Sassafraz | 移民の町で、移民の研究


It's so nice that I can leave my office at 5 pm. That never happend when I was working in Japan. But I have a long hours of work tomorrow, though.

Sassafraz, one of the famous restaurant where celebrities visit while their stays in Toronto.

My boyfriend and I could have a chance to eat at that restaurant the other night thanks to the Winterlicious.

The restaurant was destroyed due to the fire last year. But we found out that it was very nicely revampted and absolutely fantastic looking inside. There was a fall behind the shiny white coloured long wide chairs. White walls and light apple green coloured chairs. The dark brown coloured pillars were beautifully fit as an accent in that light coloured dining area.

We really loved the interior of the restaurant.

Another thing I liked was the dish, seared maple marinated cod with carrot sauce. I also had a salad with edible flowers. I 've seen edible flowers before, but that was my first time to eat flowers. The green salad looked really cute with pansy and daisy.

It was an absolutely great night to relax after 6 days of working.