移民の町で、移民の研究 -2ページ目


My friend sent me a loooots of pictures of her new born baby♪ The baby was so beautiful and lovely. Ahhh, I want a baby too. ニコニコ

I did some translation at my friend's friend's wedding the other day. This made me feel like getting married too. But since the bride's family doesn't understand English and didn't really know what was going on at the wedding reception because people were having speeches and games in English all the time. So I felt 大変~. And it was 大変 to translate because I haven't really spoken Japanese...But I had a nice experience and got dressed up for the first time in a while!

But anyways, I am sure I will have my own baby in the near future. (?!)



My boyfriend and his brother recommended this movie. I didn't know about the original famous American animation, but it was quite entertaining. But I first thought it was a Japanese something レンジャー、you know, children like to watch those series, right? That's what I thought. ^^;

I had never seen this kind of animations or movies, but I enjoyed watching it. The movie was fast, funny, and has lots of excitements. I really liked the scene that the transformers were trying to hide from the protagonist's parents. hahaha!

It was a first week and there are so many people at the theatre.


I finally got my new glasses!! Yey! Do I look smart?! Hahaha. Anyways, I am happy with my new glasses, even though it was expensive and any of my health insurances didn't cover even a penny. Now that I can reduce time I am weating contact lenses and get gradually used to my new glasses. I am still a bit afraid to go with glasses, because I haven't been used to wearing glasses outside for more than 12 years!

Knocked Up

The movie called "Knocked Up". I didn't know what it was about before watching it. And I found out that it was so realistic. But I was shedding tears a bit when she finally gave birth to a baby. You may find some parts are funny. But it had been okay since this story is not real, had it?



Chinese Restaurants

This is the documentary movie I have wanted to see. Chinese Restaurants 2: On the islands Mauritius, Trinidad, Cuba.


I didn't know that Hakka Chinese immigrated to the Mauritius, near Madagascar. The first and second generations speak Chinese, Hakka and Creole. But third generation no longer speaks Hakka anymore.

The movie says that indentured Chinese immigrants in 1800s to Cuba assimilated to the CUban culture more than other Chinese communities in different countries. No women were allowed to immigrate to Cuba, therefore interracial marriages seemed to have encouraged.

Oh my glasses!

Oh my glasses! I have been using my glasses for about ten years! I only use them when I wake up in the morning and just before going to bed, because my eyes are highly near-sighted.

Shockinly, I dropped my glasses the other day and there used to be a crack in one of the lense. My boyfriend accidentally dropped my glasses again another day and there was another crack in another lense. A lense came off from the frame. Since I bought these glasses when I was young, I didn't know they were glasses. And it seemed to be time to buy new ones.

But the problem was I didn't have a prescription in Canada!!! 困った!I had never seen an optometrist or eye doctor here in Canada. And it seems my health insurance doen's cover eye examination!! I need to check though. The government has changed the polocy in 2004 and OHIP doesn't cover eye examination for those who are between 20 to 60 or 65 anymore. Mine isn't OHIP because I am not a permanent resident in Canada, but I am assuming mines is also the similar kind.

Anyways, since I needed eye examination, an optician reffered me to an optometrist. They were closing, but they kindly waited me to arrive and checked my eye health and did an eye examination. And they made a prescrition for my glasses. Thank you so much!! I thank my boyfriend too. He was the one who searched opticians, eye doctors and health unsurance coverage, and too me here and there for me.

Oh now I really want to get a permanent resident status. Otherwise I need to pay a lot for everything...

And we headed back to the optician to choose a new frame. Finally, we got my new glasses, though it takes a while to curve my glasses. It's gonna be very thick, but I will be able to go out with those glasses. It will be healthy for my eyes.

Thanks a lot again, E.

After such a hectic time in the evening, we went to a really good burger restaurant, which has been on the top 10 list. They used to be there since 1960s and have been successful. They have really nice burgers. It was interesting there are lots of seniors, and most of them were white.

Pride week

It had been a Pride Week in Canada, and there was a Pride (Gay) Parade last Sunday in downtown Toronto. ちなみにこのあたりには、ゲイタウンがあります。レストラン

Since my friends kept telling me to go see the parade since I moved to Toronto last year, I took my boyfriend, who didn't want to see at first, to downtown to see the parade. Sorry,,, but thanks!

Oh my gooness, there were so many people along the streets when we got there. We went up on a little higher space, but it was a bit far from the street, so we couldn't see the parade well enough. we could see some on trucks. Some people were on the top of the buildings, on gabage boxes, and even on the bus stops!

Then we grabbed hot dogs beside the prade. Italian sausage.

I was curious about the gay parade in Toronto, but I was excited to see some Japanese residents too. Since I usually don't see a lot of them, I get kind of excited when I see them a lot at once. hehe.


After a long hectic week at a non-profit organization where I used to do my field placement, we went to Canada's Wonderland last weekend. :)

Since it was nice and warm day, there were so many people there. We waited for for one and a half or two hours to ride a roller coaster. You know what, when I was walking in there, I found a Japanese national flag in the amusement park!! I rarely see a Japanese flag in Canada even at good hotels. Does that mean everyone from all over the work are welcomed to the Wonderland?! However, most of the food there was western, even though they have Japanese food, teriyaki, but this is westernized. I found this was very interesting, even though we have diverse ethnic food in the city of Toronto, but not in the Canada's only amusement park.

Canadian food?! We had a loooooong hot dog! It was about twice as regular hot dogs you can eat in downtown. This was sooo good!!

Then we took another ride, which was on the water. Oh God, we got wet all over!!

After drying our clothes and hair a bit, we had a funnel cake with ice cream and strawberries. They are sold only at the amusement park. Hmm, yummy.

And our dinner that day was Chinese. I love Hot&Sour soup and Hong Kong style fried noodles with seafood.

love cooking

My Canadian-born friend made 太巻き with cooked salmon, cucumber, crab meat, avocad and spicy cream sauce the other day and sent me some pictures of them. Ohhhh looked so yummy!! Those pictures made me feel like eating Japanese food 寿司and 刺身!!Then I asked my boyfriend to go to a Japanese food restaurant. We had a lot of 刺身、お寿司、豆腐、太巻き、手巻き and california roles. I really like Salmon 刺身。But they didn't bring us enough spiced radish with Sashimi. I guess people don't eat them that much.

I've wanted to each cooked fish as well for the past few months. Since fish are all usually frozen or not cheap, so I tend to buy chiken and pork. But I bought frozen cod last time I went grocery shopping. And and and, my boyfriend cooked me the cod, which he had never cooked! I made ほうれん草のおひたし。Oh God that was soooo good!! I am gonna ask his mom how to make that fish dish.

My repertoires have been so multicultural since I came to Canada: Japanese, Chinese, Thai, Vietnumese, Western ... I have just regret that I didn't learn Japanese dishes from my mom. I just learned western or Japanese-Western 和洋折中 dishes from my mom. I can still cook Japanese food because I can find recipes online anytime, but it's just sad that I cant inherit my mom's or my grandma's dishes. Only when I remember how to taste them. But my dishes are getting a mixture of different ethnic food!!

When I waked out from the building after my field placement, I found out that it was raining today. I didn't think it was that heavy, but when I was walking back to home, I found some huge trees and branches were knocked down by the thunderstorm, which seemed to have occured this evening. We sometimes have such a big thunderstorm around this area, which leaves lots of fallen branches. I just talked with a neighbour who was cleaning up around his house and gabbage boxes about the thunderstorm.

What I felt was it's nice that people get home early and just cleaning up around their houses, sitting in a chair on the deck and reading books, or talking with family in the evening. Children are playing in the yards even after 8 or 9 pm. I remember school children were supposed to go home before it gets dark in Japan, weren't they? But it's very relaxing!

movie nights

We've seen loooots of movies lately. I heard that the government regulated the sales of pirate edition of DVDs a while ago, so I rushed to the stores to buy some DVDs. But I found out they were still selling DVDs later on, so I am not really sure about that. But it's good you can still buy those DVDs. I used to rent DVDs in Japan at a very cheap prices, but here it's much expensive to rent DVDs than to buy those DVDs.

Failure to launch

The Devil wears Prada

The Protector

The Pursuit of Happyness ←おススメ♪

Blood Diamond

Dream Girls

Casino Royale

Music and Lyrics

I watched "The Myth神話", "Curse of the Golden Flower" , "Infernal Affairs2" last weekend.

Though I fell asleep once in a while. It doesn't mean that they were boring, but it was just because the room was dark and I was lying on the bed...Sorry...

Curse of the Golden Flower was very beautiful. They used a lot of colouful costumes and settings. Though it had a lot of homicide...And at the end, there was a shocking event!!!


I liked the Myth神話。Jackie Chan is starring. Some parts were really funny. We laughed so so so so hard!!! I liked the plot as well. But it was a bit sad at the end 切ない・・・ because Jackie Chan couldn't take the princess back as he promised in his previous life, even though he found her...
