Korean economy fell into ant hell

"Made a currency swap with Japan" opportunism


May 21 , 2019 鈴置高史 ( Takabu-miSuzu-oki ) / Korean Observer







蟻地獄に堕ちた韓国経済、 「日本と通貨スワップを結ぼう」ご都合主義3



Moody's Fear

The columnist of JoongAng Ilbo Reports, Lee Cholho


「 KoreaEconomyCrisisReliefKoreaJapanSwapRestora1



According to (Japanese version on May 15 ),

a Korean economist who met with the panel said:

Correct and quote Japanese.


● Moody's may have a 50 % or less chance to downgrade .

However, the prospects for the future are likely to change

from "stable" to " weak ".

It is a warning that it will be downgraded

if negative factors do not improve within six months.


● The opposite policy to the world flow is dangerous.

Developed countries will go to "small government",

but only Korea is " big government ".

The world moves to "tax reduction",

but only Korea is sticking to " tax increase ".

Lee Chol-ho also wrote in the text of the other.


● Moody's lowered the rating outlook for Hyundai Motor,

Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix from "stable" to " weak ".

In March, the forecast was revised downward to 2.1%

due to poor investment and worsening exports,

and employment accrual due to the increase in minimum wages.


The point is that Korea was hit by a gun at Moody's temple.

It is natural for Korean economic experts to feel Moody's move creepy.

IMF crisis dejav

During the 1997 currency crisis, which Korean call the IMF

(International Monetary Fund) crisis in Korea,

Moody's downgraded Korea's rating by a factor of six in six months .

Whenever the rating went down, a capital flight occurred,

which called for the next downgrade .

The background of the IMF currency crisis was the deterioration

of US-ROK relations.

The United States, which has been in the anti-US regime

of Kim Young-sam's administration,

instructed Japan not to lend the dollar to Korea in crisis

and "don't lend" to Korea.





Korea, which was abandoned in the US and Japan,

felt the humiliation that instead of borrowing dollars from the IMF,

it would be under the supervision of the IMF .

And this experience fuels Korean anti-American sentiment

(Pouring oil on the fire).


By the way,

an Asian expert in the US, senior vice president of Green CSIS ,

sent an article to the JoongAng Ilbo on May 5 , 2017 ,

against anti-US and anti-Japanese policies against MoonJae-in

who is fighting the presidential election I warned you not to take it.


"If Mr Roh Moo-hyun also criticizes the United States

during the presidential election,
that Moody's,
it downgraded after winning "

And used it as a threat to the currency crisis





Strictly speaking, it has not been downgraded, it has only changed from

"stable" to " weak ",

but it still became a major threat to Korea

at the time six years after the IMF crisis.

Swaps with Japan are the mainstay

I think Chung-ho also remembers the IMF crisis.

Crisis Korean economy,

Korea-Japan currency swap restoration When preparing the last relief valve.




So, He argued that Korea could form a currency swap with Japan. It is below.


If a decent government

can make Korea-US currency swaps difficult by now,

it is necessary to restore Korea-Japan currency swaps

and prepare a final relief valve .

However, it is an even bigger crisis that there is no crisis awareness.


Korean economy fell into ant hell.

It is determined that the only way to stop sinking

in the bottom of the sand and the bottom of the sand is to

form a currency swap principle with Japan .


the relationship between Japan and South Korea is deteriorating.

Will Japan accept swaps?


Korea that has returned currency swaps .


May 27 , 2005

Japan-Korea swap worth 3 billion dollars signed

Deadline for July 2007 extended to July 2010

December 12 , 2008

Expanded to $ 20 billion limit due to Lehman shock

April 30 , 2010

Back to $ 3 billion

June 22 , 2010

Deadline extended on July 03 , 2013

October 19 , 2011

Limit to $ 60 billion due to turmoil in European financial markets

( Timed measures by October 30 , 2012 , plus $ 10 billion through CMI )



August 10 , 2012

Lee Myung-bak ( Lee Myung-bak ) landed on Takeshima

August 10 , 2012

After the game with Japan at the London Olympics, a Korean soccer representative "Dokdo is my territory "

Korea's award ceremony is disapproved

After this, with the Rising-sun flag as the "war criminal flag", a movement to sue South Korea for banning in the world is in full swing

August 13 , 2012

Lee Myung-bak "The influence of Japan in the international community is not for the past ", said at a luncheon meeting with the parliamentary chairman

August 14 , 2012

Lee Myung-bak "If Japan King wants to visit Korea, he apologizes to those who have sacrificed in the independence movement ." At Korea Teacher Training University

August 17 , 2012

A letter sent by Prime Minister Noda Akihiko on Takeshima

Korea Foreign Affairs Department refuses receipt if it has never been to "Takeshima"



October 31 , 2012

$ 5 Billion Swap End

July 03 , 2013

$ 3 billion worth of swaps are over

February 23 , 2015

Ends $ 10 Billion Swap via CMI


Eat away (Bilking dine and dash!)  Lee Myung -bak 


It's obvious if you look at the chart “Korea that flipped the currency swap”.

The Lee Myung -bak administration, which was launched in February 2008 ,

asked Japan to expand its spending limit

or extend the deadline each time a currency crisis occurs as a result

of the Lehman shock and the turmoil in the European financial markets.

Korea got it and got over it .



after having been expanded to a $ 70 billion large swap

that could almost cover until the end of his term on October 19 , 2011 ,

he returned his palm ( His attitude changed quite abruptly ).


After landing on Takesima ,

Requested that " Japan King is coming to apologize ."

It refused until it received the letter sent

by Prime Minister Noda Akihiko to solve the problem.

" Billing dine and dash! " The currency swap.

The next president, Park Geun -hye,

also carried out the " bilking dine and dash! " Operation.

On August 27 , 2016 ,

Japan-ROK Financial Dialogue

agreed to resume talks on the resumption of currency swaps.



even though a comfort women statue was established

in front of the Japanese consulate in Busan on December 30 ,

the Park Geun -hye administration took no action .

The comfort women in front of the Japanese embassy

in Seoul remained unremoved .


The Japanese government protested

the violation of the obvious comfort women's agreement,

but the Korean government completely ignored it .

After all, on January 6 , 2017 , the Japanese government announced

measures such as the suspension of swap resumption talks .

Japanese politicians and officials who are weak

Japan has been deceived twice

It is hard to think that Japan will be deceived again this time.

In addition,

the MoonJae-in administration

has virtually destroyed the comfort women's agreement,

the “ Korean wartime workersruling violating

the Japan-Korea peace-fixing agreement,

irradiating the fire control radar to Japanese patrol aircraft ,


“ The request for The chairman of the Korean parliament
 son of war criminals, Japan King ,
Korea 's  the comfort woman
He command Japan King  Kneel on the ground and apologize ,


such as the administration of the past ( To be even more so )

" Despise Japan " has been repeated .


Although it is Korea

The opinion

that "Korea should Letting Japan bring the dollar to Korea" is still told.

Lee Cholho is not alone.

"Japanese politicians and officials are weak at heart.

The last one should be for the swap . "

There are quite a few Japanese people in Japan who talk about it.

Speaking of which,

an interesting article appeared in the JoongAng Ilbo / Japanese version

on January 11 , 2017 , immediately after the suspension

of the swap talks was suspended.

Written by Deputy Director of Economics

and Industry Department Cho Minkung of JTBC ,

a television station of the JoongAng Ilbo


Koreawill live with its nasty neighbors



The summary is below.

● It is a narrow act to interrupt Japan's swap resumption talks

as an excuse for the comfort women figure .

Many critics say, " Do not form a hand with such Japan ."

But now that global financial markets have been warned of a storm,

we should mobilize all means and build the largest barrier .

● Korean and Japanese finance officials

hold a football friendly match every year.

It was open even when the relationship

between the two countries was bad .

Despite being a friendly match,

the fierce competition for self-esteem is no less

than any other Korean-Japanese rivalry.

Last year's biggest performer was the supper on the day before the game

He used theRonge tactics

to make Japanese ace-class players drink heavy drinks.

In the first day's game, Korea won by 1-0 .

In the next day's game, Korea played a substitute player

and handed over Japan to 0-1 .

It's all about living with the nasty neighbors .

Operation gi‐saeng is successful

Korean financial bureaucrats boasted to reporters

that they could draw out currency swaps

if they handed over a win in football and ceded Japanese bureaucrats .


In addition,

there is a secret that only Koreans know in this article.

It is " Ronge tactics ".

" Ronge " is the name of Gi-saeng .


During the role of Bunroku and Keicho,

they were hugged by Japanese warlords while faking

at the banquet, and both fell into the river .

Many Korean readers who read this article

"If you do the Gi-saeng party, listen to what Japanese officials say"

It will be what Many Korean thought.