平成の愚禿のプログ -10ページ目


A consideration about Japanese religion. Respect “Wa”(=harmony) Discussion for discussion’s sake Part 2 END



This sprit of “Wa” is not referred to as one of virtues in Confucianism. According to the explanation by Mr. Motohiko Izawa famous as the editor of the “Paradoxical consideration about Japanese history” serious and other works, in Confucianism, the most important virtue is “Kou” (=respecting your parents), and the concept of “Wa” is merely referred to as one way for accomplishing the inferior virtue “Rei” (=Recommended attitude for you against your subordinate, that is, politeness).

By the way the virtue as the necessary attitude toward your superiors is “Gi” (= loyalty) in Confucianism.

I guess it is difficult for common Japanese people to realize the virtue of “Rei” the desirable attitude for your inferiors. In order to grasp this image, I recommend you remember at the tale in Romance of the Three kingdoms, the special treatment which Liu Bei, the founder of Shu empire showed toward Kong Ming to persuade him to become his advisor.


Deducing from the tale of the king of monkeys I referred the other day, in Buddhism, the wisdom based upon the law seems to be regarded as the far more important virtue than “Wa” (= the harmonization made by discussion).


In the societies ruled by monotheism including Christianity, the primary virtue is, to say nothing of, his order.


In other words, in the countries or/and societies excepting Japan, people generally have the norm superior to the result of discussion or/and the decision by majority.


However, the Japanese spiritual climate in those days (And I think, even in today.) compelled the Crown prince Sho-toku who even realized the worldwide commonsense as mentioned, to make the spirit of “Wa” to be primary virtue in Japan.


Mr. Izawa and Mr. Shichihei Yamamoto one of expert of Japanese sociologist call such Japanese pretty outstanding characteristic as “Discussion for discussion’s sake.”


In other countries, the discussion and/or the decision by majority is thought to be merely one option of various ways for solving problems.



On one hand, Mr. Ymamoto says

Such comment the Japanese often says as “the conclusions made by the decision by majority are not necessarily correct” do nothing but demonstrate their fundamentally misunderstanding about the decision by majority. This method can work only when we treat the problems that can be solved by dialectic. (Quoted from “the study about “Kuuki”(=the atmosphere, or mood)”)


On the other hand, however, the Crown prince Sho-toku strongly recommends us to make discussion in every case, “and there should be no room for the decision to fail to meet “Douri.”


“Douri?” What the hell does this mean?



Let’s consult the Japanese Dictionary.

“Douri” 1. The reason everything should be. 2. The common sense every people should accept and follow.


Can you understand by the above explanation? Frankly speaking, I can’t help confessing that I cannot realize and explain it from the strictly point of view. But, as one of common Japanese I can also find deep inside my heart the person who feels something understanding for it.


And for our surprise, there is some cases where the Japanese discussion does not necessarily lead the decision by majority. Can you follow me by this line?

From this sentence, I’ll try to make and show my assumption, depending upon the expert’s opinions.


Mr. Yamamoto expounds the inescapable truth that the dogma, which rules Japanese people, is nothing but “Kuuki.”(= the atmosphere, or mood)

He indicates that there are many cases where even the decision by majority is made by the certain atmosphere in each case.

He explains that in Japan the correct result of the decision by majority can not be found before the number of each opinion being dripped from each members at bar after the decision at the office being made are added to the poll results at the office room, and its total are divided by two.

He introduces the Japanese sample grumping like “I could not but agree with the suggestion in the atmosphere like that.” Or/ and “There remains no room for opposing that opinion after the appearance of such atmosphere…etc.”


Dr. Naoki Komuro one of the most famous sociologist explains the character of the absolute rule by atmosphere in Japan as bellows.

The rule of atmosphere forces Japanese into such situation that they seemingly cast the vote for agreement though each of them truly maintains the opinion of disagree.

He raises one typical and clear instance. The Japanese Privy Council, which was the highest advisory organ for emperor, made the advice for concurring to the opinion of concluding the alliance with Germany and Italy in 1940. To tell the truth, according to the minutes of it , no member seriously seemed to agree with the making the treaty. The record of discussion says each member strongly disagreed with it saying, “If we make alliance with Nazi Germany, Japan cannot help meeting the war with the US! Such result will be nothing but a nightmare for Japan!”

But the atmosphere made by public opinion like as “Don’t miss the bus of the axis power" made them to agree with the alliance while they all maintained the opinion of disagreement in their hearts.


Suppose you bravely try to resist the Mr. Atmosphere in Japan, you cannot avoid suffering the large waves of rude criticisms like “Read the atmosphere!” or “Don’t disturb “Wa”!

You must expect and be ready to accept the punishment being treated as a non-person by society or company.


I suppose Japanese “Hanashiai” (=discussion) includes the meaning of not only the decision by majority from the strictly logical point of view, but the situation like everybody seems to agree a certain opinion.


I have no intention to say that we Japanese have no rule and/or dogma. There is no room to doubt the clear truth that the discussion the sprit of “Wa” explained as above resigns and rule us as the supreme and unwritten dogma.


And the dogma is the one who change the tale about the King of Monkey in Buddhism without mercy into the plot of the play fitting Japanese “Douri.”


Thank you very much for your kindness and patience to read out my poor description.



A consideration about Japanese religion. Respect “Wa”(=harmony) Discussion for discussion’s sake Part 1


Thank you very much for your calling at my web log.


For the purpose of providing the preparation for consideration about the view of life and death and world of common Japanese, I attempted to make short and poor explanation those of Christianity and Buddhism, according to the knowledge I’ve learned from some experts, on the other day.


And I reached one temporary, that is, the common Japanese view of life death world seems to be far similar to those of Buddhism than to those of Christianity, but there remains some hesitation in asserting that Japanese view completely agrees with that of Buddhism.


In the Constitution consisting of 17th articles declared in 604 AD as ancient Japanese moral laws for civil servants, the Crown prince Sho-toku ordered that the sprit of “Wa” (=harmonium in organization) should be respected at the 1st article.


And, the article 2nd preaching Buddhism should be respected follows it, article 3rd sets up the importance of accepting and following the Emperor’s orders.


In addition, at the last article says “Nothing should not be decided by you alone. You must consult other members at making every important decision.” I suppose it is repeatedly referring to the importance of the sprit of “Wa” in detail.


As you all know, the Crown prince Sho-toku is famous for his pretty broad and high-level education. I suppose he might be able to command Sanskrit as well as Korean, Chinese beside his native language, for he employed a certain Buddhistic priest of saintly coming from Koguryo (one of ancient Korean dynasty. Around 0 AD 668 AD) as the brain and tutor.


He also had deep faith in Buddhism. He not only raised a shrink like as Hou-ryu-ji, Shitennou-ji, famous Buddhistic temples in Japan but wrote “Sangyou-gishyo” a commentary about three basic Buddhistic text for himself.


What I want to stress is that he was broadly familiar with foreign cultures, sense of values, religions including Buddhism, Confucianism…etc.


I suppose it is much difficult for everyone to know what he/she really is for himself. It is also equally applicable truth for some organization, country.

One of the useful ways to approach and realize it is to compare it with other’s, isn’t it?


I guess the Crown prince Sho-toku could grasp what the Japanese were, by using the above-mentioned way.


As is often the case with the codes, the drafter is liable to arrange its articles according to the rank of the importance in his idea. The amendment article 1st of the constitution of the US may prescribe the liberty of expression, according to my memory.

By the way, the Chapter about Emperor is located at the beginning of our present Japanese constitution like as previous Meiji-constitution. Do you know the reason of it? I once heard that the GHQ ordered Japanese government to do so for apparently hiding the fact that the American members of GHQ drafted the its original.


The Crown prince Sho-toku made the article about the sprit of “Wa” situated at the beginning of the constitution. What do you think its ground to make him to do so?


I suppose, the Crown prince Sho-toku wanted to make the code to recommendation of Buddhism the 1st in his heart, for he was the piety Buddhist. But he didn’t do so.


He might not regard the order from the emperor as the primary moral for Japanese, because he listed its code as third.


And according to the description of the constitution, the concrete action of the spirit of “Wa” seems to be discussion.

( …To be continued for the next article)







































