May 5, 2024: Singing at Osaka Castle Park | 皆見つかさ 公式ブログ 〜ソロアーティストの脳内と日常

皆見つかさ 公式ブログ 〜ソロアーティストの脳内と日常



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I continued my second performance of the season at the Shiroten Street Live in Osaka Castle Park for two consecutive weeks last week.


This is a report on that performance.



  Rushing Out in a Hurry!


On the morning of the day I was scheduled to perform at Shiroten, I checked my SNS and noticed a late DM from another artist who was also performing there that day.


The message, sent late at night, asked if I could bring a spare acoustic guitar's third string.


I believe it would be acceptable to mention the artist's name, but I will refrain from doing so for now as I have not obtained explicit consent.


I readily agreed to their request.


The artist who needs the strings is performing a few slots earlier than me, so I need to reschedule my departure from home to deliver them.


Therefore, I decided to rush through the bare minimum of what I need to do and leave the house as soon as possible.


I completed my practice for the performance at home in the morning, packed my bags, and moved my lunch time to 11:30.


I had planned to make announcements onX (formerly Twitter), Facebook page, Instagram, and blog from noon, but I decided to limit the updates to X and Instagram and stop updating the others.


Either way, I've never had a single person come to watch my live performance after seeing an announcement.(^◇^;)


Well, I guess it's half for my own satisfaction, so I just did what I thought was the top priority to help those who are in trouble. (;・`ω・´)I'm committed to going!


2024/5/5日 Shiroten SonicForm booth

2024/5/5日 Shiroten SonicForm booth


And I managed to deliver the strings just in time.


However, since I arrived much earlier than my performance time, I had a lot of time on my hands.


With nothing better to do, I watched performances by other artists from the second floor or from a shady spot, and time passed by.



  Showtime Extended


The performance was scheduled for 3:35 PM to 4:00 PM on that day.


After the soundcheck was over, a staff member asked me, 'There are still seven minutes until the start of the live performance. What would you like to do?'


This was the first time that I had ever had extra time before a performance, even though there had been times when we were running behind schedule.


During live events, I always mentally simulate what parts of the MC's script to cut or which songs to eliminate from my set if the event runs behind schedule.


However, this is the first time I've encountered a situation where the event runs ahead of schedule and we have extra time.


But that's alright.


In my case, I don't have any invited guests. And as I mentioned earlier, I did make announcements, but there's no one who would come to my live performance after seeing those announcements.


Therefore, I would like to have the flexibility to perform with ample time."


It took me no time at all to come up with that answer.


I would be thrilled to have my performance time moved up.о(ж>▽<)y ☆


I immediately replied to the staff, 'I'm good to go anytime.'


And so, the show begins seven minutes early.



  The Perfomance Begins


The live performance started off casually, but the moment the band before me finished, the audience dispersed like scattered spiders.


This is a common occurrence, so it's as expected. It's a bit of a bummer, like "Oh, here we go again." But I've come to terms with it.


Early last year, I used to feel like saying, "Please at least wait until the live performance starts before leaving." However, I myself have never watched a whole street performance from beginning to end, no matter how good it is. And I have never waited for the next artist to appear during the changeover.


Basically, people come to places where street performances are held for other reasons besides the performance itself. So, even if they are interested, they can't stay there for too long.


Even so, the audience seemed quite sparse during my set compared to the bands that played before and after me. However, it was also the day with the most audience members out of all the times I've played at Shiroten.


And so, my live performance began amidst all of this.


May 5, 2024 Tsukasa Minami Shiroten Street Live 1

May 5, 2024 Tsukasa Minami Shiroten Street Live 1


May 5, 2024 Tsukasa Minami Shiroten Street Live 2

May 5, 2024 Tsukasa Minami Shiroten Street Live 2


Having time to spare is definitely a good thing.


Having the time to spare allows me to relax and even go off-script during my MC segments.


Well, it's not uncommon for me to blurt out unplanned things even when I don't have time. (´ε`;) Hmm...



  A Different Outfit from Last Week


Looking back at my photos and videos from that day, I realized that my outfit was similar to what I wore for the live performance last week.  (^o^;)Oops!


Both the outfit from last week and the one from today are Levi's ripped jeans, but they're different pairs.


As for the shirts, both are monochrome, but this time I'm wearing a paisley shirt.


Tsukasa Minami's outfit at Shiroten Street Live on April 28th

April 28th attire


Tsukasa Minami's outfit at Shiroten Street Live on May 5th

May 5th attire


Starting this season, I've decided to stop wearing stage costumes and go back to my street roots, so I've been performing in my regular clothes. However, I didn't even realize that I came to Osaka Castle Park with such similar outfits until I saw the photos. (;・`ω・´)Seriously!


Among my shirts, I only have these two monochrome ones, and among my pants, I only have these two pairs of ripped jeans.


I just put on these clothes without thinking, just following my rotation, and somehow I ended up looking like this.


I guess it's not good to not think at all, though.(^_^;)


I don't have many clothes, and I have even fewer pants. I also don't have the financial means to buy new clothes frequently. I think I felt more comfortable when I was alternating between stage costumes.


Picking out clothes to wear as casual wear was more time-consuming, so I found uniforms to be more relaxed. It reminds me of my middle school and high school days.




Please note: All of the original release recordings of the songs on the setlist are arranged for a full band, but they are always performed as acoustic guitar and vocals live.


1)Depression and Psychedelic Daily Life / Tsukasa Minami

(『せっかくだから、少しでもいい音で音楽を楽しんで欲しい。 』)


2)Pure and Sad Defense Song / Tsukasa Minami

(『せっかくだから、少しでもいい音で音楽を楽しんで欲しい。 』)


3)Yodo Big River Blues / Tsukasa Minami

(『せっかくだから、少しでもいい音で音楽を楽しんで欲しい。 』)


4)An Unpleasant Woman (1993) / Tsukasa Minami

(『せっかくだから、少しでもいい音で音楽を楽しんで欲しい。 』)


5)Gas Light / Tsukasa Minami


※This song hasn't been released yet.


This song is one that I wrote and rejected many years ago. The reasons for rejecting it are explained in the setlist section of the previous April 28th live report, so I will skip them here.




  Upcoming Live Schedule


5/12 (SUN) ABETEN STREET BUTTERFLY (informal name "Stobata")

       Harukas Wing Garden 11:15 AM - 11:40 AM

       (※In case of rain, the event will be held at Mio Hall.)


5/19 (SUN) Shiroten 2:25 PM - 3:20 PM(5th act)

 (※Shiroten Street Live is a live music event held almost every Sunday at Osaka Castle Park.)


6/2 (SUN) Shiroten Timetable TBA


6/23 (SUN) Shiroten Timetable TBA


7/14 (SUN) Shiroten Timetable TBA


7/28 (SUN) Shiroten Timetable TBA


Free Admission

※Rain Cancels(Shiroten only)





My next performance will be at Stobata, a music circuit festival I've never participated in before.



In addition, I'll be wearing a unique stage costume for my performance at Stobata. So, if you've ever wanted to see me perform live, this is your chance!


I'm looking forward to seeing you there! (*^ー^)ノ



Follow me!

☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*


If you are interested in me, please click on the link below.


The world of musician, Tsukasa Minami, is expanding. o(゜∇゜*o)(o*゜∇゜)o~♪



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