卒業しました!! | 移民の町で、移民の研究


I finally graduated from Master of Arts in Immigration and Settlement Studies at Ryerson University in October! I wore a gown, which I was hoping to wear in my life~~~ I am the only one in my program who was excited about wearing the gown for the first time?!

On the stage at the convocation, a professor gave us something like a scarf which we wore around the neck down to the back. We shook hands with the president of the University. The Program Director gave us a hug...


It had been such a extensive and hard year. I hadn't studed that hard ever before, even when I was at UBC. Lots of reading and wirtings!! But one I finished all the studies, I kinda feel like going back to school to study again...hahaha. Now I am not thinking about going to a PhD program, but maybe I will. You never know. But I might go to another Master's program in the future when I get a parmanent residency. Hopefully. Anywho, I need to work to save money again for a trip to Japan and for a wedding?!


Once I accomplished one of my goals, now I have others!


I wrote in my acknowledgement in my paper, but thank you to my family and friends for their support. ラブラブ