移民の町で、移民の研究 -3ページ目

lots of fun in Toronto!!

Summer!! I have been waiting for the summer in Toronto!! I subscribe emails about events in Toronto. The email Ii received this week has soooo many events happening this weekend! Pride Week has just started, Taste of Italy in Little Italy, Blues music lives in the Distilliery District, Worldwide short film festival, etc....I don't know which one I should go~

Even though I am now working on my final project, I should enjoy the summer in Toronto, eh? I am kinda excited because this is my first time to spend summer in Canada. Never in either Toronto or Vancouver. Sucn an exciting city!

After the BBQ

We'd been busy with grocery shopping and preparing for our BBQ with other friends over the weekend. And I had been outside for a long time for the first time in a while and I guess I was really tired.

My boyfriend took me to a Bubble Tea place after cleaning up the grills. He was eating noodles but I didn't feel like eating. So I just had a few noodles from his plate, and had a hot fruit tea with tapioca.

Oh my good, I felt sick in a car. After we arrived at his place, I coulnd't hold it anymore. I threw up in his garage!! Oh that was soooo embarassing! But my boyfriend took care of me and cleaned up the mess I made. I am soooo sorry.

I was sick and embarassed very much, but I felt I was lucky to have him as my boyfriend. He didn't complain or even show a reluctance to clean it up even though I know he wouldn't like to do that.

My ex-boyfriends have never seen me puke or had never taken care of me and the mess (of course they haven't encountered that kind of situation, though). He is the only person. And I am glad that was him.

When I woke up the next day, my boyfriend's mom and brother already knew what happened the night before. Oh embarrasing...

Now I feel good, I guess I was just tired and my stomach was not functioning well enough. Thank you for what you've done for me.

Exploring the cities

Yonge Street, the main long street through downtown to way up north. I don't know exactly where it goes toward. It's crowded all the time, but I kinda like driving along Yonge Street sometimes. When I go through downtown area, it is a bit narrow and there are lots of small stores. When I go up north, it is more spacious, sometimes there are lots of lower stores and sometimes there are high buildings. I've only up to Highway 7 in Richmond Hill.

So we decided to drive to the north along Yonge Street the other day way up to Aurora. On the way, we found a small area where the street is narrower and sidewalks are made with bricks. Lots of Persian stores and churches. It seems like there used to be small Anglo-saxon Canadian town, and then Persian immigrants moved around there.

In Richmond Hill and Aurora, they are developing a looooot of new houses. It seems like there are lots of new residential areas around there. My friend and her husband also purchased a house about 5 years ago in Aurora.

If I want to buy a house with yards, I would buy one in Richmond Hill, Marhkam, or Vaughan. Aurora seems to be a family friendly and oriented area, but it was a bit far for me...

Then we went to the Beaches. There are lots of relatively newe houses around there. It seems really nice because houses are new and clean and it is very close to the Lake Ontario. We walked around the Beaches and parks around there, and had ice cream.

I like going to different places and walking around. Thank you for taking me to lots of places!

A straberry cake

I made a straberry cake and dinner for my boyfriend's birthday. Nothing happier than celebrating his birthday together.

But, I had never made a straberry cake from the beginning including スポンジ。So,,,,ahhh, the sponge was kinda hard...Anyways, I put peaches, tagerine oranges in it and decorated it with strawberries, kiwi and whipped cream. I whisked whipped cream with a wisk because I don't have an electronic whisk!! I want an electronic whisk~~~

My first visitor to Toronto

I met up with my friend in Vancouver again for the first time in abour three years on Face Book. What a coincidence! Just a few weeks later, my friend came over to Toronto to attend the conference. It was really nice seeing him again in Toronto! He is a friend of mine whom I first met in Vancouver about 5 and a half years ago. But it was for the first time in three years when we met each other when I visited Vancouver again.

I felt a little weird to show him around Toronto, since he had been to Toronto only to transfer transportations last time. We chatted at a coffee shop and decided to go to the CN Tower where neither of us have been there! My boyfriend joined us. We really enjoyed going up to the CN Tower, especially on the glass floor, through which you can see the ground and Rogers Centre from I don't know about 400 or 500 metres up. Luckily, Blue Jays (baseball team) were playing against Yankies down there! We could hardly see they were playing.

But I was really surprised when I got on the top in the tower and saw the City of Toronto! Why? Because I expected the scenary like 東京市庁。Buildings to the horizon! But, I felt Toronto was so small and spacious! When I walk in downtown, I felt it was quite big compared to my hometown (of course). But it was actually small compared to Osaka or Tokyo. And big big big!!! My friend said that it was bigger than Vancouver. :) But I liked it because there are so maaaaaaaany green trees all over!!!

Then we had Italian dinner and a couple of cocktails. It was really nice to meet him again! Now I want to go to Vancouver again! Thank you for coming!

Little Italy

I really haven't been anywhere touristy since I moved to Toronto! FINALLY, I explored in Little Italy in Toronto.

We started from my house in Greek Town, which I really like. There are wider sidewalks, lots of restaurants and patios. It's spacious compared to Little Italy. We went into a store which sells lots of kitchen stuff. I love window shopping at such stores. Once I get my own house, I would really love to collect all the kitchen stuff in the near (?) future!!

People are walking around Greek Town, just enjoying the nice waether. People were drinking beer on patios, talking and just relaxing!! People were drinking even in the late afternoon!

Then we went to little Italy. This is actually my first time to walk around there! I have only been through in my friend's car at night. We went into a Italian restaurant called Cafe Diplomatico, which my friends suggested me to go a while ago. We had beer, lasagna and pizza on a patio outside. It was nice and I liked it. I enjoyed the atmosphere and beer for the first time in a loooong time!


I had been waiting for this!! We finally had a BBQ in Sunnybrook Park filled with lots of greens!! It was great to have a BBQ on Saturday, which was nice and warm. I totally enjoyed the weather, greens and BBQ!!! I LOVE parks, BBQ and just sitting on grass!!

We went grocery shopping together and prepared for the BBQ. We had 秋刀魚, fish cakes, fish balls, chicken wings, vegitables, pork, etc. My boyfriend parepared a grill, cooler and everything! He is so prepared. He also made BBQ source the night before. We also got a Japanese BBQ source at a Chinese supermarket. 黄金の焼肉のたれ。It so reminded me of Japanese BBQ, which I used to have a lot in Japan.

Oh I think we ate a lot!! And we played Frisbee in the park. I felt my body was sooo heavy. I really need to do some exercise!!

I am so glad that we had a BBQ in the park on such a great weather!! I am so glad that we have lots of parks and greens in the Toronto area!

Centre Island

I haven't done any touristy things for so long! Finally I visited the Centre Island!! Oh that was soooo beautiful, nice and relaxing~~~ It was really nice to see Lake Ontario for the first time in a while, because I've missed water!! I used to go to the ocean in the daytime and at night once in a while, and I used to the Inland Ocean (瀬戸内海)very often while driving a highway to Kobe and while taking a train along the 瀬戸内海. That was why I missed water! But you know what, Vancouver has more beautiful beaches to tell the truth!!

However, it was beautiful to see the Lake Ontario from the mainland as well as to see the CN tower and buidling from the ferry!! I haven't really seen the scenary which has both the CN tower, business buildings and condos, like the postcards even after living here for more thatn 8 months!! But I heard that lots of condos along the Lake have changed the scenary of Toronto since 5 years ago.

Well, I took a lot of pictures like a tourist! But you know what, there are lots of newcomers here, so you don't know who are tourists and who are immigrants. Then we found swings!! We rode on swings a bit while, remembering the old times. There are swams, geese, ducks and seagulls.

We walked around and found a little amusement park on the island! We had lunch, walked around the park, setting on the beach and the pier under the sun. Lots of people are enjoying the nice and warm weather.

I wanna go there again for sure! I wish Spring and summer here in Toronto were longer!


I lost an appetite again just like one and a half years ago... I wish I would lose 4-5 kg again, like i did last time!! Something wrong with me~~~ I am trying to keep myself busy, but it is hard to meet a lot of new people especially when I miss somebody and don't feel good....................................... It's usually fine with me to meet new people and I do enjoy it when I am okay. It's just....Aiya---

Then, I decided to go to a Chinese mall that I found on my way to the organization where I am doing my field placement. Well, there were a degnified gate and buildings. But it turned out there weren't nothing much. What I enjoyed was looking at a lot of lovely tropical fish in water tanks, flowers and plants! I found Nimo from "Finding Nimo"!!! They were soooo cute! They healed my mental wound a little bit. Flowers always make me feel good as well. Then I went to a Chinese supermarket for grocery shopping which I found in there. I got something that I can't get at local Canadian supermarkets like big fresh 豆腐、青梗菜、スナックエンドウ。And I got some tools for making a cake! I am gonna make a cake! Well, what kind of cake I should make...Strawberries and whipped cream,,, or chocolate?

Such a wonderful weather

I have started my field placement in May. I've got lots of things that I would like to comment on, though.

Anyways, it's been so nice these day. And the daytime is getting longer and longer! It's still bright around 8:00 pm, and gets dark before 9:00. Oh so lovely. I love it! But, I don't feel like going home if it's such a bright and it's hard to tell how late it is! In Japan, children are supposed to go home before it gets dark, but I understand why people go out with kids and have fun after dinner. People are so laid-back. I would like to finish my master's thesis and wanna get relaxed!

I found out that I couldn't use my debit card anymore last week. I didn't have enough cash that time and ended up in going to a bank again. It turned out that there seemed to be a fraud on someone's swipe card where I used mine on the same day. I could guess where it was, but I don't know exactly. I was surprised that something happened on my card!! They replaced my card.