Brinkmanship diplomacy did not communicate,
Korea finally enters diplomatic diplomacy (Weepful entreaties)
벼랑 끝 전술 가 통하지 않아 마침내 울음을 떨어 외교에 들어가는 한국2

Diplomacy between Japan and Korea? The reason

Russia's President Putin, furious like a blaze, told me!



At last Japan is stricter in controlling exports to South Korea than in the United States ... ! ?


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Korean behavior patterns

Is it really unrelated to economic sanctions?


From the above, this website,

"Timing announced", "Economic effect", "The movement of the Japanese government"

Based on these three factors, the Japanese government's export control measures were

I think we should conclude that it is not "economic sanctions."


But this really is "Isn't it really relevant to economic sanctions?"

The answer will change.


Generally, economic sanctions, in terms of economic effects,

About the four elements of "human, goods, money, information"

This is because it imposes some restrictions on traffic to and from the partner country.

To put it simply,


① Restrictions on the flow of people from one's own country to the other's country

② Restrictions on the flow of goods from one's own country to the other's country

③ Restriction of money flow from home country to partner country

Restriction of human flow from partner country to home country

Restriction of flow of goods from partner country to own country

Restriction of money flow from partner country to home country

Restriction of information flow


There are roughly seven contents that can be considered.


For example, regarding the sanctions that the international community has applied to North Korea,

"Expulsion of workers from North Korea" is ③ ・ ④,

"The maximum annual export of refined petroleum products to North Korea"

"Prohibition of imports of North Korean products"

“Asset freezing measures” is ③,

And so on.


Naturally, measures to optimize export control from Japan to Korea

In terms of "economic effect", it corresponds to ① above,

In addition, under current Japanese law, it is possible to take measures such as ③, ④, and ⑤.


However, Japan, which is a rule of law, is ① ~ ⑦

Not all economic sanctions can be taken.

Especially for ① and ⑦, in light of the current law,

It is extremely difficult for the Japanese government to take the initiative,

Basically, measures ①-⑥ (especially measures ①-⑤)

There is no choice but to choose an effective one.


And the Japanese government's export control measures are

In the future, assuming that Japan will fully apply economic sanctions on Korea,

"Evidence Law" "Specific Procedures" "Explanation to Domestic and Overseas" "Expected Korean Reactions"

I guess it was very helpful to know such things.


GSOMIA discarded "excessive reaction"


Among these, the most notable is that

" Agreement between the Governments of Japan and the Republic of Korea on the Protection of Secret Military Information "

In other words, "Japan Korea GSOMIA"

Would have tried to break the agreement called.


This is because the South Korean government has adopted this Japan's export control measures.

Misunderstanding that it is "trade retaliation" without permission,

At various international conferences that are unrelated to export control

"Japanese export 'regulations' are unreasonable."

As soon as the "Snitch on Diplomacy" was developed, three major countermeasures were taken.


that is,

"Exclude Japan"  from white country " for Korean export control."

"Sues to World Trade Organization (WTO) over Japanese export" regulations. "

"Japan Korea GSOMIA will end in November 2019 ",

That is.


However, since Japan has very few strategic supplies imported from Korea,

There is no harm even if "White Country" is excluded from Korea,

Even if you are sued by the WTO, you can simply request a panel installation.

Furthermore, GSOMIA has been destroyed and has no real harm.

That is the fact.


However, as expected, Regarding destruction GSOMIA ,

An unexpected country, not Japan, was furious.


That United States.


Immediately after the South Korean government announced "the end of Japan-Korea GSOMIA",

The United States put various pressures on South Korea, including public criticism

(See "Japan doesn't matter anymore, please go directly between US and Korea in the future.")

Contrary to the intention of the Korean government, this has developed into the "US-Korea problem."


In the end, the Korean government could not decide to abolish the termination of Japan-Korea GSOMIA,

In fact, six hours before the end of Japan-Korea GSOMIA,

Was forced to withdraw

(See “Korea's“ GSOMIA Brink Diplomacy ”is Japan's victory…” etc.)


At that time, the Korean government took out

"Suspension of termination notice of Japan-Korea GSOMIA suspended"

I don't know why,

Such a concept cannot be accepted in countries other than Korea

(See "[Reader's Post] GSOMIA" De facto Extension ").


Finally "Weepful entreaties" has entered


Under these circumstances, the Korean government responded to the request of the Japanese government,

In December of last year, we responded to a policy dialogue on export control for the first time in three and a half years.

However, the Korean side seems to have reached this period,

There are still sections where we do not understand exactly what export control is.


In the first place, how Japan positions Korea in export control is

It is a matter for the Japanese government to make a decision, not for a discussion with South Korea.

This is when scoring test results,

It is the same as the exam commissioner does not consult with the candidate and decides on a score.


In other words, the Japanese government has decided to adopt the current Korean export control system,

"Not suitable for 'Group A', but let's put it in 'Group B'."

But if you compare it to an exam,

"Let's give this candidate a B rating, not an A rating."

I think that.


Considering this, Mr. 成允模(Song YunMo,송 윤모)introduced at the beginning

"All the reasons for Japan's alleged export restrictions have been resolved."

The statement that "it should be restored"

You can see how nonsense it is.


In the end, the examinees asked the exam committee members

"Because this answer should give you an A rating, change the B rating to an A rating. "

Because it's like requesting


Naturally, in terms of Japanese export control,

Do you place Korea in Group A?

Or do you place it in "Group B"

It is not the Korean government that decides. The Japanese government.


However, even this seemingly nonsensical request,

"If you do not get an A rating here, it will affect job hunting!"

If you think that you are begging for such a thing, you can understand easily.


This is called "Weepful entreaties" in Japanese.


  Understood Korean's "reveal one's strateg"


In other words, the “Korean Peninsula Applicant Worker”

Following the flow of Japan-Korea relations,

You can generally read the behavior patterns of South Korea (or North and South Korea),

That also means.


1. First, we make a mess of judgment that violates international law and create problems.


2. I can't even solve it myself.


3. On the contrary, blaming external parties (eg Japan)

He is engaged in diplomacy around the world.


4. However, if the opponent never breaks,

Brinkmanship diplomacy diplomacy.


5. Brinkmanship diplomacy If diplomacy is not understood,

Finally, we will go to Weepful Entreaties.


Looking back like this, it feels terrible, but it's really miserable people.


Regarding Japan's export control measures,

South Korea arbitrarily responds to

From Korean Peninsula Applicant Workersissue

The starting point was that I misunderstood "Trade retaliation."

It deviates a little from this pattern, but it is still roughly compatible.


Aside: how to look at immigration


By the way, the Japanese government over the entry of foreigners from China and Korea,

He raised the topic of taking action that was close to a de facto "denial."


Of course, calmly confirming that the Japanese government's action is not a "deny entry"

Strictly speaking, it is only a measure consisting of quarantine measures and temporary suspension of entry visa

But still, as an economic effect,

There is no doubt that "④ Restrictions on the flow of people from Korea to Japan" mentioned in (1) to (4) above.




셀프 경제 제재? 한국이 일본인을위한 비자 면제 정지에


As reported by the South Korean government, "countermeasures"

We have announced that we will suspend entry visa waivers for Japanese.


If you think calmly, this is the same as above

"① Restrictions on the flow of people from Japan to Korea"

The measures that are difficult for the Japanese government to take are

Self-economic sanctions have been realized by South Korean measures,

It may be good to say that.


However, what the Korean government does is

Usually a carbon copy of the Japanese government (or "parrot repeat")

Since April, the Japanese government

To revive visa waivers for Koreans,

Korea may revive this measure.


In any case, our website,

I will continue to explore related issues in this matter.


That's it for the text.