BBQ | 移民の町で、移民の研究


I had been waiting for this!! We finally had a BBQ in Sunnybrook Park filled with lots of greens!! It was great to have a BBQ on Saturday, which was nice and warm. I totally enjoyed the weather, greens and BBQ!!! I LOVE parks, BBQ and just sitting on grass!!

We went grocery shopping together and prepared for the BBQ. We had 秋刀魚, fish cakes, fish balls, chicken wings, vegitables, pork, etc. My boyfriend parepared a grill, cooler and everything! He is so prepared. He also made BBQ source the night before. We also got a Japanese BBQ source at a Chinese supermarket. 黄金の焼肉のたれ。It so reminded me of Japanese BBQ, which I used to have a lot in Japan.

Oh I think we ate a lot!! And we played Frisbee in the park. I felt my body was sooo heavy. I really need to do some exercise!!

I am so glad that we had a BBQ in the park on such a great weather!! I am so glad that we have lots of parks and greens in the Toronto area!