
NishinoshimaVolcano: Quoted from theJapanCoastGuardwebsite



26000 We will never forget. And connect to tomorrow!

 Over 5,000 years of tradition


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 live long ! Important things in disaster countermeasures生き延びるために! 災害対策で大切なこと   2022/01/23 Ameba up


 We will never forget. And connect to tomorrow!

Over 5,000 years of tradition



§Ⅰ We will never forget. And connect to tomorrow !


§Ⅰ-1  I will never forget and connect to tomorrow!


§Ⅰ-2  Looking back on the history of Japan, taking the Edo period to the Meiji period as an example.


§Ⅰ-3  Ansei Tokai Earthquake, Ansei Nankai earthquake


§Ⅰ-4  Large-scale disasters and illnesses as factors of historical swell



§Ⅱ Our ancestors tried to pass on these calamities

to posterity as lessons.



§Ⅱ-1  What I heard because I thought it was a lie


§Ⅱ-2  Insight from Professor Tanaka of Tohoku University (water flame pottery)

東北大学田中先生の洞察 (水炎式土器)

§Ⅱ-3  Hajichi (tattoo) and female



§Ⅲ Culture. 文化

§Ⅲ-1  The first is a culture that values ​​nature. 


§Ⅲ-2  The second is a culture that values ​​connections with neighbors.


§Ⅲ-2-(1)Do not steal the things of neighbors


§Ⅲ-2-(2) Next to 3 houses over there


§Ⅲ-2-(3) Group school attendance


§Ⅲ-3  The third is the habit of preventing yourself.

§Ⅲ-3 The third is the habit of preventing yourself.


A pandemic caused by infectious diseases such as the plague epidemic. The historic population decline of humankind due to pandemics can sometimes outweigh the victims of major disasters and major world wars.

It seems to be the only country in our country that adheres to these infectious disease prevention cultures.




§Ⅲ-3-(1) greeting


As one of the preventive measures for infectious diseases that are prevalent now, the method of touching each other's elbows as a greeting when people touch each other is used all over the world. It is intended to reduce the risk of infection by reducing the skinship at the time of greeting as much as possible, and the contact density is higher than the physical contact such as "handshake", "" and "hug" originally used in greeting. It's low, but it's still no different to touch and say hello. Therefore, although the risk of infection is reduced, it has not disappeared.


In Japan, bows are used for greetings. Bowing is a method of greeting a person who bows his head, starting from the waist, straightening the state of the spine from the waist to the head, and just lowering the head from the waist. It is one of the cultures that show respect for the other person.


This Japanese greeting culture may look like a distinctive cross-cultural greeting when there is nothing, but in the midst of the infectious disease, no matter who faces each other, they do not touch the other person. Only Japanese greetings can be greeted from the bottom of my heart.








§Ⅲ-3-(2)Distinguishing between outside and inside the house


In recent years, as Japanese culture has become known to some extent, I think that the number of foreign customers who feel uncomfortable has decreased, but in Japanese culture, the outside and inside of the house are clearly distinguished, and from outside the house. When I get home, I take off my shoes at the entrance. This is because I don't wear shoes that may be dirty outside the house inside the house.


Next, go to the bathroom and then wash your hands and gargle. This is also because, like shoes, your hands may be dirty, or your nose or mouth may contain germs.

This idea of ​​traditional culture comes from Japanese Shinto, and when visiting a shrine, go through the torii gate, which is the barrier, clean your hands and mouth with water from a chozubachi, and then head to the hall of worship. This is said to be "pay the filth" or "cleanse the filth." Unfortunately, in recent years, few people gargle at shrines, and fewer people wash their hands.


A reduced version of the shrine worship is inherited as a hand-washing gargle at home.









§Ⅲ-3-(3) Wearing a mask


Finally, it's unclear if Japanese people have hay fever or for another reason, but they seem to like wearing masks anyway. "Wear a mask and don't pass on the disease to others, and don't pass it on to others." This illness prevention habit will eventually be preserved as Japanese culture.



I'm suspicious, so I'd like you to halve the story, but more than half a century ago, when I was a kid, the "big tengu and karasu tengu mask" hung on the wall inside the votive tablet of a nearby shrine. When I was watching, I was approached by an old man I didn't know.

The old man told me
"Who do you think this right side is? In fact, it is said to be Jesus Christ or Moses. That is why the nose is higher than the Japanese nose.
Next, the karasu tengu on the left is the Japanese ancestor, Amaterasu Omikami, and Amaterasu is depicted in the figure of Seoritsuhime, who looks like an Indian chief. It is drawn as. And what you see in the beak of this karasu tengu is actually a mask, which was worn when there was an epidemic. That's the story.
Well, if a contagious disease is prevalent, it's a commandment to wear a mask. "
I remember being told that.






Then, in my house, there was a soot and black "small tengu and karasu tengu mask". When her grandmother asked me to clean the black soot, I remember her grandmother being very pleased.
Until about 100 years ago, these faces might have existed in every household and preached the commandments of masks.




 §Ⅲ-3-(4) Eat wasabi


Wasabi has a bactericidal effect. Has been said for a long time. Wasabi is indispensable for sushi and sashimi, which are one of the representative dishes of Japanese food. After all, the food with wasabi is exciting and the best. Moreover, the bactericidal action of wasabi prevents food contact to some extent. It is exactly the wisdom inherited from our predecessors.


In recent years, videos of purifying turbid water due to survival have been uploaded on YouTube etc., and I often see it, but I made a water purification tank, made a layer of stones and sand in the tank, and in the sand I put charcoal in the water to make clear and beautiful water.


However, I am worried about germs. When I was a kid, I heard from my father that he would add two more ingredients to purify. It is said that wasabi sterilizes germs by putting "straw" sandwiched between stones and sand and "wasabi seedlings" in each layer separately from charcoal. It's a story that my father told me more than 60 years ago from a physicist who was working on soil improvement. After purifying tap water, chlorine is added. Wasabi is a substitute for this.


By the way, there is a company in Japan that develops wasabi sheets to protect foods from viruses by utilizing these characteristics of wasabi. The company name is Mitsubishi Chemical. You can easily find it by searching with Mitsubishi Chemical's wasabi sheet.




引用先: 防災システム研究所HP❔安政東海地震

引用先: 読売新聞オンライン:南海トラフ地震、この地域は津波に注意を…事前避難エリア可視化へ 

引用先: 日本から見たサピエンス全史#6◉田中英道◉縄文時代の謎を解く!縄文土器と土偶の本当の意味  

引用先: wikipedia:入れ墨 

引用先: カラパイア:結婚後は唇の周りに髭を模した刺青を入れる。アイヌ女性に伝わる伝統文化を記録した写真

※  引用先:陸上自衛隊の 災害派遣の仕組みDisaster relief operation から写真等を引用


 Past catastrophe  過去の大災害  2022/01/24 Amebaup 

 Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake  阪神淡路大震災  2022/01/24 Ameba up

 Large eruption of Kikai volcano 鬼界火山の大噴火  2022/01/24 Ameba up 

 Great East Japan Earthquake  東日本大震災  2022/01/24 Ameba up 

 Disaster countermeasure goods  災害対策物品  2022/01/23 Ameba up



I want to protect it carefully. The bond between people and people, people and living things, and people and nature.




I want to learn wisdom for that from ancient times.




And I want to share that wisdom with everyone.





Thank you very much.


Well then, everyone is in 

a good mood.



We will never forget.And  connect to tomorrow! Over 5,000 years of tradition  Important things in disaster countermeasures

忘れないそして 明日へと繋ぐ!5千年の伝統 生き延びるために、災害対策で大切なこと