0.1 FAA「パイロットの航空知識ハンドブック(Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge)」と日英対訳ノート





Aviation Handbooks & Manuals | Federal Aviation Administration (faa.gov)



上記の中で、「Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge(パイロットの航空知識ハンドブック)」が、座学の内容の教科書的な位置づけになっています。とても勉強になりますし、座学だけでは曖昧だった知識の再確認や予習に良いと思います。但し、私は余裕のない訓練生だったのであせる、英語で読む時間は取れませんでした。

Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge | Federal Aviation Administration (faa.gov)


PHAKと呼ぶ人もいます。とても良い教科書代わりなのですが、訓練中は忙しくて英語で読む気持ちになれず、対訳ノートがあればキーワードも覚えられるのになと思っていました。それで訓練終了後、自分で日英対訳ノートを作りました。自分で和訳する中で、いろいろな参考書も読んで、0.11 PHAK対訳ノート作成のための参考書 | 自家用操縦士訓練物語~超怖がりな私が空を飛んだ日(My PPL Training Days) (ameblo.jp)なるべく日本の航空界で使われている訳語をあてるよう努力しました。これまでの記事の中で、所々、私の日英対訳ノート(メルカリでのみ販売)(FAA-H-8083-25B)(2016年版)をご紹介しています。

FAA PHAK日英対訳ノート(パイロットの航空知識ハンドブック) - メルカリ (mercari.com)




PHAK日英対訳ノート(第6章 操縦系統)(第12章 気象理論)より


もう一つ、実際の飛行訓練の教科書的なものが「Airplane Flying Handbook」です。

Airplane Flying Handbook | Federal Aviation Administration (faa.gov)

















以前の記事、1.4(2)TSA指紋登録 | 自家用操縦士訓練物語~超怖がりな私が空を飛んだ日(My PPL Training Days) (ameblo.jp)で、私はこの飛行訓練を始める前に3つの目標を立てたと書きましたが、目標は達成されたのでしょうか?












「航空教官のためのハンドブック」:AIH Chapter 3: The Learning Process (faa.gov) ←これ、メッチャ面白そうです。この対訳ノートも作りたくなった・・・




































Fly High, Fly Free, Be the Bird You Are!(完)


2.9 (3) Epilogue (Finale)

<Three Objectives are Fulfilled?>

When I arrived at Japan, I saw beautiful sunset illuminating the pink sky. 



In my past post of 2.4(2)TSA Fingerprint Registration | 自家用操縦士訓練物語~超怖がりな私が空を飛んだ日(My PPL Training Days) (ameblo.jp), I stated that I had set three objectives before starting this flight training.  Have these objectives fulfilled? 


1. Stay calm at any time (I easily get into a panic, break my heart, and sensitive, which I wanted to overcome.

~ I’m now far from “always calm” and sometimes lose heart and astonished with unexpected and sudden events.  Most recently, when I opened the entrance door, a gecko fell from above.  But at least, I have understood who I am more deeply, resulting in more and more situations where I try to calm my mind and attitude in encountering various problems.  I will continue to feel the pain of others through numerous experiences, figure out how I want to respond, and act in accordance therewith.     


2. Become multitask-oriented (I’m convergence-oriented, so I wanted to transform into divergence-oriented).

~ Hmm... I’m not sure.  It depends on how we define multitask.  For example, I came to manage to "make a climbing turn while responding to ATC instructions and scanning outside, as well as decide timing of level off," but this can be automatically conducted by repeated training.  So, I don't think this is multitasking.  


To evaluate this objective, I haven't studied enough.  I need to deepen my understanding about what multitasking is.  


The Aviation Instructor's Handbook issued by Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) says that although multitasking is often considered to be the above, that leads to false confidence.  The human's brain cannot process two things at the same time, and people cannot listen to two conversations at the same time.  Therefore, multitasking is priotizing several tasks.  Choosing one task and postponing other task is easy to cause us to forget the deferred task completely.  This is interesting viewpoint.  


So we have to quickly switch from one task to another or it can be said we have no time to spend reminiscing.  This reminds me of that  I couldn't spend reminiscing about good things while flying.  I believe most pilots are the same.  

"Aviation Instructor's Handbook": AIH Chapter 3: The Learning Process (faa.gov) ←So interesting handbook! 


Anyway, at least, I came to realize the necessity of dividing attention and have been taking such action more and more.      


3. Successfully communicate with ATC controllers (it would be cool if I could do this and I wanted to better speak English).

Considering that becoming a certified private pilot means you communicate with controllers and other pilots in a satisfactory manner.  However, I want to do much more fluently as native English speakers do.  In addition, since we proceed with the next stage of flight training, we need to learn more.  So, my answer is that I have fulfilled this objective only to the extent to the PPL requirements.  But I’m not satisfied with this.        


As stated above, it is so vague about whether or not I have fulfilled the three objectives.   


<Meaning of PPL Training for My Life Thereafter>

It’s much beyond the “meaning.”  It is a kind of “impact.” 


My life thereafter has dramatically changed.  That doesn’t mean I moved from a small house to a big house, or I came to conjure up something I want. 


Meanwhile, that doesn't mean I made a good memory.  It is much beyond that.  Someone told me that I’ve gotten a good topic to talk about, to which I completely disagree.   


It was a tremendously huge impact that I saw a world that I have never seen before, which made me grow through experiencing what I really like while laughing and crying.  It may be like an impact having when you find breathtaking landscapes in traveling.  No one can bring money, houses, treasures with them after reaching another world, but this impact or experiences can be brought with my heart.  


Furthermore, having reached an awareness of doing the best and leaving the rest to the heavens is also one of the impacts. 


<Meeting CFIs>

I stated several times that I knew an occupation of CFI for the first time in the flight training.  Also, if you have read this blog from the starting post, it would be easy to understand that successful flight training rely on proper collaboration between student pilots and CFIs.  These also represent one of the impacts. 


It was so lucky to meet a CFI who taught me keeping flying fun.  Considering there are positive and negative people in every world, meeting such a person is meaningful in my life. 

It can be said that if any CFI involved in my flight training who sets his/her basic objective to impart flying fun to student pilots, such objective has fulfilled 100 % (or more). 


Looking at the world, I think this can happen in other situations than flight training or meeting CFIs.  Anyone grows around joy, grief, and anger, etc. while meeting and parting other people.   This reminds me of that any bitter memories can be transformed into something like pure water.


<Making Dream Come True and Making Dream a Tool>

I see business marking with a catch copy saying “Let’s make your dream come true” in terms of a pilot and others.  I agree it is important to have a dream in one’s life and try to make it come true.  However, I think we should be careful of those who recognize such people only as a tool for making money.  I also wonder if it is fair for employers to hire or treat employees unjustly taking advantage of his/her dream.   It may be squeezing.


I personally think that both passion and cool head are required when making dream come true.  You should gain insight to see through true motive of the catch copy saying, “Let us help you make your dream come true.”  It is not so easy to help those make their dream come true.    It is not good that those who have gotten a taste of the real world take advance take advance of the "dream" of those who haven't had gained social experiences.  Meanwhile, you should be grateful to meeting those who watch over you based on affection as a human.



Many years have passed since I flew in US for the first time.   I am satisfied with experiencing another flight training for the instrument rating several years later.  After unexpected things have further occurred since then, the days I flew in US are still so precious to me. 


They say that there are other aviation nations where lots of small aircraft fly, not only large jetliners, like USA.  So, I want to try an introductory flight in such country someday to explore breathtaking landscapes that I like.  Adventure called the "LIFE" will continue. 


Fly High, Fly Free, Be the Bird You Are! (Finale)


2.9 (2) So-Called "IFR"

<Can’t Finish without IFR>

For a few days after checkride, I was relaxed.  I had nothing to do for the first time in quite a while since starting flight training.  I had a big empty spot in my heart.  


I had asked my instructor to give ma a flight to roughly demonstrate what an IFR flight is like.  Now I became a private pilot, but before that I had no idea what a pilot was like and mistakenly practiced ATC phraseology of IFR which should be that of VFR.  Furthermore, my image of flying was IFR, therefore without flying IFR, I couldn’t finish my flight training. 


<What is IFR?>

The glossary added in the last part of PHAK defines Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) as follows:

Rules and regulations established by the Federal Aviation Administration to govern flight under conditions in which flight by outside visual reference is not safe.  IFR flight depends upon flying by reference to instruments in the flight deck, and navigation is accomplished by reference to electronic signals. 


Since it says, “under conditions in which flight by outside visual reference is not safe,” it inevitably requires aid by air traffic control (ATC).  Therefore, a pilot must file a flight plan, and even if the weather is VMC, he/she cannot file it without Instrument Rating. 


Also flying in Class A (a portion in red of the figure below) from 18,000 feet MSL at and up to FL 600 requires pilots to hold the Instrument Rating.  Airspaces are discussed in Chapter 15 of PHAK. 

 From My PHAK Translation Notebook


By the way, the airspace above FL 600 is called Class E, where, my understanding is, space aircraft or military test flight is conducted.   When the Darkstar in “Top Gun ~ Maverick” without letting their boss know, Maverick requests “ Tower, this is Darkstar, we’re ready for takeoff, requesting an unrestricted climb to 600 and above.  This let us know the Darkstar will fly in this Class E above FL 600.   Another important point is the controller’s answer to this request, saying “Darkstar, the runway and skies are yours.”  Sorry for my going off the track.


n IFR flights, charts are different from those for VFR flights.  VFR Charts are not divided by the flight phase., but IFR Charts are divided into several types such as those for departure, arrival, enroute, and approach. 

From FAA Instrument Procedures Handbook, ILS Approach Chart


<So-Called “IFR” was Fun>

In reply to my request to fly so as to roughly understand what IFR flights are like, the instructor prepared a flight departing from Cilantro Airport and arriving at Cilantro Airport, which he named “So Called IFR,” nice branding.    


Because the So Called “IFR” was like an IFR version of a VFR Familiarization Flight, it was rather a enjoyable flight than flight training.  The instructor was responsible for all of ATC communications, and I was responsible for flying by reference to instruments in the flight deck. 

* The Familiarization Flight was referred to in the article of 2.1 (9) Introductory Flight and Host Family 2.1 (9) Introductory Flight and Host Family | 自家用操縦士訓練物語~超怖がりな私が空を飛んだ日(My PPL Training Days) (ameblo.jp)


I can accomplish the “flight by reference to flight instruments” as I did in the hood practice during PPL training.  As I stated in the article “2.7 (2) Controlling Airplane under Hood,” the hood practice gave me a serene mind without unnecessary matters in my mind to the contrary prediction of myself and instructors. 


I tried to understand what IFR is like while flying.  Listening carefully to ATC communications between the controller and the instructor, I recognized that ATC communications are conducted more frequently than in VFR flights, and each phraseology is longer.  There are several ATC facilities which requires us to change frequencies more often.  Furthermore, much more numbers are used, such as heading, altitude, and airspeed. 


There are several types of approaches.  This time, we had requested the ILS Approach.  The ILS Approach means the approach in the use of Instrument Landing System (ILS), where a pilot tries to center the lateral and vertical needles of the ILS instrument which allows flying on the desired approaching path.   

From FAA Instrument Flying Handbook, the system of the Instrument Landing System (ILS)


Descending to a certain altitude (landing minimums), if the runway is in sight, you can land visually, and if it isn’t, you cannot land. 


After the flight, asked what my thoughts on the IFR flight is, I answered it was so exciting.  This was the moment when I decided to take the flight training for instrument rating (IR).  I subsequently went to a pilot shop to get a textbook and Test Prep for IR. 


<IFR Compared with VFR as Flight Training>

Considering the difference between IFR training and VFR training from the viewpoint of a student, my understanding was (i) more preparation is required; and (ii) communications with ATC dramatically increases.   I also thought that all of what I practiced in the PPL training is included. 


After the so called “IFR,” we also flew the traffic pattern three times.  I lost focus and my flight was terrible LOL.  Only three traffic patterns included many elements as in the checkride such as S-Turns, Make 360, and Caution Wake Turbulence flying behind the DC-3 aircraft, which satisfied too much.    


Despite that the checkride was over, the instructor taught me many things as was before.  I thought flying was fun because there were unlimited things to learn.  The last landing was not so bad that I could safely land with the nose aligned with the centerline despite crosswinds. 


So, this is the end of the flight training of PPL.  The instructor said, “Your skills and knowledge will be regressed while you are away from flying.  But now you got the PPL, you will soon get back the skills for flying.”    I had no idea when I would come here for the instrument rating training, but I ended up this PPL training with positive and enjoyable feelings. 


Well, there were so many events for these few months.  How meaningful is it for my life thereafter?  And were my three objectives well satisfied or not? (continued to the finale)   








1.9 (2)「なんちゃってIFR」





自家用操縦士(Private Pilot)にはなったものの、もともと、「操縦」というものを全く知らなかった私は、最初から間違って計器飛行方式(IFR)のATC(管制官との交信)を練習していましたし、「操縦」イコール「IFR」というイメージでしたので、これをやらないと終われない感覚がありました。なので、どんなものか何となくでも理解したいなあと思っていたわけです。






「外部の目視物標による飛行が安全ではない状況下」ですから、必然的に航空交通管制(ATC)の助けを借ります。なので、IFR飛行計画(Flight Plan)を提出(File)しなくちゃいけませんし、天気が良くても、IFR飛行計画の提出(File)は、計器飛行証明(Instrument Rating)を有するパイロットしか行うことができません。


FAAの空域の中で、海抜高度18,000フィート以上60,000フィート(正確には「フライトレベル600(FL600)」って言ってます)以下のClass A空域(下のPHAK対訳ノートの図の赤い部分)を飛行するためには、パイロットはこの計器飛行証明を持っていなければなりません。空域については、PHAK第15章で解説されています。




ちなみにFL600超はClass Eという空域になり、ここは宇宙関連の飛行とか軍の試験飛行などで使うっていうことだと理解しています。「トップガン・マーベリック」のダークスターがこっそり離陸しちゃうとき、マーベリックが「Tower, this is Darkstar, we’re ready for takeoff, requesting an unrestricted climb to 600 and above.(タワー管制、こちらダークスター、離陸準備整った。FL600以上まで無制限の上昇を要求する)」って言ってますから、このFL600以上のClass E空域を飛ぶってことですよね。


それにしても、このマーベリックの要求を許可する管制官の応答が粋です。なんてったって「Darkstar, the runway and skies are yours.」ですから。・・・脱線してすみません。


航空図(Chart)も有視界飛行方式(VFR)とは別のものを使います。VFRチャートは飛行段階(Flight Phase)による使い分けはありませんでしたが、IFRチャートは、出発用、到着用、航路用、進入用等に分かれています。





そのフライトは、自家用操縦士免許(PPL)訓練のときのお試し飛行(Familiarization Flight)のIFR版のような位置づけだったので、訓練というよりは楽しめるフライトでした。教官がATCを担当してくださるので、私は計器を参照した操縦に専念してよいとのことでした。


*「お試し飛行」については、過去の記事1.1(9)「1.1 (9) お試し飛行とホストファミリー事情 | 自家用操縦士訓練物語~超怖がりな私が空を飛んだ日(My PPL Training Days) (ameblo.jp)」をご覧ください。


「計器を参照した操縦」は、PPLのときのフードの練習のような感じでよいとのこと。フードの練習とは、「1.7(2)外を見ないと雑念が取り払われる?」1.7(2)外を見ないと雑念が取り払われる? | 自家用操縦士訓練物語~超怖がりな私が空を飛んだ日(My PPL Training Days) (ameblo.jp)の記事で書いた通り、私はアタフタするだろうという予想に反して、雑念が取り払われ?意外にも心が落ち着く練習だったあれです。




進入方式にはいろいろありますが、この時はILS 進入方式(ILS Approach)を要求しておきました。ILS 進入方式とは、計器着陸装置(ILS)を用いた進入方式のことで、ILS計器の縦軸と横軸が常に真ん中に来るように合わせて飛ぶと、所望の経路を飛ぶことができます。









最後に、3回、VFRの場周経路(Traffic Pattern)を飛びました。気が緩みすぎだし、はっきり言って・・・下手でした(笑)。たった3回の場周経路ですが、例の試験でも出た「S旋回(S-Turn)」やら「Make 360」やらDC-3型機の後から着陸する「Caution Wake Turbulence」も網羅されていて?中身の濃いフライトをさせてもらいました(笑)















2.9 (1) Success or Failure

<Success or Failure>

Normally, soon after parking at the airport, success or failure is to be determined.  If I pass the checkride, the examiner will offer to shake hands.  Apparently, I seemed to pass, but the examiner looked in a bad mood because of the checkride took more time than expected due to several times S-Turn and going around, etc. 


My eyes naturally teared up, as usual.  I couldn’t stop it.  Back to the office, the examiner finally became in a good mood.  He printed out the temporary certificate.  In USA, you become a private pilot at this moment and allowed to fly as a private pilot.  My impression was that success was such a simple event.  However now, I need to learn how to stop tears.   


In Japan, we call “pilot” to those who fly commercially while in USA even a PPL holder is called “pilot,” which is interesting. 


On that day, because my tension was eased all of a sudden, I got really exhausted.  There has been only once when I was hyper in a landing of the first solo flight.  The rest of that, I have always been silly, awkward, and struggling. 


People around me were hesitating to ask me the result as they also didn’t expect my one time success.  So, they asked me several days later holding back a bit.  So kind! (continued)   


<Next Morning>

Next morning, the big sound of a thunder and rain woke me up.   Subsequently, the rain stopped, and I had a walk without any destination.  I was just led by sunshine, which took me to our base airport.   The airport is located in the east of my host family house. 


For a while, I was daydreaming (or morning-dreaming?) and seeing the runway, aircraft, and airport over the fence.   The sun was shining through a break in the clouds with beautiful colors.  I was expected fly home in a few days.  But I wished I could stay there and keep flying, except for airworks. LOL  (continued)




















2.8 (2) Checkride 2/2

I can’t say for certain that there have been no risky situations.  But I haven’t declared failure so far.  What a miracle! 


Regarding several kinds of takeoffs and landings at the traffic pattern, I have worked so hard although I was not good at them.  So, I only do as instructed.  The order the examiner ordered was: (i) Short-Field Landing, (ii) Short-Field Takeoff, (iii) Soft-Field Landing, (iv) Soft-Field Takeoff, (v) Forward slip: dissipate altitude and increase descent rate without increasing airspeed after I intentionally keep higher altitude before it, and (vi) normal landing. 


During such soft-field landing, I did go around for safety, and tried another same landing, which was successful.  Then I did touch-and-go for normal takeoff, and was flying on a higher approach path for a forward slip. 


Monitoring communications between the controller and other traffic, I recognized heavy traffic.  It is similar to the situation yesterday.  Also, there are 2 airplanes of which tail numbers are similar.  We are in a confusing situation. 


Just when I was going to start a forward slip from the higher approach path, the controller instructed me to do an S-Turn.  “Whoa, is this the complicated situation same as yesterday with an S-Turn during a forward slip?”  Fortunately, I successfully did it and was going to land.  Then, I received the ATC instruction to go around. 


Once again, I followed the instruction to go around.  Since then, the examiner looked in a bad mood.  The heavy traffic became chaotic.    Oh no, this going around was not my decision but the ATC instruction.  But I still

continue to speak out my intention. 


Then, before entering the downwind leg, the controller instructed me to make 360 (three-sixty) (flying circle keeping the altitude and back to the traffic pattern).  “Whoa, once again the complex one same as yesterday.”  This is the one I readback “three chicks tee yesterday.”  This time, I said satisfactorily, three sixty.  Good!  I could also successfully keep the altitude.  YASSSSSSS!  But the examiner still looked in a bad mood.  Did I do something? 


Now, it is the second try of a forward slip.  Next time for sure!  I was flying higher approach path for it.  Oh, my goodness.  This time, I received the ATC instruction to go around without any S-Turn.  The examiner looks in a further bad mood. 


Finally, with the third try of a forward slip, I successfully landed.  Don’t do anything trouble.  Stay focused.  I said to myself.  I used a checklist carefully and parked the aircraft.   


Up until now, I haven’t been declared failure.  Does it happen at the very last moment? (continued)






そして場周経路(Traffic Pattern)での様々な離着陸です。この課目は、下手なりに、結構、頑張って予習復習をしてきたので、思いっきり行こうと思いました。最初は短距離着陸(Short-Field Landing)の後に短距離離陸(Short-Field Takeoff)と続いて、不整地着陸(Soft-Field Landing)の後に不整地離陸(Soft-Field Takeoff)、最後に、通常離陸で上がった後、予め、進入経路を高く作っておいて、速度を上げずに急激に高度を処理するフォワード・スリップ(Forward Slip)を行い、そのまま通常着陸で降りるという予定です。


この日、不整地着陸(Soft-Field Landing)のとき、安全のために自分の判断で着陸復行(Go Around)をしました。そして、もう一度トライ、これは成功。タッチ・アンド・ゴーでそのまま通常離陸(Normal Takeoff)、最後にフォワード・スリップ(Forward Slip)で急激に高度を処理するために進入経路を高めに作っていました。


ATCを聞いていると、何やら飛行機が混雑してきた様子。「この状況、何となく昨日の状況に似てる・・・」しかも、私の飛行機の機番と似ている機番が2つあります。何だかややこしくなってきました。高めの進入経路から「さあ、フォワード・スリップに行くぞ」と思った瞬間、ATCからS旋回(S-Turn)をするように言われました。「ヒョエ~~~フォワード・スリップの時にS-旋回(S-Turn)ってだし・・・もしかして昨日やった面倒なあれか?」幸い、昨日、同じことを練習するはめになっていたので何とかできました。そして、S旋回を終えて着陸しよう、さあこれで帰れるぞ~~と思ったら、ATCから着陸復行(Go Around)するように指示されました。




すると、今度は、場周経路のダウンウィンドに入る前に「スリー・シックスティをしてください(Make 360)(その場で円を描くように1周回ってから場周経路に戻ること)」と言われました。「ウヒョ~~~、またまた面倒くさい~~~しかも、これも昨日と同じだよ~~~。」昨日、焦って「スリー・チックスチー(360)」になってしまったあれです。今日は、ちゃんと「スリー・シックスティ(360)」と言えました。グッド、グッド!昨日、やっていたので高度もきれいに維持できました。「ヨッシャー!」でも、なんか試験官の機嫌が良くないです。「何かやらかしたかなあ?そんなはずないんだけど~~~」

*試験前日のドタバタフライトは一昨日の記事「1.7(8)試験前日のとんでもないフライト」1.8 (1) 実地試験(Checkride)1/2 | 自家用操縦士訓練物語~超怖がりな私が空を飛んだ日(My PPL Training Days) (ameblo.jp)をご覧ください。


そして、2回目のフォワード・スリップにトライ、今度こそ着陸するぞという気持ちでフォワード・スリップのために高めの進入経路を作ります。すると、何ということでしょう。今度はS旋回もせずにすんなり?着陸復行の指示が出ました。いよいよ試験官の機嫌が・・・私が好きで着陸復行(Go Around)やってるわけじゃないので許して~~~みたいな状態でした。




今の所「不合格」とは言われてないんだけど、試験官がめっちゃ機嫌悪そう~~ 最後の最後に「不合格」とかあるんだろうか?その結果は・・・(続く)



2.8 (1) Checkride ~ 1/2

<I Do My Best, Heavens Do the Rest>

On the day of the checkride, I woke up at 5 in the morning to prepare NAV LOG and Weight and Balance Sheet. 

I wanted to wake up earlier since I'm slow in preparing them, but needed good sleep.  As a result of taking balance between enouth sleep and enough time for preparation, I decided it. 


I met my instructor at 8 in the school.  When walking in the ramp area to the plane, I was in a refreshed feeling: I’ve been doing my best, and I’ll leave the rest to heavens.    While flying to Salt Airport, the instructor said his stomach hurt.  Although it may be joking, I was nervous yesterday, and he is nervous today, conversely.  LOL 


After the instructor exchanged a few words with the examiner, he left the office.  The oral portion has begun.  First, he did some paperwork such as checking my log book etc.  Now, he started to ask questions.  There were another “me” in the air above right, seeing me answering the questions, saying “It’s really started.”


<Oral Portion>

As for the oral portion, I studied hard, and there wes no problem.  However, as it took almost three hours, I couldn’t imagine that I would complete the Flight Portion as well. 


After the oral portion finished, the examiner told me to do preflight inspection for the flight.  That means I passed the oral portion because you cannot proceed to the flight portion without passing the oral portion. 


<Flight Portion>

Today’s objective is just not to lose heart.  In addition, I decided to speak out every intention during the exam, which was coming from some advice by the excellent peer student.  I’m not as good as him, but I will try the best I could. 


During the preflight inspection, the examiner asked me a few questions.  I recognized that the flight portion has begun.  I got on a plane, thinking that I have to stay focused. 


First, we fly to the second checkpoint in accordance with the NAV LOG I prepared in the morning.  There, the examiner told me to divert to any airport that satisfies the conditions he suggested.  He also suggested to be alert to the other traffic flying at the same altitude over there.  I followed the procedures of diversion.  Diversion means that we fly to the other airport than scheduled due to problems such as fuel, weather, or aircraft, etc. 


Then, you are supposed to judge whether you can fly to the alternate airport by verifying the distance and fuel required.  So while calculating these, you have to fly the airplane circling there.  At this point, I tend to pay attention to the calculations, and in this case I was also distracted by the other traffic flying at the same altitude.


Watch out!  There is a “prohibited” airspace just nearby.  I had a feeling that I had had the same situation before.  It was happening when I flew the Third Stage Check, and at the same place.   I remembered that I had almost entered the “prohibited” airspace, and I avoided it.  It was close. 


I chose the airport for diversion and flew toward it.  Then I did several airworks and flew the traffic pattern of Salt Airport. 


Anyway, as my prediction of success/failure was even, I kept myself stay focused.  So far, I haven’t failed.  I thought it was a miracle.  


Next, we will fly the traffic pattern at Salt Airport, demonstrating several kinds of takeoffs and landings.  Will something happen or not? (continued)