Recent remarks of President Trump
and the Korean presidential election
May 05, 2017
Michael Green / Senior Vice President,
Institute of Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
there are risks in predicting today's presidential election.
According to the poll results, the winner of the Korean presidential election
on May 9 is expected to be a candidate Moon Jae-in .
Many experts in Washington are concerned about the possibility
of a conflict between the hard line Trump regime
and the MoonJae-in regime .
I work at the White House during the Roh Moo-hyun- Bush era,
so I'm more optimistic than the US government and other think tank experts.
Much more serious clashes are with President Jimmy Carter
and Park Chung-hee It occurred between the presidents.
President George W. Bush and President Roh Moo-hyun contrasted
the philosophy and the rhetorical law,
but the two leaders cooperated with Korea-US Free Trade Agreement (KORUS),
redeployed Pyongkek base of US forces in Korea.
Achieved a monumental progress in the history of Korea-US relations,
such as Iraqi troops in the Korean army.

It is important to recall these historical backgrounds.
President Trump recently made remarks that could adversely
affect Korea-US relations,
but his remarks must be grasped three-dimensionally based on the history
of the Korea-US alliance.
Trump President told the words of Xi Jinping Jintao
that South Korea was once China's part.
Eliminated Korean leaders for coordination with North Korea ,
and held telephone discussions with Japanese and Chinese leaders .
It demanded that Korea pay $ 1 billion for high altitude defense missile
He also claimed that KORUS was the worst deal ever.

What message does President Trump try to convey to Korea,
which remains only for several days until the presidential election day?
"President Trump wants anti-American candidates to be elected"
"Trump is not hating Korea?"
It is said to the voice. It is not.

The remarks made by President Trump regarding Korea have nothing
to do with Korea itself.
The remark that South Korea was part of China came out under stressing
that the leaders of the United States and China formed a trusting relationship.
It has nothing to do with the judgment of Korean history
or geopolitical position.
President Trump attacked KORUS because he gave up abandoning
the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
It was necessary to have Korea's scapegoat to prove to supporters
that President Trump is hard on trade issues.
The reason why President Trump held a telephone discussion
with the leaders of Japan and China
"You need to coordinate in advance with a partner you have met"
That's because of his business instinct.
It is not wise in diplomacy,
but it is the practice of the real estate industry to do so.

If Moon wins, what he has to do is send a suitable message to Washington
and build a personal close relationship like the relationship
between President Trump and Prime Minister May UK,
and President Trump and Abe. .

At first glance, there are also points of concern.
Moon is critical of the rapid deployment of THAAD .
He will re-negotiate the agreement
between Korea and Japan over the comfort women issue .
It also promised a more positive approach to North Korea
during this period when not only the United States
but also many countries in the democratic world are putting pressure
on Pyongyang.

However, Moon has a wider range of choices than President Trump.
President Trump made a difficult pledge to change after the election,
during the election campaign.
When I worked at the White House,
I had the opportunity to observe Moon candidate.
He was the secretary general of Cheongwade, Cheong Wa Dae,
and he is more pragmatic than practical .
Moon needs to remember that Moody's downgraded Korea
when President Roh Moo-hyun attacked the United States
in the 2002 presidential campaign .
The Korea-US alliance is the most important pillar supporting the stability
of the Korean economy.

Today's Korea-US relationship is quite different
from Park Jong- Carter era, Roh Moo-hyun- Bush era.
During the presidency of Park Chung-hee,
the US Democratic Party and President Carter had serious distrust
of Seoul's authoritative government.
Anti-Americanism helped in the election of President Roh Moo-hyun .
The people of the ROK and the US are now more valuing the value
of the ROK-US alliance than at any time.
Candidates MoonJae-in and Ann Chorus do not hold back
to anti-Americanism.
In addition, Korea and the United States have no choice
but to cooperate because of the North Korean nuclear issue.

Although the president has an important influence
on Korea-US relations,
"Structure" is also important.
Currently, Korea-US relations are stable.
In addition, the role of not only the president
but also the bureaucrats is important.
During the time of Carter -Park Chung-hee,
a person like Defense Secretary Brown
saved the Korea-US alliance for the future .
Despite the ideological differences
between President Bush and President Roh Moo-hyun,
the reason why Korea-US relations grew was as follows: Ban Ki-moon,
Foreign Minister, Yoon Yong Kwang, Foreign Secretary, Stephen・ A person
in charge such as an admiral for Hadley national security,
the United States ambassador to Korea and Thomas Hubbard,
and a US ambassador to Korea and Christopher Hill played an important role.

The Moon Jae-in government or the Ann Chorus government
will obviously have a very different worldview from the US administration.
There will be friction and there will be uncertainty.
North Korea should abuse this if there is a crack between Korea
and the United States .
However, judging from the past precedent and the structure
of the Korea-US relationship,
it is not necessary to pessimize the Korea-US relationship.
It is impossible to rule out the possibility that Korea-US relations
will develop more closely after the new administration is formed in Korea.
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