live music! That was sooo nice!! Patrick Tevlin'S New Orleans Quartet. Tenor Sax, Drums, Piano, Alto Sax, Trumpet and Trombone!

I like Saxophone~♪

They had been actually playing for more than two hours! There was a lady whose birthday was today. So they also played a happy birthday song! They played some nice dance songs. Elderly couples were danceing to those Jazz songs. They were so lively. Those men were so gentlemen, eh? When I get older like them, I wanna dance like them. ♪

It should be noted that everyone who was dancing were white. There were only one Asian, which is me, and two other blacks. Most of them were white. I guess the buffet was mostly "canadian" meals and sushi as well. The restaurant is owned by a white women. And the location was kinda close to some whites' residential area. The city is actually the place where a lot of Asians and blacks who are not that rich, and some places are not safe. But there are some places for middle class white people in the city.

Anyways, that nice surprise was so great! I have been listening to classical music for the past month while studying and in the morning, but now I feel like to listen to Jazz!!

Indian Bazaar

My friends took me to Indian Bazaar. Though I've lived a bit close to there, I had never been there.


Oh very heart-warming, eh?
I like Mater, Doc, the cop, the two car mechanicals! They are so nice! And the pictures and colours are so amazing!


The Seagull Cafe かもめ食堂


I've wanted to see this movie since I was in Japan. And I heard that my friend just watched it. Luckily, I found out the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre would show it tonight just after I heard about this movie!!! What a coincidence! And how lucky I am!!

But it was very freezing today! It was like minus 16℃ at night!! Because I had a class until 6:00 and it was kinda far from downtown. And then we had to wait for a bus for a while outside! That was dum.

The Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre was quite nice. I assumed that wouldn't be that big when I considered the total number of the Japanese Canadians in Canada compared to other ethnic groups like Chinese or Jewish. But they have a big nice building and very clean and organized. They have a 剣道 classes, 柔道 classes, caligrahpy classes, 空手 classes, yoga classes. They also have regular events and new year's eve and New Year's parties as well. They have a small exhibition about the history of Japanese Canadians as well. It appear now 五世 are born these days.

And I thought most of the people who utilize those facilities were Japanese Canadians or Japanese residents, but a lot of Caucasians who were taking a 剣道 class. It's good eh? Japanese Canadians can preserve their ancestors' cultural heritage and also share it with other Canadians.

The movie was fun! Oh yeah, you know what, actually I made おにぎり with bonito かつおしょうゆ and labiate しそ(ゆかり!) before going to school for dinner, cause I thought we wouldn't have enough time to go somewhere to eat before the movie. So we had おにぎり at the theatre. I hadn't made おにぎり since I made for 花見, but since I got しそand bonito from my friend and おかか(I got it at a Japanese supermarket, I dicided to make some so that my Taiwanese Canadian friend could also try them. Oh yeah, thier speciality is おにぎり at かもめ食堂, eh? The movie was kinda slow, always in that kind of Japanese movies compared to Hollywood movies. But it made me laugh, and i liked those three women's characters. They have good とんかつ、鮭、and おにぎり~♪Oh looked so yum! They actually sold おにぎり after the movie!

It's interesting. When I was in Japan, I usually don't eat おにぎり、カレー that much. But now I eat those. Easier to access to those food here, I guess. Japanese ingredients are quite expensive here.

Well, then we took a bus back to the station (we had to wait for a bus in the cold again!), then we went to a Japanese & Korean food restaurant. And we had seafood うどん、and いかやき。They put cucumber into the うどん!いかやき was okay, but the Teriyaki sauce was sweeter than the one we have in Japan.

Lovely Flowers

Such a beautiful dozen of red roses.

Thank you!

IKEA Strategy

IKEA. It reminds me of my stay in Vancouver. I went to IKEA Toronto with my friend.

IKEA has a cafe inside of the building. That means you have to actually go into IKEA to eat something. But you can have breakfast at a very reasonable price. Lunch is okay too. They have Sweedish meatballs, salmon salad, sandwiches. Some people in fact line up at 10:00 in the morning to have breakfast because it's as cheap as MacDonald's, for example. But it is healthier. This seems to be one of their strategies: customers actually have to go through IKEA to go to the cafe. There are some possibilities for them to buy something on the way or maybe after they ate. At the same time, they probably can serve the food at reasonable prices.

#2: They use their own tables and lights, and even paintings in the cafe with prices shown on them or on the wall. If people like them, they can just go though and buy them! Convinient, eh?

#3: They are selling yoghurt around the exit. Oh after you get tired from shopping in the large store, you can take a rest eating ice cream! While you are having a ice cream, you can take a look around the small store, where selling Sweedish food, sweets you just had at the cafe in IKEA! What a nice eh?

If any of you come up with other strategies, please let me know! I am curious to get to know them! Last time I went to IKEA in the Vancouver Area, I didn't pay attention to this kind of things, but it was interestg to look at IKEA from the business perspective.

To add that, I liked those displays of kitchens!! If I had own house here, I would have definitely bought something for my living room or kitchen or bed room!!

Then we went to Taiwanese supermarket and a regular "Canadian" supermarket. I found there were so many people in the Taiwanese supermarket and few at the regular supermarket upnorth!


My friend tooke me to China Town and University of Toronto.

We had a Congee, pork and chicken rice bowl and Chinese donughts for lunch.



I caught a cold and went to a health clinic at school today. Even though I made an appointment, I waited for like 40-50 minutes! Since this was actually my first time to go to a clinic in Canada, i didn't know how it works there. Oh well.

A doctor came, but she was so ineffective. She prepared to take my temperature, she did. She threw away the paper, and then she took out something that she can look at my ears...and...Oh God.

But luckily? I didn't get a flu or something. It is just a virus and she told me to take the medecine that I got at a drug store, which is my first CANADIAN medicine!, and have a lot of fluid. She told me that i didn't any other treatment. Okay...But it was good bacause i didn't have to pay anything even though i conculted the doctor. Though I paid for the health insurance for a year. The insurance covers the consultation. And it was good that I didn't have to pay for a prescription, which I heard is quite expensive. I hope I will get better soon before I get REALLY busy with my school work!


カナダの病院や薬にも慣れておかないとね。Integration and adoptation eh?